Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Sarah Palin upset that President Obama is tired of protecting Israel while they resist working on a peace deal with Palestine.

Courtesy of Queen Fester's Facebook page:  

I find this stunning – scary, sad, and stunning. On the eve of Netanyahu's visit, President Obama announces to the world that he shall tell Israel's prime minister what to do; he'll lay blame for regional unrest on Israel and command they adopt an Obama-sanctioned "peace plan" that requires Israel to concede even more land and authority. Truly stunning.

Well of course she finds it stunning, scary, and sad. After all if Obama stops allowing Israel to continue yanking America's chain, and forces it to make real peace with the Palestinians, she might not get that important war that was predicted in the Book of Revelations and she won't get to meet Jesus.

After all Palin would not piss on Israel if it was on fire, if she did not believe that it was instrumental in ushering in the Second Coming of Christ.

For those who may not know what has Palin's crusty panties all in a bunch, this is what has been reported about Obama's plans: 

President Obama plans to urge Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to support the U.S. framework for peace with the Palestinians when the two men meet in the Oval Office on Monday, according to aides familiar with the agenda. 

But Obama may also offer tougher talk than ever before on the importance of reaching a peace agreement and ending Israeli settlement construction in the occupied territories. 

In an interview published by Bloomberg News on Sunday, Obama told journalist Jeffrey Goldberg that the U.S. is still willing to defend Israel before the international community but that his ability to do that effectively may wane without a peace deal. 

“If you see no peace deal and continued aggressive settlement construction -- and we have seen more aggressive settlement construction over the last couple years than we’ve seen in a very long time,” Obama said. “If Palestinians come to believe that the possibility of a contiguous sovereign Palestinian state is no longer within reach, then our ability to manage the international fallout is going to be limited.” 

If Netanyahu doesn’t believe that a peace deal is the right thing to do for Israel, Obama told Goldberg, “then he needs to articulate an alternative approach.” 

“It’s hard to come up with one that’s plausible,” he added.

In other words after decades of US Presidents spending tons of time, money, and wasted political capital trying to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, Obama is upping the stakes by suggesting that if Netanyahu is not serious about working towards peace in the Middle East, then he should have the guts to admit it.

And that once he does, America might not be able, or perhaps even willing, to protect them from the aggression that is surely going to come their way.

To my way of thinking this kind of tough talk is EXACTLY what Netanyahu needs to hear.

Perhaps once he realizes that THIS President is unwilling to continue being jerked around, he will put a stop to the aggressive settlement construction and start negotiating in good faith.

After all wasn't it the conservatives and Fox News who said that President Obama needed to start talking tougher and backing it up with action?


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    So the woman who sides with North Korea and husband who was a member of the Alaska Independence Party wants to put her nose into America's business?

  2. Anonymous3:16 PM

    She is embarrassingly ignorant and willfully dangerous when it comes to Israel. The rise of the right wing in Israel has created this strange alliance — American wing nuts/evangelicals/ and Israeli wing nuts. My Jewish ancestors are turning over in their graves.

  3. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Sarah how about finishing your war against Christmas before you start another quest?

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sarah how worrying about your daughter's sexual habits?

    Apparently she is also yours for the night if you get her drunk enough. Five nights in a row she got wasted. Three of those nights she went home with a different guy. 


  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Wait -- first Obama's weak….and when he tries to stand up for American values, she gets all pissy?

  6. Anonymous3:28 PM

    This idiot who can't tell you what she reads is now an expert in foreign affairs.

  7. Anonymous3:48 PM

    No wonder she looks like hell, how can she keep up with all this world affairs stuff? And give intelligent policy on how to go about creating world peace to boot?

    How could the world not see this visionary right under our very noses for the past six years??

  8. Keith Olbermann said it best: "That woman is an idiot."

  9. Anonymous4:05 PM

    No titties in that pic WTF???

    Wonkette is spanking Mama Grizz and her spawn in a spectacular fashion.

  10. Anonymous4:15 PM

    She does know that Isreal is Jewish, doesn't she? You know, no Christmas, no baby Jesus, no Christian family values?

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      There's a war on Christmas in Israel. Doesn't Sarah care?

  11. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I'll bet "BB" is regretting THAT particular photo op.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      that would be Bibi Babee, the Bully, (Can't STAND him)

  12. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Shelly is having a hissy fit over this as well, here's her latest delusional take on it:

    ...Rep. Michele Bachmann warned that President Obama is “threatening Israel,” and by doing so is fulfilling biblical prophecies and bringing about the End Times. The Minnesota congresswoman told Perkins that Obama is pressuring Israel to “give up its land to terrorists” allied with Al Qaeda, which will lead to a “final war, destroying and reducing to rubble Israel.”

    “That’s in the natural, I just believe that as believers in Jesus Christ who see the authority of scripture, I believe that the Lord and his strong right arm will have Israel’s back and will be her protector,” Bachmann said. “The question is, will we as the United States cooperate in standing with Israel and blessing Israel, or will we join those nations that come against her? We are definitely on the wrong side. It is jaw dropping, it is stunning, it’s breathtaking.”

    The congresswoman was echoing an End Times belief that holds that a massive battle will take place in Israel, triggering the Last Days.

    Bachmann also skewered the Jewish community in the US for its wide support for Obama. She said that Obama “was helped enormously by the Jewish community,” who she says care more about supporting Obama than Israel.


    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      "It is jaw dropping, it is stunning, it’s breathtaking” that this nutcase could have been elected to Congress...more than once!

    2. Our Lad7:09 PM

      Well,during the Last Days I'm certain that the Bachman's will be all a-twitter with their packing and sayin goodbye to friends who won't be caught up in the Rapture....I can almost envision it. Marcus Bachman, now on the most important mission in his life, hastily choosing which Judy Garland albums he will take to his reward. There ain't no pussy in heaven, Marcus, so don't sweat it.

  13. Anonymous4:45 PM

    QUEEN FESTER!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. Anonymous4:49 PM

    What The U.S. Media Isn't Telling Us About Ukraine

    In the former Soviet Union, everyone knows that the road to statelessness, unpersonhood and poverty begins with the official elimination of Russian as an official language.

    ...As usual, America's foreign correspondents are falling down on the job.

    Stories devoid of historical context cast Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a naked act of neo-Soviet aggression. Considering that the relevant history begins a mere two decades ago, its omission is inexcusable.

    The spark that led to the takeover of Crimea was not the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovich. It is what happened the day after.

    A 2012 law gave the Russian language official status in regions where Russians comprise more than 10% of the population. This is the case in most of eastern Ukraine and particularly in Crimea, where 59% are ethnic Russians.

    One week ago, Ukraine's rump parliament (members of Yanukovich's party, hiding from opposition forces and in fear for their lives, didn't show up) took advantage of Yanukovich's downfall to overturn the language law. Americans didn't notice, but Russians did.

    "Attack on the Russian language in Ukraine is a brutal violation of ethnic minority rights,"Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry's commissioner for human rights, tweetedthat day.

    Seems a little over-the-top, right?

    Sure, but only if you don't know that millions of ethnic Russians in former Soviet Republics have suffered widespread discrimination and harassment since the 1991 collapse — and that their troubles began with laws eliminating Russian as an official language.Laws like the one passed last week in Ukraine.The demise of the Soviet Union left 25 million Russians stranded in 14 newly independent states, in such countries as Belarus, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.

    These new countries had to scramble in order to create the trappings of national identity virtually overnight. They designed new flags, composed national anthems and printed new currency.To instill a sense of loyalty and patriotism, the governments of many of the freshly-minted republics resorted to rank nationalism.

    Nationalism isn't just about what your country is. It's also about what it isn't. This requires defining some things — some people — as outsiders. Unwanted. Scapegoats. Enemies of the state,


    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      What a lot of bigoted nonsense. When the Russians invaded the Ukraine and all those other countries since WW2 they made the speaking of the natural language illegal and forced everyone to speak Russian. Fuck the Russians AND their language.

    2. Anonymous10:11 PM

      I have many Czech friends that resented being forced to learn Russian in school while occupied by the Russians.... A fine point to not note in this article.

  15. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Jesus called. Said his calendar is full - on any day there's a chance of meeting $carah.

  16. Anonymous4:50 PM

    A new poll released by Roanoke College on Tuesday shows that the GOP is in serious trouble in their bid to take the White House in 2016. The poll was done in New York, New Jersey and Virginia. While, predictably, New York and New Jersey both showed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton well in the lead, the results for Virginia were a little surprising and have to be discouraging for Republicans.

    The poll revealed that in matchups with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, Clinton is well in the lead against all three. Considering that Virginia is a ‘swing’ state, and the GOP needs to flip at least a few states in 2016 to have a chance, this doesn’t bode well for them. Against the embattled Christie, Clinton holds a solid eight-point lead, 48-40. Against Tea Party darling Paul, her lead widens to 14 points. Ryan also trails by double-digits, 51-40.

    The poll also shows that Christie, while still relatively popular in his home state despite his recent troubles, would still get beat soundly there if he faced off against Clinton. While Christie fared much better in Jersey than either Paul or Ryan, he still trails Clinton by 10 points, 51-41. Paul trails by 29 and Ryan by 25 points. In New York, no GOP candidate comes within 33 points of Mrs. Clinton.

    Clinton’s favorability rating is quite high in Virginia, and far ahead of these three potential GOP candidates. 56% of Virginia residents hold a favorable view of the former First Lady, compared to 28% who see her negatively. Meanwhile, Christie is pretty much net-neutral on favorability in the state, with 38% seeing him positively while 37% have an unfavorable view of him. Paul is slightly net-negative with Virginia residents, as he’s at 32% favorable against 36% negative. 40% of Virginians see Ryan in a positive light while 32% do not like him personally.

    This poll seems to compare favorably with recent polls in battleground states that show Clinton is well in command.


  17. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Much like his good buddy John McCain, Graham is trying to force the President to commit to a full-scale war with Russia. Let me repeat that. With Russia. He figures that by calling the President names and bringing up Benghazi he is going to get his neo-con fantasy made true. He and the other neo-cons will not only get to relive the Cold War, they’ll actually get to put boots on the ground and have a large-scale military operation against the Russians.

    Graham is also hoping to somehow bring up Benghazi as this earth-shattering, foreign-policy dictating event that will shape world events for decades to come and be a huge black eye to this administration. While tragic and perhaps even avoidable to a degree, the Benghazi attack did NOT empower Putin because it showed that Obama is too ‘weak and indecisive.’ Graham is playing a senseless game of Six Degrees of Separation by reaching these conclusions.

    Considering that fewer and fewer people are taking anything Sen. McCain says seriously, you’d think that Graham wouldn’t follow him don’t that rabbit hole. But he is, and it seems like he’s taken a full dose of whatever McCain is on. Not only are both men saying near-traitorous things about our Commander-In-Chief, they are seemingly showing Putin far more respect than their own President. It is one thing to express a different opinion or wish that the President would take a different course of action. That is totally understandable in this political climate. However, to openly deride the President and ostensibly root for his failure during a period of international unrest in beyond the pale. The actions of Graham and McCain are reprehensible.


    1. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

      Miss Lindsey was yodelling his butt off over Benghazi, has anyone told him to turn the page?

  18. Randall5:01 PM

    A) Benjamin Netanyahu is just a little to the right of Dick Cheney in his political views.

    B) Before graduating Harvard Law with a J.D. magna cum laude, Barack Obama had graduated Columbia University where he majored in Political Science with a specialty in Foreign Relations. Sarah Palin took five years to achieve a four-year degree in journalism.

    C) President Obama has spent the past five years discussing foreign policy and world affairs with his cabinet and the Heads of State of the most powerful countries in the world. Sarah Palin was on a (failed) reality show and has made appearances on Fox News - where even some of her contemporaries there (Bill O'Reilly) think she's a moron. She has also given the same tired speech at several conservative gatherings.

    D) Whatever happened to the idea that it isn't patriotic to criticize our President during a time of war?

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Well, Randall, when you lay it out like that, don't you have to wonder what is going on in the minds of so many conservatives? If I was a Republican, I would do everything in my power to shut her voice down.

      No matter her party, she is an embarrassment to our country.

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      And Netanyahu was working on Wall Street with Mitt Romney.

    3. majii8:17 PM

      I'd like to add one thing to your list, Randall.

      President Obama is an avid student of history. Many of his critics either don't study history, or don't understand how history can be used to avoid making the mistakes that were made in the past today.

      I'm a retired high school social studies teacher, and believe it or not, many of the science and math teachers used to tell students that there was no place in the curriculum for history since they felt it serves no useful function. Imagine that. In order to be an effective, instead of a mediocre or failed politician, one who plans a career in politics would do well to study history. There's nothing happening in the political and/or foreign policy world today that hasn't happened before.

    4. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Randall, you forgot she is a contributor to the defuct BeerFart website.
      And a sexpert in the "Bend and snap"
      Ho strolling! Oh yeah, our sarah has skills, oh yes sirree!

  19. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Just one quibble.

    $arah would not piss on Israel if it WAS on fire. Fire might actually usher the end times. She would not want to stop that! Otherwise she would be happy to pee away.

  20. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Palin-related OT - Palin's big interview on Hannity didn't help his ratings which were lower than the previous Monday. This is despite yesterday being a bigger news day with the Russia-Ukraine situation and despite it being Palin's first on air appearance since New Years Eve.

    Mar. 2 1,328K viewers (with Palin interview)
    Feb. 14 1,496K viewers (better without Palin)



    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      should be Feb. 24, not 14

  21. Anonymous5:47 PM

    On her highness's Facebook. did you see the pic of her and Hannity from March 3, 2014?
    Just page down a bit and you will. She looks like a SKELTON!!

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I showed my high-school-daughter the elder Palin's facebook latest picture from Hannity's show, and she thinks it's been photoshoped & defaced to make a joke out of her.
      She couldn't believe that the picture is really Palin or how much her looks have evolved & still thinks someone is playing a joke. lol...
      And then I showed her the picture with the the chick-fil-a t-shirt & the come-back picture of the faux news channel, and she still thinks it's been photoshoped. lol
      The woman not only looks like a skeleton, she looks like she can hardly sit and she's ready to pass out.

  22. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Late to the thread. Gee, after her "stellar" performance last night on Hannity, those highly paid consultants had to come out with something to change the subject. She knows next to nothing about this, also too.

    How long did it take you to sleep that off, $arah? Enquiring minds want to know.

  23. Anonymous5:55 PM

    The Palin curse continues.
    Katrina Pierson loses to Pete Sessions tonight in TX Republican primary.
    Palin proudly and loudly endorsed Pierson a few weeks ago.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      An endorsement from Sarah Palin is like the smell of Manure blowing in the wind.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Hopefully Sarah Palin will endorse Pete Session

  24. Anonymous5:55 PM

    How much of THEIR land and power have they conceded? Zip.

  25. Bibi Netanyahu also has no problem whatsoever manipulating United States politicians into doing what he wants them to do, and brags about it in this video:

    The scene: Netanyahu is talking to a family about the destruction of Palestine. He thinks that the camera has been turned off...

    "America is something that can be easily moved (manipulated). Moved to the right direction... they won't get in our way. They won't get in our way, they won't bother us...

    Look. That administration (Clinton)...was extremely pro-Palestinian. I wasn't afraid to maneuver there. I was not afraid to clash with Clinton. I was not afraid of a confrontation with Clinton. I was not afraid to clash with the United Nations..."


    Longer version: starts at 1:15 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvqCWvi-nFo

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      And what that fat prick Bibi says is true, our congress falls all over themselves to kowtow to Israel,Even the pope wussed out when visited Palestine.I am sick and tired of seeing all these lewaders of church and countries wearing yamulkas and praing at the wailing wall. They try to look pious but they are thinking,What the fuck am I doing with my face pressed against this booger stained wall and I wonder how much money are they going to give me for my campaign

  26. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Greg Abbott, Wendy Davis Clinch Party Nominations


  27. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Some advice to Sarah, TALK TO A JEWISH PERSON.
    More than likely, they will tell you they worked for President Obama's campaign. They will tell you they do not support the radical Right in Israel. They will tell you they are ashamed of the treatment of Palestini people at the hands of the government. You know Palestine, which has a huge influence in Christianity.


    1. Beldar J Cohenhead7:58 PM


    2. AKinPA6:34 AM

      Even when you don't grace us with one of your 3 or 4 paragraphs of snark, you make me laugh and brighten my day. Mr Cohenhead indeed!

    3. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Sarah supports neocons. She is a Ultra right winger http://s.shr.lc/1c9mWpQ
      "But there are several areas in which the Right Sector still holds outdated and ultra-conservative views. In his video address “Great Ukrainian Achievement: What does Right Sector struggle for?” Yarosh says: “We are against degeneration and totalitarian liberalism, but we support traditional morals and family values, against the cult of profit and depravity.” What Yarosh means here when he says ‘degeneration’ is ‘homosexuality.’ When he says ‘totalitarian liberalism,’ he means that the right of the nation trumps human rights. Right Sector websites actively use such strange terms as “liberal homodictatorship” when they talk about modern open Western societies. One should note that while the far right is good in fighting, they might prove very problematic for Ukraine’s modern, open future."
      And it all comes down to the church also, too!
      RW Zionists, sarah is thy name!

    4. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

      What I'd love to see is the entire Palin Family moving through all the "occupied territories" through Palestine to get back to Israel for two weeks straight.

      I give her two minutes to scream "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!"

  28. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Anonymous4:49 PM

    Jesus called. Said his calendar is full - on any day there's a chance of meeting $carah

    The guy in hell is waiting for her.

  29. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

    That woman is an idiot no matter what direction you look at her. Front, side, back. She's nothing more than a lazy grifter full of sour grapes.

    Why on earth did Sarah spend eight years wearing a the key and star of David? She's clueless and has no shame whatsoever. The right here and the right there have totally different goals. Maybe she DOES know. She built a fricking sports center on land that belonged to someone else.

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Remember that clanky necklace? Whatever happened to that?

  30. Anonymous6:44 PM


  31. Anonymous4:02 AM

    carolhaka • 25 minutes ago

    I think the problem in Texas was the endorsement came too late. I wish it had been made earlier, and Sarah had time to campaign with Katrina.

    Oh poor ignorant Carol, she can barely get out of bed anymore.

  32. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Every time Natanyahu cozies up to Sarah Palin, he is further diminished in the minds of many Americans. She is not a stateswoman, nor an elected official, nor an esteemed academic. She is a shrill and uneducated messenger for the far, far right. I am certain she cannot begin to understand the specifics of Israeli-Palestinian relations. I mean, she can't even speak coherently and her thought process is...well, you know.

  33. Chenagrrl5:46 AM

    I am tired of radical right Bibi Netanyahu's steadfast refusal to negotiate. Each year it s a slightly different dodge. Israel has been in this position for generations. We give $$ faithfully and encourage peace, but Bibi and his crowd take the money and run their mouths.
    How can he not see that creating a workable peace defuses a good chunk of the Middle East crisis? At least it takes away one pretext for violence by radical Islam.

    If you recall Bibi was campaigning in the U.S. for his gooooood friend Mitt. His dinner with Sister Sarry was mere showboating.

  34. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Israeli "settlers" = squatters and land thieves


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