Thursday, March 13, 2014

Evangelical group claims to have brought 11 people back from the dead. Apparently the zombie apocalypse is real.

Courtesy of The Freethinker:  

Tyler Johnson runs a ministry called the Dead Raising Team in the US. He claims to have brought 11 people back to life. He says he even persuaded the authorities in his state to issue him with an official photocard which lets him through police lines at car accident sites. 

Johnson, according to this BBC report, appears in a new documentary film called Deadraisers, which follows enthusiasts as they trail round hospitals and mortuaries trying to bring people back to life. 

Sadly, those they pray for in the film remain resolutely dead.

Johnson is unwilling to provide successful case studies. And in general, the proof that believers cite is a bit unconvincing ­– for example, there is an American heart surgeon who allegedly brought a heart attack patient back from the dead with prayer … oh, and a defibrillator. 

Other doctors find the story entirely unremarkable. One wonders why. 

Well I have seen faith healers at work, and kind of know how they pull that flim flam off, but bringing people back from the dead? Who is ignorant to believe that?

And the fact that this Tyler Johnson fellow's state supposedly lets him enter crime scenes so that he can resurrect corpses is incredibly troubling.

I can only imagine the anguish that a loved one would go through after losing a loved one to be told that they would be brought back to life, only to have those hopes dashed against the rocks of reality.

I went on the internet to look for this so-called documentary and I found the trailer with little trouble.

) On the Kickstarter page started back in 2013, the film was described in this way: 

DEADRAISER, a pivotal new documentary film, explores resurrection stories from around the world and offers an exciting view into the authentic Christian culture of miracles. This cutting-edge film follows a lively group of supernaturally empowered men from different backgrounds, theologies and geographic locations as they release kingdom power in love and live out the words of Jesus Christ from Matthew 10:8.

As many of you may, or may not know, certain Evangelical Christians do not believe that death was not in the original plan and that it was created by God in response to the sin that took place in the Garden of Eden.  Apparently due to that frame of mind an even smaller minority also believe that with enough prayer they can override that fate and bring people back from the dead. Literally.

You know it is one thing to delude yourself, but to attempt this horseshit to grieving relatives is indefensible. Especially if you have no data to support your claims.

When will people learn to stop being so fucking gullible?


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    I'm not a Christian, so I wouldn't consider myself an expert or anything…
    but isn't this sort of…sacrilegious?

    1. Boscoe10:52 AM

      At the very least it's selfish and inconsiderate. Those people were literally seconds away from meeting Jesus!

      ...If you believe in that sort of thing...

  2. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Well if its any consolation, the 5 gentlemen in the first photo LOOK like they've died at least once :)


  3. They’ve heard the back-from-the-dead stories and they’re desperate, especially if the death is to a healthy person.

    People can go into a deep faint and appear dead, it happened to my husband. He revived on his own and startled the paramedics (he saw the light at the end of the corridor and went from Atheist to Agnostic).

    These guys appear to be arriving long after an actual death, and just sucking money from the bereaved. Mucking up a crime scene isn’t cool either.

  4. Anonymous5:00 AM

    As Dr. Tyson says, science exists whether you believe in it or not. On the other hand, just because you believe you can raise the dead doesn't make it true. You just know that when these charlatans fail to raise the dead they tell the family that it was their fault, that they didn't believe hard enough for it to work. Bastards! They killed Kenny!

  5. Anonymous5:16 AM

    How dare they? How dare they presume to 'unleash the power of the Kingdom?' These Promise Keepers, Oath Keepers, Abstinence Pledgers and/or whatnot, can't seem accept natural and theological law. Preying on victims and victims families at their most traumatized moments. Not cool at all.

    "in the world of Pentecostal healing, the more impossible the miracle (and they use the term without embarrassment) the better, because it’s more effective for spreading their message."

  6. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Against All Those Desperate Prayers

    Against all those desperate prayers
    whispered in airplanes
    and hospital corridors
    Against all those deals and bargains
    of new beginnings and new behaviors I though God
    could not afford to pass up
    Against all the wild promises
    he died anyway.

    from "Nights Under a Tin Roof" by James A Autry

    People don't stay un-dead. They're going to die again and stay that way. It's what humans do. It's what animals do. It's what life on this planet does. Well, except maybe the cancer cells of Henrietta Lacks.

    These guys are just one more iteration of religious nut jobs.


  7. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I'm assuming this is NOT a free service. Follow the money... How much do they charge?

  8. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Two words. Cray, cray...

  9. Randall the Skeptic5:56 AM

    They can easily PROVE their commitment to their claim to be able to raise the dead.

    ONE of those five could agree to suicide and have the others bring him back from the dead with prayer.

    On camera.
    With witnesses.
    And attending physicians.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      LOL. Positively inspired. thanks.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

      I'll see you one and raise you four more!

  10. Chenagrrl6:03 AM

    Funny, you'd think that 11 people snatched from the jaws of death would be singing and dancing praises for these guys. IF these people exist, they may not be much past the vegetable stage. Cruel, cruel, cruel. Christian Charlatanry. Because, of course, it is not the Deadraisers' fault if a person stays dead, it is the lack of faith by the families and, dontcha know it, the deceased folk. Cretins!

    1. Boscoe10:50 AM

      Either that or they're royally pissed off that they got snatched away from their hookup with Jeebus by these selfish, evil bastards. ;P

  11. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I asked if they could bring my dead dog back to life... I really liked the little mutt.

  12. Chenagrrl6:08 AM

    Hope these charlatans are bonded. One of these minutes, a Dead Raising Team with police credentials will get in the way of certified rescuers, and legal proceedings will ensue. Then there is also the issue of disappearing jewelry and wallets.

  13. Even Lazarus died again. Big whoop.

  14. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Can't you just see it now: criminal gets pulled over with a dead guy in the trunk. "Honest, Officer, we were just taking him to be resurrected!"

  15. Anonymous6:56 AM

    What these deadraisers deny, is the fact that heaven is a much better place than here and and they don't want to come back? If these guys believe the whole context of the gospels, why would even go to these lengths??

    Some parts of the church are acting very strangely these days. And other christians are noticing it and are alarmed at the "crazy" that is going on.

  16. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I bet they charge a bundle. It's a money making scam.

    Hey, I wonder if Track is part of the grifter team. If not sister $carah better watch her competition.

  17. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I think we all know who the walking dead are: indoctrinated idiots like these guys.

  18. The official in whatever backwards state these grift-ers are from who gave out a pass so they could put on a show at car accidents should l d be shit-canned.

  19. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Man religious people are gullible

  20. Leland10:17 AM

    There's an old saying: If it seems too good to be true? It probably is.

    But people WANT to believe, which leaves them wide open for scam artists.

  21. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Tyler was 'trained' at 'apostle' Bill Johnson's School of Supernatural Ministry. This is New Apostolic Reformation garbage.

  22. Anonymous10:29 AM

    This is problematic. How are we supposed to tell the zombies from the evangelical Christians?

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      As Sarah would say, let Allah sort it out or Yahweh or whatever but donate so I can tell you who to vote for!!

    2. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

      That would screw up a lot of great movies!

  23. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I would think any "normal" Christian would consider this sacrilege. I'm not a Christian anymore but my church taught that the age of miracles ended when the apostles died. They may be assholes but they wouldn't go for this. If someone buys into this they are clearly brain-damaged. This might be fun to watch though lol

  24. Anonymous12:53 PM

    ".. death was not in the original plan and that it was created by God in response to the sin that took place in the Garden of Eden."
    jesus, WHEN are we gonna be through paying for that lousy apple??!! But on a positive note, I'm glad to know I can stop fretting over my cholesterol. S'pose these are the guys that Elvis used?

  25. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Not impressed. Benny Hinn does this stuff at every appearance. Even more impressive, Pat Robertson does it through the teevee box screen if folks will just write a check for the right amount to make it their very best love gift ever.***

    If you knew that, you'd understand that having cameras or nosy reporters ranging around, trying to document "facts" and other nonsense like that prevents the miracles. See, Jeebus hates the lying liars in the librul lamestream media, also, too. Of course he would since he sees how the hating haters in the LSM always telling all them lies about Sarah Palin.

    *** "Proper" amount of faith is determined by invisible authorities at 700 Club, LLC. Pat Robertson will remain the authorized final judge in administering gifts of healing or financial wealth. The total amount of faith required and is sole responsibility of donor. Faith healing ain't for the cheap or skeptical, so generosity is recommended. 700 Club, LLC is not responsible for inadequate gifts, acts of God, or intervention by Satan or any of his authorized agents, dealers, franchisees, or independent contractor demons. All transactions final once check clears.

  26. Anita Winecooler5:48 PM

    I would NEVER trust five evangleicals in black shirts playing pocket bool to raise a goldfish, let alone a loved one who passed away. The ONLY reason I say this is if the doctor's playing with his junk, his mind is elsewhere, in this case, their bank accounts.

    Call me a doubting Thomas, but where's the video of the eleven lucky "risen again" folks and their memories of the tunnel of light, the angels, loved ones who passed before etc etc etc? Oh, I get it, they were all mutes who never learned sign language.


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