Sunday, March 23, 2014

Westboro Church members face first protesters after death of founder Fred Phelps.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Members of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church staged their first protest Friday night after the death of the church’s founder Fred Phelps on Thursday. 

According to Kansas City’s KSHB Channel 41, the stridently anti-LGBT demonstrators were met with a counter-protest outside a concert by New Zealander pop sensation Lorde. The counter-protesters held up a banner that said, “Sorry for your loss,” a message of condolence to the church members, many of whom are relatives of the late Rev. Phelps. 

Westboro members — who reportedly ousted Phelps from his own congregation earlier this year — pretended to not understand the message. 

“I don’t even know what they’re saying,” said longtime WBC member Steve Drain.

You know what, I am not even sure that WBC member was being purposefully ignorant.  

I think it is completely possible that their hate and self loathing is such that they simply cannot recognize genuine sympathy.

What a truly unfortunate way to go through life.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Exactly, G. Members of Westboro Baptist Church were challenged by genuine christian feelings towards them, and because they've allowed their hearts so blinded by hate, they can't allow compassion any room in there. When they were challenged with kind words, they react as though their consciences are dead.

    This church is a demonstration of how far the message has been completely diluted.

    1. Suggestion: strike diluted insert corrupted

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I love my friends who stand for equal rights for ALL:)

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    They have lost the ability to feel.

  4. Anonymous10:47 AM

    This is what one calls being bigger than the enemy. Well-played.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      George Takei would be proud! Well played, indeed.

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Old Fred died alone and abandoned by his family. While I hope his spirit finds no peace I will also not waste any more energy on the old fool. We have spent enough ( and will continue to do so) by traveling to block WBC from military families and their friends during funerals. He raised his own children with so much hate they abandoned him, somehow he already got what he deserved.

    1. Karma.

      He reaped what he sowed.

      I doubt any of his children will understand the lesson.

  6. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    Human Beings never cease to amaze me. What a beautiful act of kindness. Of course they can't understand it, the words "God Hates" isn't in it.

  7. Should have flipped that sign over with a big "NOT" written on the other side.

  8. Cracklin Charlie8:23 PM

    I love Kansas City.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.