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"Okay is that hog manure I smell? Or...." |
What a day for Iowa patriots! Very proud to stand with Joni Ernst because she will be a great commonsense conservative in the U.S. Senate! Her love of country, experience, and solid character – virtues that cross party lines and political ideology – bring real hope to a diverse populace. (A "diverse population" of predominantly white middle aged people she means.) Even Jimmy Fallon said to vote her in! (He as mocking her.) We heard the news that her likely Democrat opponent took a page from the Obama playbook and disparaged hard working Iowans in a closed-door fundraiser. Liberal Congressman Bruce Braley referred to U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley as "just a farmer from Iowa." Holy! As an admirer of the hardest workers in America, toiling to feed the world, I have to ask what's next from a man who would disparage the work ethic and know-how of a farmer? Is insulting the other half of Iowa by slamming them for "bitterly clinging to their guns and religion" up next? (Oh, look a dig at Obama, how completely expected.) I'd stay away from the Iowa State Fair this year if I were you, Mr. Braley. The good productive "just farmers from Iowa" and "bitter clingers" we've shared fried butter-on-a-stick with there may have a bone or two to pick.
Well that's a Sarah Palin endorsement for you, just chock full of old fashioned down home bullshit, insults toward liberals, and a veiled threat or two.
And believe me if Palin ever actually "shared" fried butter on a stick with anyone, it was only for as long as it took her to walk to the state fair port-a-potty and vomit it out.
As ya'll might remember we covered the Ernst testicle shriveling campaign video on Tuesday, and of course Palin endorsed her yesterday.
And the endorsing continues in high gear today, as she has just recently come out in support of Karen Handel form Georgia for the US Senate, in a long winded endorsement that seems to be cut and pasted from her previous endorsements. (Hey, creativity costs extra!)
Recent polling shows Handel running a distant fourth in a crowded field of potential GOP nominees, so her chances of pulling off a victory are between slim and none, and since slim is Sarah "Albatross" Palin that essentially leaves none.
I cannot help but to think that this recent spate of seemingly cookie cutter endorsements is in direct response to all of us calling her out as a fraud who is only using SarahPAC to line her own pockets and rarely ever uses the money to support candidates.
Now she is showing all of us "haters" how wrong we are by having SarahPAC paid ghostwriters type out her endorsements for her.
So there! People who don't believe that Sarah Palin is still a force to be reckoned with in politics anymore.
Which I'm guessing would be all of us.
I am really, really beginning to hate McCain for inflicting this harpy on us all. She is like a case of super-herpes.
ReplyDeleteM from MD
You're just beginning? I hated her from the first speech at the GOP convention and it's gone down from there. At least then I thought she had a brain. It quickly became apparent how wrong I was on that count!
DeleteI've been trying real hard not to give in, but I can no longer hold it in. Someone needs to take her down for good and all and maybe then McCain will be shamed into apologizing to this country.
DeleteM from MD
The 2014 Senate race is Mrs. Palin's last ditch attempt to "get the money" into SarahPAC. If she fails in her Facebook endorsement campaign for this batch of endorsees then her PAC well will dry up and she'll only have her 12 million dollar personal wealth to live on, remember, she'd always rather spend someone else's money FIRST, before she even touches her personal bank account. Plus, a lot of consultants and lawyers depend on SarahPAC for their hefty salaries, as does the USPS. She's going to disappoint her entire staff of downline grifters if she fails in this mission.
ReplyDeleteThe big question remains, who will be the lucky candidate that gets not only her Facebook endorsement but also too the coveted $5000 check?
Seriously, if Mrs. Palin fails at her political cheerleading gig during this election cycle she won't be invited anywhere near the 2016 Presidential election cycle, not that anyone invited her to the RNC Convention nor asked for her endorsement in 2012.
Do or Die, Mrs. Palin, Do or Die.
Palin doesn't know how to "do" much of anything, so I guess that leaves the latter.
DeleteDidn't Karen Handel almost singlehandedly destroy The Susan Koman charity? Everybody knows what Palin is doing. She has to endorse a buttload of people so she can at least come out 50/50. What a rancid sweaty piece of offal she is. I'm tired of hearing about her.
ReplyDeleteI blame this sick and evil can-of-worms named Palin on McCain and Kristol.Now our real American reputation has been tarnished.
ReplyDeleteThey have unleashed a beast, no, they have unleashed THE beast. Shame on both of them.
I'm so sick of this bitoch!
ReplyDeletehandel? Of the Bush no recount Florida??
ReplyDeleteNo, that was katherine harris. This bitch is the one who popped off her mouth about PP and the Susan Komen Charity. It's severely damaged to this day...
DeleteShe is taking a beating from her own gang, the right wing, on her endorsement of one Lizbeth Benacquisto in Florida. Turns out Benacquisto's husband is a major Obama donor. Oh hell why do any homework before issuing a Facebook proclamation? Studying and researching is for overeducated East Coast liberals, not an "Amazing American".
ReplyDeleteWorth a trip to the Asylum to check out the Pee People claiming they think it's OK for husbands and wives to have different political views! Careful though - they are using dialect to tell Chinese "jokes" today. Some "Amazing Americans" over there. Palin's people for sure.
Oh boy. Just keeping sending your money to her, rubes and yokels. You can trust that it is all being spent on "homework" and "careful vetting", you know, the things she is doing so you don't have to.
Deleteyep, her rabid rube, illiterate posters on her hatebook page are calling her out on that one.
DeleteNever have I been happier to be a (north)east coast liberal.
DeleteIn 2010 Handel lost the Georgia's Governor's Race (with a Palin endorsement then too)
ReplyDeleteIn 2012 Handel was forced to resign from her VP position at Komen
2014 she's running for Georgia's US Senator
Three strikes and hopefully Karen will be out...
The 2010 Palin endorsement cost Handel big time...
DeleteThe cost of bringing Palin and her family to town? More than $100,000.
Handel’s campaign paid an Ohio jet charter service nearly $92,000 and her latest campaign finance report shows it was for the Palin event. Handel also paid an additional $13,000 in expenses to the InterContinental Hotel in Buckhead for the event.
Sarah continuing to lead the Republican party.
ReplyDeleteHer endorsements are always sought after.
After the Senate is taken this year
She will be in position for victory in 2016
You must be eating those shrooms that grow up through the pig shit.
DeleteShe will be in position for victory in 2016. I think the major stumbling block is going to be the first question, "Why did you quit your job when you were the Governor of Alaska?" Picking winners and losers in an election is not the thing that voters look at in voting, otherwise we'd be looking at Senator Nate Silver.
Deleteyou're fucking nuts.
DeleteSarah does not lead the Republican party. Her fans hate the Republicans. They are Tea Party people, Mama Grizzlies, anything but Republicans.
Delete3:12 Sarah does not lead the Republican party. Her fans hate the Republicans
You're right, she leads a small band of crazy "warriors" that have either never served or are reliving world war 2 in their imaginations. And yes they hate republicans. They hate everyone who is not "with them".
Ah....it's satire.
Somebody call Nurse Ratchet and grab the straight jacket.
I hope you're a "tucker", she pals around with nut cutters, just sayin'!
DeleteTalk is cheap, she can endorse all she wants but it means nothing unless she contributes some of her grifted, I mean PAC, money to the candidates she wants to win.
ReplyDeletemark my words, she'll not cut loose of more than $5000.
DeleteShe's desperate. Her SarahPac funds are drying up so she's endorsing left and right. She must be getting paronoid since she'll have to get a real job. Worse, her offspring will have to work and they've never had a real job in their lives.
ReplyDeleteWhat's going to happen to Track, the warrior hero. lol....and Brisket will have to go work at a real office, not a pretend dermatology office.
I can go on and on but you get what I mean.
Where will she find all the hush money she needs?
DeleteTruly stomach turning:
ReplyDeletePoll: Sarah Palin tops list of women Americans want to run for president
I cannot think of a better weapon for the Dems.Hillary would completely eviscerate Palin, sans anesthetic.
DeleteI bet these people couldn't name ten women in politics today.
DeleteThey know her name. That's it.
I know lots of people that want her to run - it will be the final nail in her "political" career - such as it is. People want her to run so she'll be ground into paste on election night. THAT is why people want her to run in 2016 - including ME.
DeleteRUN, Sarah - RUN!!!
Hee Haw Stain's been busy! My lord how does she keep up with her busy schedule of posin', primpin', and vettin' all these folks, then writin' in her FB with endorsements. Good lord they all sound the same also, too. Then she's got those children to tend, and a husband to keep happy {{wink-wink}}, an cook for, and launderin' his stained undies. What's a harlot to do?
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:17 pm
DeleteMaybe she rests her nose, I mean head, on top of an oil barrel, to give herself a "pick-me-up", if you get what I mean.
Madison Rising—which bills itself as "America's most patriotic Creed cover rock band"—vaulted to notoriety last month after the group dramatically interpreted the Star-Spangled Banner as a post-grunge arena opera for Daytona NASCAR fans. It was... magical, in the Christian-friendly way that a Navy vet-cum-Scott Stapp impersonator can conjure non-Satanic magic with a folded U.S. flag:
Pretty funny!
ReplyDeleteAmazing America, Sarah Palin’s new show on the Sportsman Channel, has a theme song, a patriotic power-ditty by Three Doors Down YouTube Band Madison Rising. It’s about things that are American. The video is b-roll of those things, some of them corresponding to the lyrics, some not, because there are only so many words that rhyme with gun.
Typical Palin: Has to make her poxy puss more prominent than the pig she promotes (how's THAT for alliteration?)
ReplyDeleteSo Mama Grizzly is endorsing Mama Pig Nuts, Both fruitcakes from the Tea Party. She is doomed but I'd hate to go through life being remembered as the piggie balls lady LOL.
ReplyDeleteI love Mama Pig Nuts. I don't know where they get the idea that a woman who can cut off some animal's balls is going to be welcomed by those ball-busters in DC.
Delete1:53 I don't know where they get the idea that a woman who can cut off some animal's balls is going to be welcomed by those ball-busters in DC.
And I don't know where they get the idea that cutting off some animals balls give her credentials to be in government.
@2:25 Her credentials? She cut off animals' balls, so she was going to cut the pork in Washington DC. By that reasoning, we should be sending butchers to Washington DC, not politicians. Who else is good at cutting stuff? Women who sew and cut out a pattern. Those people who make your silhouette by cutting out a piece of paper. Even Sarah has credentials, since she makes such cutting remarks on her facebook.
DeleteMore crap from the teabaggers, they will NEVER cut the pork in Washington DC. How do they think these politicians are supporting themselves? Do they think they actually live on their government salaries?
DeleteOf course not they become millionaires from all the favors (pork) and many of them retire and become lobbyists.
Only palin is willing to degrade herself by becoming a reality show hostess !!!
Amazing America: Q&A With Sarah Palin
If you could change one federal firearm law, what would you change?
I’m interested in any measure that would allow more people to carry concealed because, as the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre famously said, “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Guns protect good people, and our laws need to acknowledge this fact.
You know, the next time a mass shooting occurs at a movie theater or elementary school, I would very much like to see LaPierre and Palin given an escort through the crime scene (or, at least, provided with a graphic slideshow of the carnage) so that they might both better appreciate the "noble" and "patriotic" result of their handiwork for themselves.
Deletepersonally i wouldn't mind seeing the cross eyed skank and lapierre attending said theatre before said shooting
Deletekarma at it's finest
Anonymous1:54 PM
DeleteLike 1000+
Sarah Palin is a farce of nature.
ReplyDeletelol !
DeleteThis looks like more political endorsements that Palin has made than she made in any other election period-- in fact, in all of the elections combined. She's really on a roll, or at least her ghost writer/political guru is. One of the endorsements was posted at 7 AM (Arizona time) or 6 AM (Alaska time). Do you believe that Sarah had written all that in order to post early in the morning? I think that she is trying to prove that she is justified in having a PAC, even though these endorsements don't cost the hundreds of thousands of dollars in deductions that Palin will be declaring for her PAC.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see her next FEC filing to see how many of these "endorsements" actually got more than a Facebook post. By that I mean cold, hard cash. I'm betting is a Facebook post is all they'll get. Gotta save money for "postage."
ReplyDelete$arah: ENDORSING is not the same as FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING a candidate! Put your money where your mouth is, and pay each of your candidates the maximum allowable contribution, which is, I believe, somewhere around $5,000 each.
ReplyDeleteLet's see when you do it!
Exactly! Talk is cheap. Send them Sarah PAC money to show you mean what you say.
DeleteSarah is endorsing these candidates in the hope that she will get paid to campaign for them. Sarah doesn't do anything for free. The last time she endorsed Karen Handel, the Handel campaign had to fork over nearly 100k for Queen Sarah to appear. Does anyone think she campaigned for Lonegan in the New Jersey Senate race for free? Please............
ReplyDeleteSarah thinks a candidate's campaign cash should go to her. The idea of her donating to a candidate is too old fashioned for the greedy Sarah Palin. Candidates pay her don't ya know.
exactly 3:22
Deletealso she never passes up a chance to strap her flags onto her feet and receive the accolades of her adoring audience. Yes, they are there for the candidate, but to sarah, they're all hers.
Palin is giving Karen Handel a "throw-away" endorsement, in Good Faith. Throwing her a bone - a freebie, as it were...
ReplyDeleteYou see, Sarah took $100K from Handel in 2010 for an in-person appearance, which plunged Handel's campaign into debt. This all came to light after the election - which Handel lost.
O/T the Insider repeated the interview with palin about her show (she was wearing the black cocktail top) ask about bridgegate- oh you should never cover up anything when your in such a high position( seriously) , tina fey owes her money for pipers braces, running against hillary -benghazi, blah blah
ReplyDeleteI read these answers from someone's comments here, but I thought it was a different show. Now I think that she had the same exact questions for all those tabloid programs.
The best part was when he asked, so have you completed the transition from politician to television? (or reality tv, can't remember exact statement)
That did not go over well with the wasilla hillbilly- she said something to effect - blah blah-because politics is in her blood. Yea right like she is going to run for anything.
SMOOCH! Kiss of death.
ReplyDeleteWTH is she talking about? Hard working farmers doing their jobs to feed americans? Then why do our fruits and Veggies come from Chile? They're raising corn (food) and selling it for methanol (fuel).
ReplyDeleteThe reason Joni's busy with the castration square dance is when you castrate them, they fatten up quicker, the more fat, the more they fit in less space, and the more antibiotics and who knows what they get injected in them, and we're paying for it with our health.
The first photo's a classic! Corn fed iowa youn un holding a blue ribbon, and Sarah with a home made sign that says "Unemployed, will endorse for food. Stripper pole extra, I got the shoes to prove it!
That "Whooshing" sound you hear is the figurative death rattle for anyone she curses/ endorses.