Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sportsman Channel presents Iditarod Unleashed. Hosted by a man who, much like these canine athletes, was neutered and put on a leash years ago.

Isn't it nice that Granny Grifter gets work for her layabout husband as well?

Hey maybe I'm just being mean and the Sportsman channel, much like John McCain, actually believed that Todd Palin was man enough to run the Iditarod.

Speaking of man enough, the second place finisher this year was a woman.

And believe me she is more man than Todd Palin will ever be, and more woman than he will ever get.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Why do they want a quitter and loser married to a quitter and loser hosting the Iditarod?

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      That whole channel is loser rednecks.

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Have you seen the line up on the Sportsman Channel? Good God, the Palins fit right in. But it's an insult to have these idiot Palins anywhere near the Iditarod.

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Todd's voice is too sweet to host the Iditarod.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      You mean sissy. Which is what he is.

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Todd's voice sounds like Truman Capote on helium.

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Toad sounds like the castrated eunuch he is. $arah has his cut off balls, and he carries them in her purse.

    4. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Hopefully that little high, squeaky voice won't hurt the dogs' ears.

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Bristol will be peddling her new wine cooler, called Too Intense.

  3. Anonymous6:20 AM

    They could have an episode with family members showing the public how to use an ulu.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! They don't even KNOW what an Ulu is, let alone know how to use one!

  4. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I can see it now. When the start of the Iditarod gun goes off, the Idiot Todd will run back to Sarah's house.

  5. Anonymous6:37 AM

    lol, the guy announcing tawd will be hosting has a deep manly voice, have they heard tawd?

  6. Anonymous6:40 AM

    They couldn't find someone who had actually run the Iditarod, or that works with teams? I believe that Ms. Palin has bragged on numerous occasions that the family is devoted to motor sports with emissions that she loves to smell. Many of us are devoted to non-motor winter sports, too bad they had to hire a family member for the episode instead of someone who has actually done the sport. There are many veterans of the Iditarod in AK that could have lovingly and knowledgeably talked about their classy sport.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      6:40 There are many veterans of the Iditarod in AK that could have lovingly and knowledgeably talked about their classy sport.

      Yes, this is a slap in the face of all those athletes and experts who actually know something of the sport.

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      I'm sure those who have actually participated in the Iditarod are not going to like the idea of having a snowmobile racer hosting a program about dog sled racers; especially when the host is a "what's in for me" proponent with a girlie voice.

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Todd Palin will be laughed off the earth in Alaska. He's already not liked or respected! This will be the corker! What a joke!

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM


    Is this why Todd's torque thingy quit on him during the Iron Dog?

    These people are so easy to see through. They are playing the show host/entertainment game as Sarah plays the political Kingmaker game, where she can keep her SarahPac money coming in.

    Why can't these people find real jobs again?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      He better keep his torque away from those magnificent creatures!

  8. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Hell. the last thing Todd Palin hosted was a gang bang with his ho's.

  9. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Listening to the deep voice of the narrator of this clip, I couldn't help but think of the difference between him and high-pitched, girly voiced Toad.

  10. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Alaska's first quitter governor hosts the Sportsman Channel.

    The first quitter of the 2014 Iron Dog hosts the Iditarod.

    Most likely Willow and Bristol will get hired to do hair and makeup.

    What's next? Will Sarah get the tattooed combat hero to fire the starting pistol?

    What will Piper do? Sell lemonade at her little lemonade stand?

  11. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Oh shit! Does this mean the Wasilla Hillbillies are staying in Alaska?

  12. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Watch Ally's post-race interview and tell me the Palins aren't sissies:

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      That was fantastic.

      Todd is not worthy.

      They need a host like Ally.

      Her recollections were mesmerizing.

      And damn, does she love her dogs.

  13. Anonymous7:12 AM

    A whipped dog is hosting the Iditarod?

  14. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Todd will probably develop "a rarely seen crank shaft bearing failure" and drop out in the first episode.

  15. Anonymous7:16 AM

    That pussy will probably wet his depends when the starting gun is fired.

  16. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Sportsman Channel presents Iditarod Unleashed.

    Should rename it to the Palin Channel presents Iditarod Unleashed.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Or Idiots Unleashed.

  17. got to make sure they all get the tax credit for AK tv/movie productions.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      It's in the Alaska Legislature now to do away w/this tax credit.

    2. yes, but they haven't done that yet. if they had the Iditarod race would not have to put up with this insulting program. the Palin motto is "what's in it for us" . Not tax credit - no family cameos

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      It has not been verified that Alaska funds (tax credits) were used for the Sarah and Todd shows!! I'm in the midst of doing so.

    4. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Oldie but good re: Palin's film incentive grab

    5. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Incentive page is back up.

  18. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Wonder if McCain did a Freudian slip with his Iditarod slip-up? Maybe he actually does keep close tabs to the Palins and heard about Todd hosting this episode about the Iditarod.

    Either McCain really doesn't know or care about the Palins affairs, or he does know more than Todd thinks. '
    Doesn't anyone get the sixth sense that someone keeps the Palins busy with these lucrative entertainment TV jobs, so they won't embarrass the GOP further. Keeping the girl and her grifting family happy means less interference from her and shame for John McCain, who at this time must shake his head with regret.

  19. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Sarah Palin's Amazing Alaska seems to also be Todd's Amazing Alaska. Other episodes: Amazing hair styles by Willow Palin, Amazing skin care by Bristol Palin, Tripp makes his mother an Amazing Breakfast (she keeps posting that tired old photo on her blog), Piper plays an Amazing game of Basketball and Chuck Heath Sr. shows his Amazing Bone collection. What a crock!

  20. Anonymous7:44 AM

    If producing these shows even brought some economic progress to Alaska, like tourism and increased publicity from the lower 48 about the Iditarod and winter fests and sports, that would be a benefit; but, these shows get tax exemption at the expense of Alaskan taxpayers.

    It must annoy AK'ers to no end that the Palins continuously use the tax law to their advantage, and keep getting the highest paid jobs, while filming crews work for so little. They've snubbed their noses in Alaskans' faces for so long now, and seem to get away with everything, there's got to be a day of reckoning for them.

    One of these days, they'll drop the ball, thinking so highly of themselves, and all their scheming and manipulating will be exposed.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      They have been exposed.

      Southern Baptist women in my neck of the woods dismiss Sarah as an "attention whore." Bristol is a "tart." The rest of her children are "special." They are all "snake handlers." No Palin will ever be Junior League material.

      Sarah Palin is the best thing to ever happen to Democrats.

      Most liberals ridicule Sarah. Most conservatives despise her for pretending she is one of them.

      A sample of right wing radio's response to CPAC: "None of the issues were discussed." "What is their message? They have no message." "Nothing came out of it except Dr. Suess quotes."

      The hard right has been dragged down to the Palins' level. The hard right is powerless without the support of conservatives like me. This is a good thing.

      Remember President Obama's reelection?

      Enjoy the ride.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      8:20am Is this sully the sensible conservative? If so, Hi sully!

    3. Anonymous10:52 AM


      Quite a number of my paternal relatives are "establishment" Republicans; old school, rep-tie-wearing, fox-hunting, DAR types. They are horrified witnessing this insurgence of the GOP base into a position of real power within their party. The job of the base is to simply vote, and vote the party line so that the people who were "bred for politics" can go DC and serve. They don't socialize with "those people" and only remember to recognized they exist in election years.

      I can understand a bit of where Palin and her ilk are coming from; they don't understand why people just like "them", the base, the undereducated and randomly bred members of our American populace can't hold high elected office. They don't understand, and they never will understand that politics has never worked that way, not since the beginning of our Republic. Sadly, for them, (but not for us) a "Joe the Plumber" will never be elected President, and until the base accepts this they will keep sending ill-prepared bumpkin candidates to DC who, instead of trying to work within the system to make it function better for people like themselves, instead continue to obstruct the basic operation and function of our government. They simply do not understand how the system works and instead of trying to learn the they break things.

      I feel pity for both sides of the GOP, the old-school and the base, especially because this rift will keep them out of the White House for at least the next two election cycles.

    4. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Well said

  21. Anonymous7:55 AM

    So a show about a sport that uses dogs hires a pussy to narrate it?. What's next Bristol and The Junker narrating Slednecks?

    You would think a real man would be ashamed that his wife has to get him a job because without her there is no way he could get it on his own, but then again pride is not a strong point with these phony fools.All the whole family does is ride off Little Miss Can't Be Wrong's coat tails, what a tag the people from Fox News dubbed these two The Bitch and The Eskimo that's their relationship in a nutshell.

  22. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Why isn't Todd doing the voice over? I mean, are they afraid his helium octave voice is as much a turn-off as his wife's? They have horrible voices, terrible delivery and don't make much sense, but they keep shoving their low bar talents down consumer throats. Pathetic.

  23. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I'm sorry, but is ANYBODY clamoring to see Todd Palin host anything, let alone be on tv at all? How sad that they couldn't (wouldn't) find a retired Iditarod racer to host the program or anyone with any kind of appeal whatsoever.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      I think people interested in an Iditarod will turn off the TV in disgust and howl with distain after they hear Toad's eunuch voice. That will be the end of the 'sportsman' channel.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      I keep getting the image of Todd and Sarah by the "slab" ----- took him two clothes changes to do a four second clip while Ditz proclaims that border security could learn a lot from Todd's fence building acumen..... the wind blew it over a few weeks later.

  24. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Maybe the Sportsman Channel would like to air the Boys with be Boys movie. Wouldn't that be fun?

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Yeah, pimping is a sport. Right, Todd?

  25. Interesting counter-intuitive set up here: While some see TP as hen-pecked and feminine, there is another view. He was the Shadow Governor that ran Alaska while also engaged in drug running, pimping, abuse of government office by proxy, massive theft from someone's trust fund and on and on. So I bet Todd would be tickled pink if the criticism is about his femininity -- he'd love for us to ignore his actual crimes.

    It ain't a crime for a man to have sex with other men or show gender variety. However embezzlement, attempted murder and worse, well I am pretty sure that those are crimes.

    1. I agree with this. Sarah and Todd are partners in crime.

  26. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Could it be that The Sportsman's Channel was going to feature Todd doing the IronDog? But when he scratched big time, they needed to use another "vehicle." Since they were covering the Iditarod anyway they put Todd out there doing commentary.with his high pitched whiney bitch-in-heat voice. Dogs are usually pretty good judges of human character. Will Todd pass the sniff test?

  27. Anonymous9:27 AM

    The least they could have done is find someone who has actually run the Iditarod race as their spokesman. Todd Palin has never run it and never will! It would be much more difficult for him than the Iron Dog!

    Alaskans will not be happy having the Palins 'sporting' Alaska when they know what liars and frauds the couple is and have always been! But, remember too, most Alaskan do not have that Sportsman channel, so they won't even see it!

  28. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Listen up doggies ... I will provide a year's worth of juicy T-bone steaks to any dog that bites Todd's dick off.

    1. First the doggies would have to FIND it... eeeuw

  29. So, it is not a channel about true sportsmen/women at all.

    It is the Loud-Mouthed Beer-Bellied Gasbag Poser Macho Rambo Wannabe I was So A Macho High School Football Stud in My Glory Days Channel.

    Otherwise, to host a show about the famous Iditarod race, they would have chosen someone renowned in sled dog racing, not someone who has no association with the race or even the sport.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      And who better suited than Todd?

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM


      It's like the old adage "Those who can't, teach" Those who don't engage in outdoor sports watch them on TV, those who actually do are too busy engaging in activities to watch TV.

    3. The Palins don't even have a foo-foo handbag dog. But from what I've read, there are certain requirements for taking a dog home, which I doubt the Palins could meet.

  30. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I think Toad Payme purposely scratched early in his snowMOBILE race to film this malarkey. I think he scammed Ski-Doo and his other sponsors, as he had zero intention of actually tyring to at least participate. He ran back to mommy's house on the lake to film his parts in the scam-show. Too bad for the real Racers of the Iditarod. May Toad always have to watch his back in Alaska.

  31. Caroll Thompson10:14 AM

    The big story here is that Sarah had to have Todd do her job. Sarah couldn't do it; too much work.

  32. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Interesting that the sportsman channel is owned by a private company that's owned by a true--blue Democrat, who was even discussed as a possible Commerce Secretary for President Obama!

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Just like Roger Ailes and Fox and the GOP, the Sportsman Channel will use Palin, regardless of her far out politics and obvious lack of mental fitness, to get ratings. She's seen by all as a useful idiot who gets ratings. Bottom line baby, that's all anyone cares about.

      Sarah doesn't care, she just wants face time on camera and a paycheck; the network owners don't care they just want viewers and ad income. Win/Win.

  33. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I think it's great the Palin's have found gainful employment, but why the fuck do they have to be on my tv? Hello, Time Warner, cancel my service immediately

  34. Anonymous10:50 AM

    What, they aren't gonna have Todd walk onto a stage in star-spangled hooker shoes with extensions blowing around his head? LOL Now that would be funny.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

      Hey, it might come down to that, don't laugh.

  35. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Seriously, is there anyone here that had even heard of the Sportsman Channel prior to the Palins having shows there? So here we are, a bunch of liberals, talking about a channel we've never heard of and a bunch of shows we'll never watch on a channel that features a bunch of activities that we don't engage in. I guess the Sportsman Channel has achieved what they set out to do, right? If liberal non hunting/outdoors types are talking so much about it imagine how crazy the real fans are going to be! They have built up a lot of hype by hiring the Palins and they've gotten a lot of free press from a lot of people who won't even tune in....

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Alaskans won't be tuning in - don't have the channel in their state! The Palins are really, really, really disliked in Alaska!!

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Honestly, I haven't seen it advertised anywhere except on certain blogs. They don't near the amount of press they used to.

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Well, we liberals may talk about this crazy channel because but it's because the channel is showcasing the even crazier Palin family (whose maven has caused most of the deterioration of political discourse in this country in the past eight years) but we don't have to watch it. This liberal sure won't watch anything on the channel.

      And I've always wondered about the Palins and dogs. When the Obama family got Bo and then Sunny, there were mentions about pets for the Palin family mostly via Facebook. And then nothing. No cute photos of Trig or Piper cuddling up with the dog or the cat or beribboned dogs or cats at the holidays. Nothing. I think pets have served the Palins as props much as their children have. I don't think that either Sarah or Todd would act responsibly enough to be pet owners.

    4. Anonymous1:30 PM


      GCI Cable, at least here in Wasilla carries Sportsman Channel on 306. Not that I've ever watched it, but it's there (along with about 500 other channels I've never tuned into.)

    5. Anonymous1:53 PM

      1:30 I have GCI Cable and tried to pull up Channel 306 and don't have authorized access to it. So, it depends on how extended your cable coverage is that you secured as a viewer.

      Many, from what I hear (friends/family) do not have it and are glad they don't as they are NOT interested in watching the Palins do their crappy bullshit!

    6. Anonymous4:37 AM

      They have ads in mainly outdoor and gun magazines,Multiple full page ads of their various shows. Turn the page and there's Sarah looking at ya. Yikes !

  36. Anonymous11:20 AM

    My guess is that Todd Palin has name recognition to draw viewers and by fact and legend exemplifies Alaskan rugged outdoorsmen. It is true he does commercially fishing and won the snow machine race.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Bad guess, Anon 11:20. His name recognition in Alaska causes people to turn away in disgust. I don't know what "fact and legend" you have been sniffing, but pimps and bullies don't typify anything Alaskan except the trash that followed the Pipeline up here. I am pretty sure that he hasn't been a commercial fisherman for years--photo ops to the contrary and he was part of a team that "won that snowmachine race," but that was years ago and he didn't even make it through the first day this year before he scratched.

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA Todd Palin is a purse carrying Wimpy Pimp. Sarah, "I did a Rice rod", is just as unqualified for a hunting show.

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      "by fact and legend exemplifies Alaskan rugged outdoorsmen"

      Uh, no. In his own mind maybe.

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Todd Palin will always be Sarah's husband. That's his only claim to fame.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      To the average person, Todd's name recognition equals "Ain't he that guy that was married to the chick from Alaska who lost to Obama?"
      To those in the know, he's just known as "Dad" "Pop Pop" "Purse carrier" "Pimp" and whatnots, This was random, of course. SMH

  37. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Check out the stilt legs!

    This guy is putting up commentary and video of each day of cpac with sarah. Interesting.

    1. That video is disturbing on so many, many levels.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

      The you tube vid is just crazy! She looks like a mannequin with a wig stapled to the frontal cortex. She has no curves whatsoever. And that voice? Yeah, McCain, that's VP material!

  38. Anonymous12:38 PM

    From an Alaskan who mushes recreationally and who has handled dogs for some of the best mushers who have won/finished both the Iditarod and the Yukon Quest, this is an outrage. They could easily found someone who participates on this sport. Those who do could use the job and the money far more. It takes a lot of money (thousands of dollars) to feed/care for a dog team and run this race. It also takes hundreds of hours on the back of
    a sled (often before or after putting in a full day of work (something TP wouldn't have a clue about).
    These people don't even have a pet dog. How could they remotely talk about the bond between a musher and his/her dogs? It is a shame that the Odotarod bigwigs agreed ( woth emphasis on greed) to this.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Well put. I was thinking the exact same thing. This nitwit hosting an Iditarod show is sacrilege to the sport of dog mushing in Alaska.

    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      The hardy individuals who participate in the Iditarod should band together to voice their dissatisfaction with the Sportsman Channel's ridiculous decision to have Todd Palin host this program.

      The folks at the network who thought this would be a good idea need to know that this was not a smart move on their part.

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Maybe Toad was the cheapest o e they could get. A REAL iditarod musher might actually ask for a bit more money...

    4. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

      We need MORE like you to speak out. Maybe Rachel should do a piece on the real races and the work it takes to compete with each other and with nature.

  39. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Todd Palin and Iditarod just don't make sense together in the same sentence. Why does a Palin have to now put their ugly stain onto The Last Great Race. Can't they keep their greedy sticky fingers out of anything Alaskan? Is there nothing sacred in Alaska that will be left alone by them?

    In the meantime, since the Sportsman Channel now has The Fraud and The Two-Tone working for them, I'm sure somehow the rest of the family were negotiated into the deal. My guess is the next show will be Husband Hunting with Bristol.

  40. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Being that Sarah Palin is host of the Sportsman Channel and Todd Palin is hosting the Iditarod, how much will this cost Alaskans from the Alaska Film Tax Credit? How much is the Palin family getting from us?

  41. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

    I just imagined a high pitched Michael Jackson voice. (No disrespect toward MJ). yakking about how HARD the iditarod is and how dedicated the dogs are as a team. And Sarah spurting her joy at how she likes her dog on a plate next to vegetables.
    Of course we'll hear another "Why'd ya think we named our son Tri-g? (Trigger) blah blah blah....

    I have a feeling this is going to tank worse than "protecting the heart of Christmas".

  42. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Love how you put a slanderous, rude spin on things.

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Where exactly is the spin? Todd Palin has no business hosting a television show at all, let alone one about the Iditarod. What exactly is positive about Todd Palin being involved in this show? I guess it will attract the dozen or so diehard fans of the Palins (like you). How many will it turn away?

    2. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Where havebyou been all day? We have been missing you!

  43. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Gryphen, the epitome of crass and libel

    1. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Finally woke up from your stupor, hmm!

  44. Anonymous7:09 PM

    lolz at the layabout libel. Just like Gryphen. Crass and uneducated.

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      "layabout libel?"
      Layabout is not an adjective. And you dare to call anyone else uneducated? What's the name of those great schools that taught you how to write coherently and with correct word usage?

      Speaking of "layabouts," do you have a job yet? Getting any of that sweet Obamacare to pay for your therapy and whatever?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.