Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sarah Palin thinks she smells Democratic blood in the water. Does she?

This weekend, on Meet the Press, former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibs expressed concerns for the 2014 elections:

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Gibbs said “there’s no doubt that the rollout for healthcare is still providing a huge hangover” for Democrats. But that’s not the biggest problem that Democrats face as an emboldened GOP seeks to seize six Senate seats and retake the majority for the first time in eight years. 

Democrats are worried, he said, that the electorate could be more like the tea party wave election and less like the 2012 defeat of Mitt Romney and a sustained GOP push for the Senate. 

In that event, “there’s a real, real danger that the Democrats could suffer big losses,” Gibbs said. 

“If we lose the Senate, turn out the lights. The party’s over,” he said.

This vocalization of his concern, not one necessarily shared by other Democrats by the way, has encouraged certain elements within the conservative party to start their victory dance early.

Courtesy of the Tundra Twit's Facebook page: 

"…if [Democrats] lose the Senate, turn out the lights because the party's over." - Robert Gibbs 

Well then! America, let's not wait! Push back their blundering agenda that's made us less secure by adding an additional $7 trillion dollar I.O.U. to the nation's outstanding bills; jump on offense to reverse course even before the elections; and let's get this party started!

Damn does she piss me off!

Unlike Gibbs I really don't think the Republicans have a very clear shot at victory, even if the President does not jump into the races aggressively.

Overall the feeling in the country about Republicans in general is less than stellar, and Obamacare, which just signed up five million people, is not the open wound it was six short months ago. In fact it could serve as a positive if the numbers keep going up, and truthful testimonials are used in political advertisements during the campaign cycle.

Since this whole thing comes down to turnout, I do believe that with their numbers slipping away, and a feeling of impending doom for the party, that the Republicans have substantial motivation to get to the polls this time out.

But so do Democrats.

Especially Democrats who realize that with more support in the Senate and the House, the President could make his second term far more productive than his last, and that losing the Senate would be the death knell for anymore progress until 2016.

So come on people, let's not fail this President now.

And whatever we do, let's NEVER make Sarah Palin right about anything!


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Just upped my monthly payment to the party and Begich!

    Emily Post

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Why would you give either party money? They both throw around the red meat issues and take your money gladly and nothing changes. I wish for the day that everyone stops financing this useless game and starts voting independent.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      12:59 - You betcha! Voting independent is the bold, vibrant way to show those corrupt crony capitalists a thing or two.

      But if you care about the corporations poisoning you and your offspring and aren't too keen on the government regulating your sex life and reproductive health, there's only one option. [hint: make sure the Democratic Party controls Congress and the White House]

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      I agree with you. In my home we don't donate politically. We Vote. I only donate to causes that help MY bottom line, i.e., charities and other tax deductible causes. Enough money goes into elections without my 2 cents :-)

    4. Anonymous1:55 PM

      12:59. umm maybe some of us are dems.

    5. Anonymous1:57 PM

      What are YOU doing to change things besides "wishing".

    6. Anonymous2:16 PM

      1:57 - I vote, every election.

      Keep feeding the monster your greenbacks though if it makes you feel better.

    7. Anonymous2:18 PM

      1:38 you are foolish if you think corporations don't also control the democrats. Get your head checked.

    8. I am happy to donate to Democrats at all levels. My money helps get out the vote and helps good public servants be elected. As we've seen, who is in office makes a life or death difference, especially for those of us who are struggling or oppressed or underrepresented.

    9. Anonymous6:34 PM

      You can give time as well as money - ask your local or state Democratic Party what they need done. whether it's registering voters or phone banking - DO IT!

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    How can she smell anything over her own stench?

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Palin is just like Tokyo Rose from WWII. She speaks republican propaganda for a paycheck but she doesn't have to think. She just spews their talking points. Anyone with half a brain knows she is a tool.

  4. Let them think they're going to win. That's when they do stupid stuff like "legitimate rape." Paul Broun paid $33,000 of TAXPAYER funds for a debate coach. The same one that coached Michele Bachmann. Hahaha! Great investment of taxpayer money...NOT.

  5. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Would someone make that stupid bitch shut up. She is one of the meanest people I have ever seen or heard. An awful lot of what she says and writes is seditious or treasonous.


    1. Fuck Her2:08 PM

      I so agree. Why does that traitorous shrew get any media attention. It's ridiculous at this point.

  6. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Wonder how many of the fakesters followers are real. You can very easily buy likes for face book. Maybe that's where her pac money goes. The silly bitch is nothing but a scam and a huckster.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Most popular political and business Facebooks usually rate at 38-50% purchased likes. Same with Twitter. Facebook has become a corporate and political clearing house with more people employed to "like" than actual "basement" users of the service. Not sure if this was what Zuckerberg had in mind when creating it but his baby has become nothing more than a corporate and political tool.

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      There are also actual fans, friends, and paid 'consultants' who have multiple accounts.

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Young people aren't using Facebook any longer because it has become commercial and populated by their parents and grandparents. I hope that both parties have consultants that are keeping up with the "newest" social media platforms, however I doubt it. 2014 and 2016 will see both parties attempting to reach out using the same social media platforms that served them in 2008 and 2012 when most of the under 35's have moved on to different social media presences.

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I don't see the Republicans gaining more than 3 seats in 2014, most likely Arkansas, Iowa, South Dakota . This is the time in the election-sphere where rhetoric begins to amp up on both sides, but the GOP is attempting to both romance minority voters while also gerrymandering and compromising their ability to vote in Red States. They can't both try to bring minorities into the fold while compromising their voices. Suffice it to say, this election will be interesting.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Being from Iowa, I don't think this is necessarily a Republican walk-on. Bruce Braley is the Democrat running for the Tom Harkin's seat, and he is running unopposed on the Dem side. On the Republican side, there are four or five of them duking it out already before the June primary. Bruce happens to be my Congressman and neighbor, but he is a progressive and sticks to his values, especially when it comes to veterans and the hungry, poor. Of course we are on our way to likely electing Terry Braindead for a governor for an unprecedented 4th or 5th time..... so who really knows!

  8. Anonymous1:01 PM

    The biggest problem with Obamacare is that the media, with an assist from Democrats and progressives, call it Obamacare. I'm talking to you, Gryphen.

    Obamacare is associated with all the GOP lies. The name even sounds like the government takeover of healthcare the GOP liars say it is.

    Studies show the public largely favors the legislation when it's divorced from the name. So why the resistance? Voters are confused. Many are scared. And scared people vote.

    I personally favor socialized medicine with single-payer insurance as a second choice. But the public isn't ready for either. The ACA is a good start but some aggression is needed to correct the public's understanding of the law.

    We need to expose the lies without causing people to double-down because they won't admit to being duped.
    For starters:
    Obamacare - government takeover of healthcare - NO
    ACA - health insurance industry regulation - YES
    ACA - stopping health insurance industry abuses and high costs - YES

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I beg to differ. Obamacare is ending up to be a net positive for many people in many different walks of life. To distance himself from it and call it ACA he is distancing his name and his hard work from something that is transforming our nation.

      I don't know about the rest of you but my family is saving 800 per month on healthcare these days and I think there are many more like me that have only a positive outlook regarding Obamacare!

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Pres. Obama and other key Dems have stopped using the term.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Anon 1:36 - How many people purchased health insurance because it's called Obamacare and because they think they're purchasing government controlled healthcare?

      California has seen 1 million+ purchase from the 'Covered Ca' site.

      In Kentucky, it's called Kynect. They also use ObamaCare but only in a context that explains that it's a private health insurance marketplace.

    4. I call it ACA/Obamacare. Yes, it is the Affordable Care Act and I have every intention of doing my part to make sure the the President gets the credit for it as it becomes more and more an accepted feature of American life like Medicare and Social Security.

  9. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Support the Dems, folks! Get out there and vote! Republicans are truly disliked as is the U.S. Congress with its Republican heads - Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, etc.

    The Republican state legislatures across the nation are obstructing women's rights, voting rights and are known racists against the blacks, Mexicans and Asians.

    Get out the vote and vote, vote, vote. It doesn't matter how much money the Koch brothers throw out there nationwide...the vote is what counts...one vote at a time!

  10. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Gibbs needs to shut the fuck up with this stuff. All it does is feed idiots like Palin for her Facebook screeds. It doesn't help Dems at all, in fact it undermines them. When you have someone like Gibbs predicting doomsday scenarios, it might be being done to jolt Dems to get out there and vote, but it has a damaging effect because the media picks up this sort of thing and trumpets it as a way to undermine Dems and gives life to the gloating and smarmy characters like Priebus and Palin. I can't see ANY good reason for Gibbs to be going on these shows and saying this stuff.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Gibbs still works for the Dems and for the Obama machine. They sent him out to scare the Dems into voting. Hope it works. One thing our President has learned in these last 5+ years in office is you have to put a "burr in the butt" of your supporters to make them get serious about getting to the polls. Hope it works for us.

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      exactly 1:33pm.

      1:16 Gibbs needs to shut the fuck up with this stuff.

      No. If we don't get out the vote, and yes some need to be TOLD that, we can all sit around grumbling about sp all day for the next 8 years.

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      When the GOP is worried, they create all sorts of fake scandals and hysteria about actions or events that are complete fiction. Mainstream Republicans do not want to actually overturn Roe v Wade because they use it to rile up their base (the TP is another story but they're just nuts!). Add to that the absurd claim of Christian persecution, welfare cheats, and gun confiscation, and you have a flood of right wingers streaming to the polls.

      Dems are historically less prone to hysteria and panic, and figure the other guy will vote so they don't have to. Threats of GOP takeover of the Senate and the resulting complete gridlock of our nation and destruction of all those demonized 'entitlement' programs might be the only thing to get Dem fannies to the voting booth.

  11. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Here Comes Wendy: Democrat Davis Surges In Texas Governor Race

    Republicans in Texas are back on their heels as Democrat Wendy Davis has cut Republican Greg Abbott’s double-digit lead down to 7 points in the race for Texas governor.

    A poll by the Emerson College Polling Society has confirmed that the Wendy Davis campaign is on the rise in Texas. The first poll taken after the Texas primary has found that Democrat Wendy Davis has erased Republican Greg Abbott’s double digit lead. As recently as three weeks ago, a Texas Tribune poll found Abbott leading Davis by 11 points, but Abbott currently leads Davis 49%-42%.

    Two developments have put Greg Abbott on the defensive. First, his decision to campaign with Ted Nugent has hurt him with voters. Forty two percent of those polled felt that campaigning with Nugent had no impact on their support, but 39% said that it hurt Abbott, and only 13% felt that it helped the Republican candidate.

    Texas pundit Harvey Kronberg recently discussed Wendy Davis’ growing momentum. Kronberg said, “We are seeing something none of us has anticipated, and that is the Abbott campaign is on the defensive. First, they had the Ted Nugent experiment which was supposed to be about the second amendment and ended up being about child predators. The second event was the Lily Ledbetter Act which is about equal pay. They want to talk about process. But the message that is breaking through now anyway is about equal pay for women. If you have a series of additional issues like that that seem to put the republicans on the wrong side of women, then all bets are off as to how this election will actually turn out.”

    Republicans thought that they would have this contest in the bag by now. They attacked Davis early and often with snide comments about “abortion Barbie,” and they even tried to smear her life story. The Davis campaign has been aggressive. They pounced on the Ted Nugent story, and have hammered the Republicans for their refusal to support equal pay for women.

    There is a lesson in what Wendy Davis is doing for all Democrats across the country. Davis isn’t trying to be Republican lite. She is waging a campaign on her terms. The fact that she has put the Republicans on the defensive in flagship red state of Texas is quite an accomplishment, but the Davis campaign does not appear to be content just to go down swinging.

    Wendy Davis is mounting a legitimate challenge to the Republican stranglehold on the governor’s mansion, and her campaign is doing it with issues like equal pay. If Davis can successfully shrink the margin to five points or fewer, she has a chance to win.

    Texas is definitely becoming more competitive, and Wendy Davis is among those leading the charge to turn Texas blue.


    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Texas has a high percentage of military members and an extremely high percentage of Veterans, both groups were upset with Abbott and his draft dodging pedo friend Nugent. WE belong to the Patriot Riders, the bike club that blocks WBC from military funerals, and Abbott lost quite a few votes.

  12. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I worry that Gibbs is right. I don't know how they are doing it, maybe the voting fixes, but after all the public idiocy of the gop this next election should not be even close. But it is. Look at Palin, she should have been sent back to Ak never to be heard from again.

    All the gop needs is a majority in the Senate. Just a few seat pick up. Scary,

    Don't shoot the messenger-- get out there and do what you can to keep them out of office. It's our responsibility who we choose to represent us.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      As I said earlier, the GOP is trying to romance minorities while at the same time holding them down. They know they can't win with just their "base", but they also can't talk out of both sides of their mouth while both marginalizing and romancing minorities. It's simply not going to work for them.

  13. Caroll Thompson1:36 PM

    The Democrats have to come out in the mid-terms. It really does come down to turnout. Let's all ask all the young folks in our world if they are registered. If not, encourage them to register and vote in November.

    We can turn this country blue if we try. Yes we can.............

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Those of us that are Democrats and Independents need to talk to family members and friends and make sure they get out and vote and spread the word!

      We need the Republicans out of offices throughout the nation (national/local and state levels).

      Each vote counts!!!

    2. All we have to do is GOTV. I will call and donate to make sure that Democrats vote.

  14. ibwilliamsi1:44 PM

    "Sarah Palin thinks she smells", and so do I.

    1. Fuck Her2:10 PM

      What's with the smell comments. I see them here often and frankly they are stupid. There is enough to criticize without sounding as trashy as Sarah's fans.

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM

      She smells like wig glue and Botox.

    3. The smell comments, 2:10, are because Sarah Palin smells bad.

      When someone who is a public figure and who purports to exercise leadership in the political arena neglects his or her hygiene as Palin does, it's clear evidence of their mental pathology and unfitness for any public position.

    4. Sarah is a loser3:41 PM

      Can I ask how you know that she smells bad? Just curious. Not doubting you….

    5. ibwilliamsi6:32 PM

      Perhaps you should look it up for yourself, 3:10/3:41 PM

    6. Anonymous8:15 PM

      She stinks of failure and insincerity.

  15. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Rep. Louie Gohmert Quotes Sarah Palin and Tina Fey on House Floor


  16. Randall1:54 PM

    I hope Democrats get out and vote this time.
    We need another couple seats in the Senate
    and to overtake the House.

    Imagine what fun it would be to listen to the whining from: \
    Rush, Sarah, Beck, and Fox News...

    THEN - after things REALLY begin to turn around because of sensible, real progress from Democrats - the Republicans won't win another election for decades.

  17. Fuck Her2:05 PM

    Have you seen the new commercial for her show?! A second commercial?? The woman is a nutcake!!!

  18. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Democrats should be vocal on every lie these yahoos tell. What are they waiting for?

  19. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Democrats are their own worst enemies. Look at the years Obama wasted trying to make nice with Republicans at the expense of the Democratic voters who voted him into office, using his foul corporate tool Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel (now busy screwing over Chicago public schools and teachers) to attack his own voters, for good measure.

    For several years, Obama's budget include screwing over poor people dependent upon Social Security by calling for calculating payments in the most unfair, regressive way possible. The Chained CPI is not part of the current budget, but there's no doubt in my mind that it will make a reappearance next year. This idea was courtesy of Obama's Simpson/Bowles' commission -- know for good reason as the Catfood Commission.

    When the Democrats are almost as eager to screw over poor people as Republicans, I really take exception to the exhortations to vote for these assholes. You get fucked over whether you vote for a Dem or a Repug. The Dem just pretends to kiss you before fucking you.

    Now that the tide has turned on gay marriage, for example, the Obama administration is all for it. Ditto loosening pot laws. But the Democrats haven't taken the lead on these and too many other issues; they're just following where the public is already going.

    Same thing for Obamacare, whatever you want to call it. It's a REPUBLICAN scheme. And how many Democrats are still too cowardly to stand up for it against Republicans? TOO MANY.

    They almost all -- with a few exceptions -- make me sick.

    1. Fuck Her2:37 PM

      You will NEVER find an electable candidate that you agree with on every issue. Never. I agree with you about the chained CPI and probably other issues, but I don't hate the whole party because of it. What good does that do. You have to be realistic and vote for the lesser of two evils that will win. It's unfortunate but it's true. Imagine if Romnet or McCain had won?

    2. Bless your heart, 2:21.

      Shall I help you back to your room?

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      You are delusional, 2:21.

    4. Anonymous3:22 AM

      So, hey...when are you annoying-ass dudebros who have all the fucking answers and think you're so fucking smart and are constantly bitching because Obama will not behave like a liberal version of Bush43 and act like he owns the world....when are you going to get off your asses and announce your candidacy. I'm constantly hearing some white guy in his 20's to early 30's and 40's berate, slander, insult and issue orders to this President as if he's your fucking country club waiter. If you and your buddies are so much smarter and more capable, why don't you run? I'm sure as President Dudebro, you would have world peace and a perfect global utopia within days! Then we would all realize how you were right all along and that dumb old Obama could do the same, but he just doesn't WANT to fix everything or he's just too dumb to do it right like YOU would. So yeah, let us know when you're running because I would love to hear how you will solve all of mankind's ills in less than one term. Or you could always shut the fuck up and stop trying to drag down people who have the gall to participate in their system and to try to be heard the only way they are able to, through their votes. Who are you to piss on that?

      You " politicians are all the same, nothing changes ever cause we just can't so we shouldn't try at all" assholes are a MAJOR part of the problem with changing the country for the better. You don't want to participate, fine, but keep your hopelessness to yourself instead of trying to spread it to others who are at least TRYING to do right. You are the one who is barf-worthy, my friend. You're also one shitty concern troll. Back to practice, dummy.

    5. ibwilliamsi8:10 AM

      It's funny that you thought anyone was going to actually read what you wrote beyond the first sentence.

  20. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Just for fun:

    "Since August [2010] more Americans have paid more attention to the (health care) bill and more Americans are becoming more concerned. It hadn’t been a matter of he not being able to explain his policy with government take over and mandation of health care, but Americans understanding what is in there not liking it."

    ~Sarah Palin, Jan. 2011 On The Record interview

    And, perhaps, funnier...
    This really happened last night!
    LOUIS GOHMERT took to the House floor so the Congressional Record would show that Sarah Palin is a great, prescient, intelligent leader and TINY FEY's line, 'I can see Russia from my house' was a lie.

  21. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Massachusetts voted out Scott Brown, Republican, so he has moved to New Hampshire and is exploring a run for the Senate seat held by Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat. The ads have already started. There have been 5 or 6 ads in 2 hours on TV. Scott Brown is not in the ads but they rip Shaheen about Obamacare.

  22. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Sarah is right again
    Thanks to disaster of Obamacare
    Taking six Senate seats will be easy
    We are going to take back ourcountry
    Donate to SarahPAC

    1. Sarah is a loser3:38 PM

      Its not a disaster dumb dumb! Five million people signing up is not a disaster. Kids with serious illnesses now having coverage is not a disaster. Adults with serious illnesses now cannot be denied.

      It is only a disaster to people like you who really know nothing about it.

      And "who" are you taking your country back from moron?

      God you are stupid as hell.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Thank you liberals
      Don't you realize that Obama and Obamacare have high disapproval margins in all major polls.
      Ironic that like the house the Senate will be retaken because of Obamacare.
      We will take back our country
      and Impeach Obama finally.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

      Have you considered bluetooth bungee jumping as a hobby, 4:06?

    4. Anonymous6:44 PM

      So $toopid $carah's babydaddy and her kids will be giving up their gubmint IHS insurance when?

    5. Anonymous6:45 PM

      That is one buttfukoogly woman(?) in that pic.

    6. Anonymous3:48 AM

      Hey fucktard at 4:06, where's all this info to back up your stupid statement. Obamacare is here to stay so put your big boy panties on and find something else to whine about. I'm sure you will, being a mental midget and a fascist posing as a conservative, just like your traitor-bitch Sarah. And really, impeachment? Like the founders just threw that in here as some casual procedure you could do every time the President upsets you. It's been done only twice for a reason you stupid sack of shit! Go read a fucking book on the government and how it works or else stay the fuck out of the grown-ups' conversation.

      Now, read carefully, troll:


      Is that big enough print for you, trog? You can't impeach this President. But if telling lies so loudly and repeatedly on a blog helps you convince yourself that that painful thing we call reality doesn't apply to you...if that helps you sleep at night, then keep dreaming, little fucktard. Say what you want about the posters here needing to "get a life", we know for SURE that this blog IS your life. You are a profoundly stupid and pathetic waste of human DNA.

    7. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Anonymous 3:48--thanks for saying that!

    8. Anonymous9:30 AM

      SarahPac is PimpPac and you are one of her prostitutes. Sarah uses you fools to keep up her lifestyle. How much longer will you donate to her FraudPac, LOSER?

  23. Sarah is a loser3:36 PM

    Sarah sure is PURTY in that photo!

  24. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I think Robert Gibbs is calling for Democrats to vote. It's a good way to tell them these elections are important and you can't sit home and let the Republicans take over.

  25. It's right up there with Herm Cain quoting Pokemon.

  26. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Democrats need to stop staying home on election day.

  27. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

    Sarah Smell Blood in the Water? I don't think so, those nostrils singed through, darn tootin!!! The only things Sarah's ever been right on was reading pee sticks, letters from the guy upstairs, and gulping air like it was about to be sold while quitting.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.