Friday, March 07, 2014

"It's billionaires vs students." Elizabeth Warren introduces new plan to tax the wealthy and use the revenue to help students with college loans.

Courtesy of Think Progress:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) laid out a new plan that would tax millionaires and use that revenue to help students refinance their student loans. 

Delivering the keynote address at the Higher Ed Not Debt Campaign launch event on Thursday at the Center For American Progress, Warren argued that America faces a choice: “Do we invest in students, or millionaires?” Warren plans to introduce a bill that would create an “America that invests in those who get an education” by revising the tax code and enacting the Buffet rule. 

The Buffet rule is named after billionaire Warren Buffet and would establish a minimum tax on income in excess of $1 million. The measure, which never got out of Congress, raises approximately $50 billion in revenue and ensures that millionaires do not pay lower tax rates than middle-class families. 

Congress acted to lower the federal unsubsidized student loan interest rate to 3.86 percent for the 2012-2013 academic school year. But unless it acts again, the rate will increase back to its original 6.8 percent for the next school year. 

Warren’s plan would maintain the 3.86 percent rate for the federal unsubsidized student loan. The cost of the change would be covered by a “dollar for dollar” effort where for “every dollar the Buffet rule brings in, we use that dollar to refinance student loan debt,” she explained. She estimated that recent graduates who borrowed the maximum in undergraduate loans could see their payments drop by $1,000 a year and total interest paid over the life of the loan could be cut nearly in half. Students with graduate loans or borrowers from private lenders would save even more, Warren projected.

You know sometimes it feels as if Elizabeth Warren is the last real liberal standing in this country. Or at least the last one who openly embraces the liberal ideals at every opportunity.

I am not one of those who think she will, or even should, run for President. But I have to say that if she did she would have the youth vote all tied up.

(Here is the video of Warren's remarks.)


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I think she'd be a great VP candidate w/Hillary Clinton!!!

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I second that! And wouldn't Bill O'Reilly crap his britches!

  2. Live long and prosper, Elizabeth.

  3. If you think the GOP is stonewalling Obama, can you imagine what they'd do to Elizabeth? I think we need 2 strong women to run this country. Clinton and Warren!

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

    YES! to Elizabeth Warren. I'd follow her anywhere. Yes to her being VP with Hill, and then president later.

    By the way, except for the passionate responses on this blog to Maddow's "Why We Did It," I see it sank without a ripple in the MSM. Not a review or mention in the MSM this AM.

    Why am I not surprised????

    Anyone have a link to a free video of the whole thing?

    1. It’s the truth that cannot be spoken; a lot of people were complicit in those attacks, three perfect implosions.

      I don’t have the video either.

  5. Leland7:19 AM

    It will never pass Congress. Too many millionaires who would be directly affected in their precious wallets.

  6. Anonymous7:55 AM

    O/T: 48 straight months, Gryph!

  7. Paul Revere8:33 AM

    Proud Massachusetts resident here: we're so lucky she came to our state, and has the platform to propose her common-sense solutions.
    She's a real person, who's lived a real life, self-made, and ready to help those who need her help.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Hey, Paul Revere! I see Scott Brown is trailing Jeanne Shaheen by 13 points in New Hampshire. Guess she wasn't as easy a mark as he thought?

      EVIL GRIN.

  8. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

    Liz has this uncanny way of breaking down complex ideas and explaining them clearly, directly and to the point. She would work wonders with the youth vote. What better use of tax dollars from millionaires than to invest in the next crop of millionaires by funding education?

    OT Darryl "Thug" Issa "apologized" to congressman Elijiah Cummings, who took the high road and accepted it with class. My guess is Mr Weepy Orange Boner gave Darryl "Thug" a phone call, the optics weren't good and Mr Weepy Orange Boner didn't want to get involved in an obvious racial partisan argument he would lose. The Bastard got away with it, again.

  9. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Oh my God. Y'all are fucking idiots.

  10. Anonymous7:10 PM

    It isn't LIBERAL to take money from one class of people and give it to another. Jesus Christ. Morons.


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