Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Lindsay Graham knows what caused Russia to "invade" Ukraine. Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!

Courtesy of Media Matters:  

The right-wing's Benghazi scandal-mongering entered the realm of self-parody after Fox News let Sen. Lindsey Graham blame the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the Obama administration's handling of the 2012 attacks in Libya -- the latest attempt in a series of conservative alchemy experiments trying to turn tragedy into political gold. 

On March 4, Sen. Graham (R-SC) tweeted that the crisis in Ukraine "started with Benghazi," blaming the Obama administration's response to the attacks for 'inviting' aggression from Russia. 

Graham made the same accusation on March 3 during Fox News' On The Record with Greta Van Susteren. At Van Susteren's prompting, Graham claimed that the Russian aggression in Ukraine "in many ways started with Benghazi, when our consulate was overrun and our first ambassador was killed in thirty-something years in the line of duty ... You're sending absolutely the wrong signal to our foes."

Okay it's official, Sarah Palin is no longer the craziest voice on the conservative side of the aisle.

And this guy is currently serving in the Senate!


  1. Anonymous6:34 AM

    imho, it started when the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Lindsay Graham is just trying to sound like a tough guy since so many people think he is gay. On the other hand, Sarah is tyring to sound even though 80% of the world knows she isn't.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Wait one cotton-pickin' minute here. I thought the IRS "scandal" prompted Putin to invade? I am sure the Sunday repub. talk shows will clear this up. Mizz Lyndsey and Little Johnny will be on all the shows, spouting off.

  2. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Lindsey, may I call you Lindsey? I think it's far more likely that the notion that Russia could invade a sovereign nation for no good reason and get away with it might have its genesis in the United States invasion of Iraq. By George Bush. For no good reason. Which you, Lindsey, wholeheartedly supported. Along with your little buddy John McCain. Will you boys EVER get over freakin' Benghazi/ There is nothing there.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Why, I do declare! Mizz Lindsey has her pantaloons in a twist over this, she has the vapors,. I wonder who will pay for the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS killed in W/Cheney's wars??

  3. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!

    That's all they got.

    Oh, and Sarah Palin holding the rifle backwards on a bayonet charge with a wig for a helmet, a stuffed bra for a flak jacket, and fuck me shoes for combat boots.

  4. Anonymous7:00 AM

    So, the Soviet invasion of Georgia in 2008, which they were all ok with at the time was linked to Benghazi as well?

  5. Chenagrrl7:00 AM

    With that reasoning, he should blame Ronald Reagan who did no retribution after the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon.

  6. Anonymous7:02 AM

    A Rational Response to Ukraine’s Crisis

    The Ukrainian crisis has provoked a broad range of reactions in the West, including angry demands for immediate sanctions against Russia and charges in the United States that President Obama is somehow “losing” in the confrontation to Mr. Putin and thus endangering Washington’s credibility and global leadership. Yet leadership and credibility in a crisis mean reacting coolly and rationally, not rattling sabers, or rushing into economic warfare that allies may or may not support, or painting “red lines” that the other side can cross with impunity.

    A bully welcomes a slugfest, and Mr. Putin revels in claiming American conspiracies; at his news conference on Tuesday, he even described the battering to Russia’s markets on Monday as a result of American policies. But that battering and the decline of the value of the ruble were no doubt major factors behind Mr. Putin’s conciliatory tone on Tuesday.

    The Russian economy is not in great shape, and Russian businessmen understand full well that the $60 billion wiped off the value of their firms on Monday was because of a needless crisis. Mr. Putin and his countrymen must be reminded, again and again, that seizing Crimea under a blatantly concocted pretext, or taking other measures against the new authorities in Ukraine, will carry a price.

    ...So far, Mr. Obama is on the right track.

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    President Obama should have waved his magic wand to stop Putin, and it's appalling that he continues to refuse to do so. What good is a magic wand if you refuse to wave it?

  8. Anonymous7:04 AM

    He and John McCain are NUTS and should be run out of Congress on a rail! They would have had us in three new wars if their wishes were granted.

    Total idiots and jerks! The U.S. Congress is an embarrassment to our country!

  9. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I guess Ms. Lindsey has forgotten all the embassy folks who were killed under George W. Bush's watch. Oh well, I guess they aren't as important as an ambassador so screw them.

  10. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Bitter old man McCain and Miss Lindsay are dancing the two step. Johnny was whining up a storm on the Senate floor, making an utter ASS of himself, as usual:

    McCain Attacks Obama Over What He Wrote About Russia In College

    I just hope most people around the world know that not all of us are like McCain and Graham.

    They are two of a kind that need to shut up. They just continue to make fools of themselves every day. And they endanger America with talk that provides fuel to the enemy. Putin is the bad guy here - not Obama. Time for some patriotism from McCain and Graham. Siding with the enemy and bragging about how decisive Putin is proves these two guys are more interested in degrading Obama than they are about defending this country.

    So, after all the bluster and condescension, McCain has little to offer and basically agrees with the President's approach. He just can't get over losing the 2008 election.

  11. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Robert Gates tells Republicans to cut back on criticizing Obama’s Ukraine policy

    ...What does Gates think about the Ukraine crisis? Distilled to its essence, his message would be the same as Jackson’s: Cool it, especially when it comes to public comments.

    “I think considerable care needs to be taken in terms of what is said, so that the rhetoric doesn’t threaten what policy can’t deliver,” Gates explained in a telephone interview. Russian President Vladimir Putin “holds most of the high cards” in Crimea and Ukraine as a whole. U.S. policy should work to reinforce the security of neighboring states without fomenting a deeper crisis in which Putin will have the advantage.

    Specifically, said Gates, the United States should help NATO allies such as Poland and the Baltic states enhance their readiness to resist any future Russian moves. The United States could encourage a rotation of NATO aircraft to beef up defenses on Russia’s border, for example. That’s the kind of power play that can check Putin, because it is realistic and sustainable.

    Gates said that Obama is correct to avoid loose talk about military options. “I’d even be cautious about sending warships into the Black Sea,” Gates explained. “It’s a threatening gesture, but if you’re not prepared to do something about it, it’s an empty gesture.”

    I asked Gates what he thought about the criticism of Obama by McCain and Graham. “They’re egging him on” to take actions that may not be effective, Gates warned. He said he “discounted” their deeper argument that Obama had invited the Ukraine crisis by not taking a firmer stand on Syria or other foreign policy issues. Even if Obama had bombed Syria or kept troops in Iraq or otherwise shown a tougher face, “he still would have the same options in Ukraine. Putin would have the same high cards.”

    Gates, a Republican himself, urged the GOP senators to “tone down” their criticism and “try to be supportive of the president rather than natter at the president.”

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      "try to be supportive of the President"?? Repubs?? If onlky they had from the start, we would all be in much better shape now. Instead, on the day he was inaugurated, they met and vowed to block everything he attempted to do. They are TRAITORS, stopping the country from making any progress, all because of racism.

  12. Anonymous7:20 AM

    How The Western Press Is Getting It Terribly Wrong In Ukraine

    Myth 4: Putin Has The Upper Hand

    Many commentators like to describe Putin as a diabolical mastermind, outfoxing Obama at every turn. That is patently absurd. The truth is that Putin is losing, which is precisely why he is embarking on the high-risk gambit he is now.

    To get an idea of the poor hand Putin is playing, look at what happened when markets opened on Monday morning. Not only did the stock market fall by about 11%, Russia had to spend $10 billion to prop up the Ruble. Putin has ample reserves of nearly $500 billion, but simple arithmetic reveals at that rate Russia won’t last much more than a month and a half.

    And economic sanctions haven’t even started yet. There are already reports of dollar shortages on the streets of Moscow—which, I imagine, invokes a flurry of bad memories—a comprehensive sanctions regime would likely bring back the empty shelves and breadlines of the 90’s.

    Finally, Putin desperately needs the support of Russian elites, who have their money in western banks, vacation homes in places like the South of France and Miami Beach and children in western boarding schools. All of that can be easily taken away through sanctions.

    ...Update: Secretary of State John Kerry was in Kiev today and in his remarks echoed some of the points I made above. You can find the transcript here. Also, The New Republic’s Julia Ioffe’s account of Vladimir Putin’s press conference today supports the worrying claim of Angela Merkel that the Russian President may not be in full control of his faculties.

  13. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Lindsey Graham has obviously been reading from the Sarah Palin coloring book. Something! Do something! He needs to do something! I’m not really sure what, but something! Something with warships and guns maybe! We must defend the Crimea! Russians! Ook! Ook! Let charge the Light Brigade! Into the valley of death! Nuke ‘em ‘till they glow, Kill ‘em all and let God sort it out! Something, Goddammit! That’s what we need!

    And speaking of assbackward into the unknown, John McCain roused grumpily from the foggy bamboo cage of his raging PTSD and angrily shouted “Pickles!” as he often does when provoked. Then he too demanded that Obama do something. “Every moment that the United States and our allies fail to respond sends the signal to President Putin that he can be even more ambitious and aggressive in his military intervention in Ukraine!”

    Now I’m no expert on senile dementia, but it may be that John McCain is mixing up his invasions. By God, we can’t let Ho Chi Minh and those yellow commies get away with this! Dammit, Man, if Obama won’t do something, by God I will. Ready my plane and let’s take the fight to those slanty-eyed bastards! For Honor and Richard Nixon, follow me!

    Both Graham and McCain figuratively smacked their manly fists into their horny palms to the sound of trumpets and rattling sabers and the mournful stirring notes of The Minstrel Boy …

    … but then both stopped short of demanding actual military action.

    In his usual garrulous old man whine McCain snarled, “There is a range of serious options at our disposal at this time without the use of military force.” Dagnabit!

    1. That was funny and, Putin would cream Miss Lindsey’s candy ass.

    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      And Miss Lindsey would love every minute. "Take me, Vlad, you lily-white stud-muffin!"

  14. Anonymous7:27 AM

  15. Randall7:39 AM

    I don't believe "Miss" Lindsay is crazy - I think he's shameless in his politicking.

    Like many politicians: he no longer has a soul.

    1. Yep, he's running scared bc of upcoming primary for his Senate seat. But they have now diluted his opposition with 5 other candidates, so he has a decent chance to hold on in a splintered electorate. He's bc such a whiny for the neocons. There's nothing conservative about his hypocrisy other than what he hides in the closet.

  16. Anonymous7:40 AM

    it's disheartening to hear all of em', Graham, McCain; even Bachmann blaming American Jews who voted for Obama to 'having sold out to Israel' (Mediaite). There are no role model Republicans, at least in the news, who speak out against the unfair accusations we're hearing, and the crazy excuses and blame-game.

    These people charm the christian-right, yet are the exact opposite of what the good Book teaches. When King David was discouraged, his prayer pretty much has the same sentiments that we today feel. In Psalm 73, he writes, "my steps were well nigh slipped, for I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked, their strengh is firm, they are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men, pride compasseth them about as a chain, violence covereth them as a garment, their eyes stand out with fatness, they have more than heart could wish, they are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression, they speak loftily. They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth"

    To Sarah and false christians: "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south, but God is the judge; He putteth down one, and setteth up another (President Obama, for such a time as this).

    Power-hungry christians who throw 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." refuse to see this is pointed directly at THEM. THey love to blame their brand of 'sinners' du jour for the wrath they expect to come, but don't realize that, according to the Bible, God's anger will be directed at self-appointed judges and fakers and abusers and war-mongers, who USE His name to cruelly rule over others.

    Our NT puts it all in perpsective. God is love.

    It insults God when politicians exploit God in their secular/political affairs and claim they only are on his side, and he is on their side. Sarah and Bristol and Nancy French: liberals are loved by God too, and can be followers of Jesus, and it says that God is not a respecter of persons. You, who believe you've been forgiven of much have a responsibility to forgive. Where is the language of forgiveness?

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Ask evangelicals why they put up with this type of false Christianity. Keep asking.

  17. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Why don't we send McCain, Miss Lindsey, and Tawdry Palin over to Russia for some man to man action with Putin? Bare shirted bear baiting, bare assed horseback riding, caged tiger cuddling, and to climax the events waders are for sissies fly fishing. USA, USA, USA!!!!!!

  18. angela7:57 AM

    Perfect. McCain and Graham to a tee . . .

  19. Anonymous8:26 AM

    These pols could be finding a few tracts of land so the
    Veterans have their own Reservation, so, they are not
    roaming the country homeless. A Reserve where they too
    Always have a Home.

  20. Sorry, this is completely off-topic, but I know you'd want to read this. It's astonishing. This young man should be out in his community leading young blacks to saner, smarter, better being. Instead, Texas is putting him to death this month.

  21. Lindsey Graham is in a do or die fight of his political career, the SC teaparty is doing everything in their power to get rid of him

  22. kraftysue8:44 AM

    don't you just love it when Graham who claimed for years that he participated in the Gulf War (he didn't--he remained in S.C writing wills for the real soldiers) is so damn eager for our current forces (including my grandson) to jump into any war mode?

  23. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Gee, ya think?

    Issa Says His IRS Investigation Might Have Hit A 'Dead End'

    Following a House Oversight Committee hearing Wednesday in which a star witness again invoked her Fifth Amendment rights, and the Democratic ranking member denounced a "one-sided investigation," committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) told reporters that his long-running investigation into the IRS may have hit a "dead end."

    While speaking to reporters after the hearing, Issa was asked about former IRS official Lois Lerner's continuing refusal to answer questions from his committee. Republicans consider Lerner a key figure at the center of the IRS' screening of applications for tax-exempt status from conservative groups. Issa was asked how bad of a setback Wednesday's hearing was for the investigation.

    "As you can see from our questioning today, we have continued to gather facts around Ms. Lerner's absence of testimony," Issa replied. "It would have allowed us to bring this investigation to a -- probably pretty quick close if she had been willing to answers those questions. Without it we will undoubtably have a few more questions to try to find out things that she could have answered quickly today."

    A reporter than asked Issa if he was still "confident" the investigation would "get to the bottom of this."

    "It may well be we have gotten to the bottom of it," Issa said. "At this point, roads lead to Ms. Lerner. The witness who to took the Fifth. That becomes -- she becomes one of the key characters at this point. Had she been willing to explain those emails which were provided through separate subpoenas, then we could have perhaps brought this to a close. Without that, it may dead end with Ms. Lerner."

    Damn, he is SUCH a scumbag! Who the fuck does Issa think he is to shut down Elijah Cummings? Good on Cummings to say it like it is and Issa couldn't control it and now he's whining about 'slander'...he must be taking lessons from the Palin troll!

  24. Beldar Yossarian Conehead9:10 AM

    Knock it off, Gryphen, will ya!!

    Lindsey Graham and Good Ol' Gramps McCain know what they're talking about when they say Amurka is 'the rootin'est, tootin'est, straight muther fuckin' shootin'ist, war mongerin', freedom fries lovin'est, bible thumpin' nation of ass kickers this world has seen since the horse-borne Mongol hordes (or was it the Visigoths?) thundered down across the asian steppes thousands of years ago to rape and pillage the less powerful!" And plunder, also too!

    War is as American as baseball, apple pie and the Oldsmobile division of General Motors, which by the way, was named after one of the great war heroes of the Battle of Bayonne, New Jersey, General Artesian W Motors, III.

    But I digress.

    We're going to be leaving Afghanistan by the end of the year. As long we're involved in another war by then, things will be fine and our nearly unbroken record of endless combat since 1775 will remain intact.


    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Hoo-ah versus the HooHahs. The Republican war on women.

  25. Leland9:11 AM

    Graham is an embarrassment to the state of SC.

    Then again, SC is an embarrassment to SC. (I live here. I can say things like that because I see what's going on here first hand.) We are in a race with LA and MS for the most ignorant and backwards.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Don't dis TN by leaving us off your short list of ignorant back-woods cousin-fucking crackers. Arkansas is a contender as well, too, also.

  26. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Issa, like Palin and all the other neo-cons are shills for the defense industry - Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raytheon to name a few bad players.

  27. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Aw, Miss Pittypat has the vapors.

  28. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

    Poor Miss Lindsey needs a fainting couch and mint julep. Been out "Porching" in cold weather and his nostrils froze shut. Seems his bodice is on too tight and his eyes are always bugging out of his Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi head.

    I do believe Mrs Palin has a few bottles of pills, powders and potions.... just ask Todd.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.