Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sarah Palin prepares to honor us with her 2014 political predictions. Ooh look, goosebumps. Update!

Courtesy of Nostradumbasses Facebook page: 

“We the People” – are you ready to send our Congressional patriots their needed reinforcements? Here’s how we do it! 

As I said in my speech last week in Washington, D.C., America needs bold Constitutional conservative leaders who will fight for us with intelligence and integrity to restore our exceptional nation and preserve the blessings of liberty and prosperity. Time is short. I’m convinced it’s now or never to save our free republic. (I agree, we need to save our republic. From anybody that Sarah Palin would deem worthy of support.)

So, I’m excited to announce that big U.S. Senate and House of Representatives endorsements are on the way! We’ll tackle some state races, too. (If I were one of the candidates that Sarah Palin might endorse I would be shitting bricks about now.) Lots of vetting and research goes into these endorsements because this is for YOU. It’s to allow you to take a closer look at good men and women with servants’ hearts who are willing to get in the rough and tumble arena to help save America. Please do your own homework on candidates; never put all your hopes and unattainable expectations in anyone running for office (because humankind’s imperfections aren’t absent in politicians), but know that I’ve been diligent and pragmatic in choosing patriots whom I believe we can trust to do the right thing. (In other words sabotage the government from within.) I never want to let you down! And you know me well enough by now; you know I do my homework; I use discernment, and then I go with my gut. (Yep I have my staff provide recommendations, I think on them, and then I just do whatever the hell I want to anyway.)

These candidates put service over self and principles over politics. They’re not going to D.C. to get cozy with the permanent political class or feather their nests off the crony capitalism running rampant in the swamp. They’re going to Washington to shake things up and restore that endangered species in D.C. – common sense – in an out-of-control government that stomps on the neck of freedom and opportunity. These men and women have promised to be fighters for all that is good about America. They’ll have our back; let’s do our part and watch their backs, too, as we send these reinforcements into the battle.

 I’ll roll out endorsements in coming days; I’ll ask you to support the good guys, and we’ll all covet prayers for them and for the great awakening I’m confident our nation is experiencing as people open their eyes to the present harsh reality but also to America’s future positive possibilities as we seek our nation’s good destiny! (I'm sorry, what?)

Help spread the good news; we can send helpmates to the good guys in D.C., so keep the faith! (Yep that's what this country needs, re Ted Cruz's, more Mike Lee's, and Allen West's.)

- Sarah Palin

Palin's predictions have been less than earth shattering as of late, which you might imagine would force her advisers to suggest that she make safer choices this go around in order to fortify her fraudulent reputation as a king maker.

But if this Facebook post is any indication, she has no intention of making smart choices and instead is going to endorse any old fruit loop who claims to know all the words to the Star Spangle banner and believes that Jesus personally wrote the Constitution with his own blood.

In other words simpletons who have no business being anywhere near Washington D.C..

Oh hell it has already started.

If I were running the campaigns of those who are being endorsed by Sarah Palin I would use quotes from her in every campaign ad I paid for, until they publicly shunned her.

She could actually be the best secret weapon the Democrats have in 2014.

Hell even musicians do not want their music associated wither her.

Update: Wow, even the gun nuts are pissed off at her.


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    We all know "vetting" means "show me your money"!

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      With a side of "What's in it for us?"

    2. Sally in MI3:16 PM

      Right. Sarah promises to only take the allowed 90% off the top of your mortgage check. She will send a minimum amount to some lucky, er cursed candidate in some southern state. Pinky swear!

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      The pee pond has a thread up titled "The Vilification of Sarah Palin:- Here's part of it:-

      The following is a submission by LaDonna Hale Curzon, Executive Producer/Host, Sarah Palin Radio | 3/12/14

      "The after glow sparked by Sarah Palin’s speech at the closing of CPAC last week was too much for the left. They were livid. They were outraged. They were filled with hate.
      Sarah Palin was called everything under the sun by the same, old, tired liberals, who just can’t get over her. It’s been close to six years since she was the Republican vice presidential candidate. You’d think they would move on, but, as conservatives have rightly pointed out, it’s the Democrats who are really raging a war on women.
      Why is the extreme left still vilifying Sarah Palin? Because she’s smart, gorgeous, funny and most of all, still hugely popular and influential with a very large base of conventional conservatives. She is still a very hot ticket. For that, they must destroy her."

      Haha, "the afterglow". Sexy!!!

    4. Anonymous3:38 PM

      " I use discernment, and then I go with my gut. "
      have both been used by the troll in the past two weeks.
      Discernment especially also,too! Ohhh a new word calendar for xmax!

    5. Anonymous4:04 PM

      You betcha!

    6. Anonymous4:48 PM

      AfterGlow by LaDonna Hale Curzon! Youbetcha! Yea we just cant get ovah that ugh afterGlow on gov palin is like a ho's perferum you know?
      Next on the docent
      was rumors of gov drug use
      but ugh you know that is just libril media baskin' in the "after glow" honey!

    7. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Sarah doesn't vet, the consultants do. Then, Sarah follows the Rule of Todd: What's in it for us? If the candidate wants Sarah to show up, he or she will have to spring for her airfare, hotel, etc. You don't expect Sarah to drain her PAC for stuff like that when the candidate can pay.

    8. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Sarah "endorsing" a six-foot-five-inch tall AA dude for US Senate from OK.

      Uh Oh.

      Can you say "Nailin' Palin, Part Deux?

      Sarah plays a sportscaster who can't read a teleprompter without making up shit while fantasizing about being a ball girl for the entire team to get them "up" for the game (scene II).

      Includes keen sports commentary by Sarah, such as...

      "He takes it to the hole and slams it home!"

      "Crank up the bus. It's time to go ugly early and hit the road!"

      "Watch that brother shooting the lights out, all the time with a hand in his face and one in his crotch (mine!)."

      "Hoo wee, watch this money shot! Boom, in your face again, sucka!"

      "Hey guys, quit playing grab-ass and get in the game, ya bunch of limp-dicks!"

      "Well just fuck me like I'm somebody famous!"

      And all of Sarah's favorite popular cliches that no one ever tires of hearing.

    9. Anonymous6:26 PM

      "How does it feel to have a three inch vertical?"
      "It's a three inch horizontal. So..."

      PRESIDENT Obama wins again!
      Is that what's bothering you, $arah?

  2. Beldar Lou Conehead2:24 PM


    Why are you quoting her?????

    I got so caught up in the fake patriotism and conserva-gibberish she spouts that I actually went to and starting entering my credit card numbers to donate!

    Just as my finger was about to complete the donation transaction, like an angel sent by almight Zeus Himself, I heard a voice - very similar to Keith Olbermann's, quite honestly - say "That woman is an idiot" and I IMMEDIATELY pulled the plug on my computer!!

    Sadly, I was using the laptop at the time and it just kept running on batteries and the donation went thru. But I was able to cancel the transaction thru my credit card company and all's right with the world now.

    But that was a close one! So, promise me that you will never, ever, ever, never, ever directly quote on your defunct blog the nonsensical world salad vomited up by that horrible woman ever again!


    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      That's not his real name. ;-)

    2. Beldar 007 Conehead2:59 PM

      "That's not his real name."

      That's been my suspicion all along but I'll be damned if I can prove it! Even my contacts at NSA are baffled. The closest Ive come to the true identity of our so-called "Gryphen" is a 1977 membership card to the Suzi Quattro Fan Club in the name of one Clarence Octavio Schpleeg, a 35 year old freelance wallpaper inspector in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'm 95% certain that Schpleeg is "Gryphen" or else he knows who Gryphen is or he knows someone who knows someone who knows who Gryphen is.

      It's a mystery inside of a conundrum wrapped in a riddle surrounded by a delicious chocolate covered angel food cake outer shell.

    3. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Beldar, can we meet sometime over a conundrum wrapped in a riddle surrounded by a delicious chocolate covered angel food cake outer shell? I think I'm in love.

    4. Anonymous3:29 PM

      2:33 PM here. Better a conundrum wrapped in a riddle than a condom in a washcloth!

    5. Beldar J Conehead3:46 PM


      Ah, Bernice (or possibly Evelyn?), my little paczki (inexplicably pronounced 'pun-shky'), is that you?

      We'll have to be discreet for reasons I'm unable to disclose at this moment, but, believe me, if GinaM catches us chatting here, there will be hell to pay for every one. And not in a good way.

      Meet me at Zyzzygzwcz's, the Polish bakery on Fountain Street at 11:00am tomorrow! If Im not there, then meet me at the fountain on Polish St across from the French bakery Mal du Pain at 11:00pm!

      Yes, I think you're in love, too.

    6. Beldar J Conehead3:46 PM

      *GinaM tapping her foot and rolling pin*

      Saw this before I was bout to go...oh we will be talking about best believe that "Beldy"!

      Get your affairs in order.


    7. Anonymous4:47 PM

      "Beldy." Giggling......

    8. Beldar Rake Conehead4:47 PM

      Gina, baby! I was HOPING you'd show up!!! My goodness!!! You get younger looking every day!! and uh... you're a grandmother???? You're WAY to young!!

      Can I see some ID, please? Just kidding!

      What, you had a baby at age 15 and then... uh... let's see.... your baby had a baby at 15???

      Gina, just put the rolling pin down, will ya? C'mon... I still have numbness on the right side of my body from the last time you caught me. And no feeling at all on the other side from the time before that! I can't handle another beating right now. And my Obamacare hasnt kicked in yet...

      And anyway, I was....

      WHOA!!!!! LOOK AT YOU!! I can't believe how skinny you got!!! Are you supermodeling again? Was that you on the cover of Marie Claire????

      Listen, wait here, I'm gonna run down to the drugstore for some... uh.... anyway, I'll be right back. And if I'm not back in an hour, start without me, ok?

    9. Anonymous4:49 PM


      Suzi Quattro. Hmmm It was reported by AP (or maybe it was Hannity or Greta VD?) that this "Gryphen person" was walking through the mall the other day, singing "Ya mama won't like me" to himself. Still looking for the video on the net. I think I've seen this G-dude before in the 70s at a Suzy Q concert. A roadie, IIRC. He was smoking dope and selling tie-dyed t-shirts and frisbees with his blog name on them. Hell, I didn't even know what a dot-com was back in those days. Probably hippie code for a head shop.

    10. Ooh, Immoral Minority Frisbee's.

      I like it!

    11. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Fave from "Beldy" to GinaM long ago: "Aw shucks, ma'am. Traces toe in the dirt...."

    12. Anonymous3:10 AM

      @ Beldar
      Suzi Quattro
      I haven't heard her in ages.
      Saw her open for Alice Cooper.
      Fun evening.

  3. Sunny in Albuquerque2:32 PM

    Congratulations to GinaM, beautiful grammy, beautuful baby!

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM


    2. Hey Hey Sunny!

      Thank you! I am a "Grammy" today! I am happy that my first grandbaby has arrived safely! She is the BEST early 50th birthday present I have EVER received!

      PS....speaking of birthday's....uh Gryphen isn't your day coming soon or did we miss it? LOL!!

    3. Congrats, Gina! How wonderful for you and your family. Cheers!!

    4. Olivia3:15 PM

      Congratulations! Being a grandma is wonderful. Enjoy every minute.

    5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:16 PM

      Congrats Gina, and welcome to the bold, beautiful 50s, also too!

    6. Beldar J Conehead3:17 PM

      Mazel tov, Gina!

      You, um.... dont look a decade over 50!

    7. Congratulations GinaM! And Happy Birthday too.

    8. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Congratulations, Gina! You always bring a sense of fun to IM -- you'll be a great grammy to be with.

      Names for the little one yet? We trust that Bristol, Willow, Piper and Sarah are low on the list.

    9. Anonymous3:49 PM

      You must be over the moon, Gina. Being a grandparent is the best. Congratulations! We are expecting our 2nd. grandson next month and just can't wait to meet him. From this day on, your life will never be the same, and I mean that in a good way. Enjoy!

    10. guys! Why y'all trying to make me cry! The baby's name is Sophia and she is going to be one spoiled baby girl!

      We've been getting ready for her birth for the last couple of weeks and she ended up coming a day I've haven't been hanging out here.

      But I did catch a couple of "anonymous" chicks eyeballing my Beldar!

      *GinaM to Beldar*

      Don't make me break out this rolling pin...and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about either! LOL!!

      Heading out to celebrate!

      Peace out IM'rs! LOL!!

    11. Anonymous4:10 PM

      So happy for you and your family, Grandma Gina. Keep on smiling.

    12. Congrats GinaM!!!

      Sophia, what a sweet name. I just love me some little bebbies. They smell so good!

    13. Anonymous5:10 PM


      Smell good? Every baby I've ever encountered had a full load and usually came with poop squirting up the back and down the leg. I've not had the pleasure of meeting one that did not smell like poo or have throw up on its chin :-)

    14. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Congrats Gina m!!! Stealing from goldie hawn I will call you glam-ma:) enjoy the celebration!!

    15. AKinPA5:50 PM

      Congratulations, Gina and happy birthday, too! Have a wonderful time spoiling little Sophia. Congrats to her mom and dad, also, too.

    16. Congrats GinaM and Happy B-Day!

    17. Anonymous6:25 PM

      CONGARATS, gramma Gina, and happy B'Day to you, too. Give an extra hug to the birth mom. ;)

    18. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

      Congratulations, Gina M!!! I can't wait to become a grandma (Well I can, don't get me wrong) Isn't it great to spoil them to pieces, then hand them back when you're done? Ok, now I can't wait again, and I'm sticking to it.

      Love, Luck, and Lollypops!

    19. angela11:21 PM

      Fantastic Gina! Happy Birthday and Happy Grandma

  4. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Ol' Shelly Dankert Rants like she is sleeping with Sarah Palin. 2 PeePees in a pod. And both stink.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      The new Krusty.

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:12 PM

      Isn't she the one who had that insane youtube video a few years ago, carrying on about Queenie not running for President? I think the Pee Pods kicked her to the curb at the time since she presented a "bad" image for them. **cough**

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM

    And here's the nuts she's aiming for:

    DeeUSMC • 2 hours ago

    There's a rumor going around that a study done by the CDC shows a 'map' reflecting the most medicated children for 'psychoses' like ADHD - and the map supposedly shows 'red states' as having the highest rate of medicated kids. Now - whether this is an accurate study or not, it wouldn't surprise me to see that the government run schools consider kids who actually think outside the box or that question the information they're being fed, would then be "diagnosed" as ADHD. We've see how the government schools usurp the authorities of the individual parents when it comes to our children. If this study is true, we'd better stand up to the drug-pushers in the government schools, and make it clear that if the teachers have to drug the kids in order to make them swallow whatever's being shoved down their throats, then perhaps it's the 'product' they're force-feeding the kids that is the REAL problem. Just a thought.

    No. Words.

    1. Sally in MI3:13 PM

      Last I checked, schools were not prescribing meds for your hyper kids...that would be the doctor. Moron. So why don't you blame the parents for allowing this? No, it's so much more destructive to blame the schools, while supporting the dumbing down of all the curricula down south. Again, these people are idiots.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      ADHS is psychosis? Seriously?

      Of course, the best part about this is that she's basis this on a "rumor."

    3. Anonymous3:28 PM


    4. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Can you believe that, Sally? THAT is her base.

    5. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Schools cannot administer medication to kids, not even an aspirin. An ADHD kid does not necessarily think outside the box and question authority. My nephews are ADHD, and their problem was the fact that they couldn't pay attention. They couldn't sit still. They couldn't concentrate. They had little understanding of what they read because they were easily distracted. They were like "restless leg syndrome" of the whole body and brain. Sadly, their parents did not want to medicate the kids, so they were disruptive in school, eventually leaving and going through a series of private schools that would take them. To this day, as an adult, my nephew is still unable to concentrate on anything on any period of time. His mind wanders. He cannot follow a list. He forgets that he has appointments. And, he cannot hold a job. No, he is not the kid thinking outside the box and questioning what he was learning. Hardly.

    6. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I have a son that was ADHD. Highly functioing brain and bored, That DeeUSMC thinks they're acting up because of government fed propaganda in learning when the child knows better is ridiculous.

      The Palin Principle. Her kids never graduated, Go to trade school. 'Murika.

  6. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Horrible photo of her - all jaw - manly looking. Not attractive at all!

    1. Sally in MI3:11 PM

      I actually thought it was a shot from Game Change with that cocky jaw thrust.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

      Reminds me of "Groundhog's day", but without the laughs.

  7. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I went to the linky, LMAO!! The gun fondlers are none too happy! Serves the old cross eyed tarantula right.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Too crazy for the gun nuts, now that's crazy.
      Too d@mn funny

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      They are afraid that Sarah Palin makes them look bad. Boy, do they have her number.

  8. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Juan Pablo Is the Sarah Palin of The Bachelor

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      He is much nicer and is getting a bad rap from the Producer of The Bachelor. Just because he kept his own thoughts to himself got the guy that makes the show pissed off. I could not believe how many times he was asked to express "I love her" - made me want to barf. Last time I watch that show! Juan Pablo NEVER said anything unkind about anyone even though they did to him.

      Juan Pablo is nothing like Sarah Palin - bad comparison.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

      I think Juan was holding out for the producer. Swapping spit with a bunch of bimbos in love with the idea of Juan Pablo is just sick.

  9. a) Interesting that she can't find a more recent photo than one from 2008. Why not use one from one of your more recent endorsement circuses? Like the one with the tacky teen dimwit superman teeshirt and platform bondage shoes? And the crooked grubby wig and angry aging hag face?

    b) All that blather with the herald's trumpets blaring with the big big big wait for it wait for it ta-da Palin's pronouncements? She certainly has an inflated sense of just how many people give a rat's ass who she endorses (answer: almost no one). It reads as though she thinks the NY Times is begging for the news. Snort.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Clearly, $he is trying to save face for the big $5000 contribution she made to one political candidate last go around. That didn't look good.

      I wish one media person would ask $creech who she is endorsing in the Alaska elections for governor and US Senator. Bwhwhwhaaaa==kiss of death. $arah isn't even invited to participate in any political events in Alaska/ hasn't been for years!!

      I also wish someone would ask her or any Paylin what church they go to??????

    2. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

      She knows what she looks like now, she even sent two daughters to skin and hair school in the hopes they would help. America ain't that stupid. The GOP paid big bucks to polish that turd!!!

  10. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Her recent support- Shoplifter lost .
    We welcome the kiss-of -death endorsement.

  11. Caroll Thompson3:06 PM

    Clearly this Facebook post is Sarah's way of getting fools to part with their money. She says "I'll ask you to support the good guys". More like make a donation to Sarah PAC and have Sarah give maybe $5,000 to one candidate and the rest of all that money going who knows where.

    And Sarah works the candidates she endorses too. She does not do anything for free. "What's in it for us" as husband Todd famously said. Well, in the case of Karen Handel, the woman who was in the primary against Nathan Deal for the Governor of Georgia, there was 100k plus a private plane provided and very expensive hotel accommodations for Sarah and company. the link is below; I hope it works.

    Sarah makes the money on both ends and does nothing for free. It might be cruel to say, but say it I will: Sarah is really just a political whore. Nothing more and certainly nothing less than that.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Sarah's a hired gun who can't shoot straight and can't even load her own firearm. (Source: Field & Stream)

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA to that report! I sure hope, that the IRS is checking $arah's income tax statement and scrutinizes it for all these different incomes - which, I amretty sure, $he will not do!

  12. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Send your money to me, and I will endorse the candidates of my choice. Really, send me your money, not the candidate him or herself. More political evangelism. She is taking money away from the people who are actually running and using it as her own personal slush fund. Wake up you ignorant dumb ass bots.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Exactly! Here are the people she endorses. Rather than send money directly to them, she says send money to SarahPac so she can float a couple thousand total to the candidates and use the rest for whatever she sees fit (food, lodging, flights, lawyers, clothing, postage).

    2. Beldar J Conehead3:27 PM

      With all due respect, I believe you're missing the point.

      You see, if people stop responding to Screechy's pleas for money, she won't be able to afford to make those pleas. and if she can't make the pleas, she wont bring in any money. Which makes it impossible to plea for donations, which in turn makes receiving donations impossible to receive. But if she can make the pleas for donations and the good addled sheeples of Amercia respond to those pleas generously - oh, so generously - then she'll have enough resources - consulting, postage, other kinds of consulting, etc - to continue to make the pleas that result in the kinds of donations that permit her to make the pleas in the first place.

      I hope this makes sense to you. (God help you, if it does....)

    3. Anonymous3:31 PM

      eh, less money for the legitimate candidates.

    4. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Made perfect sense to me, Beldar, It's exactly what she does. She'll endorse all right. One measly 5K that's required, all the rest is hers! What a fraud she is.

    5. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Yikes! Beldar I believe you have channelled the Palin speak!

      Also too note that her pac photo isn't a recent pic of Her Royal Heinous, i wonder why that is? hmmm.

    6. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Screw the middleman, send directly to the candidate. You know she profits in this deal right, dimwitted fools?

      Or maybe I should shut up... :)

    7. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Sarah never said that she would donate anything to the candidate. She's asking people to covet prayers for them. I don't know if Sarah showing up to parade around with the candidate is a good thing. She tends to steal attention from the candidate, usually when she says something outrageous or looks worse.

  13. Boscoe3:08 PM

    So I think I've broken the code: "encouraging entrepreneurial self-reliance" = Cuts to welfare and social services? Did I get it? Do I win?

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Ding Ding Ding!!!!!!!

      Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      You win, and lots of people will be on the losing end of it.

  14. Sally in MI3:09 PM

    Someone ought to do some research for the big bucks she is paying them, and then tell her that Cruz' big plan is to turn America into a theocracy, take away wealth, and turn all the money over to him and Daddy. Not to mention that she herself has gotten quite rich off politics. But hey, Sarah never met hypocrisy she couldn't embrace with both scrawny vibrant arms.

  15. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:14 PM

    Why am I picturing the Wicked Witch of the West in her dark, moldy tower, with her bony green fingers over her crystal ball?

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Do you mean crystal 'meth bowl'?

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Does she have her green fingers over Todd's balls because she clipped them?

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      If her fingers are green, she's been rubbing one out. Again.

      Keep your britches buttoned up and keep yer hands off yer nasty HooHah, Sarah Heath!!!

    4. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

      That girl's on fire! Hose her down good!

  16. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "....and we’ll all covet prayers for them and for the great awakening ..." huh? I thought coveting was a bad thing....

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      She's such a fucking moron, her parents needed to give her a roget's thesaurus along with the dictionary she got for christmas.

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Just googled "covet prayers" and found lots of info on how the xtian folks use this and how it is interpreted i their religion.

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      The Ten Commandments warn against coveting your neighbor's wife. Coveting prayers? How about just plain old praying?

    4. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Every time that Palin writes a Facebook post, she proves that she is no journalism major. What a mess.

    5. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Paylin hasn't endorsed a candidate in Alaska since Joe Miller in 2010, I think it was. Not even her lite gov, SP2.

      Who will ask for her endorsement in Alaska this important election year?? HAHAHAHA

    6. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      Epic failure. Everyone will be taken away, and just sarah will walk the earth, afraid, alone and in withdrawl. VooDoo Muthee on line two..... make a way!!!!!

    7. Anonymous8:43 PM

      As the commenter at 5:08 stated. If you google "covet prayer" you will learn that in Christianeese covet prayer means they want your prayers.

    8. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Christian people, preachers included use the word covet, as in "covet your prayers" in a positive way meaning the same thing as the word "desire" and use the word covet in a totally different way when referring to the 10 commandments. I know, confusing, right?

    9. Anonymous3:20 AM

      these are dog whistle phrases to the people who RALLY ARE raising their kids to be abstinent....with promise rings and quiverfulls and shit. She doesn't get that many real christian crazies DO see right thru her. She can dog whistle all she wants but they have written her off.

  17. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I wonder how much the Koch Brothers are paying her to schtump for them...

    1. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      Ten bucks a month, each.

  18. Anonymous3:48 PM

    The Palin curse will hit this guy as well.

  19. London Bridges4:00 PM

    I love the picture!!! Looks like she may be in a strait jacket!
    Maybe out on a rare weekend pass?

  20. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Looks like SarahPAC is piss marking its political territory again to fill the Palin's pockets. Why does SarahPAC give less than 5% to candidates?

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Cuz of Free Dumb.

  21. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Ah! the Hitleresk look .One of her favorites . At this point all I can do is shake my head . My, my, how low we have set the bar ?
    She really believes that she is relevent .

    1. Del Rey4:46 PM

      Yea, 4:07, a real legend in her own mind. Are there actually people who use Facebook like Sarah does? I heard it was so yesterday and only old people use Facebook. What a loser!

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Del Rey,

      Facebook is turning into ALL old people now as the younger generation is resentful of the olds presence and the usurping of what they felt was "their" medium. Over 11 million young people bailed on Facebook just last year.

      Kiddos are finding or creating other social networking platforms. Seems to be working because their parents are so wrapped up in Facebook that they aren't paying attention to what the youngsters are doing. Facebook is for nothing more than "grand baby" photos, business and politics, in other words, boring.

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Sarah discovered that Facebook was cheaper than chain letters, plus she can charge her expenses for drugs and plastic surgery to her fans who donate to her "nonprofit" PAC under the catch-all category of "Postage".

      Is this a great country to be a thieving grifter, or what?

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      The new facebook is Patheos, That's where candidates really make the big bucks!

  22. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Fucking loon.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Or fucking goon. With a skanky poon. That's OUR Sarah.

  23. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Now that is an OLD picture. That's like running a picture of a fat Bill Clinton Barack with black hair. Palin's so ugly and eroded now they have to pick thru the oldies! And here's "homework" to-do's: read talking points that came over the Internets; visit Breitbart; hang out on People and TMZ; troll Gryphen; watch DWTS; ask Willer and Piper what's trending; chat with Ted (Nugent, Cruz, take your pick).

  24. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Haven't read any comments yet so this may be up there already but PINK ribbon is used for breast cancer awareness you feckin skank!!!!!
    Lose those saggy breasts of yours to cancer or promote breast cancer awareness and you can use those pink ribbons and no it doesn't matter that they are in the shape of an x you feckin feckin idiot!!!

  25. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Ingenuity? Really, Sarah? You ran out of "in" words so soon? Idiot.

    I don't want ingenuity from my politicians, I want to see good government, thank you very much.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      She's been over-using the word "bold" too, also.

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      it's only fair, we've been over-using the word "bald" to describe her also, too.

  26. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Love the comments at the gun nuts' website. Thanks for the updated link. No one (except the troll) seem to like her.

    Karen A. Johnson You haven't heard the worst yet. Sportsman Channel is sponsoring a 8-episode series in 2 weeks about the recently completed Iditarod DOGSLED race, and guess who's hosting the program? A SNOWMOBILE racer by the name of Todd Palin! How's that for spreading the wealth in-family, by having a guy who doesn't even participate in the sport -- let alone any other credentials except being married to Sarah Palin -- host the series?

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Keeps the money in the family. Can't wait to see what outdoors sports Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig and Tripp will be featured in. Since Track didn't go into the family fishing business, there goes his chance at the big bucks.

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      How can a snowmobile racer know anything about the Iditarod, a true athletic sport? That's like a washed up race car driver hosting the gymnastic portion of the Olympics. ?

    3. Anonymous9:47 PM

      John McCain thought that Todd raced in the Iditarod. This year, Todd didn't even race. They broke down, and Todd went home. Quitting must run in the family. Or, "What's in it for us, Palin" figured that he wouldn't win so what's the point? Sportsmanship is not in his vocabulary. Too big a word, and no money in being a good sport.

    4. Anonymous6:11 AM

      plus he didn't race at all in the iditarod, he started the iron dog and quit...

  27. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Palin's endorsed candidate -TW Shannon -is polling at 17 % and 18 % in the last two polls.
    His non Palin Republican opponent is 30 points ahead at 47 .

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Her consultants did their homework and she went with her gut or maybe her vajayjay in this instance. She loves her some talk, dark and handsome. Just like Glenn Rice.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      When someone keeps their christmas decorations up and it's march, it's time to pack it up. Hope his wife knows about Sarahs "Jungle Fever" Fetish. She wants a black man so bad, she dresses in black with sleazy access zippers.

  28. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Them that can, run for office. An effort requiring massive effort, sacrifice, and courage.

    Them that can't.... endorse. An effort requiring nothing except paying Becky to write the usual repetitive drivel supporting the obvious teabagger candidate, posing for some pictures, having another minion slap the SarahPAC logo on them, and posting them on your FB page.

  29. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I guess we just have to be patient. Look how long it took for Jim and Tammy Bakker to be exposed for their sex and money scandals.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Tammy Faye did wear more makeup.

    2. Anonymous2:54 AM

      9:45 PM Take a close look at Sarah's latest photo at CPAC. The makeup is caked on and she has facial lumps..

    3. Anonymous2:55 AM

      9;45 PM But Sarah Palin did use more drugs.

  30. Anonymous6:29 PM

    You know Sarah, for once I agree with you: enough IS just disappear so that government can do what it supposed to do you dumb fucking unaccountable interloper.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      She's not going to. She's the Koch's little whore like Tawd runs the prostitution ring. The closest she could get to Ivana, which was longer than the Iditarod.

      What a servant's GODLY heart she has.

  31. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Ya think she got permission to slap that Sarahpac crap on his photo?

  32. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Really going OT, but do we know what's up with Bristol posting comments that she wants to have a baby, she wants to have a baby girl. So, Bristol's off there in Arizona, going to beauty school or hiding out? Is she dropping hints to Joey Junker who misses his little fam? Is she going to surprise us? After all, it's Bristol who has been blogging for five years about how hard it it to be a single mother raising a child all by herself (never mind Levi). Raising two (or more) would be even harder, Bristol, do the math.

  33. Anonymous10:27 PM


    Sarah Palin will not run for governor of Alaska.

    That is all.

  34. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Jesus Christ, is it actually possible that her fucking ego is getting bigger?? She's a fucking JOKE but she's just so in denial that she continues to do her pathetic "little miss know-it-all" act and embarrass herself at every opportunity. Will she EVER fuck off?!

  35. Anonymous3:06 AM

    covet prayers for them and for the great awakening.......spread the good news ......

    These are dog whistle phrases for the rapturites!!

  36. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I hope she endorses MANY candidates.

  37. Anita Winecooler5:17 PM

    If "Enough" is "Enough" were true for Sarah, then how much is too much? Sheeesh, looks like a Soviet era Propaganda Photo with the American Flag photoshopped over the nazi flag. Is that her "patriotic look"? Cause if it is, she's failing miserably.


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