Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Woman who claimed that autism and dementia were God's punishment for gay marriage, just won her Republican primary in Illinois.

Courtesy of The Friendly Atheist:  

Susanne Atanus, the 55-year-old Republican who told a local newspaper that God put autism and dementia on Earth as punishment for marriage equality and abortion, just won her primary for a seat in the House of representatives. She will face off against incumbent Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky this November: 

Voters in the Republican primary will have two very different candidates to choose from in the 9th Congressional District, as David Earl Williams III and Susanne Atanus vie for the right to face Rep. Jan Schakowsky in the fall… “I am a conservative Republican and I believe in God first,” Atanus said. She said she believes God controls the weather and has put tornadoes and diseases such as autism and dementia on earth as punishment for gay rights and legalized abortions.

Apparently Illinois party leaders  tried to get Atanus to drop out, but nope, she was on a mission. And apparently that mission is to hand the Illinois 9th District House seat back to Jan Schakowsky.

For once the Democratic agenda matches well with the agenda of the Republican fringe.

This morning I listened to Reince Priebus on MSNBC telling Chuck Todd that the party cannot be held for every strange thing uttered by a Republican.

But what he fails to understand is that these comments are not outliers among the Republicans, THIS is how a great number of them see the world.

These elections are now increasingly defined as between the rational and the irrational.

For the sake of America's future let's hope that the majority of the country sits on the side of the rational.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Wow! S.-atan-us could be related to Rebecca Mansour.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Little known fact ... Susanne Atanus is Sarah's twin sister.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      This is what Sarah Palin looks like on the inside.

    2. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Ohhh, twin sister? Thanks, I thought it was Chris Christie in drag.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is in one of those "safe" seats, and she is sure to be elected again. This is the Republican version of a sacrificial lamb. They don't want to waste one good candidate on a race that they can't win. I wonder if the Republican candidate was someone blessed with a Palin endorsement. Susanne actually ran against another Republican and won the primary. This is wonderful because she brands the Republican Party as a party of bigots and haters. It's as good as that Ye-haw woman talkin' 'bout being Red, Wild and Blue. Sarah Palin diminished her own brand, and since she still spouts Tea Party talking points, she makes them look as crazy as Susanne.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Let's hope the seat is safe. I worry about anyone running for office who says that God comes first. I don't think that she would ever put the Constitution or the American people first.

    2. Does it really serve their purpose to be represented by such a whacko? She's running as a Republican. Whether they endorse her or not, she represents them on the ticket and every insane word out of her mouth will be preceded by "Republican Candidate".

    3. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Weren't a bunch here just saying that Gibb's statement that the "party's over" if we don't get out the vote?

      Imagine all seats filled with this type of idiot?

  4. Anonymous9:30 AM

    That is one screwed up mythological being these folks believe in - so he punishes the old and young randomly for the so called sins of other people ?

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      She looks like she's been punished by god.

  5. A J Billings9:38 AM

    Could anyone be more decieved and lunatic than that woman?

    Ok, yes, probably the Wasilla Wombat, but surely this is among the most hateful of things to say publicly.

    I'm sure the parents of autistic babies must be thrilled to know that Susanne wants to represent them.

    I'm sure it's a great comfort to know that your spouse of 50 years, the love of your life is now being punished because some angry god looked down, and saw a lesbian couple getting married in Massachusetts.

    Words fail me as to how to describe such insanity

    1. ibwilliamsi1:15 PM

      Come South - they're EVERYWHERE.

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM


  7. Anonymous9:54 AM

    At anus? Really? Why does Sarah attract so many a**....never mind; I just answered my own question.

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I wouldn't want to be in the same town as that goodness. I think God has something against her.

  9. Otto Katz10:15 AM

    My mother in law lives just outside Chicago, and has totally rejected her daughter, for being gay. But not for being gay, but for the girlfriend's "twisting her daughter against her". The conservative in Illinois really are batshiat crazy, and I'm not surprised that this woman won the primary. We can only hope they're outnumbered on election day.

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    RAM's sister ?

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      I should make her pic my avatar and get into a rollicking "sista" conversation with GinaM. ;-)

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      absolutely !!

      then you'll also be setup to catch flak from the assorted 'bagger_'tards on how ugly "you" are


    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      We'd shoot 'em down flat. Giggling......

  11. Anonymous10:26 AM


    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      It was "nice" of them to post a member list by state, I hope the FBI and Secret Service are on top of this.

  12. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Half-term Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin released a trailer (another one) for her new show Amazing America. One thing stands out more than the rest: Suddenly our Sarah has a strong southern drawl. It’s difficult to understand why Palin developed an overnight accent unless she’s auditioning for Duck Dynasty or adding to her resume of grifting.

  13. angela10:50 AM

    This is some scary shit. People like this woman used to drown people as witches.

  14. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I cannot believe people who think like this actually exist! Isn't it true God loves EVERYONE? That would include the gays, and people with dementia and autism.

    Stupid asshat.

  15. Pandering to the ignorant. Dementia, and Autism have been around before the acceptance of "gay marriage". I wonder what this GOPclown blames Down's Syndrome on?

  16. Randall11:46 AM

    WHICH Republican these days says anything that could be considered rational?

  17. What's next?

    Are we going to start burning people at the stake for using the hand of the devil? (left handers)

    Will those with red hair or birthmarks be drowned as witches?

    Never mind. I'm afraid what the answer might be.

  18. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Susanne Atanus has proven one thing: God seems to love retards!

  19. ibwilliamsi1:14 PM

    "Woman who claimed that autism and dementia were God's punishment for gay marriage, just won her Republican primary in Illinois, thereby guaranteeing a Democrat will win the seat in the Primary election."

  20. Beldar J Conehead2:20 PM

    Holy shit snacks!

    Rest assured, fellow libtards, the 9th is a hotbed of Remulakian immigration and Jan Schakowsky's seat is unlikely to be at risk. Democrats controlled redistricting (aka gerrymandering) in 2010 so, if they didnt carve out a safe district for Jan, they deserve to have that fabulous babe Atanus (aka @Anus) win one for the Gipper.

  21. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Looks like all the kooks are coming out of the wood work and running for office and all we need is a few Democrats to sit home on election day and folks like this wacko writing our laws.

    I blame good old Ronnie Regan for shutting down the mental institutions, then I blame McCain for choosing a mentally ill, high school grad with a below average IQ.

  22. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Sorry, but this nutcase looks like Scalia in drag and well older than 55 years old. Maybe it is Scalia in drag, she thinks like him. I certainly hope there is a shake up in the make up of the SCOTUS very soon. It is full of frauds that take Koch money.

  23. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I lived in Chicago for many years and I'm pretty sure Schakowsky's seat is safe safe SAFE. It includes an area called Boystown and Evanston, where Northwestern University is located, and a few other suburbs full of intelligent people, i.e. liberals.

    What I can't believe is this is the idiot the Republicans of her district selected.

    1. It's a team sport. The Republicans voted for her just because she had an R by her name. They deserve having her represent them.

  24. Anonymous3:43 PM

    god put THAT on this earth as punishment to men in general. gawd what an fugly thing!

  25. Anonymous4:12 PM

    She should be chained to a Barcalounger and made to watch episodes of "Cosmos" until her head explodes.

  26. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

    Here comes ME and MINI ME's facebook outrage! Sister/Aunt Heather has a kid with Autism. This "concept" of "God" is the one I could never understand. Why would "God" create all people in his image, then along comes Suzanne Atanus, as punishment for rational thinking.

  27. Doesn't look like she livens too many parties, does she? :o

  28. Anonymous5:57 PM

    This woman is an evil bitch. How very "christian" of her to think that GOD would hate people to inflict pain, sickness and tornados on people.

  29. Anonymous6:31 AM

    So why does god punish everyone for those who are gay or have a legal abortion, but does absolutely nothing in response to those who sexually abuse children, physically abuse children, neglect medically children, rape women, murder, steal, commit adultry, ....?

    I mean how do they know that all of this weather extremes is not in response to the GOP adultries, or Vitter getting his diaper changed by a DC prositute? Seriously there are more people committing adultry in this country then there are gay people. I think there is something in the bible about pointing out a splinter in another's eye when there is a log in your own.

  30. Anonymous6:53 AM

    is she related to RAM?

  31. Anonymous7:00 AM

    The "Church Lady" incarnate........she apparently has many "crosses" of her own to bear......not the least of which is a face only a mother could love......what is that saying about ugly is clear through.......not an intact mirror to be found in that house.....

  32. Anonymous9:11 AM

    What a bunch of hateful people. If you equate this woman's twisted logic with being a Republican, then you have to equate a long list of tyrants, dictators, murderers, addicts, etc. with being a Democrat. It does no one any good to make stupid, sweeping associations.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:59 PM

      God'll get you for that!
      It has nothing to do with being a republican, it's being a republican it has everything to do with a republican siccing God's wrath on folks she deems "not perfect",

      Hypocrite much?

      Who pissed in your lucky charms?

      What a schmuck!


  33. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Dang, judging from that picture, Palin has really let herself go.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.