Saturday, March 22, 2014

Perhaps my favorite quote by Sam Harris.

"To not believe in God is to know that it falls to us to make the world a better place."

Just think about that for a minute.

Imagine living in a world where people did not hate each other based on religious differences, everybody recognized that new and dangerous weather patterns were the result of man made pollutants and NOT gay marriage, and where each day was treasured as a precious moment in a finite existence and not simply time spent attempting to earn acceptance into some glorious afterlife.

Just imagine.


  1. Beldar J Conehead4:25 AM

    Yep, Sam Harris is awesome.

    But here's the dirty little secret of human behavior: It don't matter if people are religious, atheists or anything in between. People gonna do what people gonna do. Religious people steal, cheat, lie and kill, as do atheists.

    The only difference is that some/many/most religious people claim moral superiority over non-believers.

    And the evidence simply doesn't support that claim.

    Thank Almighty Zeus for that!

  2. Olivia6:11 AM

    "To not believe in God is to know that it falls to us to make the world a better place." is exactly the issue.
    I think a lot of people believe that "God's Will" excuses them from accepting responsibility for anything, including their own health.

  3. Otto Katz6:15 AM

    I believe in God, and I know it still falls to each of us to make the world a better place for each other. What motivates us to do so is up to each of us individually.

  4. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

    Great Quote, and "Imagine" should be an anthem for the world.


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