Monday, March 03, 2014

The selfie of the night.

For those who did not watch the festivities last night (Myself included.) the big winners are :

Best Picture" 12 Years a Slave.

Best Actor: Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club.

Best Actress: Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine.

Best Supporting Actor: Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club.

Best Supporting Actress:  Lupita Nyong'o, 12 Years a Slave.

To be honest I did not see any of the ceremony as I was knee deep in zombies last night watching "The Walking Dead." And then stayed up late to watch Matthew McConaughey's brilliant "True Detective" on HBO.

I regret nothing.

P.S. This is how what is now the most re-tweeted picture on the internet came together. 

Poor Jared Leto, he simply could not get passed Jennifer Lawrence's hip check.


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Best thing about this selfie is Kevin Spacey!

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      He stood out

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      love Kevin.
      I just binge watched House of Cards season two on netflix on this snowy day!!!

    3. He was great on Kimmel. They took their own selfie.

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    You mean "past."

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    If you get a chance, look for and watch Jared Leto's and Lupita Nyong'o's very heartfelt and inclusive acceptance speeches.

    McConaughey, OTOH, seemed to believe that his Oscar was voted on by Gawd.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I defer to the trans population on the quality (or lack of, apparently) of Leto's character - who was an afterthought if Dallas Buyer's Club.

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      I didn't see the movie and know nothing about Leto's role in it. I was merely recommending viewing his lovely acceptance speech.

      9:57 AM

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Check out Crazy Days & Nights for the revealed blind item today about Bristol Palin. Sad, but not surprising and should help Levi's case.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Blind Items Revealed
      August 21, 2013

      This former reality star has not been on a show in some time, but because of who she is and her family i she still has A+ list name recognition. Apparently she is also yours for the night if you get her drunk enough. Five nights in a row she got wasted. Three of those nights she went home with a different guy. Hope she used protection otherwise her next reality show is going to be Maury. Now that would be a great episode of television.

      Bristol Palin

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Sarah said Bristol was a hard "ass" worker ...

    4. Anonymous11:27 AM

      So the other 2 nights was spent writing those in depth political posts on her blog?

    5. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Whether or not Beefy was drunk isn't a qualifier; I'll guarantee that the three guys that banged her were shit-faced the entire time, or they would've taken a pass on fucking that heifer. I'm not envious, especially for the lucky guy on night #5.

    6. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Doing Bristol must be like trying to do a mayo jar.

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Loved it!
    This is the selfie that will give old, ugly, white tea-baggers nightmares. Expect a barrage of Bristol/selfishies in 3...2...1.
    *note, you can't spell "selfish" without a fish-!

    Wild Tortoise

  6. I like her a lot, but if the stumbles continue, she might want to get checked.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      I thought the same thing - I have MS and those falls were 'some of what' got me to the doctors for evaluation.

  7. Anonymous10:42 AM

    That is a spontaneous and cute selfie for sure.

    Reminds me of the old photo booths with the curtain where two could go in and have the 4-piece photos taken; in the 60's in Woolworth's and malls, anyone remember that? Goofy adolescent smiles, those were the days.

    1. Yup, did that with my friends. I think it was Woolworth’s.

  8. She actually made me hungry when she was passing out the pizza. Ellen DeGeneres is gay America's lucky charm and warmest ambassador. Her hosting of the postponed Emmy's, the first after 9/11, was sublime: "What could bug the Taliban more than a gay woman in a suit surrounded by Jews...?"

  9. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Steve McQueen may be the happiest Oscar winner in history. I wish someone would make a gif of his exuberant leaps in the air following his acceptance speech.


  10. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Over two million re-tweets - so far.

    I'm guessing the 'fridge in Wasilla is bracing for the onslaught of creamed corn and re-fried beans about now.

    If only Ellen had been holding a fish, then $carey might approve.

  11. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Guess How Much More Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC Spent On Consulting Than Candidates, Hint It Is ‘Twenty Times More’

  12. The Oscars were pretty sweet last night, and this picture is amazing. Everyone looks so happy and relaxed! Love it.

  13. Sally in MI11:51 AM

    I haven't read reviews, but I thought Ellen was terrible last night. Her timing was off. She looked dazed at times. Granted, this is a horrible show to manage, but the funny bits were few and far between. The selfie and the pizza delivery were funny...wonder what happened to the cash she collected? I tuned in to see Ellen, and Idina Menzel, whose name John Travolta couldn't seem to read off the prompter, but went to bed before it was over.
    Even the presenters were horrible..were there prompter issues all night, or all they all too vain to put on glasses? At least the women were pretty much covered up, all except those two makeup gals. I thought the show was a bust, even though I agreed with the winners.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      I've never watched any of the award shows and for me it's always better just to see snippets and hear other's takes on how the event was handled. Granted, I don't see movies until they hit Netflix, which can sometimes be years later or never, but thanks for letting us abstainers know that we didn't miss anything :-)

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      The cash collected? She gave it to the "delivery boy" today on her show. They collected around $600 and she added enough to make it a $1000 tip. Plus, he got to meet his dream girl, Julia Roberts. Also, it turned out he and his brother own the pizza business. He had no idea what was going to happen when he made the delivery.

    3. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Did we watch the same show?
      I thought Ellen was good, perhaps alittle nervous. It is a tough gig to do live and I think she did very well.
      I was struck by the love in the room, the humanitarian aspect of so many of our performers. Mayy McConaghy was a tad too religious, but he is so talented that I let it roll. Have you seen him in Bernie?? What a sleeper hit.
      Angelina and Brad - smart, rich, doing good things with their money. Love it! Poor Sidney Poitier. . Angie had her hands full guiding him and presenting wi h him, not sure if he is blind, deaf, demented or all but she handled him with respect and careful grace.
      The entire show screamed a bi FU to people like the Palins and that was fantastic.

  14. Chenagrrl12:54 PM

    Ellen gave a few lol moments, but mostly she just made it seem like a lot of fun.

  15. Anita Winecooler4:27 PM

    This was the first time in a long time that I DID watch some of it. And the only two movies I saw this year were "12 years a Slave" and Dallas Fight Club. Kevin Spacey MADE that selfie shine. And I love love love Ellen as a host. She actually collected money and sent out for pizza!!!

    Yeah, poor Jarrod got blocked by Jennifer Lawrence. Something tells me he's not too heartbroken. lol. What I liked most was his date (His Mom) and the speech he made to honor her.

  16. SHARON4:33 PM

    Guess I will chime in here....I do the DVR thing to make it more interesting and being on CA time it starts at 5. Ellen was fabulous as always, she knows all of these A listers personally cuz they have all been on her show. I thought this was the best show in a really long time....the selfie & pizza was priceless. I do think most people had a good time for a change...and the winners were the winners, yawn. Now, for me seeing all the plastic surgery was worth the watch. Kim Novak...horrible, Liza Minelli...WTF (even Ellen had to make that joke), Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson...what are these people thinking? Pink was the best...hands down. Jimmy Kimmel's show was super funny...catch on Utube if you can, esp Kevin Spacey. Walking Dead was weird...Talking Dead was good with real Daryl/Beth. Bates Motel begins tonight with a new show after called Those Who Kill. True Detective is amazing and I hope they order more episodes....Woody & Matt are great combo. Also..FYI, Rachel told us about the original House of Cards from BBC, even though it is only 4 episodes. Available on Netflix or PBS website...well worth the watch.

  17. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Riley4Palin • 5 hours ago
    Shouldn't there be rules put in place that the Oscar for Best Picture make at least 100 million at the box office? That shouldn't be too much to ask from Hollywood. I don't know anyone who saw "12 Years A Slave" other than NY/Hollywood actors, producers and liberals who have the white guilt syndrome who tried to convince everyone to go see it because "it's an important and historic film."

    And she wouldn't watch it because it's a film about slavery. No, republicans in general and this c4p idiot aren't racist at all. Really. Um hm..


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