Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Head of Texas Republican PAC in support of Greg Abbott, says they don't need the Lilly Ledbetter Act to get equal pay in this country, because "women are extremely busy." Wait, what?

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

The head of RedState Women, a new Republican PAC in Texas aimed at rallying women voters for GOP gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott, got a little tripped up on Sunday trying to explain the GOP's alternatives to the equal pay laws they oppose. 

Cari Christman, executive director of the PAC, told WFAA that Republicans oppose the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act because "women want real-world solutions to this problem, not more rhetoric." The law, signed by President Barack Obama in 2009, allows women to file a claim against pay discrimination when she discovers it, not a limited amount of time after the unequal pay began. 

When asked what her proposed solution to the gender pay gap might look like, she began repeating the point that women are "busy." 

"If you look at it, women are extremely busy," she said. "We lead busy lives, whether working professionally, whether working from home, and times are extremely busy. It's a busy cycle for women, and we've got a lot to juggle. So when we look at this issue we think, what's practical? And we want more access to jobs. We want to be able to get a higher education degree at the same time we're working or raising a family."

Well that..uh...that makes..uh.....what just happened?

And since when does Sarah Palin wear a blonde wig?

I think Greg Abbott's new campaign slogan should be, "Vote Greg Abbott, the perfect candidate for those who just don't know WHAT the hell is going on."

P.S. Just in case you don't realize that the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is a whole lot more than simply "rhetoric."


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The Republican party is a mess and very, very anti women across the nation. (Republican led Legislatures!)

    This woman is of no help to them which is good, good, good for the Dems! Vote wisely folks!

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Off topic, but of interest. Palin hero, Dan Cathy has a change of heart. http://www.myajc.com/news/business/cathy-seeks-to-put-gay-marriage-flap-behind-chick-/nfCHj/

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      More a change of policy based on economic reality. His heart and mind are still committed to the evangelical anti-gay position.

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Yes, I should have made it clear. The change of heart is more about speaking out publicly, not accepting the right of a gay person to marry whomever they love. I suspect his comment about being convinced to step down from the public podium is more about economics than it is about prayer with gay rights advocate.

  3. Dinty9:19 AM

    OT: Chick-Fil-A CEO regrets his public stand against gay marriage:


    Now let's see if he really means it

  4. We had a southern belle briefly employed at a place I worked in Minneapolis. She said her "southern man" husband was very upset at how much some of the women were paid. After a few choruses of “So leave!” she left.

    This is just Republican men pushing a woman out there to say the unpopular thing, so they don’t have to. I’m sure she thinks they’ll love her better, hah.

  5. hedgewytch9:23 AM

    I have never met a smart Republican that wasn't a corporate shill out to make many millions (hello Lisa Murkowski) - the rest of them are as dumb as a box of rocks and couldn't think themselves out of a paper bag.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      I was going to comment about how incredibly dumb GOP women are. In Michigan the biggest example is the Koch Brothers ad star Julie Boonstra, ex-wife of a Court of Appeals judge (appointed by our teabagger governor of course), who doesn't understand the benefits of the ACA. New versions of her dreadfully misleading anti-ACA ad keep appearing; she wants the Democrats to apologize to her! What a nutcase! This woman in Texas has about the same intellectual capacity.

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Sarah Palin’s New Reality Show Is Basically Jackass for Conservatives

    “Get red, wild and blue, America!” There’s a new trailer for Sarah Palin’s Amazing America reality show on the Sportsman Channel and it is way more insane than you ever thought it could be.

    The show released a teaser video last month, but it just consisted of Palin’s silhouette over an full screen American flag and quotes about how awesome she was. This time, we get actual footage from the show, and it looks… incredibly goofy.

    Now, it’s not that I thought Amazing America was going to be some introspective TV version of NPR’s This American Life with the former Alaska governor traveling around the country meeting interesting people and letting them tell their stories to the world. But I guess somehow I thought it might be a little more than a glorified red state Jackass complete with shooting, fighting and and man getting rammed in the butt by a stampeding bull.

    “This show is going to highlight a freedom that we get to experience in America,” Palin says optimistically in the 30 second video. If freedom means the ability to almost kill yourself for others’ entertainment, then I guess she’s right.

    Watch the trailer below, via Sportsman Channel:


    Sarah Palin is the JACKASS.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Sarah Palin is the JACKASS.

      What does that make Toad and Barstool?

  7. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Didn't Texas want to secede from the US? Well, we're waiting. Goodby and good luck.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      We'll happily move all of those federal installations from Texas to other states, preferably north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

  8. "women want real-world solutions to this problem, not more rhetoric."
    This statement is so beyond stupid...

    I would pay money to have this bimbo repeat this to Rachel Maddow, or Hillary Clinton in an interview or debate.

    Is this an example how the Conservatives are being "mocked"???

  9. Anonymous9:45 AM

    From Texas, the state of stupid.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Well, Minnesota is host to more insanity with this latest ignorance from this GOP female. She considers it 'whining' when women stand up and demand equal treatment under the laws of the land.

      Minnesota state Rep. Andrea Kieffer (R) last week said that legislation to address equal pay and sick leave does not actually help women in the workplace, the Huffington Post reported.

      "We heard several bills last week about women's issues and I kept thinking to myself, these bills are putting us backwards in time," Kieffer said at a hearing on a bill to address the gender pay gap, according to an audio recording posted by the Alliance for a Better Minnesota. "We are losing the respect that we so dearly want in the workplace by bringing up all these special bills for women and almost making us look like whiners."

      Kieffer was speaking during a hearing on the Women's Economic Security Act, which would raise the minimum wage to $9.50, expand access to paid sick leave and childcare and protect women from discrimination and unfair pay. The legislative package would also improve protections for domestic violence victims.

      Supporters of the package of bills expect them to pass in both chambers of the Democrat-controlled Minnesota legislature, according to the Huffington Post.

      Minnesota House Majority Leader Erin Murphy (D) criticized Kieffer's comments in an email statement to the Huffington Post.

      "Too often women are branded as 'whiners' when they challenge unfairness in our laws and society. I would bet a lot people said Susan B. Anthony was a whiner when she fought for the right to vote," she said. "The reality is that women in Minnesota and throughout our country face unique economic barriers and everyone deserves a fair chance at success."


    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Sure, and look at all those silly civil rights laws that freed the slaves and outlawed segregation.

      What a bunch of whiners those slaves were! They lost ALLLL the respect of their plantation owners when they wanted some silly law to give them freedom!

  10. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "Real world solutions" - Cari Christman
    "Time tested truths" - $arah Palin

    See here, Cari, all the education in the world isn't going to help women secure the same pay as men. What a crock of crap.

    Why any women reside in Texas PERIOD is beyond me.

  11. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Texas Republicans Don’t Support Equal Pay Because ‘Men Are Better Negotiators’

    Ladies, Texas Republicans love you but they just can’t get behind legislation that would make it possible for you to sue if you found out you were being given the shaft regarding equal pay, because you suck as negotiators.

    To wit, here is chief Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott ally Beth Cubriel, the Executive Director of the Texas Republican Party, trying to explain why Abbott refuses to get behind equal pay for women. Turns out you all are just really bad negotiators.

    Watch here:


  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Yeah, keep those women in abusive relationships so they don't have to use Food Stamps!

    Making Divorce Hard Is A 'Better Solution' Than Food Stamps For Women

    Faith and Freedom Coalition founder Ralph Reed on Tuesday said that it was becoming too easy for women with children to get a divorce from their husbands.

    ..."I personally think the no-fault divorce revolution in the 60s and 70s has not been good for society," Reed explained. "Certainly, I recognize that couples are not going to be able to stay together. That's been true throughout society, but do we really want to make it easier for a man to discard the wife of his youth than it is for him to fire his secretary, for him to basically go in and say goodbye when 40 percent of all child support is never paid?"

    "And when we know, 40 percent of the women and children that are thus cast aside end up in poverty," he added. "A woman is far more likely to end up in poverty. A man's income goes up. So, a lot of the poverty problem in America is a problem of women and children abandoned by the husbands and fathers."


  13. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Republicans are just like you, and you, and you. That’s the message of the latest (and let’s be honest, all) political advertisements from the GOP (and the Democrats, respectively). But the you’s in the new, “Why I’m a Republican” campaign, launching tomorrow, aren’t who you might expect.

    In a series of TV and digital spots, real-life hipsters, African-Americans, Latinos, and Asian-Americans – demographics which were strongholds of Obama in 2012 – spout GOP stances of limited government, strong military, and school choice. According to CNN, the six-figure ad buy will air on cable stations targeting mostly women and minorities such as Bravo, Food, E!, Oxygen, OWN, TVOne, and Telemundo. New-fangled cord-cutters may come across the ads on Facebook, Google or streaming sites like Hulu.


    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      This must be a take-off of the "I am Mor(m)on" campaign in the last election. Didn't work then either.

  14. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Hire a speech coach! Paul Broun (despicable- GA) did. With taxpayer money!


    "It’s no wonder he hired a debate coach, though,” said Long. “He can’t open his mouth without saying something dumb and unpopular.”

    Gray’s audit of Broun’s 2012 to 2014 spending found that Broun paid the $33,000 to Brett O’Donnell, a former debate coach from Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University who worked on Michele Bachmann’s 2012 presidential campaign, as well as stints with former President George W. Bush and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R)."

    With such eloquent former clients as Mr 47% Romney and Michele Bachmann all you can say is DOH! This is JUST what I need.

  15. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Palin's new trailer for Amazing America. "Watching Rednecks do Redneck Stuff". Still not sure if this a just narration from Palin or if she actually is there watching the rednecks do redneck stuff in person. Looks to me as if she just narrates video rolls, kinda like that "awesome" hour she did on Fox a few years back.


    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      She didn't even try. She hated it and it showed. Putting lipstick on a pig, still a pig, with lots of patriotic flair on her wrists, inflatable chest and heels.

  16. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I doubt seriously that Palin does any one-to-one interviews on this new show....she doesn't have the skills to do so UNLESS all commentary is written for her and then memorized by her! She flunked doing it w/FOX and will continue doing so because she has not improved herself or her skills since prior to 2008!

  17. Anonymous11:22 AM

    This is like a Governor Sarah Palin askin the question, Just what it is, that the Vice President does? Cari does not know what the point of fair pay is, and Joe Miller doesn't appreciate what the Civil Rights Act did for American culture. These are supposed to the vanguards of freedom and our constitutional protectors?

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I saw a video of this. Quite frankly I could not decide which was worse - her Palinesque delivery or the bs message itself.

    Pat Padrnos

  19. Anonymous12:03 PM

    "Cari, you ignorant slut," what could be more "real-world" than just giving women equal pay for equal work?!? I mean, just how fucking stupid do you have to be to not see this as the singularly most viable solution? This woman is the type who would hand out parachutes to male skydivers and shove the women out of the plane unequipped.

    Totally. Fucking. Brain-dead.

  20. Randall2:24 PM

    Women who vote Republican are really, really stupid.

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Dear Cari Christman,

    Since you are "too busy" (too stupid) to receive equal pay for equal work and want to remain a second class citizen, we are not going to stop you.
    However we did not give you permission to speak for those of us who are busy and are smart enough to want equal compensation, so keep your ignorance to yourself.

    It is bad enough we have to "battle" ignorant men, but it is especially irritating to have women fighting against us.

  22. Anita Winecooler6:15 PM

    Yep, we women are just too busy, We're in this busy cycle, busy busy busy. Too busy that we don't even have the time to fill out a grievance form because some asshat with his shirttail sticking out of his zipper is making double what she is while peeling the stickers off Rubic's Cube and solving the puzzle.

    Cari on and keep Calm, Cari Christman, and can you be a doll and stay late sealing envelopes and using the postage meter. Maybe straighten up the break room and do the windows?

    Please tell me this is satire!

  23. Anonymous2:49 PM

    We're too pretty to worry our pretty little heads about all this politics stuff. We have dishes to do, laundry to wash, floors to scrub, kids to raise, and god forbid we get supper to the table late when the head of the household gets home! And then there's the cycle thing. You know we can't think straight when we are in "that part of the cycle"!

  24. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Probably bankrolled by the Koch's. Which would make her a.....Koch whore, and not a particularly bright one at that.


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