Thursday, March 06, 2014

"We no longer have a President." Ted Cruz's whack-a-doodle opening speech at CPAC.

Holy crap there is a lot of crazy packed into this 19 minutes. (Cruz starts at the 3:00 mark.)

Here is what Cruz laid out as the secret to future success with winning elections.

How do we win elections? In the contrast between corrupt Washington and the American people, we stand with the American people. 

 We stand with a straightforward and bold agenda to inspire everyone. 

1. Defend the Constitution. All of it. The right to freedom of the press – The right to freedom of religion – not having the IRS ask citizens ‘tell me the content of your prayers’. Second Amendment, 4th and 5th amendment rights for privacy of every American. 

2. We need to abolish the IRS. We need to adopt a simple flat tax that is fair so that every American can fill out their taxes on a post card. 

3. We need to expand energy in this country and create high paying jobs all over America. President Obama talks about an increased minimum wage. The real minimum wage under Obama’s policies is $0 an hour. 

4. We need to expand school choice. Every child deserves an opportunity to have an excellent education regardless of race, religion, creed, or where you come from. American dream. 

5. We need to repeal Dodd Frank. Talk about a bill that you don’t need to read any further than the title to know nothing good can come from it. 

6. We need to audit the Federal Reserve. Unaccountable power in Washington debasing our currency and driving up the price of fuel and gas is hurting every American. 

7. We need to pass a strong balanced budget amendment. We need to stop bankrupting our country. 

8. We need to repeal every single word of Obamacare. When millions of Americans stood up last fall and said stop this train wreck, this disaster that is Obamacare that is hurting millions of people, the Democrats said, the mainstream media said (but I repeat myself) just move on, you can’t do anything to stop this. 

9. We need to stop the lawlessness. This president of the United States is the first we have ever had that believes he can choose which ones he’ll follow. If you have a president who is picking and choosing which laws to follow and which laws to ignore, you no longer have a president. 

10. We need to end the corruption. We need to eliminate corporate welfare and crony capitalism. If you come to Washington and serve in Congress, there should be a lifetime ban on lobbying. And we need to pass a strong Constitutional amendment that puts into law term limits.

Much of that reads like it is taken right out of the crazed Right Wing e-mails that arrive in our grandmother's inbox.

Some of it actually makes sense but it is lost among suggestions such as repealing Obamacare, abolishing the IRS, and suggesting that the President is no longer the President.

The only way that will help to win elections in the future is if ballot boxes are only placed in mental hospitals and Tea Party gatherings. If indeed there is a difference.

Well so far this was the craziest speech I have heard at CPAC, but I understand that Palin is supposed to speak at some point so Cruz may lose his standing as head lunatic once that happens.


  1. Sally in MI2:36 PM

    Well, he tossed out the red rancid meat, didn't he? He does remind me of a rabid dog, actually.

  2. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I fully (and ONLY!) agree with his last point, #10.
    That one cannot happen soon enough IMHO.
    The rest... GO F... YOURSELF, A$$HOLE!!!

  3. Our $arah closes the convention down...literally. The straw vote is at 5:23 pm Saturday afternoon. $arah is the final speaker at 5:45 pm. Wonder if everyone will stick around?

    1. I hope there are photos of the people still around for her verbal boil poppings.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      It won't be comfortable for Sarah to follow the straw poll which has always been the final event until this year. I expect she'll make a self-deprecating joke about her poor showing in the poll to try and hide her devastation and embarrassment.

    3. angela3:14 PM

      Of course they'll stick around while she brings the house down with her red meat, pole dancing. She's probably on a new drug so her face will move and it won't look like she just finished off a cup of quaaludes.

    4. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Well, sounds almost like 2008, when $he wanted to do a 'concession speech' of her own, but McShame cut off the power to the podium.
      Now, $he officially will be allowed to give some sort of screech, but only in front of empty chairs.

      Oh, how the (wanna-be) mighty have fallen!


    5. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Her tv show paid for her to speak and CPAC shoved at the tail end.

    6. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Lots of the "base" crowd will be sticking around through Saturday, because of all of the hookers and rent boys that were flown into town specifically for this event.

    7. Anonymous8:18 PM

      It will be interesting to see how Faux News films Sarah speaking, to make it appear that the audience is far larger than it actually is.

  4. Anonymous3:01 PM

    He wishes that there was no longer a president, but he'll have to wait until 2017 for that to happen, and then they'll be a new president, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to be exact.

  5. Anonymous3:04 PM

    If her present trajectory holds, I predict Sarah Palin will show up wearing a studded micro skirt, American flag bikini top, and a bee hive wig. She'll be sucking on a lollipop or maybe something larger.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      If the crowd sees Sarah's spindly legs with all the loose, floppy skin hanging off her ass and around her knees, CPAC 2014 be remembered as a massive puke-fest.

  6. angela3:05 PM

    Every time Ted speaks a rotted smell permeates the room.

  7. Anonymous3:06 PM

    If you live in the south, you may find this interesting:

  8. I'm confuse, is $arah selling red sports channel tee shirts now? I need to be enlighten

  9. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Not a single word about foreign policy? I thought the Republicans had all the answers there.

  10. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Well, I think this guy is pretty bonkers and unbelievably paranoid:

    "There is no greater freedom than the right to survive with all the rifles, shotguns, and handguns we want," LaPierre said.

    "We know in the world that surrounds us, there are terrorists and there are home invaders, drug cartels, car jackers, and knockout gamers, and rapers and haters and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who seek to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all," he said.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      "Our Second Amendment in this country separates us from every other country on earth. It makes us stronger than every other country, it makes us better than every other country."

      Tell that to the hundreds of children who die every year from bullets, thanks to the lack of gun regulations in this country. I'm sure their parents, some of whom are responsible for their deaths due to carelessness, would give up all of their Second Amendment rights to have their children alive again.

      LaPierre should be medicated and incarcerated for all of the paranoia he has intentionally spread and the deaths his words have caused to innocent people.

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Personally, I'm for the irony - shooting himself in the head while masturbating his assault rifle.

    3. Anonymous11:24 PM

      What a sad, sick view of the world these people have. :(

  11. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Interesting how all these speakers are multi-millionaires. Their lives are comfortable and they'll never have the worries that middle class citizens have. It's sickening to hear.

    Sarah is now plotting her speech with a shock and awe prop to hold up for the greatest humor effect. Will she drag a shirtless Todd on stage?

  12. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Chris is a KOCHsucker as well!

  13. Anonymous3:49 PM

    O.M.F.G. he's an ugly man. He was given the absolute worst features of mom & dad, and his brain was pickled by Raf.

  14. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Egad, I found myself AGREEING with this traitor to America, a couple of times when he suggests a nice, fair, flat tax on everyone.

    Then it dawned on me: this is not really something his handlers have the slightest notion of allowing to happen, even if the Tea Party gained complete power.

    Its merely a "chicken in every pot" empty campaign promise.

    Just like "Jobs, jobs, jobs" was in 2010.

    They are manipulated like marionettes by criminals like the Koch brothers, who steal from America by evading taxes each second of every passing the likelihood of them actually pushing for reform where they'd have to cough up billions in otherwise avoided taxes, is ludicrous.

    The same goes for his point number 10...sounds all "reformy" and everything, but describes all the evil stuff his team has been DOING, and will only stop when they are all imprisoned.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Flat taxes aren't fair. It's another way for the rich to gat richer and the poor to get poorer. If you find yourself agreeing with the likes of Ted Cruz, you should reasses.

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      A flat tax would punish the poor and middle class, whose tax rates would inevitably rise without the small number of deductions we can now claim. The rich, on the other hand, would still hide their money on other countries and in places that the taxes can't access and, once again, effectively pay less of a percentage than the people struggling to survive and feed their children.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      I'd like to hear from an economist/tax expert on this.

      Knowing the upper class and corporations pay little or NO tax whatsoever, it would sure seem like it would work out that the nation's coffers would be bursting at the seams, if a simple, across the board, 10% on every earned dollar tax was imposed.

      In my very worst year, when I made less than $20,000, my income tax was 20%. I'd have LOVED to pay TEN!

      Meanwhile, Mitt Romney would gnash his teeth flat to his gums, if he had to truly part with 10% of every dollar that came in from investments, and every other method.

      General Electric would have to pay in BILLIONS instead of getting BACK money, as it now stands.

      But perhaps the skeptics above are right, and those rich sources of tax, would find a way to weasel out of paying in with all the patriotic, honest folks.

    4. Flat tax is a joke

    5. Anonymous11:27 PM

      Except a flat tax is a ridiculous and unworkable and these dicks know that very well. They are getting a lot more out of the system than we do but they shouldn't pay one cent more? Yeah, that's "justice".

  15. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I thought Sarah was the closing speaker on Sat but on the CPAC site I don't see her listed. Anyone know anything?

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      She'll be just a footnote on Saturday afternoon. 5:45 I believe.

      heh heh, remember when she was a keynote?

  16. Anonymous4:28 PM

    What kind of simple postcard sized tax form do you give to the Koch brothers, or a professional athlete with endorsements and managers, or even someone like Ted Cruz? They've always known this was impossible, or that rich people would be exempt to begin with.

  17. Anonymous4:55 PM

    a nice fair tax is what we use in canada, the GST, people, corp's.
    13% on everything but food you buy,

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Are you stupid or a liar? You have a progressive income tax. The conversation is about income taxes.
      And the GST is a VAT.

    2. Do you have an income tax also?

  18. Anonymous5:01 PM

    This nut job put his hand on a BIBLE and swore to his god to defend and uphold the Constitution of the US. He has forsaken this sacred task for his personal and material and political gain. Nuttiness aside, he's a traitor to these United States.

    1. Anonymous11:52 PM

      He's definitely a traitor but I'm so sick of these assholes trying to use religion to get the morons to support them. It's quite obvious that the gods Palin, Cruz, La Pierre and the like follow are self and money. What do they have to do to turn off their last few followers? They are evil and anyone who can't see it is a liar or brain-dead.

  19. Anonymous5:03 PM

    It is amazing how hateful the CPAC speakers show themselves to be, and interesting how they see themselves as “fair and balanced”. Where are their answers to the complaints they harbor? Nowhere. They are bullies and cowards.

    1. Anonymous11:56 PM

      "Hand it all over to us and everything will be fine...we talk to Jesus and we know what to do!" They have forgotten long ago that they are not priests, but public servants. We already have a whole protected class of "Men of God" mooching off us while condemning everyone who disagrees, we don't need more.

  20. What I don't understand is why Democrats and decent Independents and Republicans are not standing up for our President. They may think that they don't want to acknowledge these horrid and almost treacherous comments, but I think it's time to stand up to these idiots!

  21. Beldar Ted Conehead5:55 PM

    What? ANOTHER despicable "Ted"????

    I notice in the video thumbnail/preview image you can see the teleprompter they set up just in case that so-called President Obama decides to speak at CPAC.

    (No severe conservative needs an aid like that in order to vomit up their wheezy old talking points so it HAD to be there for Obama.)

    But, I have to be honest, if you really start listening to what this Canadian douchebag is prattling on about, it does become infectious. Like penicillin-resistant syphilis.

    After hearing how "no good, rotten, evil, stupid, corrupt, venal, cruel, hateful and anti-American" this sack of shit accuses our president of being, I will admit it almost got me screaming "NI@@3R!!!! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!!!!" at the top of my lungs. You know, as one does.

    And then I quickly came to my senses and realized the correct response is "I know YOU are, TED, but what is President Obama?"

  22. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Palin is scheduled to be the very last speaker.
    Who booked that awful slot ? Bristol ?
    Or was that the only time she was offered ?
    You never want to be the last speaker at a convention ,
    ( at 6 pm no less !! ) as people have checked out of their rooms and likely
    already left to beat the traffic and / or get to the airport.
    By the time Palin yells into the microphone,
    everything that they want to hear
    will have already been said.
    Maybe if Palin hadn't overexposed herself on FOX
    these last 6 years, she might
    create some expectation.
    Instead, it's going to be her usual yada, yada that everyone's heard since 2008.
    If they haven't already left, the few remaining members of media will be in the bar by then.
    Three days of CPAC could turn Carrie Nation into a drunk.
    Now, does Palin risk the embarrassment of a sparsely attended appearance or
    does she come up with an excuse to cancel ?
    I bet cancel-it's the safest option.
    Cruz may be the strangest looking person in DC.
    As Maureen Dowd said about Cruz
    “His face looked pinched, like a puzzle that had not been put together quite right."

  23. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    Sadly, this is a collection of symptoms for which no one's invented a cure. This smarmy man looks and sounds like a seditious lounge singer. Where have we seen this dead horse being flogged to the bone, and how many times can they repeat it expecting better results?

    OT LOD has the vote to censure Darryl Issa in Congress. Had Fat Dude from Jersey's speech, seems to have joined the chorus of nut jobs. Bridge gate? What scandal? I lost a hundred pounds and CPAC invited ME to bash Obama.

    Great show. I hear they put Sarah in her rightful place. Dead last with a toilet plunger imitating Lady Liberty.

    Whoa LOD is pulling out all the stops!!

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      6:20 This smarmy man looks and sounds like a seditious lounge singer.

  24. Anonymous6:20 PM

    These crazies are preaching to people like this

    Riley4Palin • 4 hours ago
    I can't wait to see the SNL video of Democrat Elijah Cummings screaming into the turned off microphone at the Lois Lerner hearing. The comedy turned up a notch today when Press Secretary Dingdong Carney weighed in on this matter. LOL

    They think what Issa did was funny. They don't care or even notice, that he was kept from asserting his right to speak. It's all about us vs them. A republican stifled a Dem, that's what matters anymore.

    So it doesn't matter at all to them how treasonous these so called servants of the people speak about our president.

  25. Anonymous7:05 PM

    do they think they have any street cred?
    this is the same asshole same group that wanted pailin in
    the WH.

  26. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Term limits and a lifetime ban on lobbying? Okay, Teddy…but put your money where your mouth is. Don't run for another term and don't take a job with a lobbyist OR with a "think tank" THAT'S REALLY A BACKDOOR LOBBYING FIRM like the Heritage Foundation.

    1. Beldar K Street Conehead8:05 AM

      What, and give up the profound hypocrisy that lies at the very heart of conservative ideology?


  27. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Translation: BLACKMAN in the WHITE HOUSE!&(@^!#!!(&#!& screamed the Cuban guy.

    1. Anonymous12:01 AM

      yeah but he's light-skinned and definitely ugly enough to be one of their turds from the south like McConnell or Paul, so they'll go with it.

  28. Anonymous10:18 AM

    If #9 is true, why haven't they brought him up on charges ? Let's hear some examples Ted, how has the President broken the law ?

    1. Anonymous12:03 AM

      He doesn't listen to hysterical nutcases who are white (or pretending to be) and therefore are the rightful dictators of the world according to their version of the Holy Constitution.


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