Monday, March 03, 2014

Man do I relate to this!

I always love winter when it first arrives, but long about February I would like to punch old man winter in the balls.


  1. I was just out shoveling the walk. It's 4 degrees here SE of Springfield, MO. My glasses froze up ....think my thumbs are numb. At least the snow has stopped and storm moved on to kicking somebody elses ass!!!

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      My husband bought ski goggles to use when out snow blowing or shoveling. Now that he's had cataract surgery he doesn't have to wear them over glasses (that inevitably steam up).

    2. That is a good goggles. My glasses froze up from my breath blowing inside zipped to neck jacket. Don't want to freeze my lungs but seeing is better!!!

    3. Anonymous7:06 AM

      if you are shoveling with any intensity, you don't need to be that bundled up.

  2. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Just kick him in the balls, man I would love to go all Medieval on him: hang, draw, quarter, and scatter the parts to the 4 corners of the country.

  3. Anonymous5:44 AM

    It was -16 degrees F when I got up this morning. The sun is shining and the temperature is supposed to top out at 9 degrees F later today. And we are in northern Lower Michigan, not Siberia. We are missing the latest winter storm to race across the country but we have been basking in the Arctic chill for a few too many months now. March is definitely coming in like a lion.

  4. Cracklin Charlie5:45 AM

    I don't know, I thought the girl held back a little too much. I spent all day yesterday pushing around our latest deluge of frozen disaster. My back, my shoulders, my legs, my drippy nose...

    Now, I have to slip and slide to work today, and do it all over again there! She mos def should have kicked old snowman in the balls.

    Calgon, take me away!

  5. Olivia5:56 AM

    This morning it was -11 and yesterday morning -15. We can't even make snowmen because the temp is too low for the snow to stick together. The damn rabbits can chew the middle branches of the apple trees because the snow is so high. We have had 53 days of below zero this year. I am ready for it to end.

  6. We are at 171 inches of snow so far this winter with lots more to come. And bitterly cold temperatures, and high winds. Any two at a time I can usually cope with. Seven foot high snowbanks and nowhere left to put Satan's dandruff.

    Bah humbug.

  7. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Calvin and Hobbes would be so proud of that person!

    Right now I have all my faucets on steady drip to ward off frozen pipes. Drip, drip, drip, drip ......................... makes me envious of my dog's deafness.

  8. Anonymous7:08 AM

    My snow dances are working you snow haters had your winter last year. 2014 is for snow lovers - suck it.


    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Here in AK our favorite xc trail closed again this weekend due to run off and lack of snow. Not been a great season for winter enthusiasts in Southcentral AK, lots of time on the treadmill at the gym instead.

  9. Not me. Summer in Virginia means oppressive humidity, unbreathable. stagnant air masses, and winged stinging insects, June to October. I'd rather scrub Rush Limbaugh's underwear by hand than mow a lawn in a Virginia July.

    Last summer had no three digit days, not ten 90s in July, not six in August. We'll not get two such merciful summers in a row, and I'm already laughing at those bitching about the cold for now. I know what's coming.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      I hear you. Last summer in Maryland was merciful by comparison to the last two!
      M from MD

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I hear your pain, y'all. That polar vortex loves us a bit too much this year. Since I can't take the sultry summers around here anymore- that's when I actually hibernate behind closed curtains to keep the house cool - I've developed a preference for winter. An upside to this brutal winter is that it may have killed off a lot of stink bugs and a lot of those ticks that were decimating the moose populations in places like Michigan.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Just saw an article about the cold and the bugs. It turns out that this vortex won't be helping those poor moose with those pernicious ticks after all. The cold started too late in the season and they're already finding moose and their calves in bad shape.
      M from MD

  11. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Lived here 37years..........worst winter yet!.......

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Yes, yes and yes!

    Pick, pick, scrape, scrape, snow blow, shovel, walk very carefully, my yard constantly being snowed in by our City plow that leaves a 3 foot bank every time it passes. Winter: go away.

  13. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Yesterday I made a little snowman/mailman for my mail carrier who has had a horrible winter. He's a friend of mine and I try to make him smile near the end of his very long and miserable days trudging through the snow and below-zero temperatures.

    I made a little USPS hat and mailbag for my snowman. My carrier laughed when he saw his new helper and then told me I had too much time on my hands. I was pretty grouchy myself after a long and miserable day at my own job, and his comment struck me as just a little bit rude, after I had braved below-zero windchills to make the damn thing out of snow that was too dry to pack correctly.

    I saw this video yesterday and was inspired. His snowman/mailman has since been beheaded, and the cranium is waiting for him next to the path he takes to the neighbor's house. Do you think he'll figure out I'm a little annoyed at him?

  14. Anita Winecooler5:13 PM

    It's not the cold, it's the wind chill. This year has been particularly rough, I can relate to knocking the head off of a snowman. We were uspposed to get somewhere between 8 and14 inches, all we got was two, maybe three. I'd love a job that tolerates an error rate that high, not that I miss a foot more of snow.

    I found this tip that makes shoveling so easy! Spray your shovel with non stick spray before handing it to your husband and sending him out the door.


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