Wednesday, March 12, 2014

George Zimmerman sits for six hours at Florida gun show. Less than 20 people show up for autographs. So ends another fifteen minutes of undeserved fame.

Courtesy of the Washington Times:

George Zimmerman spent Saturday signing autographs and snapping photos with customers and fans at the New Orlando Gun Show. 

Over the course of six hours, fewer than 20 people lined up to see Mr. Zimmerman, who was acquitted last year in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. He was stationed in a rear office of The Arms Room gun store, the New York Daily Newsreported. 

The show was originally set to be held at the Majestic on John Young Parkway, but organizers said the venue canceled late Thursday after getting negative feedback about Mr. Zimmerman’s planned appearance, WESH reported. 

“They told us they canceled for community pressure,” organizer Mike Piwowarski told the station. “They were getting phone calls and backlash, and didn’t want that kind of person there.” 

Fox 35 asked Mr. Zimmerman if he felt his appearance at the gun show could be viewed as antagonistic. 

“I don’t worry about people that say it’s antagonistic,” he said. “To be honest with you, like I said, the importance was to support the people that supported me.” 

“I’m willing to talk to everyone and try and answer their concerns or questions, and [have] them realize there’s no need to be angry,” he said.

 No reason to be angry? Cannot say I agree with that.

After all he did get away with the murder of an unarmed teenager.

Here is how one couple described their meeting with Zimmerman: 

“He seemed nervous and actually a little scared to be there. He also appeared emotional, like he was really thankful and touched that people would come out to see him,” said Melissa. 

“It was pretty weird to meet him in person — and wow, he has gained a lot of weight!” 

The Washington Times also reported that Zimmerman claims to suffer from PTSD and is receiving mental health services pro-bono.

He also is in constant fear for his life and wears a bulletproof vest everywhere he goes.  

Gee I guess getting away with murder is not all it's cracked up to be.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Zimmerman was all like, "Who does a guy have to shoot around here to get some attention?"

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I've never shot anyone, but I know a few people that have.
    One is my husband who was a sniper in Nam, he said it forever changed him and sometimes , to this day has nightmares about it.
    another couple are my brothers that also served in Nam, they also say it changes you and sickens you.
    And as for people in civilian life I know an elderly lady that shot an intruder in her home. She retreated as far as she could, shouting she had a shotgun and yet the guy continued to lick down the door. She did what she had to do but has terrible PTSD from it. I am glad my elderly friend protected herself, I hope we all would, but yet the effects of shooting a human being leave you much to deal with , even when necessary.

    But Zimmerman seems to have none of these usual feelings after taking a human live, he seems to relish the fact he killed someone. I think he will kill again and I think it will be another innocent victim.
    That's my feelings on it, I don't know if some shrink somewhere thinks else wises.

    Little Rabbit

    1. A close friend of mine served two tours in Viet Nam too. He said pretty much the same things that your husband and brothers said, that no one can imagine what it's like to actually kill someone. He also said that even if someone is breaking into your house or threatening in another way, a person should do everything possible to stop the attack before they killed. That killing another person would stay with you every day for the rest of your life.

      That's not what Zimmerman feels, he's proud of what he did and there's plenty of right wing gun nuts who praise him every chance they get.

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    murdering fatboy's days are probably numbered - i'd be nervous too

  4. Gee. Now he has a small sense of what black males live with every day. Poor George. Reminds me of Poor Sarah. Always the victim.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      If that ain't the truth, Sue.

  5. "He also is in constant fear for his life and wears a bulletproof vest everywhere he goes."

  6. physicsmom1:34 PM

    I just started reading Lisa Bloom's "Suspicion Nation," and I'm outraged all over again. It's reanimated my anger for Trayvon and induced a new fury over the treatment of the one juror of color and how she was treated. Due to her lower economic status and lack of good schooling, the other women demeaned her mercilessly. She also had no knowledge of the law (how would someone in her situation acquire it?) and didn't understand much of what was going on, which made it difficult for her to make her case for a guilty verdict. In addition, a few of the other jurors talked about what they knew about the case from TV prior to the trial and used "information" from that exposure to influence their verdict, including the erroneous notion pushed by Fox News that Trayvon was a "bad kid." I'm sick all over again about the state of race in the country and probably will become more agitated as I read further into the book. Nonetheless, I highly recommend it.

  7. OFF TOPIC but awesome take down at RAWSTORY:

    The reason conservatives put on a performance of assholery/deliberate stupidity is that it has worked for a long time.

    Even the mockery from people who can’t believe what ripe assholes they are has been effective in rallying the troops—the idea that they are “pissing off the liberals” is exciting and perhaps even a little sexually arousing to that subset of conservative men whose mental image of a “liberal” is the kind of sexy young lady that pointedly ignores his leering in public—and so they keep at it. (Indeed, the recent addition of routine shaming of women for using their own insurance plans to cover contraception feeds right into what said conservative men want to hear—fuck those sluts who won’t sleep with you!)

    But I can’t help but think that the fact that the conservative brand is that of a bunch of intellectually dishonest assholes is going to result in diminishing returns. The sense that being on the right gives you “permission” to be a bully and a liar is definitely a power rush, but over time, people are starting to crave more from politics.

    Economic hardship, in particular, makes it harder all the time to indulge that desire to be an asshole over economic self-interest.

  8. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Fucking asshole. I hope he lives the rest of his miserable life afraid, looking over his shoulder and reviled by all sane people.

  9. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I'd like to meet George Zimmerman just to tell him what a nasty cunt he is and hell awaits him.

  10. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

    I'm usually against violence, but this is one of those rare cases where I just have to give it up to the stars, kismet and karma. An innocent man doesn't wear bulletproof vests unless they're a law enforcement reject, got away with murdering an innocent child and now feels fear for his own life.
    I want nothing to do with him, but my husband would love a fair fist fight with him, all proceeds go to Treyvon's family.

  11. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Pray tell me: Just WHY is he entitled to pro-bono mental health care??? What about all the REALLY needy people who cannot afford it and do not get it????!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      I am glad that he is getting mental health care. It just may save another life.

  12. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Its too bad that Trayvon made the violent decision to jump George, punching him repeatedly and bashing his head into the concrete, it was no doubt aggravated or felony assault and battery for no reason- he'd still be alive and George wouldn't be a hated man.

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      You are an idiot.

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Well at least I speak the truth 8:22.

    3. Anonymous10:32 PM


      the "truth", according to ...?!?..

      chuck_tard jr, go fuk yer dirtbag inbred self

    4. Anonymous11:24 PM

      Here's some more "truth" for you: Just imagine the sheer number of autographs that would be signed by some 2nd Amendment solution-loving vigilante who knocks off your "hero."

    5. Anonymous10:20 PM
      Well at least I speak the truth 8:22.
      No. You don't. You lile. Zimmerman made the decision to stalk and terrorize Trayvon who was doing nothing but walking home. He could have stayed in his car and was advised to do so, but he had a gun and wanted to use it. He followed Trayvon not the other way around.

    6. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Nefer- you may hate George, I certainly am not a fan, he could have stayed in his car but being advised by an operator is not an order from a police officer, and Trayvon is the one who jumped George and started to attack him physically- that was Trayvon's decision- physically attacking someone with no physical provocation is assualt and battery, it got him killed.

  13. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Looks like a two-way mirror behind him doesn't it?

  14. Anonymous8:30 PM

    That is the face of evil.


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