Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Ted Cruz coloring book has attracted some rather...interesting reviews.

As many of you may remember that I wrote about this book back in December: 

Yes kids get your coloring book dedicated to a Senator in his first term who is famous for obstructionism, sabotaging government, and lying. You know, just like Abraham Lincoln!

Of course I did not take it very seriously, and who would? However it quickly left my thoughts and I did not spend another second wondering how it was doing or what others thought of it.

And then the other day I happened across a Reddit post that mentioned the reviews it has been receiving. Curious I decided to take a look.

Courtesy of Amazon: 

I didn't know how well I'd enjoy this book, seeing as how I only have white crayons. But, as it turns out, that's the only color required! Magnificent! 

This book showed up just in time, as my daughter had recently finished her "Connect the Dots Mein Kampf." We spend all day listening to Skrewdriver and breaking the brown crayons. 

As a bigot, it's hard for me to find books that advocate for and advance my position. Especially books designed for little kids. Thank God for this book. Now, I can stimulate the creativity of my little children, while still installing in them important lessons. Lessons like guns are good, health care is bad (at least if it comes from a Democrat president), and America is always right. If there are any facts that don't support my positions, I would prefer to ignore them. And if I can't ignore them, then I'd like to be able to shout them down. And I want to teach my children the same lessons. Without books like this one, we are in danger of raising a new generation of open-minded and tolerant adults . . . and it will be impossible to maintain our way of thinking if this happens. I'm looking forward to the next book in this series: "I am not a witch (but if I were, it would totally be okay to cast a spell and turn President Obama into a newt)." 

I'm not a fan of his politics, but I have to give Ted Cruz credit for coming up with this coloring book idea. A perfect way to reach the Tea Partiers on their own literary level! The big question remains: Will they stay within the lines? 

I could not understand nor stay with in the lines, this book was way over my head, I should stick with Sarah Palins books about green eggs and stuff. 

So, after reading many reviews that mentioned what good toilet paper this book made, I was super excited to order my copy. Unfortunately, after receiving mine in the mail I was immediately disappointed. I don't know, perhaps I accidentally received a used copy, but mine was completely worthless for this purpose as every single page was already completely covered with crap...

And here I thought this book would not be well received. 

P.S. By the way, good luck in finding a positive, serious, review of the book.


  1. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Oh Gryph, read the Amazon reviews for Sarah's! The pee puddle was NOT amused.

  2. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Frankly, I think the whole Creationist, Seven Mountains crew belongs right there in the pages of comic books. They certainly have no grasp of the reality of living breathing people. Sarah would make a good Olive Oyl, and Boehner could be the Hamburger Guy..."I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." McConnell could be Bluto, who always gets beaten up by
    Popeye. I mean ..perfect! We could even make Popeye black, just so the idiots on the right totally miss the irony. After all, Popeye got his strength from healthy eating..just like Michelle promotes!

    1. Boscoe9:09 AM

      Meh. Popeye is just a lobbyist for Big Spinach.

  3. Beldar Rafael Conehead4:57 AM

    Gryphen, it looks like I owe some future presdient of Amercia an apology.

    As you know, I have always regarded Ted "Ted" Cruz as an unctuous, devious, sweaty, doughy, light on the truth kinda guy. And not in a good way,

    But, I gotta say... wow. Seeing him in cartoon form on the cover of a simplistic, self-serving children's book.... I dunno... I mean... Am I the only one who's seeing Ted in a whole new way?

    Here I thought he was the garden gnome of American politicics and now.... that cartoon... he's.... he's almost heroic looking! Tall... Handsome.... Muscular... Athletic... Powerful.... Charismatic.... Inspirational.... Sensual.... Comfortable in his own skin... Confident... Masculine, but not in a threatening way, ya know what I mean? Like, you wouldn't be afraid to leave your young daughters in his care. (But having a dose of Plan B on hand probably wouldn't be a bad idea, I suppose...)

    Gryphen. I know you're not usually too keen on our most conservative Canadian members of Congress with presidential perspirations, but I'm definitely seeing this one in a more favorable light now that I've seen him in fantasy cartoon form.

    I dont usually give advice to Republican strategists, but I definitely think they should be presenting every GOP politician as a cartoon in order to portray them in the most realistic, positive - and, yes, heroic way possible.

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Bravo, bravo!

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Where's the "Like" button....

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Does anyone else read Beldar's comments in Colbert's voice? :)

    4. Boscoe9:07 AM

      Dan Aykroyd. Definitely Dan Aykroyd.

    5. fromthediagonal12:50 PM

      Beldar... Keep going! We need your comments! They permit us to let off the pressures of steaming anger by laughing at the absurdity of it all! Thanks again, Inge

    6. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

      Bravo! Beldar. I'm with Boscoe, whenever Beldar writes, the ticker to the right says "Someone from France just visited IM"

  4. Anonymous7:58 AM

    My eyes are so bad that I thought the subtitle was : "Comie Coloring Activity Book." "Cause you know Teabaggers can't spell.

  5. Anonymous8:04 AM

    " my daughter had recently finished her "Connect the Dots Mein Kampf." We spend all day listening to Skrewdriver and breaking the brown crayons."

    Jesus Christ, that has me laughing!

    1. I might, also, too, if I knew what it means.

    2. fromthediagonal12:59 PM

      hrh (her/his royal highness?) If your comment is meant to be ironic (and I think it is, given the "also, too") KUDOs. If not, Please Do read Mein Kampf before posting.

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    It's been great fun reading the Amazon comments. Here's a few more:

    My 7 year old is a little too open-minded when it comes to politics. I'm really happy with the effect this activity this book is having! Just last night, her little friend from down the street asked her if she'd like to play at the park, to which she replied "Heck no, FEMA might be setting up a death camp there! Let's stay here, my Mom and Dad have plenty of aluminum foil to keep the Obamacare Brain Invaders out of our heads."
    Thanks Ted!

    As a card-carrying Republican for the last 30 odd years, I am SO happy they finally came out with a book I can read and understand! Although on the downside, I had to buy this book with my welfare cheque and now I have no money for food. I ended up eating the book. Only 3 stars because it tasted weird. Stupid Obama.

    I gave some dirty immigrant the opportunity to stop being lazy by offering him $1 to shine my shoes. When he dared to act offended I hit him with this book. Five stars.

  7. Anita Winecooler5:14 PM

    I adore the "Saturday Night Fever" pose Ted approved for the front cover. So the constitution came from seed packets, planted in dirt, next to a pile of imported manure, and grew? Who knew it's part of the ecosystem? I doubt Ted would ruin a perfectly good manicure, but at least his shoes aren't american flags with six inch heels!
    Amazon's comments are a riot, I'm amazed he doesn't have trained flying monkeys to swoop in and argue/ write positive comments, because, you're nobody unless someone keeps count of up arrows.

  8. Anonymous8:44 AM

    A friend found a copy in the trash...we rescued it and now it serves its real purpose...puppy pee catcher...and when installed outside, people pee book I have ever seen peed on...well the only book I have ever seen invoke the bladder response in dogs...


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