Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Rand Paul supports state's laws and constitutions, unless of course they might keep him from running for President and for the Senate at the same time.

Courtesy of the Washington Times:

Opening a door to hedge his political bets, Sen. Rand Paul has asked the leader of the Kentucky Senate for legislation to ensure that Mr. Paul can run both for the White House and for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2016, The Washington Times has learned. 

“Yes, I am working on clarifying an ambiguous state law that Rand Paul believes is unconstitutional if it is interpreted to bar running for re-election to the Senate and for president at the same time,” Kentucky Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer told The Times on Monday. 

“The purpose of the bill will be to make clear that Rand Paul or anyone in a similar situation in Kentucky can run for both offices in the same year,” Mr. Thayer explained. 

If things go Mr. Paul’s way, he could win the GOP presidential nomination, then run in the fall 2016 general election for the presidency and to retain his U.S. Senate seat. If he wins the presidency and the Senate re-election bid, he would relinquish his Senate seat.

Okay my first take away from this was that clearly Rand Paul was not somebody who would let a few silly laws stand in the way of his political aspirations.

And secondly I think it is now obvious that Paul is DEFINITELY running for the GOP nomination is 2016. I am pretty sure Ted Cruz is going to throw his hat in, and there is talk about Bobby Jindal and possibly Marco Rubio as well.

Well so much for fewer clowns in the clown car this time around.


  1. Jesus, him again, the Great White Dope.

  2. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I'm no fan of Jindal…but I don't think it's fair to lump him in with Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

    1. I agree, he’s pretty smart, but he tries to dumb down to the level of his constituents, and that gets awkward.

    2. Leland5:17 AM

      Um, ...why?

    3. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Because he sucks at it.

    4. No Jindal certainly belongs with these yahoos.

      He pushed Creationism into Louisiana schools, and many of his statements about the President are just as looney as anything Cruz has ever uttered through his foam flecked lips.

  3. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Anything and everything is "unconstitutional," if Rand says it's so, and he personally gains by changing the laws to suit his ambition.

  4. Beldar Amerika Conehead5:44 AM

    C'mon, Gryphen, would it really be so bad to have a President "Ayn" Rand Paul and a Senator "Ayn" Rand Paul at the same time? Seems like it could really streamline the whole GOTP "do nothing, oppose everything" agenda.

    It could also help facilitate the methodical, insidious takeover by right wing ideologues at the state level if Senator President Paul was also appointed chairman of the judiciary committee and could fast track approval of his own Supreme Court nominations thus short-circuiting any legal challenges to authoritarian state and local regimes.

    A few 'judicious' (sorry, couldn't resist) covert black ops missions to remove 'tainted' (i.e. 'librul') judges could quickly pave the way to a 9:0 conservative court.

    Within a few years after Senator President Paul's inauguration we could finally have the gun-centric, weak government, theocratic, racist, homophobic, misogynist, uneducated, sickly, poverty-riven, violent, tribalistic, no rules or regulations kind of society the Right has been dreaming of for decades. Sort of like what Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan already have today.

    1. fromthediagonal12:28 PM

      As always, Sir Beldar, you hit the nail on the wooden head.

  5. Anonymous5:51 AM

    O/T The Honorable?

    CPAC -- 3/8/14 5:45 PM

    Introduction of The Honorable Sarah Palin by Chris Cox, Executive Director, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Sarah Palin is not 'honorable' as to anything she's done in her life. She quit as governor of Alaska (mid term) and doesn't even deserve being referred to as 'gov'. What a joke!

    2. Text for the teleprompter must've been done on an iPad. The word was supposed to be HORRIBLE. Auto-correct fixed a typo with the wrong word.

      "What a joke!" is dead-on. Describing Quitter Sarah Palin as honorable is The Onion-quality satire.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      Nothing a thin line of white out can't correct!

  6. Anonymous6:12 AM

    OK, so he knows he can't be elected President, but there are still enough crackers in Kensucky to keep him in the Senate.

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    In the comment section of some RWNJ blog on facebook, some guy commented that if Sarah Palin ran for president with Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson on the ticket for VP, they would be sure fire winners.

    It's been fun laughing at some of these people but it's getting old. I'm tired of them.

  8. SHARON6:44 AM

    The clown car is filling does one comb public hair on your head? Off the subject but.....I just watched Elijah Cummins kick Daryl Issa's ass big time, OMG it was wonderful. Yet another hearing about the IRS non scandal with Lerner pleading the 5th. Cummins was yelling how pissed off he was at the chairman going on Fox news with his bullshit and having these one sided witfch hunts that already cost us 14 million when there is no evidence whatsoever the Tea Party was targeted by the WH. He is tired of Issa trying to blame the was friggin great. When Elijah wanted to ask a question...Issa closed the meeting, shut off the mic and left. What a smuck!!! We desperately need a new congress just to get rid of these assholes. Congress is taking its 50th vote to repeal the ACA as we speak. The dems need to show a chart of the billions these assholes have wasted between these hearings, votes, shutdown....we could have funded food stamps forever.

    1. Your comment on Rand's "public hair" was damn funny either way, whether it was it was a typo or intended.

    2. SHARON4:21 PM

      Yeah....I was so freaked out over that hearing, I meant PUBIC hair. There was a SNL skit years ago using that kind of wig and it always makes me laugh.

  9. Anonymous7:16 AM

    This little, wigged, runt isn't going anywhere....he'll never be elected POTUS! He's a joke! Kentucky - what is wrong with you in electing folks? Weird, weird, weird!

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    These Republicans in Congress act as though they are 'entitled' to the bullshit they spread. Way past time to get them out of office - Lindsey, McCain, Issa, Cantor, McConnell and on and on!

    Vote, vote, vote and pay attention for whom you cast it!

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    That picture is creepy. I can imagine myself as a bank teller, and that man in that picture saying "This is a robbery, unmarked bills only".

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      I would be doubled over the counter, laughing my ass off at that "thing" on his head. Yeah, I know that it's rude to stare and even worse to laugh, but it's soooo bad... if it were real and in my head, I'd shave it off and keep it that way. He must not own a mirror.

      If Paul & Palin ever appear together side-by-side, the photos will be hilarious.

  12. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Stopping the liars in their tracks!

    Media Matters Launches 'Mythopedia' Fact Check Tool Ahead Of CPAC

    Media Matters for America is releasing a sort of Wikipedia for conservative misinformation.

    The site, Mythopedia, which was shared with TPM ahead of its release, is meant to be an online compendium of truths and lies peddled by conservatives. The website's unveiling comes a day before the Conservative Political Action Conference.

    "The week of CPAC seemed like the most appropriate time to launch a fact-checking tool, like Mythopedia, as I’m sure we’re going to be confronted with both old and new right-wing lies during the conference," Media Matters president Bradley Beychok said in a statement.

    Here's how the site works. The front page is bar where users type in a claim. Searching that claim then pulls up "lies" or "truths" with research backing up whether it's a truth or a lie. For instance a search of the Obama administration on Benghazi directs to a page with the the lie "The Obama administration covered up the Benghazi attack by pointing to an anti-Islam video" and the truth "A bipartisan Senate report connects the Benghazi attack to an anti-Islam video" as well as evidence backing up the truth.

    The site is starting with 400 entries and will be updated regularly. The updated fact checks will be done in real time by Media Matters staff. Media Matters will start soliciting tips and feedback from audiences and could possibly start moving highly involved users of the site into a more involved role.

    "We're going to be launching a new action site fairly soon for our online audience and I think part of the idea would be that we start moving over people that are highly engaged audience members into this higher level of authentication where they're creating entries and waiting for review," Media Matters Executive Vice President Angelo Carusone told TPM. "So the editor wouldn't just be the primary person creating entries, we would start opening up that process up for allies and for our audience and to create their own. And as long as [the entry] satisfies our editorial standards and is accurate we would then publish that entry. But we didn't want to start from that out of the gate because we basically didn't want to detract from the primary purpose which is that authoritative source."

    Below is a walk-through video of the site created by Media Matters:

  13. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

    Seriously, which assclowns COULD they put up against any Democrat? The only one that has half a chance would be Condoleeza Rice, but there's that pesky testimony about 911 and who knew what when, where she was asked politely to read the heading line of the daily briefings they allowed released.
    Sarah's the last white hope, and that says a lot!!!!

  14. Anonymous4:08 AM

    The prospect of this "man" being rendered "unemployed" brings joy to my day.......


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