Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Sarah Palin accuses President Obama of "Palling around with a cop killer advocate." As you might imagine that is completely misleading.

Courtesy of Arizona's own race baiting bomb thrower's Facebook page:  

Obama’s Palling Around with Cop-Killer Advocate… 

You know evil reigns when America’s “leader” gives full-throated support for a cop-killer advocate. Obama wants this guy to help run the Department of Justice. 

(Law enforcement union leaders: are you still proud of your support for liberals?) And here I thought I’d seen it all with the way the administration coddled the racist DHS employee who advocated murder and violent hate speech on his website. 

Friends, what we’re witnessing is a lost cause on the domestic and international fronts. So, what we do is hold on, pray hard, and oust the Obama administration’s agenda at the ballot box. Work hard, America, as you look forward to the end of the Obama era. It will be the end of an error. 

- Sarah Palin

The thing that has Palin's white pointy hat all bent out of shape is the fact that President Obama's nominee to head the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, Debo P. Adegbile (Voted down by the Senate just today), was once employed by the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund.

The Defense Fund has a history of representing African Americans who have been convicted of various crimes, when there was a question as to whether they received a fair trial or not.

One such individual, Mumia Abu-Jamal, was convicted and sentenced to death. The NAACP took on his case, in which he had been convicted of killing a police officer, and got his death sentence tossed, well BEFORE Debo P. Adegbile began working there.

Here is what the Washington Post has said about his time there: 

Adegbile, 47, spent more than a decade working for the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, where he served as the group’s in-house voting rights expert. The legal defense fund began its work on Abu-Jamal's behalf well before Adegbile began working for it, however he did contribute to the filing of a 2009 court brief that argued that Abu-Jamal faced a discriminatory jury -- an appeal later found to have merit by a judge.

In other words he did his job and helped to represent a client that an appeals court agreed did not receive justice during his initial trial. This happens time and time again in the US legal system and nobody usually holds the lawyers accountable for the supposed crimes of their clients.

However this is an African American nominee, who once represented an African American organization (That provided legal counsel for an African American convict), and who was chosen by an African American President.

I am trying my best to see this response by Sarah Palin and the Right Wing as anything but racist.

However I am failing to do so.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Sarah Palin is Racist until it comes to having Sex with a Black Man. How about Sarah when she pals around with the Draft Dodger Ted POOPY PANTS Nugent? She also Pals around with a Pimp and Sex Trafficker.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Slightly OT,but of interest to folks here. Perhaps you can help:

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I know that people here like to joke about Sarah and Glen Rice. Maybe the truth of it is that Sarah regrets what happened between her and Rice, and she's been taking it out on another African American, President Obama. Sarah hates the fact that she lost her presidential race against Obama. I know, it's just a detail that McCain was at the head of the ticket. For Sarah, it was the Palin/McCain ticket and it was her ticket to the White House. She can't get over losing to Obama-- and I don't think that she is laughing at the comments about her and Glen Rice.

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Sarah did NOT lose HER presidential race. John McCain did! He ran for POTUS and she lost as VP - in the second position on their ticket!

      Love our President Obama and VP Biden! Couldn't have two better people representing Americans.

    4. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Sarah Palin fantasizes about her night with Glen Rice.
      Her close circle of friends(moochers) would not approve of Sarah's sexual tryst with Glen Rice.

    5. Anonymous8:09 PM

      With Todd's little two-toned dick I'm not surprised she can't let the thought of other women being satisfied by a large black dick.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    This photo simply says it all about Sarah Palin and her pals. She looks so evil in white!

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Should have shown her in that outfit while signing a flag...

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The woman is a whack job. She really is.

  4. Sally in MI4:40 PM

    Oh, isn't she just so cute. "the end of an error?" Yeah, honey, that would be your run to be anointed VP. THAT was an error. Electing Obama...probably the best thing that has happened to this nation in decades. Were it not for the idiot GOP Congressmen, we would have single payer, people working hard on our crumbling infrastructure instead of fighting to keep the unemployment insurance they paid into, schools that are achieving instead of scrambling for the leftovers from GOP Governors handing over school funds for corporate giveaways...the USA would be the leader of the world, instead of the laughingstock..not due to a 'weak President' but due to the vicious idiots like Palin who criticize everything and offer nothing positive...ever. Go away Sarah. If you hate America so much, just go away. And take your multiple grandkids with you before someone sticks one on TV again..oh, wait..that would be you.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      In both elections, President Obama was elected by a large margin. The election that was an error was that of George W. Bush when they stopped the recount in Florida and 5 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices voted him into office. Even Sandra Day O'Connor feels badly that her vote put Bush into office. She voiced her regret after she retired, and after she saw the damage that the Iraq war did to this country. That's the error, Sarah, not Obama.

    2. No one is fooled by this attempt at deflection, and no one cares. The Quitter is just trying to deflect from her impotent endorsement in Texas for the teabagger who got her ass kicked by Pete Sessions in the GOP primary. But Facebook is free so at least her PAC can afford it.

      SARAH is toast with the texture of a crouton. Her shelf life has long expired.

    3. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Someone is supplying these posts for her. No way would she know all this information when she does not read newspapers, etc. If she was questioned on any of "her" posts, she would be like a deer caught in the headlightsDoes she still "hang around with AIP members"?

  5. Anonymous4:44 PM

    The Bit*h is back in full force the past few weeks.

    Does anyone doubt that $he is trying to win the CPAC voters over with her new-found brains and whatnot? Also too.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      She's going to be one drugged up mess for that!

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Oh God, they do a straw poll don't they? She's planning to get up in the top five to make those idiots send her money 'cause she might be runnin'"

    3. Anonymous6:06 PM

      The grift goes on, 5:54PM. She cant run for anything anymore.

    4. Anonymous6:17 PM

      She will back out at the very last minute. Watch my words!

  6. Anonymous4:45 PM

    May this disgusting bitch rot in hell.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      She will. Don'tcha worry! Her hell actually is here on Earth...

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Shes rotting now, from the inside out; and it is really starting to show.

    3. Anonymous11:16 PM

      She's already started to rot, from the inside-out. Some say that's the cause of her malodorous condition. But I've also heard from former McCain staffers that it's her halitosis, which was even worse before she got implants.

      Hey Sarah, whores with bad breath don't get tipped or asked back for an encore performance. But I guess you've noticed that the only people that give a damn about you are those who've never met you. PAC donations reflect.that as well. Those big old fake titties fool no one,with the exception of your youngest daughter, who will grow up to emulate you and her two older skank sisters. Bless Piper-Piaper's Heart.

  7. Anonymous4:48 PM

    You know Sarah, I too am praying for the death of an error: yours.You are a walking mutagen: a "Patient Zero" of an era that has long since past. Maybe its time that you and Ted Nugent put the guns to each others' heads and pulled the trigger. You are are a stupid and spiteful cunt, and there is nothing you can do to convince the world otherwise.

    Now go overdose on your own toxic fumes in a dark corner and let's be rid you, you angry little girl

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM


    2. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Bristle's custody battle is looming, $carah needs money to pay a lawyer. I hope all the trial transcripts are made public. Imagine if the number of Bristle's children is exposed, what will the saintly $carah do?Maybe Bristles is preggers, AGAIN?

  8. Anonymous4:55 PM

    That's the perfect white outfit for her to wear to CPAC.

  9. Anonymous4:57 PM

    this treasonous crosseyed inbred useless slut skank needs to be taken down - permanently

  10. Anonymous5:01 PM

    no matter who is doing it, the harpies writing skills are awful.
    journo?....i think not.
    dumb as fracking water and just as dark.

    sara the fracker.

  11. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Issa is a convicted felon and Sarah pals around with pedophile chicken hawks and wants to pal around with communist Putin.

    She can't open her mouth without lying. In her tiny brain shirtless Putin is manly cause he tagged, weighed and hugged a tranquilized polar bear for a photo op which equals bear wrastlin'. I wonder if he's liked her back on facebook.

    Donate to Sarah's RootinTootinPootinPAC today!

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      And, Putin drills for oil, so that makes him mas macho. Therefore, we should drill for oil to be as macho as Putin. Yeah, that makes sense to me. Drill Baby Dril.

  12. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I know Sarah Palin has never actually read the Constitution, but everyone is entitled to a fair trial and legal defense, even alleged cop killers. She is disgusting.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      And, if there were unlawful proceedings at their trials, they have the right to appeal those actions. The jury in the cop-killer trial was not given the proper instructions. Eventually, they changed his sentence from death to life in prison. Put the shoe on the other foot. If you were involved in a trial and there were unfair proceedings, you'd expect your lawyer to appeal the case, too.

  13. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Hey, $arah, of the "loving God with my big ol' servant's heart, wherever He leads I'm going" bullshit, do you know it's LENT? Does that mean anything to you?!? Of course it doesn't. Keep harping, your true colors are coming through loud and clear.

  14. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Sarah Palin Pallin’ Around With Rabid Insanity Again


  15. You know, she's going to crow over Obama not running again and use it to prove how right she is that he can't even get nominated.

    And her fanbase will gloat over her brilliance.

  16. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Sarah Palin will continue to hitch her dead horse to anything these days just to stay in the news.

  17. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Anyone who comes to trial is entitled to be represented by a lawyer. There was a brutal killing in Florida where the guy killed eight people. He was defended by someone we all know, and it didn't seem to affect his future appointment-- to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Yes, that John Roberts defended a guy who brutally murdered 8 people in Florida: What Adegbile did was to be part of the NAACP arguing that the so-called cop killer's civil rights were violated during the course of his trial. When the actual cop killing took place in Philadelphia, Adegbile was a teenaged kid, not a lawyer.

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Just li,e President Obama was a kid when he met what-was-his-name, the 'terrist'?

  18. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Sarah Palin's Facebook post made it sound as if this guy was being nominated to head the Justice Department. He was being appointed to head the Civil Rights Department of the Justice Department. That's quite a difference, especially since Sarah Palin claims to have a degree in journalism. No real journalist could make an error like that. That misleading comment is the thing of a political hack, not a journalist.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      True, but I'd like to know why so many Democrats were against the appointment as well.

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Because they are facing tough reelections this year. They are scared

  19. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Ok, Sarah, we get it, you don't like black people.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      But she lusts for black men.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      No wonder she lusts for black men...Shailey Tripp has seen Toad's two-toned teeny weeny weiner.

  20. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Money must really be getting tight at SarahPAC.. May not make payroll this month to everyone receiving hush money.

  21. Anonymous5:48 PM

    You know every day she screams to herself "It should have been me! It was supposed to be me! me me me, in the WHITE House, me getting Bristol married off to Levi with a big ol' WHITE House wedding!. I had plans people. Me! and every day for the rest of my life i will continue to act like a mad dog [ bitch] until everyone realizes how truly great i am.So there take that all you non believers of my greatness.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      "I know at the end of the day putting this in God’s hands, the right thing for America will be done, at the end of the day on Nov. 4.” -- Sarah Palin

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Well, she was right about something...God did do the right thing for America by keeping HER far away from policy making.

  22. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Is she on uppers now? Seems like she has been really busy on facebook since her drugged up appearance on Hannity.

    Can't wait til she OD's, then we can say Told Ya So.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      I can never hope for someone to die. Just wish someone in that family, or friends, would get her help but they're all complicit in it. MONEY.

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      I can't hope for someone to die either, but I really wish someone would take her off somewhere where we will never have to see or hear her screechy voice again. EVER.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:13 PM

      She's holding on and praying!! Don't worry, Sarah, it's like riding a bicycle (with the seat on this time)

    4. Anonymous7:18 PM

      @ 6:25 never said I wished her to die

    5. Anonymous7:19 PM

      In $carah's case I'll make an exception. Pre-emptive self-defense (Bush doctrine) of the country in hoping her demise is self-inflicted, humiliating and soon.

    6. Anonymous6:00 AM

      I don't want her to die. I want her and her husband to be brought up on charges, publicly humiliated, and bankrupted.

    7. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Yes, Anonymous 6:00 PM, that's what I hope for also, too. Add to that a tell-all book written by one of her children (obviously with the help of a ghost writer).

  23. Anonymous6:11 PM

    If McCain and Palin had been elected, it would have been McCain as POTUS and the White House. Sista Sarah would have been in second position - not heading things up as so many seem to indicate in their posts when reflecting backwards! Thank god, President Obama is in the White House and serving his second term!

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      If McCain had been elected, the Palin Mafia would have taken him out, and ushered shadow prez Tawd and her in. If you think that's wild, you don't know much about the Heath/Palins!

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Sorry, but with the Palin Maffia's help, McShame would not have survived his first year in office. Then she would have become #1.

    3. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Hear, hear! President Obama and his family are a class act.

    4. Anonymous7:38 PM

      The Palin Heath mafia? Hahahahahaha, now thats a joke. I'm sure even in lil ole Wasilla the biggest fear is getting trapped anywhere near their annoying family and having to interact with them. Please don't disparage organized mafia with comparisons to these useless wannabes.

    5. Anonymous8:47 PM

      the palin/heath mafia consists of skanks fat inbred retarded brother chuck_tard jr and her fake husband the needle dick tawd - they're known to shoot dogs, kill the dogs owner then burn her house down - light fire to an abandoned mat maid dairy building in palmer, that and spike track's dead dad's av gas with water

      cowardly lyin' sak's-0-shit fuk_tards

    6. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Add to the list - burn down a church destroying birth and baptismal records.

    7. Anonymous4:01 AM

      No, if McCain had won, there was a plan in place by Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt to make sure that she never got sworn in. I'm pretty sure they mentioned this. My guess is, they would have exposed Babygate before the inauguration. She should be glad she didn't win. She'd be even more of a laughingstock.

    8. Anonymous7:31 AM

      exactly - she's damn LUCKY she was not outed as a fraud way back when.

  24. Beldar Lou Conehead6:14 PM

    Say, Gryphen, your defunct blog (with 22 million hits) looks a LOT better without the 'grow up, gullible' troll.

    It even smells better.

    And THAT woman?

    THAT woman is an idiot.

  25. Anonymous6:25 PM

    The only talent Palin has is determining a ripe climate to make a buck. There are no mores in her world except the making of the almighty $$$ and she thinks in some sick way she is tapping into the “free market”. She won’t stop screeching the insanity until the money dries up.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      You're right about that but I think the money is starting to dry up because most people don't give two shits about Sarah anymore. She'll never run for office ever again and most people are growing tired of the idiot with her worn out hatred.

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Yes, I think after this weekend's CPAC performance, we won't hear much from her.

  26. Anonymous6:27 PM

    So a black woman beat Sarah Heath and became Miss Alaska.

    So a black man beat John McCain which sent the Miss Wasilla beauty pageant contestant back to Wasilla.

    Now Sarah Palin has an agenda, to get even.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

      And one black gentleman took pity on her in a dorm room and scratched an itch like no man before nor since, and this is the thanks he gets??

      The pointy hat and uniform cover a world of ugly in that photo. Is she saving that for "Mother of the Bride" dress?

    2. Anonymous4:04 AM

      The Palin "girls" do not have marriages, only trial husbands. Bristles wants to be like Michelle Dugger with 19 kids only hers will be by different fathers.

  27. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Hey, Sarah, we already know you are a racist slut! No need to keep reminding us!

  28. Anonymous6:31 PM

    She who endorses Katrina Pierson, the shoplifter, should not speak. In fact many of her endorsements have shady pasts.

    How dare she. I know we all want her to go down in history as only a foot note, but I think she should be right up there with all the other treasonous fools who have only worked to bring this country down.

  29. Anonymous6:35 PM

    There's a reason why President Obama is serving his second term in the White House and the village idiot of Wasilla is still the village idiot of Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Co-Wasilla village idiot.

  30. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Sarah Palin is not a racist. Didn't she have sex with a black man? Am I right Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper?

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Well Bristol? Did your mother do Glenn Rice?

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      A BJ is not sex......bwahahahaha

  31. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I think Sarah wished she was Michelle Obama and their two daughters was Sarah's daughters. Sorry Sarah, you're stuck with your idiots.

  32. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I disagree that Sarah Palin's children are retards. If Michelle Obama adopted Sarah's children, they would be college educated.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Well, assuming she adopted them before they got know, like three?

    2. Anonymous10:01 PM

      I think you are incorrect. I doubt Bristol's IQ is much over 70 and I doubt that Willow's or Trackmark's are uch higher.

    3. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Do you think there were books around the Palin house? Do you think they watched educational programming? Do you think they went to museums and the zoo? No, they probably sat around eating junk food and watching sit-coms and making fun of peole. IQs are fluid and even someone with the genetics of a Palin could have a higher one with the right environment. If Bristol were raised by Michelle Obama, she probably wouldn't have gotten into Harvard or anything, but she would have been smart enough and have enough drive to become a nurse or teacher, a librarian, a social worker. Not that these are lesser jobs or that it's not as good to work in these professions as it is to go to Harvard…because I'm NOT. And I'm sure the Obamas would be just as proud of their imaginary daughter Bristol as they would if she DID go to Harvard. I just picked these jobs because they have an emphasis on public service and I'm sure the Obamas will end up doing devoting their lives to helping others. They're not going to do reality shows -- although they might become documentary makers (Malia seems to really enjoy using a camera.)

    4. Anita Winecooler4:14 PM

      I have a feeling, after reading Sarah's Book "Going Rogue", there was one scholarly book on the shelf.

      "Hop On Pop" by Dr. Seuss

  33. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Poor Sarah Palin, wished she lived in the White House.

  34. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Molly did your sister Sarah use your college dorm room to entertain her out of state friends?

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Molly, did your sister Sarah use your college dorm room to pretend she was enrolled in college?

  35. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

    Jesus, step off your soapbox, skeletor. He's an attorney, you know how that works, you have at least one representing you.

  36. Anonymous7:14 PM

    So let's put it in so many words: $carah Palin is nothing more than another jealous white racist bitch.

  37. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Summary of Reid's speech:

  38. There are puppet masters keeping $arah around and she's doing their dirty work, she's too stupid to come up with this on her own

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      Septchile I agree. For someone who does not read newspapers, she seems to know a lot about what is going on. I wonder who the puppet master is, and how much it is costing them??

    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Palin and her ilk are fed their talking points by the Koch brothers cabal. Along with a hefty donation to their PACS.

  39. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Dear Granny Sarah,
    Your time would be much better spent doing things like holding Bristol's knees together before she loses al custody of your Grandchild who is named after your ex husband's prostitute.

  40. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Uh-oh, it's obvious that Sarah's writing her own shit now. I think that's wonderful. I'd like all of the mainstream media to keep reporting her word salads nonstop day and night to remind all of America about the shit that comes out of that freak's oversized head.

    Run, freak, run!!!

  41. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Boy, she is a sad human being. No better than old Ted Nugent.

  42. Anonymous9:31 PM

    So if she is looking forward to the end of the Obama era, she must be also looking forward to the beginning of the Hilary Clinton era? Right? LOL!

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Well now, Scarah is thinking she would be the perfect President and will muster up all those votes from at least 572 ignorant yahoos. With Nugent as VP it will be a landslide!

  43. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Hmmmmmmm... Where, oh WHERE is our troll who so unceremoniously disappeared just before $he went on to the Hannity show and spouted the same 'idea' like Rand Paul about the Keystone XL saving us and deterring Putin from raising his head above Alaska???

  44. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Same old racism, just carefully couched in coded language. I know that, inside, Sarah Palin is a miserable, insecure human being. I'll admit... knowing that is gratifying.

  45. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Funny video & oh so TRUE! Look in the mirror Sarah & see what most people see...a CLOWN!

  46. Anonymous2:09 AM

    She's desperate for attention...did you notice that she is not being heralded as the queen of CPAC this year? Although she will be spewing her typical rabid hate speech against President Obama again this year (with or without Big Gulp?), she is not garnering the attention she once did. It appears that she is now the side show that she should always have been and that serious (although crazy) political contenders have taken center stage. Have a look at this:

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:47 AM

      Yup, just browsed the article and the comments--they're making the biggest deal about Christie, who they claim is the most anticipated speaker of the yearly 3-ring circus. I didn't even see Pootsie's name mentioned in the main. One commenter is really pushing the Newtster as the next President(!) There must not be enough PAC postage funds to go around this time--only one of the usual flying monkeys showed up in the thread to hawk "Princess" Palin. And was immediately trashed.

      Sorry, sweetface--guess you'll have to do something a bit more extreme to get attention this year. Better polish up that stripper pole, or drag out some moldy old sex tapes to "accidentally" mix in with your audio/visual presentation!

    2. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Also take a look at articles about the Ukraine crisis--her name is not mentioned--she is simply not a serious voice (and never was even although the media gave her power). Once again, her "mom jeans" comment got a few chuckles in the media but when serious discussions take place, her name is simply not mentioned:

  47. Anonymous4:39 AM

  48. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I kept thinking that she was going to swing down from the rafters at the Oscars to try to grab the mic to call Obama names. But we got through the show without Palin screaming "look at me!"

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Look closer at that stars' selfie, she probably pushed her way into that one too.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.