Sunday, March 23, 2014

The great Nate Silver says that the GOP is a "slight favorite" to take the Senate. Uh oh.

Courtesy of Salon:  

“We think the Republicans are now slight favorites to win at least six seats and capture the chamber,” Silver writes Sunday at FiveThirtyEight. “The Democrats’ position has deteriorated somewhat since last summer, with President Obama’s approval ratings down to 42 or 43 percent from an average of about 45 percent before. Furthermore, as compared with 2010 or 2012, the GOP has done a better job of recruiting credible candidates, with some exceptions.” 

Silver writes that he is “bullish on Republican chances” in West Virginia, South Dakota, Montana and Arkansas, and that the GOP could take control of the Senate if it wins at least two additional races in Louisiana, North Carolina, Alaska or Michigan — states that are at the moment very much in play, he notes. Wins in Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire could be considered “backup options” for the GOP, according to Silver.

Now if you are like me, and place a great deal of credibility in what Nate Silver says, a man who had the single best track record in the last few elections cycles as picking the winner, you might feel as if you have been punched in the gut.

However before you start to panic, and I admit that panic started for me about two lines into the above paragraphs, first read this:

 As always, we encourage you to read this analysis with some caution. Republicans have great opportunities in a number of states, but only in West Virginia, South Dakota, Montana and Arkansas do we rate the races as clearly leaning their way. Republicans will also have to win at least two toss-up races, perhaps in Alaska, North Carolina or Michigan, or to convert states such as New Hampshire into that category. And they’ll have to avoid taking losses of their own in Georgia and Kentucky, where the fundamentals favor them but recent polls show extremely competitive races. [...]

Okay well that's a little better, but it still has to serve as a not to be ignored warning that we have GOT to get off of our asses and vote this midterm, or we will be stuck in neutral for the next two years.

Or what's worse we may even start to go backwards, and lose some of the important progress that we have made.

This all comes down to turnout, and everybody expects turnout on the liberal side to be low.

We HAVE to prove them wrong. We HAVE to!

Here is what Digby suggests we need to do in order to inspire the young and minority voters:

For a young voter or voter of color, voting for Democrats isn't a matter of hope for a better future. It's basically a defensive crouch to prevent the insane sociopaths from taking over. To provide real hope, Democrats would have to start pushing for a $15 minimum wage, for basic universal income, for single-payer healthcare, for a green jobs Apollo Program, for student loan forgiveness, and similar policies.

I do not think that campaigning for single payer health care is an option at this point, but his other suggestions are more than valid.

We need to excite the base, and there are many policies the Democrats could introduce that would do exactly that.


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I don't know if I trust him all that much anymore. He hired a gay anti-gay kind of reporter and a climate change denier for his new organization. I would like to see what deep money is funding this little venture before I make any trust statements when it comes to Nate. As some one else wrote, he might as well have hired Jenny McCarthy to cover vaccine issues....

    1. I think you're confusing him with someone else. Ezra Klein, to(o) wit (forgive me).

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    3. TheNastyLiberal12:48 PM
      I think you're confusing him with someone else. Ezra Klein, to(o) wit (forgive me).
      Actually, both Klein and Silver have made some odd hiring decisions recently. Also there are articles that discuss both Klein and Silver and their recent hires.

    4. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Silver did hire a climate change denier whose statistics are questionable.

    5. Anonymous3:17 AM

      See 2:27, TNL, Anon 1:11 and Nefer. I googled it well ahead of posting.
      Anon 12:23

  2. It's early yet. Later, however, it'll be late.

  3. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I trust his judgement on campaign forecasts. His judgement may be off on his hirings but he was almost 100% correct predicting the last two campaigns.If the GOP takes the Senate we are so beyond fucked it isn't comprehensible.

    1. Anonymous3:18 AM

      That was his previous entity before he left that for ESPN and now he has this new gig.

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Somewhere over 40% of Americans identify themselves as independent voters Gryph. While I applaud your passion for your causes (not all of which I agree with), you may want to consider that when the independents see things going too far to the left, they will balance it out and go right. Both parties can always count on their base regardless- they swing too far in one direction and they will lose, as the independents don't like extremes. Just a thought for reflection.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Yes! (except the part about counting on the Dem base) Speaking as an Independent who now votes straight Dem, Digby's suggestions will lose Independents and lose elections.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Nope. You're wrong and most of your comment doesn't make sense. We're not headed too far to the left -- we're stuck in a quagmire because one party is full of imbeciles and children and extremists.

      Also --
      Forty prrcent of the electorate might "identify" as independent. But most of them -- 75 percent -- vote with one side or the other pretty reliably. Read the Myth of the Independent Voter.
      It was written long ago but the information in it is still valid. You can see it in election results. If two fifths of the electorate were really at play in any election, you would see WIDE vote margins of 20 percent or more, and yet, in national level elections, you don't see that at all. Rare is the Senate election where someone wins with more than five percent of the vote. And in the presidential elections -- forget about it! A seven percent difference is a big deal in presidential elections, consistently, event when there's a blow out like with Bush-Dukakis, you don't see a candidate pulling in big numbers -- how is that possible if so many people are REALLY independent?

      They're not! They're liars!

    3. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Independents are Republicans...that are ashamed to identify as such.

    4. Beldar J Conehead5:48 PM

      "Independents are Republicans"


      As a life-long, card-carrying dues-paying, swear-on-a-bible independent, I can assure you I am no Republican. (Correction: I spoke too soon. Apparently, I've lost the membership card and I'm at least 20 years behind in paying my dues)

      For as long as I can remember, I have proudly claimed that I could vote for a qualified Republican candidate for president - as long as he wasn't an admitted asshole or closet douchebag. (But as you can see - Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Dole, Bush II, McCain, Romney - I've not had the opportunity to yet to test my principles)

      (An argument could be made - and lost - that SOME independents are, in fact, actually Dems in disguise...)

  5. Your alarm sent me to wikipedia, Gryphen, and it looks like its not a close call this coming November in Virginia.,_2014

    Nevertheless, I get your message, and I vow, come November, even if I have to step over post-nuclear debris and decaying bodies I will be at the poll to add to Warner's majority.

  6. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Nate himself has always been on the money with his predictions, however, he's not always fit in with the people he worked for. Now he works for ESPN but still makes his voice and statistical expertise known in political races.

  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Glad you're taking this seriously.

    The Democratic Party could take some lessons from the GOP which rallied its base with repeated shouts of 'fire Reid and Pelosi.'

    It's time to fire the lying, fear-mongering GOP which has proven itself to be anti-freedom, anti-science, anti-democracy.

  8. Anonymous1:21 PM

    The country has gone WAYYYY too far to the right. I think more people than we realize are just fed up with the asininity of the repugnants. They've essentially done nothing of substance in the last six years.

    And it's not just young people whose interests align with voting progressive. My husband and I are in our sixties, and we're worried about our retirement, if the repugs trash Medicare and Social Security. And that's what they're after.


    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I don't actually believe we are moving further to the right (although I do agree we are still way to far right).

      I think the loudness of a certain subset of our population is actually a backlash against a trend toward more liberal social attitudes and a general reduction in religiosity. Unfortunately, this subset includes most Republican congresspeople.

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I lived in the rural South for five years and saw first hand how the working (and even the non-working) poor voted against their best interest in the name of religion and a fear/hatred/misunderstanding of immigrants, non-whites, and Native Americans.

  9. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "Christians Warn of a Terrifying Demonic Trend: Yoga."

    What is the "yoga aficionado" going to do with herself?

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      These supposed 'christians' of the KKK have always been racists and murderers. Look at their history - hangings of black folks, burning of their homes, raping, etc. They were not and are not a nice bunch. Do they really think Americans do not know their history which is easily proven?

  10. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Huffington Post carried this and their caption did not match the content (which is happening a lot w/them!).

    All the Dems and Independents need to do is get out the vote this mid term election cycle. Each vote counts more than all the money in the world thrown at any of the elections.

    Each of us needs to talk to family members, friends and business associates that we each know do not lean right! Plus, it is easy to talk down the right side...anti women, racists, anti voting rights, anti immigration, want to start another war and on and on.

    Encourage them their vote is needed and will count.

    The USA needs to be turned around with a mass correction as to the political players in Congress and Republican governors across the nation! CHANGE is needed now more than ever.

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      When you say all democrats and independents need to get out the vote, are you implying that independents are in the bag for the democrats- and are just going to vote democrat?

  11. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Thanks to Obama and Obamacare
    The Repubs will take back the Senate.
    Could not have done it without those two things.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Sure...and if it weren't for Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, old Turkey Neck would have been majority leader for four years guess the last laugh's on you, huh?

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      And what do you expect people with preexisting conditions should do? Die perhaps? This was our only option and I am paying a lot of money per month to get the privilege of having health insurance for the first time in years. Maybe it is all the lies the right wing media tells about the ACA and all the ignorant and uneducated morons on Medicare that don't want people to have insurance, but keep your hands off their Medicare! There is such a divide and hatred over Obama because he is black and the old white people cannot stand it. Turn the country right into a plutocracy and rename the country Kochland because that is exactly where we are heading. Koch money and the money of other multi billionaires that want to have no government regulation or benefits for anyone other than themselves rules the Republican party. Lay the blame where it truly comes from, money and greed.

    3. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Totally agree with you, 3:05 PM. I often think that a general feeling of helplessness is what keeps people away from the polls. "Nothing is going to change so why vote?" Mid-terms are just as important, and I exercise my right and have for 39 years.

  12. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I know several young folks who get government assistance for food under several different programs, and not one of them knows that they are receiving Food Stamps. They get a debit card that refills magically every so often and voila! Let the young ones know what "Food Stamps" really are, and get them out to vote! The R's always want to cut food stamps, and the kids don't know that means their benefits.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Yeah totally dude, I mean, god forbid young capable people actually getting a job to make ends meet, rather than having the magical money card that just replenishes itself every month.

    2. If they're too dumb to realize "government assistance for food" isn't the same thing as "food stamps" (despite not being food stamps anymore), I'm not sure I want them voting... ;-D

      Just kidding. They need to be educated, that's fore sure.

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      4:36 -
      In the current economy, finding a job (or 2) that can support a family is much easier said than done. Thanks to the generosity of the Republicans who have refused to allow the minimum wage to even approach subsistence levels, many young people who ARE working still need food assistance to keep their children fed. I have many families in my inner city school that are struggling to survive even with both parents working.

      I suppose your compassionate self would prefer their children go hungry so that the corporate CEOs that run the companies they work for can continue to buy new yachts and vacation homes in the Bahamas.

    4. Anonymous8:34 PM

      6:39. If you do not have the skills to get the type of a job that can pay better than minimum wage, you have no business starting a family.

  13. Anonymous2:24 PM

    1:56 I think that if the Affordable Care Act is properly handled by the Dems, they can succeed and win. Too many Americans are on it already and like it! They should not run away from it in the election is a huge benefit to many throughout our nation.

  14. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Didn't take long for the ABC network to take that 'slight' possibility and declare a slam dunk for Republicans this Fall.

    I am so sick of opinionated infotainment instead of real news. How I wish we still had Huntley Brinkley news.

  15. Anonymous3:13 PM

    ABC News Warps Nate Silver’s Numbers In Order To Predict a Really Big Republican Senate Win

    1. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

      I watched that, between the bullshit and whatever nate does to his hair (comb over, Hurricane Sandy style) I think I got whiplash.
      Note to Nate: People value you for what's in your head, style your hair to fit your face or shave it all- you'll be a babe magnet!

    2. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Anita, I believe Nate's sexual preference is more towards the dude end of the sexual orientation scale...


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