Saturday, March 22, 2014

Here is Palin "roughing it" while filming her segments for "Amazing America with Sarah Palin."

Now THAT'S roughing it! Is that chair even padded?

Later they will throw some images on the green screen that make it look like Palin is in some wooded area, or out on the water, or wrestling bears, you know things the "Queen of the Outdoors" might do.

Essentially the same technique they used during her Fox News segments to make it look like she was still in Alaska.

Here are a few more photos:

Apparently Bristol already applied the spackle.

The pics came from the Facebook page for "Girls with Guns Clothing." And here is what they had to say about their on the set experiences:

Can we get a like and share if you are a Sarah Palin fan! We are!! This photo is from Monday's filming of Amazing America with Sarah Palin. GWG outfitted the Governor in our swag for all of the intros! What an honor!

Working on set with the Governor. She is a very talented speaker! 

Oh yeah, SO talented.

These young ladies better just hope that she does not curse their business the way she curses everything else she touches.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Sarah, you are such a fucking joke. You and your whole fucking family.

    1. Green-Screen, Grifting, Granny.

    2. Anonymous1:15 AM

      Nice to see how judgmentally ignorant you are. Her family has nothing to do with her as a politician. THEY live THEIR own lives.

      grow up, stop lying about people, stop judging. get a life

    3. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Girls with Guns clothing? Sorry, but at 50 this grandmother stopped being a girl decades ago.

    4. Anonymous5:28 AM

      1:15 Since when is she a "politician"? Call it like it is, she is a GRIFTER, pure and simple. Her family is all on the payroll, FACE IT. How can Willing live on working two days a week? Bristles on her ghost-written blog, with several babies to feed? Toad on - wait - WHAT does he do now?

    5. Anonymous5:29 AM

      Change that to "Grannies with Guns"

    6. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Any woman over 35 who still wears girly T-shirts is simply a skank who has not grown up and will never grow up.
      A FIFTY YEAR OLD woman who still wears a T-shirt with 'girls' saying on it, well... She is simply RETARDED.

    7. Anonymous12:26 PM

      If we stopped talking about Sarah, troll, what the fuck would YOU do? You live to scold people on this blog for not adoring your favorite worthless bitch celebrity. Go fuck yourself, you're as tiresome as that idiot you worship.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Oh! SWAG!! That'll bring her running!

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    What happened to her "rack"?

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I guess there isn't much of a market for clothes proclaiming Girls With Fish.

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Nor with turtles.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Which episode has her spewing green vomit? What a phoney bitch. Bring on the trolls, hail your queen on her throne.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Methinks the trolls were told to shut up from on high. She has a show to promote, with now a comic sidekick to help because she sucks.

      Hey, Sportsman Channel? There's this old commerial....."you asked for it, you got it. Toyota."

    2. Anonymous1:16 AM

      The only troll I see is you. A troll is a hateful person. The only hate here are his regulars who lie and trash strangers.

    3. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Strangers are not people who constantly spew bile against our President and his family. We would LOVE to have the entire PayMe clan become "strangers" Stay off the TV, out of the media completely. We have them in our faces constantly, just like the Kardasians. PLEASE convince them all to be "strangers" $carah should look into the scam Nugent has, getting people to pay him to STAY AWAY. A town in Texas is paying hm to NOT show up for their 4th of July celebration. Now there is a "job" $carah and her entire family could warm up to.

    4. Anonymous9:42 AM

      The only Troll here is posting at 1:16 AM when no one else is posting. Do you ever sleep? Your Meds must be quite powerful to keep you up all night in your Lonely Room. Didn't Todd tell you to get some rest so that you can work your corner?

    5. Anonymous9:45 AM

      1:16 AM You are no stranger, you are here everyday.
      Get A Life, Live with your 2-toned vibrator that reminds you of Todd Palin, stop Slandering, sound familiar?

  6. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Palin's fans probably won't buy their clothing from Girls with Guns. More likely theybuy their sporting fashions from Old Broads with Bazookas.

  7. Anonymous4:55 PM

    The top photo is hilarious- look at me, I am reading !!!!

    See Sarah, See Sarah Read- her next "best seller"

    It would be even better with a pack of wolves in the background- so much for the first lady of the outdoors.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Yup... she is a pathetic little shithead posing for the camera. There is nothing more. Dumb, ignorant, and corrupt sums her up.

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      What - NO teleprompter for our Tundra Turd????

      You mean to tell me the Sportsmans Channel doesn't have enough in their budget for one after they pay Mrs. GIMME???

    3. Anonymous7:19 PM

      My first thought was, oh my goodness, she can read?

    4. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Maybe if Sarah had prepared for her interview with Katie Couric, she wouldn't have sounded so stupid. Sarah can read that script a dozen times and she will never sound authentic.

    5. hedgewytch8:21 PM

      How do we know it's words she looking at? My guess it's cartoon pictures with short, on syllable captions.

    6. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Is she reading off her hand?

  8. Anonymous5:03 PM

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Cannot. Breathe.
    "I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille!"

  10. Anonymous5:14 PM

    She's NOT a fucking Governor !! She quit !!!

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      MSM has finally picked up on that nasty little fact. When they talk about her at's the EX-governor, the FORMER governor or the HALF-TERM governor.

      The pandering has stopped. I'm wondering if this show is being staged to filet her. Exposing her will do wonders for the network.

  11. Anonymous5:16 PM

    She's found her niche. Bite that palinbots, she's NOT RUNNING.

    Palin for President 2000never.

    1. Sarah knew what she wanted from the moment she met Ivana Trump at the Anchorage J.C. Penney. She told a reporter why she was there: "because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture."

      Again: she desperately longed for glamour and culture. Ivana symbolized those things to her.

      She ached to be famous, to be rich, to be admired - she wanted to be on TV again. She wanted to be a celebrity. Like Ivana. She even started styling her hair just like Ivana did.

      She's found an unconventional way to achieve her long-term dream: to step away from political stardom and becoming a Hollywood celebrity. The tanning, plastic surgeries, capped teeth, hair pieces, wigs and pneumatic chest - she knew exactly what to do.

      She knows she's out of public office forever - but she's right where she wants to be: on TV, filming reality shows, appearing in glossy gossip magazines, staying expensive hotels and living the "glamour and culture", jet-set lifestyle she craved after meeting Ivana Trump.

      Don't mistake Sarah for a politician or serious candidate - she's neither anymore. Sarah Palin is a celebrity - a legend in her own mind...

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Thank you, KAO,my sentiments exactly.
      Celebrity is one thing, laughingstock is another.

    3. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Sarah is so enjoying all that attention, isn't she? Bless her evil little heart. Very little work for a very nice paycheck and she can be the 'star'. Her soul must come cheap, if she has any left over to sell...
      M from MD

    4. Anonymous7:50 PM

      I agree Katie but all those she wishes to emulate are smarter than her and do not exude hate. Sarah has built her little world on hate. She is being consumed by her own sickness. It is taking a long time but it is happening. She is not bright enough to even know what is happening.

  12. Anonymous5:19 PM

    So, the queen of the outdoors isn't even going to be doing the show outdoors? No vibrant mountain-air fresh-water snow-peaked gun powder blasting infinite fun??? Where are her hunting rifles and camping gear and Nascar buddies? Where are her bear traps and moose carcasses? Where did all the high-octane emission snowmachines and all-terrain vehicles go? No tenting by the creek? Where did the woods go? If a tree falls in the Alaska woods, does a mama grizzly in an indoor studio hear it?

  13. Anonymous5:21 PM

    So, she filmed all the intros in one day, with changes of clothing. I wonder if that's the sum total of her involvement?

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Even at that it's far too much Palin for anyone's precious 30 minutes of life they'll never get back.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      There are three different dates on the photos, March 11, 13, and 15. Maybe they were all shot on the same day, or maybe Sarah's work ethic amounts to one hour of work. All that reading and posing is hard work, and Sarah doesn't do hard work.

    3. Anonymous4:00 PM

      They gotta get it in while she is in a manic phase, before she crashed and/or before a dissociative personality emerges. Clock is ticking

  14. Anonymous5:25 PM

    How does sitting in front of a green screen reading from a script make her 'the first lady of the OUTDOORS'? Don't you have to be um I don't know OUTSIDE for that?

    1. Anonymous3:23 AM

      Still wearng those too-long, crusty black jeans. $carah can not be outside, she would trip in those hooker heels she wears, and she will not wear work boots. Everything aboput her is phony. Looks as though she had some more work done on her face.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Believe she's fiends with Pat Boone and family. One of his daughters hawks "Lifestyle Lifts" so I bet she also got a nice discount.

  15. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Sarah Hollywood. The green screen queen.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      She doesn't have to get out there in America. They put America behind Sarah on the green screen. You know that Jon Stewart has been doing that on his show for years.

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      She and her ego are really is loving this! Look at that smug look on her face! God she is so transparent! LOL

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      I didn't know Jon Stewart claimed to be the Queen of the OUTDOORS?

      ANON at 6:01 PM do you have a link to Jon claiming to be the Queen of the outdoors? I would love to see it.

    4. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Jon Stewart's "reporters" stand in front of a green screen and they can be in front of the White House, in Iraq or Russia, in the desert or in front of Buckingham Palace. The audience always laughs because they see the "reporter" getting set up in front on the green screen and then Jon announces that he's turning it over to Samantha Bee, in front of the White House. In case 6:47 is actually being serious, Jon Stewart's show is a fake news show, and everyone knows that the green screen is fake fake fake. And, now we know that Sarah's show is going to be fake fake fake, too.

  16. Anonymous5:35 PM

    This is old school pageantry. Has nothing to do with tough outdoors sportsmanship. Sarah wants to be a pageant queen, getting her hair sprayed and make-up touched up by fawning girls. She wants to be ogled by men who love guns and Harley's and corner bars playing old Metallica.

    John McCain must cringe, especially when it was in Tucson AZ, his own state, that buried the victims of the shooting, that reminded everyone of what kind of VP candidate SP was; a woman who would insist on keeping dangerous gun sights on her Sarahpac political map that may have motivated a deranged young man to try to kill Gabby Giffords. But all Sarah cares about is people watching her being all purty.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      I imagine that the folks at the Sportsman network must have cringed when they looked at the videos and heard Sarah read that script. Funny, the photos are from March 11, 13, and 15. On the 21st, we learned that there were two co-hosts for that show. If those co-hosts had been along from the beginning, wouldn't one of them have been sitting next to Sarah, co-hosting? Over to you, Field Host, who have you got on the line now?

    2. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Maybe the co-host refuses to be in the same room with the hate-filled screech who insults our President with every breath? I would not want to be anywhere near this old scammer, would you?

  17. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Sooooo....... Any bets wether or not she will declare all that free swag on her IRS forms?

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      No need, it's used. She already wore it At least, that's going to be her excuse.

    2. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Swag for the hag!

    3. Anonymous3:27 AM

      Who would want it? How many young women want to be hunters, shooting innocent animals for "fun"??

  18. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Damn! I though she was goin' to be wraslin' polar bears from the promo and countdown they put out. She is nothing but a smirkin' clueless weenie stumblin' through lines while sitting on a stool. What an idiot.

  19. Anonymous5:49 PM

    This is so funny. She is totally unashamed of her idiocy.

  20. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Sarah is such a good speaker . She doesn't need a teleprompter. She reads directly from a script.

  21. .

    yikes, she has reached the digestive track of the media chain, run to the rim of the anus.

    keep going Scarah, you are about to be dumped into the sewer that comes after DUMB / NUMB TV.

  22. Anonymous6:07 PM

    ROFL because someone had to write (OK, print!) her lines for her.

    Apparently she can't even be trusted to express a few thoughts on her own. I'll bet they gave her several chances before having to write her few lines down for her. But at least she wasn't using a teleprompter for a change!

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      I suspect this was the rehearsal, and that she will, indeed, be using a teleprompter every time she opens that ugly mouth.

  23. Anonymous6:08 PM

    What is so annoying about this fucktard is the fact she loves being a fucktard and enjoys doing it. Crap, I've had enough of this fool! She's pure comedy and hollywood.

  24. Anonymous6:20 PM

    What sheer baloney! The woman is in no way an outdoorsman from Alaska! Doing her fraud stuff as usual!

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Of course she is outdoors. If they put up a photo of a river, she'll be a fisherman (fisherwoman?) If they put up a photo of the forest, she'll be stalked deer. Mountain back drop? Alpine climber. It can be spring, summer, fall or winter, just change the photo. I can't wait for it to be a raging storm, wind blowing and Sarah will sit there, calm as can be, reading from her script. (They'll block out the script and hope that it looks as if she is speaking off the cuff).

  25. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Old Mrs Fluff-it
    Sits on a tuffet
    Spewing her usual turds and fray

    Along comes America
    and tells her (yet again) to stuff it
    Twould be a wonderful day!

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      May I quote you? EXCELLENT.

  26. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "Green Screen Queen": There is nothing genuine about this creature.

  27. Anonymous6:24 PM

    The first photo is really funny - she's holding the script? so far away...wassa' matta' - need bifocal glasses Sara?

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      The Wonky eye is having trouble finding the words.

  28. Anonymous6:24 PM

    What are they fixing on her shoulder???? the hump?

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      I think they are probably adjusting the air valve that controls her fake booby size.

  29. Anonymous6:28 PM

    One girl in the bottom photo is holding a clothespin.....maybe to pull Sarahs shirt up so it fits. or maybe it's for her nose.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      maybe it's for THEM as Sarah stinks!

  30. Anonymous6:33 PM

    "Amazing America with Sarah Palin" from the feeb who married Todd the Pimp and told the Alaskan secessionist group the AIP to "keep up the good work" and "God bless." Vonnegut would have been challenged to come up with this mindless abomination.

  31. Anonymous6:42 PM

    She is a very talented speaker!

    ok, now I'm howling...

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      This is in the same class of praise as Bristol saying, 'My mom's the smartest person I know.'

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Coming from Bristol, that isn't very much. Bristol is Borderline Retarded and incapable of learning.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      The oh so intelligent Pains share a brain which is wavering around 70 and falling faster every day.

  32. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I bet the font size on the crap she's reading is 36 or more

  33. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Love how Gry ignores all the people Sarah helps as he continues to act petulant and crass. I wish there were positive, HONEST liberal bloggers who don't insert propaganda and suggestions that slander people.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Right on cue, the troll rears it's ugly little head and tries to shame Gryphen. Let's see, 'slander', 'liberal'...where's the 'living vibrantly' and 'grow up' part? Oh, this must be the 'propaganda' troll. Sarah doesn't help ANYONE but herself. Sarah is a full blown narcissists who lives her life to suck off others, like some sort of monstrous space creature. Gryphen simply reports on Sarah's activities, so that must mean that her activities are petulant and crass, yes? Yes. If you think that Sarah 'helps' people, you live in a fairytale world, buying the mythological creature that you have conceived in your mind. Sarah is the lowest of low. An abusive parent, a drugged out, lying piece of crap, festering with hate.

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM


    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Good evening Troll! You were missed this morning!

    4. Anonymous7:30 PM

      "...all the people Sarah helps..." ???

      Name one, please.

    5. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Even if you are somewhat right. Sarah Palin still faked a pregnancy and used a downs syndrome child for profit. Thats the real ugly. And it will never be forgotten.

    6. Anonymous8:02 PM


      Try to get a grip. You embarrass yourself every time you pop up here. We all know you are a mentally ill Palin sycophant but why advertise it across the internet?

    7. Anonymous8:27 PM

      That probably should be 'name one that ISN'T family'...

    8. Anonymous8:32 PM

      So you are saying the pics are pkoney and not Sarah because that is not a green screen she is sitting in front of? Oh okay, I guess in bizzaro Palin world that is true. But please list the people she has helped, please list who she has ever helped without getting a paycheck.

    9. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Wow, look at all the new words the troll found: petulant, crass, and our old favorites, slander and propaganda. Libel is in print, slander is spoken. You haven't learned the difference, no matter how many times we tell you. Read the comments. Learn something.

      Propaganda is using loaded, emotional or untrue material to press your point of view. The photos speak for themselves, as do the comments that the make up artists wrote. They were thrilled that Sarah was such a talented speaker. She is reading from a script. Sarah is in front on a green screen. We have no idea what the background will be, but we can be sure of one thing. She is not out in the wilderness anywhere. She is in a studio. There's no slander, no libel, no false reporting, no propaganda. The petulant one would be the bratty little girl, tossing around big words, trolling each comment without knowing what the words mean. Are you sticking out your tongue, too, kid?

    10. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Yo, troll,
      How was Dr. CBJ, a family practice physician without the continuing education or surgical skill updates or medical malpractice insurance adequate to act as a high risk obstetrician, able to be Palin's high risk obstetrician?
      How was CBJ able to induce a high risk pregnancy in a hospital not licensed or credentialed for high risk inductions??
      Answer the question sweetie.

    11. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Hi Tro! How and where does one insert propaganda? Is that like what you did with the sit and spin?

  34. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I saw their instagram posting a week ago. They were STOKED about working with her, the "beautiful" Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous3:15 AM

      "I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings" - Roger Ailes

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      "she was hot" Exactly, past tense. She no longer is hot, nor does she get ratings. Has-been who never was.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      She was a hot stinky mess.

  35. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Gryphen still HAS to pretend like Sarah is always in AZ when she's always spotten around Wasilla and at middle school ball games etc.


    He can't let on that he's a liar and has been for years now

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      7:01/7:03 and on and on, you are Sick. Go work your corner like Todd told you to. Try to help Track Menard to stop drugging himself to death.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      So... Why don't you post *dated* photos of her in Wasilla?

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Spotten??? My Dog Bristol, you really should have finished Jr. High.

    4. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Sorry, 7:03, the gals in Arizona posted the photos and said that they were in Arizona.

    5. Anonymous8:38 PM

      If by always, you mean never.

    6. Anonymous10:22 PM

      What ball games? Come on, be specific if you want to call someone a liar. SARAH is the one who admits she's always in AZ with Bristol. Read her posts, unless you are calling the Queen of Mean a liar.

    7. Anonymous1:23 AM

      Once again, yawn.

  36. Anonymous7:04 PM

    to be fair, she said she will HIGHLIGHT things around America. She didn't describe how that would happen.

    How typical it is for a democrat to turn something into what it's not

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Whoop dee do! Troll alert!!!!

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      What are you here for? Conservatives are greedy Moochers just like the Palin Family of Grifters.

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Get a job

    4. Anonymous8:33 PM

      She will highlight things around America. “Obviously, what you want from a host is someone true to the brand and the lifestyle. She certainly checks that box,” said Marc Fein, executive vice president of programming and production for the Sportsman Channel.

      Read more:
      Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
      Sorry, but if Sarah is in front of a green screen then she is not out in the wilderness and she is not true to her brand. That's fake.

    5. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Oh, so the GOP NEVER turns something into something it's not? Hint: IRS doing their jobs, BENGHAZI, Presidential vacations, Michelle's LET'S MOVE campaign, healthy lunches, Presidential wardrobe. Should I go on? You are a fool, and Sarah Palin is a fake. Fool and Fake...hey, maybe you and she should get a show of your own?

    6. Anonymous1:24 AM

      Look, the troll has awakened. Yawn.

    7. Anonymous6:36 AM

      The last 2 paragraphs from the Washington Times article pretty much say it all.
      “Not any politician or former politician who wanted to do what she’s doing could be able to. But also not any politician who could do it would necessarily do it, because I think you lose credibility,” said Mr. Vaughn, who co-edited the book “Women and the White House: Gender, Popular Culture, and Presidential Politics.”

      “I think the way she’s stayed in the public eye is by being perfectly happy to go from being talked about in The Wall Street Journal and National Journal, to being talked about in tabloids.”

      Read more:
      Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

    8. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Maybe after that photo of her holding the rifle (incorrectly as usual) they decided she does not know her skinny arse from a hole in the ground, and scrambled to find ANYONE willing to work as co-host. Chances are, he is being paid a LOT more than the Skank I can hear the producer now "Keep her inside the studio, our insurance is high enough, we do not want her shooting anyone" The person who had the bright idea to hire her is probably on the unemployment line as we speak.

  37. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I like Sarah Palin because the other day I was trying to order a cake last minute for a school function, even offering to pay double, and the bakery said they couldn't. I then said me daughter has been friends with Sarah Palin's for 10 years and I've exchanged baked goods with Sarah. The bakery, in Colorado, said, "when do you need it again?"

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM


    2. Anonymous8:57 PM

      lol, sure that happened...delusional fool.

    3. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Here in Wasilla we'd never, ever admit to knowing her. Someone would likely spit in your food if you told them you are a friend of Palins. Guess she should move to Colorado....

    4. Anonymous10:18 PM

      What bakery doesn't have cakes. lots of cakes, right there in the case for you to choose from? And the last person I;d mention knowing to anyone is a Palin. BY the way, when did Piper start going to school in CO?

    5. Anonymous1:18 AM

      Anon 921 is stupid and obvi not from AK

    6. Anonymous1:25 AM

      Suuuurrrrrrre, troll.

    7. Anonymous7:24 AM

      What the hell?

    8. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Must be a PayMe, the lies come so easily. The proof is what is hard to come by.

    9. Anonymous4:42 PM

      The bakery said. LMAO Does your car talk to you too, fool? Yeah, tommy the tank engine is a train, and he talks, but he's make believe.

      What a shame the things that rattle in some people's craniums. What did Sarah ever do for a bakery in CO?

  38. Anonymous7:09 PM

    their insta account said this:

    "So HONORED to get to style the gorgeous #SarahPalin for her new TV show, #AmazingAmerica on #TheSportsmansChannel! #gwg"

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      I need this job so I'm going to kiss up to whatever piece of shit "talent" they put in front of me.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      And there is maybe six comments ONLY:)

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      7:06 name the bakery or shut up!! And believe that inquiring minds will be contacting the bakery to verify your little falsehood:)

  39. Anonymous7:12 PM

    They wrote those recordings are for the INTROS.

    We don't know how she will be featured, if only for intros or more.

    Why are you so hateful and turn everything nasty in your "i hate life" manner, Gryphen?

    I can suggest a therapist for you. The lies you perpetuate don't hurt who you mean for them to hurt.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      OMG, it's a TROLL TSUNAMI!!! What, did you just crawl out from under your fetid swamp home to defend your skank queen? So pathetically transparent you are.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      "The lies you perpetuate don't hurt who you mean for them to hurt."

      Then WHY do you care, 7:12? LOL

    3. Anonymous8:10 PM

      You can suggest a therapist because you've likely been through a dozen or so yourself.

    4. Anonymous8:28 PM

      What's the lie? Sarah is reading from a script in front of a green screen. Yes, it may be the introduction to one of her shows. The lie is what will be shown behind Sarah. She will not be in the forest, on a mountain top, out in the Alaska tundra, she is in a studio.

      And please do suggest a therapist. Would the therapy be covered by Obamacare? What kind of therapy are you talking about? If the "lies" don't hurt who we mean to hurt (Sarah?) then maybe the lies are hurting you. Maybe we should visit the therapist together.

    5. Anonymous8:37 PM

      7:12 please do keep up-it's already been discussed who will be "in the field" and it sure isn't your queen of skank!!! TWO -at least two and possibly three other people-men-will be co hosting because she has been demoted to reading a scripted intro only. Btw-please do NOTE the SCRIPT!! So much for your queen and her ability to speechify without notes!!! Move along little sheeple and offend some more "newbies" at c4p and p4a!! You skank worshiper a are so crazy that you are turning your own audience against you!!! Gina m must be laughing her ass off when she isn't spoiling that grand baby of hers:)

    6. Anonymous1:26 AM


    7. Anonymous4:36 PM

      lol the troll says "I can suggest a therapist for you. I'm SURE you can, you've been to all of em, any of em put before you over the years, can someone tell me exactly what it is a therapist does from day to day?

      I feel sorry for those therapists you bored to the point of needing therapists themselves.

  40. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Wait a minute, Sarah Palin is reading from prepared remarks printed on her script and she still needs a co-host and a field host? How lame is that woman?

  41. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Doesn't Sarah realize that if she opens the show wearing the scoop neck blue top and the the next scene shows her wearing a pink t-shirt, it might look a little funny. In film and TV shows, there is such a thing as continuity. It's going to look funny to see Sarah wearing dark rimmed glasses and and long dangling earrings in one shot, and different glasses, high lighted hair and no earrings in the next shot. No one out there in the woods, forest or the great outdoors chances clothes every five minutes.

  42. Anita Winecooler7:22 PM

    Can't wait to see this ship sink quick! Better wear your floating devices and heavy duty wig glue!!

  43. Anonymous7:25 PM

    What lies?

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      When the troll comes in, Gryph has hit the proverbial nail right where it belongs.

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      7:21 she is wearing different clothes because she is doing all the intros for each show at one sitting. The scripts will basically be the same with the obvious changes regarding what is being shown. It is all scripted and yes she is in the studio.

      They may have some footage in the can of her at some of these events but it is looking unlikely that they will use it. Based upon the comments on the sc facebook and twitter feeds the overwhelming majority is saying hell no to the skank:)

    3. Anonymous5:47 AM

      $carah has to hurry this up, she is expecting to hit the jackpot with her Pay-Per-View gig. I do not know one single person who would be willing to pay to read what PayMe's ghost writers have to say. Donations to her pac must be drying up FAST. Soon the entire family will have to get real JOBS. Even Bristles. Better stop with the one-night stands, and all the fatherless babies, Bris. Unless, of course, this is Bristles way of earning a free ride, on child support from various baby daddies.

  44. Anonymous7:28 PM

    7:12 PM Sarah Palin is an Assclown. You are a Stalker with no life, and with no companionship.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      I LOVE it when Gryph allows the trolls out! I would like to say he's the master baiter, but I leave that to Beldar J Conehead.


    2. Anonymous1:17 AM

      What are you, 9? I have 3 graders with more depth and maturity than you.

    3. Anonymous5:48 AM

      1:17 Is Tripp in 3rd grade?

    4. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Didn't Adrienne Ross teach 3rd grade?

    5. PalinsHoax7:18 AM

      I have 3 graders . . ."

      Yikes!! If this is the caliber of your spelling and linguistic skills as a teacher, your students are being "sorely" educated, as well as being under-educated, mis-educated and poorly educated.

    6. Anonymous7:21 AM

      I believe Ross taught middle school. This troll is unemployed.

    7. Anonymous7:56 AM

      You have '3 graders' ??? Are you one of those college professors who has hundreds and hundreds of students in one of those '101' courses that needs more than one person to grade their papers?

    8. Anonymous9:25 AM

      1;17 AM Is the all night posting 'VISITOR FROM UNITED STATES TROLL. What a Life she has. No one wants to hire her. She is too insane.

  45. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Okay now that we have proof that it is a green screen clip show I would ask again - how is this different from Tosh.O or The Soup? Those shows are hosted by comedians and the show is a big running joke. Hmmm... maybe it isn't so different. Sarah the comedian and her running joke of a show on the sportsman channel!

  46. Anonymous7:56 PM

    The Visitor from UNITED STATES Troll is typing like a maniac Palin Toe Sucker.

    1. Anonymous1:17 AM

      You sorely need a life.

    2. Anonymous5:50 AM

      1:17 If I were you, which I am thankful I am NOT, I would stay away from this blog. Seems to upset you so much, so stop coming here. Go take care of your kids, Bristles, or entertain your latest one night stand. Maybe one of these times the guy will actually stick around for more than a weekend.

    3. Anonymous7:08 AM

      @1:17 Do you even read the comments or do you just keep posting the same lame comment all over the blog? It's clear that 1:17 is the one who needs to get a life. Projection?

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      1:17 AM Up all night again, kissing the Palins' asses?
      This blog IS your life, since you have been BLOCKED from other blogs with your multiple fake names. You sorely need some companionship. But what sane person would put up with you?

  47. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Don't tug too hard on that hair. It might come off.

    1. Anonymous3:32 AM


  48. Anonymous8:10 PM

    The First Lady of the Outdoors

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      The First Lady of the Outdoors? Aren't there some prostitutes in Vegas who are named that by their johns? You can find them, leaning up against light posts on any street corner.

  49. Anonymous8:26 PM

    So, we're to suppose that Sarah can't do a journalist's work and meet the amazing people, shake their hands, ask them intelligent questions about their tasks and projects, keep the conversation going, and then face the audience and narrate the rest of the story? Isn't she the WhoWhatWhereWhyWhen of journalism girl who criticizes her lamestream media all the time?

    In HGTV shows, the hosts usually are skilled at conversing about their guests renovation details and discuss and question about construction and landscaping techniques, per code, and, give advice. They may have a script, but always sound like their are winging the conversation, being witty and spontaneous, because they actually are licensed tradesmen. They are professionals and have the gift of gab and can make their guests on the show feel comfortable. Can Sarah do this?

    Appears SC don't think she engages well with others and plopped her in a chair without any real job to do. Just look pretty. She'll probably read from a teleprompter, look straight into camera and do lots woohoo's, and southern accents, and giggle and do a shout-out to her guests, like "you're all so awesome and amazing, WooHoo!!!"

  50. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Yep, she's in it for the free swag. Between GWG and the NRA and Toad's ski-doo freebies, they are rolling in free shit. But, that is all it equals out to is shit. She will never be President and she's too old to remain the beauty queen and her real political days are over. One day it will be over, Kinda like Ted Nugent's career.

  51. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Red, Wild and Blue, boo hoo hoo, now we all see they have hired a real host. I'm sure she only went into this deal half assed like everything else she's undertaken.

  52. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I always get excited when I come over to Gryphen's page and see visitors from Scottsdale and Wasilla reading here. Like the comment on yesterday's blog regarding the next day being a Down Syndrome special day. We at least see one nice post on Facebook, in honor of Trig, (check it out on Bristol's page) it was her idea the next day. Once less post trying to whip the cavemen into a frenzy with her stupidity rants or her Presidential jealousy or her worldly knowledge about law or foreign policies. All while living vividly and brightly on the earth in bear poop or something like that. Less is better.

  53. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I always get excited when I come over to Gryphen's page and see visitors from Scottsdale and Wasilla reading here. Like the comment on yesterday's blog regarding the next day being a Down Syndrome special day. We at least see one nice post on Facebook, in honor of Trig, (check it out on Bristol's page) it was her idea the next day. Once less post trying to whip the cavemen into a frenzy with her stupidity rants or her Presidential jealousy or her worldly knowledge about law or foreign policies. All while living vividly and brightly on the earth in bear poop or something like that. Less is better.

    1. Anonymous1:16 AM

      You sorely need a life

    2. Anonymous5:55 AM

      1:16 You SURELY need a life if you are so obsessed with defending the PayMe family of grifters. Stay off this blog, go to school, educate your children and GET A REAL JOB. Your mother's money is drying up, so you will be self supporting shortly. Either track down all the baby daddies for child support, or go on welfare and food stamps.The free ride is about over.

    3. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Let's get that Trig and DS Awareness straight. Sarah posted a short comment at the end of the day, March 21. She linked to a post on March 19 article posted on Bristol's blog-- a general general article about DS, not specifically about Trig. Today is March 23. A little late to the party, huh?

      And what kind of tribute did Sarah post? Further down, on March 21, she has two photos of Trig, but they are posted in promotion of her TV show, with no mention of the boy. How about talking about the progress that he is making in his therapy? Why don't we see Trig wearing his glasses? Get a life? How about Trig getting a chance to enjoy his life to the fullest? People who comment here are concerned about Trig's welfare, as they are concerned about the well being of others-- unlike a selfish woman whose sole interest is promoting herself.

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Who? Oh, right, Trig. When will the DFS get involved to try to protect that child?

  54. Anonymous5:02 AM

    So it's the 3 male stars that actually do the interviewing, the outdoors stuff? How funny that she can't even carry the show herself with only 13 episodes.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      So, they realized that the show will be a total DUD if they only have her on, so they had to hire a couple of GUYS (AND a BLACK ONE for that - GASP!) in order to assure/insure that the show will stay on for more than two episodes.

      Good one, $arah! You had to hire a city manager to do your job as a mayor of 7000 people, and now they need to hire two or three guys to do the job YOU were hired for in the first place. They would have done better to just hire the guys to start out with.

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Population was closer to 5,000 when she was first elected.

  55. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Tackiness personified.

  56. Anonymous5:26 AM

    So, the woman who bragged on the front cover of Newsweek she could beat President Obama........" I can Win"....quit her job as governor to do reality shows, insists on being called "governor", recently passed the 50's milestone, and is featuring reality show stuff like "Girls with Guns" clothing? I think someone should take an image of her with "Girls with Guns" slogans, and superimpose the quote from her latest book where she said that the concern before Christmas about guns was due to "chatter". You know, the "chatter" after 20 1st graders and 6 of their caring teachers were slaughtered by a "boy with a gun". First Graders! Something about buying a much needed big gun for her husband, while she has the rack, guffaw, guffaw? OMG what a "bullet" this country dodged as she was so roundly rejected for national office.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Guess we owe citizen Palin a thank-you-mam for staying out of the 2008 race. It would have been tragic watching Obama strap on a water bra, skin tight pants and hooker hooves trying to stay in the race against the almighty tundra queen. A little shout out to The Trump for staying out of the race too as I doubt Mr Obama could have rocked a yellow-orange combover trying to keep up with him either.

      The only comfort we would have received is being able to shout 'Bengazi-IRS-Fast&Furious' at them instead of having to listen to them blame the President for every ill to mankind since the dawn of time.

  57. Anonymous5:33 AM like and share!

    NEW FACES OF COURAGE: Christina and Erica lost their mother, Dawn Hochsprung, in the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. Hochsprung, the school principal, ran to confront the gunman in an effort to protect her students: “We will never know whether our mother had time to contemplate her own safety on that horrific day. What do know our mom’s bravery and determination to fight for the safety of others lives on in us.” Read their courageous story here:

    Christina and Erica work with Moms Demand Action to advocate for gun reform across the United States. JOIN them and the hundreds of thousands of moms across America who are working to save lives:

  58. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Now we know how she looks when she's sitting on the pot.

    1. abbafan1:01 PM

      The phony skank bitch looks as if she's pinching a loaf; a river of Crunchwraps pouring out of her asshole like Niagara Falls!

  59. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I don't think that the slander troll ever bothers to read the responses to her comments. How long has it been that people have been telling the troll that libel is written, slander is spoken. In either case, it has to be information that is not true and harms the person being talked or written about. And, the writer (speaker) has to know it is a lie and says it anyway.

    There's no slander here, but that's been the troll's favorite meme (or word of the day. Please change the calendar to today's date). Sarah IS sitting in front of a green screen. That means that while she pretends to be outdoors, off in the wilds of Amazing American, she is really in a studio in Phoenix, reading a prepared statement. Her reality show isn't all that real; it's fake and so is Sarah.

  60. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Sarah posted a photo of her visiting a former Iditarod musher, a woman, along with a photo of Sarah mushing. Then she admitted that she was sore from the hard work. If that interview had been a roaring success, then they would not have needed to hire three co-hosts. I think that what we're going to end up seeing is Sarah, in her various outfits, introducing each program. The background will be extra footage that was shot near the guy's cabin, out there in the forest or along the river. I remember Sarah's first show where she tried participating in all of the exciting adventures in Alaska, and each one was a failure.

  61. Anonymous7:45 AM

    While Sarah is sitting there enjoying being pampered by those girls, who is pampering Trig in Wasilla? Is he sitting in his high chair eating baby food out of jars?

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      "Trig who?" - Sarah Palin

  62. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Somebody better call props, Sarah forgot her titties.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Did she leave them in the plane overhead bin? So forgetful in her old age.

  63. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Wouldn't it be funny if they showed a tent pitched in the woods, and as the cameras roll, out comes Bristles, followed by two or three men!!

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I'm waiting for them to show a mountain top scene, covered in snow with Palin wearing just wearing a t-shirt. Or the wind blowing, but Palin's hair doesn't move.

  64. I think she's reaching the point where she will be paid not to fake shimmy and wiggle around people that she wants to use.

  65. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Sarah Palin is like a turd that won't flush.

  66. Anonymous2:25 PM

    How bad was Sarah Palin that they had to hire 3 co-hosts?

  67. Anonymous3:53 PM

    So presidential!!!!
    Keep sending her money you fucking fools!

  68. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Gryphen, why do you post SO many troll comments? You said, "Don't feed the trolls! It just goes directly to their thighs."

    This comment section is pretty much centered around feeding trolls whose comments you post. I don't see the point unless you're just needing the clicks? Can't figure out why. Tired of it. Reading the troll feeding and battles are getting very old & boring. Please less troll comments. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way. Thank you.

  69. Anonymous5:14 PM

    what a clueless hag!!!

  70. Yikes! Look at those scary hoof-claws! (First photo in blog entry above) That's what Sarah's face looks like before she trowels on layer upon layer of makeup. Sarah's meth habit is taking a toll on what's left of that old bag of bones. Bless her heart.

  71. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Hey Sarah, "If He(Abbott) is good enough for Nugent, he is good enough for me", when will you do a show from Longview, Texas?
    I am sure that you will be popular there, BWAHAHAHAHAHA, LOSER.

  72. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Will Sarah Palin cover the sex trafficking problem in Alaska? Sarah can interview Shailey Tripp.

  73. Anonymous8:37 PM

    How difficult is it to sit in front of a green screen and read a teleprompter? It must be difficult, the Sportsman Channel had to hire several hosts to help that retard from Wasilla.

  74. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Instead of Sarah Palin sitting on a stool in front of some good ol' boys sticking M80 firecrackers up their asses video, how about Sarah revealing the problem with Wasilla High School? There has to be a common factor why Sarah's children were not educated. Not one adult child of Sarah Palin's went to college. It's not the money, Sarah is a multi-millionaire.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.