Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sarah Palin attempts to call into local Arizona talk radio show, only to be rejected as a fraud.

Apparently this is Palin's new "thing." Impulsively calling into talk shows in order to gain some notice, and keep her name out there.

She did the same thing last week.

This time it is so unexpected that the guy who screens calls simply refuses to believe that Palin has become so inconsequential that she no longer has a staff persona arranging interviews and instead calls into insignificant local radio programs on a whim.

Of course once they establish that it really IS Palin (At the 1:45 mark), and that takes a while, they become all fan girl and start to gush over her.

Palin claims to be in Scottsdale visiting Bristol, and that she listens to the show on her way home form "hot yoga." (Personally I think she is confusing hot yoga with the hot flashes she gets while struggling to put on her shoes.)

Palin claims that she understand their reticence in believing it was her, because she has been punked a number of times herself. (Ahh, the memories.)

When asked how often she gets to Arizona (3.35 mark) Palin says she gets to "zip in" when she is headed to a speech or event, because it is a "jumping point" for  her to use before heading out to other states. (Of course we know that is bullshit, and that she has a house down in Scottsdale and spends the majority of her time there these days. Woman lies about EVERYTHING.)

Palin is also asked about her new streaming program (4:16) which she describes as "an app" and that the information leaked about it was not completely accurate. She claims that the app will provide unfiltered access to her message and help with distributing endorsements to candidates. (Because you know having a service that only a handful of people will be willing to pay for, is going to be SO much better at getting out her message than Facebook or Fox News, where millions can see it for free.)

Palin also uses this as an opportunity to pimp her new "huntin" show on the Sportsman Channel (5:14) which she claims she is filming in a Phoenix studio. (What? No location shooting for the "Queen of the Outdoors?")

The host then asks the obligatory question about whether she is running for office again (6:05). She of course responds with her usual song and dance about not being sure, and that she continues to support certain candidates. Like Ted Cruz, who is the only one that she mentions by name.

Ultimately this is nothing but fluff, which is really all Palin offers anymore, along with the red meat she occasionally throws out to feed the ravenous Right Wing.

However what I learned is that Palin is now essentially a full time resident of Arizona, as evidenced by the fact she is now as familiar with THEIR conservative talk shows as she once was with Alaska's conservative talk shows such as Bob and Mark on KWHL. A show she used to call into with some regularity, even while Governor of the state.

I also learned that Palin is essentially adrift for the most part without the SarahPAC paid staff helping her make decisions about who she should talk to, and when she should talk to them.


  1. Olivia11:42 AM

    Sorry, I just can't listen. Was she using her fancy schmancy new hillbilly twang or has she adopted a Scottsdale lilt?

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Yeah, I can't listen anymore also too.

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      No, the cutesy little girl picked on voice,

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    She's definitely a yoga fanatic. Have you seen her in Alaska Gryphen? I think she does yoga regularly in anchorage.

    1. Nobody sees her in Alaska, unless there is a camera crew around.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      True that! I've not seen a Palin in Wasilla for many months, unless you count Willow and yes she works a couple days a week at the Forget Me Knot salon. Not sure why Mrs. Palin would do Yoga in Anchorage instead of here in Wasilla. That aside, I do Yoga, I work out and believe me that is no Yoga body that she is sporting, that is an emaciated starvation/menopausal hot mess body that does nothing more than hold up her empty head.

    3. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Sad, sad 11:52. So transparent.

    4. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Doesn't yoga require mediation and introspection. I don't see granny doing either. I think she just keeps saying it to turn on the rubes. Hot yoga =sexy, flexible positions and lots of sweat. Barf!

      She even has her own trolls spreading the hot yoga nonsense. I'll believe it when I see the video. Come on Sarah, add a hot yoga session to RogueTV. I'm sure the bots will pay monthly to see that.

    5. Anonymous1:15 PM

      12:50 FWIW, Bikram yoga is purely physical, even somewhat militant and aggressive, and leaves out the meditation aspect. 'Hot yoga' isn't the same as Bikram--it's any form of yoga with the studio temp dialed up.

      I think your suggestion that Palin should add hot yoga to RogueTV is a winner. Hilarious.

    6. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Yeah b/c all yogini's look like meth addicts and yogini's going around killing animals...
      She is prob part of the Bikram sex scandal is anything....
      what a fuckin' fake.
      Fuck her.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    To check out their allegations, we examined documents from the city and the Alaska Legislature and interviewed people in Wasilla, advocates for sexual assault victims and a former state legislator. We found the truth is murky. Although Wasilla had such a “rape kit” policy while Palin was mayor, there is no evidence that she explicitly endorsed the policy. But nor have we found any evidence that she opposed it.

    The policy sought to have rape victims’ health insurance companies reimburse the city for the $500 to $1,200 cost of a forensic exam that is conducted after a sexual assault. Presumably, some of the cost might have been passed along to the victim through requirements for deductibles or co-payments, although victim advocates say they don’t know of anyone in the small town who had to pay such a fee.

    There's no mention and was no controversy.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      A link would be helpful.

      Here's the real skinny on what went down, however, then Mayor Palin could have spoken up to advocate for victims of rape at any time, however she didn't and left the financial burden to the police department rather than engage in supporting victims.

      This doesn't align very well with her new "feminism" where she proclaims to support women and champion their cause.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      I'm sure they could have funded the rape kits with the money Mayor Palin spent on her $50,000 office remodel and her gold "Mayor Mobile" .

    3. Baloney, Anonymous @ 11:52.

      This explains the typically shallow RW thinking behind the Palin mayoral administration policy.

    4. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Just wondering out loud, did the mayor's daughter ever get a rape kit done? If yes, was she forced to pay for it? If no, did she lie in her memoir?

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I recall someone here posted a tweet from an AZ resident saying Sarah and her daughter were in her yoga class. Hold on

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Regardless of the fact that none of the Palin women exhibit "yoga bodies" I would have to assume that they would at least pretend to engage in Yoga in AZ rather than in AK since that is where they live. Bristol kidnapped her son to AZ and Mrs. Palin spends most of her time there now. Which once again leaves Willow alone in Alasskkkaaa with no parental supervision. She's the main reason we now lock our doors at night, any of us and all of us that live in Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Was it you who posted that tweet, 11:54?

    3. Anita Winecooler5:12 PM

      "Hold On" bwaaaaaahhhhaaa

      Good advice 11:54

  5. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Sarah's panty sniffer, Bill Kristol, is begging to go to war and boy does HE get a smackdown:

    Here's his article lamenting the 'war weary' country:

    And here's the smackdown supreme:

    This Just In From Our Sociopath Bureau

    Blow me, you monstrous, bloodthirsty fraud, you silly, stupid chickenhawk motherfker who plays army man with the children of people who are so much better than you are, and who would feed innocent civilians in lands you will never visit into your own personal meatgrinder to service your semi-annual martial erection. You and the rest of your cowardly cohort helped prepare the ground for the worst geopolitical mistake the country has made in 30 years. You fought the battle of the Green Rooms and the think tanks while other people's sons and daughters died for your fantasy of how the world would work if you really were the pimply, adolescent Zeus you see when you look in the mirror every morning. The country does not need you lectures any more. The country does not need your counsel. The country does not need your advice. And, as sure as human beings have become dead because of your lectures, and counsel, and advice, human beings about whom you otherwise care nothing, the country does not need your hectoring that it has become insufficiently bellicose to fulfill your newest, blood-drenched fantasies. Even here, even now, you hide behind the skirts of a woman from Indiana who, while I believe her to be wrong, seems to be genuine in her beliefs. You are unworthy of her intellectual camouflage. You should be driven from polite society, consigned to an ideological Molokai so you can no longer infect the rest of us. People should shun you. You should wear the bell for the rest of your miserable days.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Bill Kristol is responsible for introducing Palin.
      Bring back public hangings.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      All righty there. Well said.

    3. Charlie P. Pierce does it again!

  6. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Seems Sarah is still praising McCain whenever she has the opportunity as was the case here. Her fans at the Pee Pond, however, are not that enamored of him and have gone as far as to call him a liberal.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      She's reached the point in obscurity that she is grabbing for his coattails, desperate to be relevant again.

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Anonymous12:05 PM

      Seems Sarah is still praising McCain
      Well shit ya, she wants he Senate seat! She lost out on Lisa's in AK!!!

  7. Super Fan In Atlanta12:14 PM

    Sudden Deaths of JPMorgan Workers Continue

    I just find stories like this one so bizarre!

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Note to self: Do not accept job offers from JPMorgan.

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Hey that's what they get for ripping people with OD fees!
      Die rich fucks die!

  8. Anonymous12:20 PM

    This is not going to make the C4P people very happy; they HATE Ted Cruz. Better luck in 2020 C4Pr's guess you'd better start pumping money towards your nemesis Ted Cruz since Grifter luvs him :-)

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Sarah is terrified of Ted Cruz because Ted Cruz will destroy her if she crosses him. He a conceited, pseudo-intellectual bastard who probably thinks she's a complete moron.

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Why do they hate Ted Cruz? I would think they would love his right wing rhetoric.

    3. Anonymous12:50 PM


      They do NOT love Cruz for POTUS because they feel that Sarah Barracuda is the true head of the TeaParty and the true "heir to the GOP" throne and while they will accept Cruz as her VP or as Senator and support him as such he is considered a "usurper" in their eyes.

    4. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Sarah ought to be rill purty in 2020. Hawt too....

    5. Boscoe1:11 PM

      ...And don't forget that as a Canadian Born, he cannot be POTUS. (I can't wait to see the hot moral yoga the birthers perform to justify why that doesn't matter)

    6. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Boscoe, Rafael's mother was American which makes him an American. He has been trying to get rid of his dual citizenship for over a year. He doesn't want to be POTUS he's just playing his fans for dollars.

    7. Anonymous6:09 PM

      He can run after he renounces his Canadian citizenship, but he has to jump through quite a number of legal hoops, as Canada will not let him go until it is sure he is actually a citizen somewhere else. He needs his mother's birth certificate and school records...his Dad and Mom spent a bunch of years in Canada, so this may not be easy, and so far, he doesn't seem to be doing any of the legwork to make it happen. But he sure looks like an evil wonder Sarah likes him.

  9. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Filming in Phoenix? WTF? Wasn't she still trying to pimp her outdoor AK cred? Such as it is.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      She's filming video clips to introduce already existing video of people doing dumb things. She's filming in Phoenix in front of a green screen and they will then add her content to the already existing videos featuring "feats of redneck stupidity". She's never met the people who did these videos she is only adding commentary to make their stupid redneck antics seem like "Real American Hero" kind of stuff.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      All that hard, hard work she's boasts about.
      What a crock.

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Filming in front of a green screen with feats of redneck stupidity. Really? How is that different from something like Tosh.O or The Soup? How is that an "outdoor" show? How is that a "sportsman" show?

    4. Anonymous2:55 PM

      What happened to all of the Fox TV stuff in her house?

    5. Anonymous6:06 PM

      She is such a fraud. She couldn't tell the truth if she was standing in front of God himself.

  10. Anonymous1:21 PM

    She's undermining John McCain. She SAYS she called to thank them for having McCain on--like it's a personal favor to her. (I guess she doesn't know that McCain is almost constantly on AZ radio and local TV.) She praises McCain on the Putin issue and then stabs him in the back by talking about Ted Cruz' lack of support from the Senate John McCain opposed Cruz' publicity stunt.

    What's it going to take for McCain to reel her in?

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I think McCain is afraid to put a stop to Palin...he needs all the different forms GOP support he can get and that means tolerating Palin and her bots. Plus, old John would never admit to having made a mistake in picking Palin as his running mate--even if he had been forced into it.

  11. Anonymous1:22 PM

    coincidently the radio station had skank bullseyed the first time, not only a fraud but a white trash hunchbacked cross eyed drug addled fraud

  12. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Yay, Sarah! She did it! She's the all-time slogan-stringing champion and NO ONE can ever take this away from her.

    She did it in a mere 14 seconds! 14 seconds! What a feat!

    Here are the inspiring, record-breaking words:

    stay in the fray
    on the wrong track
    go rogue
    be mavericks
    not just go along to get along
    the status quo has got to go

    Blather me this; blather me that! I'm so proud of Mr. Heath's little Oscar!

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      It must be easier for Sarah to remember simple phrases that rhyme, sort of like Green Eggs and Ham, Sam, I Am, Stay in the Fray, Go along to get along, Status quo has got to go, it sounds like a hypnotic cheer, or chant. When Sarah says "rogue" or "maverick" the words don't really mean anything, but they create an image of her. In reality, the maverick is an unbranded range animal or a calf that has no mother. The rogue elephant leaves the herd, running wild, terrorizing and smashing villages and killing people. Either word means a misfit. Sarah can remember things the way that preschool kids remembered simple songs from Sesame Street, they rhyme. They are easy to remember. And, she isn't stuck having to remember a real sentence or use big words. And she uses undefined code words to create an image of herself that she doesn't really understand, either.

  13. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Gryphen - Did you see Louie Gohmert's tribute to Sarah Palin on the House floor so the Congressional Record would correct Tina Fey's 'lie' and reflect Palin's true 'intelligent,' 'prescient' leadership? Because comedy...bleh.

    I think we need a petition to force John McCain and/or Ted Cruz to do the same in the Senate.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Sarah said that if you stood on a remote island in Alaska, you would be able to see an equally remote part of Russia. That was the sum of her foreign policy experience. That is what deserves to be written into the Congressional record. Anyone who heard that had a right to make fun of it, turning it into the famous, "I can see Russia from my house." Louie should add the important quote from Sarah, "When Putin rears his head, where does he go?"

      Sarah was given a chance for a do-over when Katie Couric asked Sarah about her original comment, made to Charlie Gibson. Sarah only made it worse. Here is that part of the interview with Katie. Sarah still sounds like an idiot with no foreign policy experience.

      COURIC: You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?

      PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land — boundary that we have with — Canada. It, it’s funny that a comment like that was — kind of made to cari — I don’t know. You know. Reporters —

      COURIC: Mocked?

      PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that’s the word, yeah.

      COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.

      PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our— our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia—

      COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

      PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We— we do— it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where— where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is— from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to— to our state.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We— we do—

      That "We do" is code for 'We don't' and one of Palin's classic 'tells' for a lie.

      The Dept. of Commerce tracks trade missions and AK had ZERO under Palin. (sorry. I've lost the link)

    3. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

      The backdrop to this entire interview with Katie was the United Nations Building so Sarah could "Showcase" her vast knowledge of foreign policies (LMAO) while beefing up her creds in being a leader in a multi national community.

      "Mocked?" Couric
      "Well, yeah............. She who has word sausage tourettes

    4. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Sarah had no knowledge of international affairs at all. Which one was our friend, North or South Korea? When she was asked to list all of the foreign countries that she had visited, she included Iraq during her visit to troops in Kuwait, even though she just looked through the fence and saw Iraq. She didn't actually go there. She also counted Ireland because the plane stopped there to refuel. But we do know that she and her family visited Canada, for the free health care.

  14. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Update regarding VirginiaGentleman and his wife whom he calls The Boss, from C4P. They've both had health issues and they take pride in going to a hospital that they say doesn't recognize Obamacare but somehow they both have had major surgeries that are somehow paid for. They are very old so I'd have to assume they are on Medicare, but really, they feel that if they have their Government Healthcare that no one else should have any assistance?

    They are both overweight and brag about eating bad foods and smoking and drinking so, really, really, they expect to be covered when things go wrong? These are the worst of the hypocrites of the far right, and thankfully, they will not be around for much longer. These people make me sick and they are the type of people that have broken our healthcare system.


    Update from VG and the Boss:

    I just got off the phone, and he says it looks pretty sure for
    surgery tomorrow, and they're still doing tests to see just what they're
    dealing with. There are gall bladder issues and possible cardiac
    issues, so it won't be known for a while.

    He's there at the hospital, and says it's a marvelous place that's
    rejected obamacare and turns away nobody. She'll soon be in a private
    room, and is receiving top notch care from some of the same doctors and
    nurses that helped care for him when he was there. (This is
    the same hospital the Boss took him to after they'd been given a
    misdiagnosis at the first hospital following the heart attack. It saved his life.)

    He said she's holding her own and doing well. He greatly appreciates
    your prayers and well wishes. We've had word from Chuck and prayers are
    going up from there, too.

    I'll post more as soon as I hear. Thank you all so much for your support and prayers.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      I believe that they are in their 60's. And, that old guy wrote about being overweight, drinking both liquor and coffee, smoking and doing too much that wore him out-- such as traveling to Sarah's book signing just to get a glimpse of her. Somewhere, I got the idea that he had been in the US Navy. If that's the case, then the VA would be responsible for some of his medical care. He and his wife are surely on Medicare and we are all paying for his care. He may write that the hospital does not accept Obamacare, but he has also written that if he had to pay for his heart operation out of his own pocket, he would not be able to afford it. They are surrounded by family who should be taking care of their sick relatives. Unfortunately, I am having a hard time feeling sorry for the guy, considering some of the truly hateful things that he has written about President Obama.

      He wrote to Chuck Heath Jr. when he decided to go to Sarah's book signing in Roanoke, VA, asking Chuckie to contact Sarah and get the guy to the head of the line because waiting in line was just beyond his physical abilities. He was in a wheel chair. Walking wears him out, but he stood to meet Sarah.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      As absolutely nutzoid as the pee pond is, I don't take delight in other people's failing health, Having just lost my beloved Dad to pure old age issues last August, I feel sorry for both of them.

      What about those who eat right, exercise, don't drink or smoke, and still succumb to disease even at a young age? The ACA has given financial relief and peace of mind to many.

    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      The hospital may not accept ACA, but it does accept other forms of insurance. The old guy and his wife have had health issues long before the ACA was passed, and he said that he could not afford to pay for his own surgery. Of course he has other forms of insurance-- probably covered through the VA, Social Security, Medicare and independent insurance plans. He had health issues long before the ACA was passed, so the hospital not accepting ACA patients does not affect him.

    4. Anonymous3:18 PM

      VG is a complete idiot. ACA is just a name. There are no ACA titled insurance companies. Any company that offers medical insurance plans is part of the ACA. If someone goes into a hospital or a MD office and has medical insurance, you can guarantee 100% the insurance will be accepted. This is a clear case of the old fuck who refuses to believe the facts. How the hell would someone know if your insurance was bought directly from an insurance company or one of the exchanges, It's still from a medical insurance company, not the Federal government for christ's sake. That just ignorant of him.

    5. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I thought he said his premiums shot up because of the ACA. As 2:48 PM says, he has said some truly hateful things about President Obama, in between his morning and evening communing with God of course. wink wink

      I just don't wish death on anyone. Even that creep Fred Phelps.

    6. Anonymous3:37 PM

      He is in his late 60s.

    7. Anonymous3:48 PM

      3:18, you are wrong about all doctors and hospitals accepting subsidized (ACA) plans. My Blue Shield plan through CoveredCA is by no means accepted by all docs, just like not all private Blue Shield plans are accepted by all docs. You get lists of providers/hospitals that do have Bl Shield coverage.

    8. Anonymous3:58 PM

      MaMcGriz is the go-to gal, talking to the old guy about his wife, who is supposed to have surgery tomorrow-- gall bladder, heart? They are still doing tests. The son who lives next door is there, so maybe he'll take care of his old man. They are at one of the 6 hospitals in Richmond, Virginia. I wonder if someone can figure out which one(s) don't take Obamacare, as they have put it. This couple had some kind of medical insurance and care before the ACA act was passed. She is supposed to be a nurse, so it is likely that she was insured as part of the medical plan at the place where she worked. And, if she is (was) a nurse, what's wrong with the place where she worked? Why was she transported to Richmond?

      This is the most important question of all. If you were sick, wouldn't you want to very best care that was available to you-- even if the caregivers also took care of ACA patients, charity patients, or belonged to a different political party? Wouldn't quality of care be more important than who is coming into the hospital through the ER? Isn't quality of care more important that politics?

    9. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I'm sure his premiums are high because of his issues. Like people trying to get car insurance after DUIs, it's not rocket science.

    10. Anonymous5:13 PM

      They've both had health issues and they take pride in going to a hospital that they say doesn't recognize Obamacare
      Maybe the "rejecting" obamacare hosp is some podunk place and if she doesn't survive he can scream "Death panels"!

    11. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Oh you know the pee pond will, 5:13 PM, and sainthood. That place is a zoo but he made himself their cyber father/grandpa. His hope is to hand on to see $arah president 2016 so he can die happy. Ain't gonna happen.

    12. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Of course the hospital doesn't take ObamaCare, there is no such thing as ObamaCare.

      He is probable one of the moron's with the sign-Keep the government out of my Medicare!!!!

      His health insurance probable went up because he smokes and with all his preexisting conditions, he should be thanking President Obama for the ACA which allows him to have health insurance at all.

      Instead of sending Sarah money to support her life style, he should be paying his medical bills.

    13. Anonymous7:08 PM

      speaking of the piss pond but what happened to the up/down arrow thingie ?

    14. Anonymous7:23 PM

      What on earth is a place that "rejects Obamacare" but "takes everyone?" These people are delirious.

      Obamacare is just insurance. That's it.

    15. Anonymous8:00 PM

      My guess is --if they are poor enough, they have both Medicare and Medicaid. Yes, then all the hospital bills would be paid.

    16. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Obamacare is the ACA which is an insurance exchange for people to chose health insurance from numerous companies and find out if they qualify for a subsidy.

      I guarantee that hospitals will accept most insurance purchased from health insurance companies. The man is an idiot!

  15. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Sarah must really be desperate for attention to call into this radio show and thank them for having John McCain on the air. It's "notice me, please, notice me" syndrome.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Oh, you know it was all about attention and pumping that shit stain show of hers that no one is going to watch.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Yes, Palin isn't on Faux as much as she used to be. Her Facebook and Twitter must not be driving cash to SarahPAC quickly enough. Her tour bus is up for sale and her speeches get fewer and fewer. Maybe Sarah can line up some 2014 high school graduation speaking gigs! In my opinion, Palin is desperately trying to drive traffic to her silly new programs on the Sportman's Channel and "Rogue TV" on TAPP.

  16. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Maybe she was doing her Southern accent.

  17. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I don't know how you can keep doing this to yourself, G. I can't stand to hear a minute of her, not even 20 seconds. She makes my skin crawl. And yet I come here and read your takes and the first-rate kraziness in the komments. I don't mind hearing ABOUT this freak finally dissolving in her own pile of excrement, but I can't take watching her and I ESPECIALLY get acid reflux from even a snippet of her voice. So good on ya G for telling the story like you do.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Gryph takes one for the team every time!

  18. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Besides using them as free advertisement for her reality shows,she is probably calling in all the radio stations in area hoping someone takes the bait and has the "privilege" of giving her more air time.

    Too bad she confused all her "fans" with the video stream or app, which is it show. Is is going to be recorded messages or an actual show?

  19. Anonymous3:24 PM

    This Wisconsin Republican is ‘embarrassed’ by his party and won’t ‘defend them anymore’

  20. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Misogynist Creep McConnell Says Wives Owe Husbands Sex

    As usual, GOP “no war on women in sight” scumbags see women as non-human items, and water them down to sexual objects and nothing more. In this case, not only are women unqualified when making their own conclusions about sex and nothing more than sex toys, but sex toys whose lack of consensual agreement means nothing.

    Rape culture is “fake” you say, right?

    Dennis Prager, anti-feminist, talk radio host, conservative and co-host of a fundraiser for Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) decided to unwittingly unleash a slew of dreadful remarks, clearly suggesting that a married woman’s consent means nothing if her husband wants to have sex.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Didn't Allen West say something like that? Well for sure the AG Palin picked WAR said "If you can't rape your wife..." sick bastards.
      And I didn't even know ole Turtle man was married! His poor wife. :(

  21. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Satanists Vow To Posthumously Turn Fred Phelps Gay!

  22. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Florida School Sad It Won’t Be Beating Children As Punishment For Much Longer (Video)

    Gryphen, I love this site, maybe you can consider putting it on the blogroll. It's exactly in line with what we all at IM like to read.

  23. Anonymous3:49 PM

    advertising FREE advertising...the woman likes her FREE STUFF. Talk about being a hypocrite!

  24. As someone whom practices yoga for 2 hours five days a week, Sarah Palin you are a liar, cheat and fake down to your Belmont's... you are not practicing yoga.
    Why you ask? Because your Ora is full of shit.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      I bet that her chakras are not aligned correctly, either. The one in her butt is ruling her head.

    2. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Nice grammar usage there Tyroanee. You should have used "who," not "whom." You cannot just use "whom" haphazardly in a sad attempt to sound intelligent. It does not work that way.

  25. Anonymous5:47 PM

    When will Sarah ever get her comeuppance?

  26. Anonymous6:00 PM

    About a half an hour ago, an update from the loving husband, that fat guy with the heart problems:

    Good Evening Dear Friends.
    I has been quite a day! The Boss is in the hospital. She has already had an ultrasound, blood work up and urinalysis and is getting an EKG tonight and will then have a chemically induced stress test for her heart in the morning. If she passes both tests, in other words, no heart problems, then she will get a lollypop and on Friday her gall bladder will be removed as a reward.
    A lot rests on how her chem stress test goes tomorrow. If she fails it then more invasive tests will be done on her heart and the gall bladder surgery will be postponed. Not to mention, no lollypop!
    My personal comment: I'm so glad that The Boss is at a hospital that doesn't take Obamacare. That's sarcasm. We have very good medical insurance, and I can tell you that it would not have taken this long for the people at our hospital to take an EKG. It takes all of 5 or 10 minutes. 15 minutes maxiumum. Does my hospital take ACA, people without insurance or any of the other things that seem to upset the Pee People? I don't know and I don't care. I know that when we had a serious health problem during a routine procedure in our hospital, the crew sprang into action and did every test in the book in less than an hour. My mother had serious heart issues, and I know from experience that there are a number of tests that they can do in order to evaluate heart problems-- was it angina or a real heart attack? There are chemical tracers that can be tested for. Yes, it's really good that they chose a place that won't take Obamacare. Maybe another hospital in Richmond, which does take ACA, is also a teaching hospital associated with a medical school and has a crack staff of doctors and nurses. Too bad that they didn't choose that place.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      That old idiot is not at a hospital "that doesn't take Obamacare". They are at Bon Secours St Francis Hospital outside of Richmond. Bon Secours belongs to the Catholic Health Association, which supported the Affordable Care Act. Their longtime President, Sister Carol Keenan, says it was not the bill she wanted, but it was the best bill they could get.

      I think VG lies pretty routinely: about packing heat in the hospital, and visiting slave descendants like he said he did last Saturday, and whether Bon Secours hospitals "take Obamacare". He is correct though about their charitable mission , and they take care of lots of people without insurance. which is why of course they support the Affordable Care Act. Oh yeah and it's the Christian thing to do. in the true sense of the word "Christian".

      I am sure that lying old racist is on Medicare with Tricare as a supplement. He says his care has cost over $1 million. Who pays to keep this vicious moron alive? All of us of course!

      He is a prototypical Palin fapper, a delusional idiot bleating about the "Creator" while nastily attacking the President, his wife, and anyone who actually has the balls to get out and function in the real world. I think his stupid wife has worked herself to illness while he sits at his computer and bloviates his final days away typing about Baldy and the Constitution. Pathetic, really. Well the Pee People all have their "prayers up" as they like to say. Ever notice how they only ever pray for themselves and the people they know? Hope Ma McGriz rustles up some more of that heart-attack inducing grub for the whole lot of them.

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      "Take Obamacare?" Insurance is insurance. What a nut-case.

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      @7 PM Thanks for the insight. I agree, he says that he chose a hospital that doesn't take Obamacare to excite the base. And he probably lies about alot of other stuff. The thing that is dangerous is that he is encouraging other people to make a bad choice in their own medical care, choosing a place by their politics instead of the quality of care that they offer. Waiting all day to give the woman an EKG doesn't make sense. It doesn't take long, and it is not invasive. She should be on a 24 hour heart monitor, but then, his reports may not be all that accurate. I agree that he lies and exaggerates to get attention-- which is why he is such a fan of Palin. I also think that his wife wore herself out taking care of him and working at the same time (if his reports are to be believed). She enabled him, driving him to the Roanoke book signing, which exhausted him. Not a smart idea for a nurse. His constant references to boats and the sea give the impression that he served in the US Navy, which would provide medical care through the Veterans Administration. (I was going to just write VA, but they are in Virginia, another VA). I don't wish anyone harm or ill, but he has spewed enough venom in the Pee Pond to make him the lovable cuss of their group. If we could really heal people by praying, or pray away the gay, then I suggest that we make a collective effort to pray for three special justices on the Supreme Court. Nothing life threatening, but serious enough to make it impossible to continue serving on the court. Obama would have to appoint a replacement before the election. I'll see the Pee's prayers and raise them by three.

    4. Anonymous9:42 PM

      He is a nut case. The many HCA hospitals in Richmond also care for uninsured and accept legitimate insurance. He is one of many duped that Obama devised government insurance with death panels to "take over health care" and Obamacare is that evil commie insurance.

    5. Anonymous7:11 AM

      He better work quickly and get The Boss out of that commie hospital now....death panels are coming for her any minute!


  27. Anonymous7:20 PM

    God, she has nothing better to do. She is drunk dialing!

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      How come she doesn't pay attention to Todd's son Trig? She is always finding something else to do.

    2. Anonymous9:12 PM

      What is the chance that she includes Trig in her show and calls him an "overcomer"???

  28. There's a question whether Ted Cruz is even "legitimate" -- in the same way Tripp Palin-Johnston is not legitimate.

    Both Rafael Cruz (senior) and Mrs. Cruz were married previously, but no one has unearthed the dates their divorces became final -- whether they were legally married when Ted Cruz was born.

  29. Anonymous5:35 AM

    My guess is that Sarah Palin must not be Trig's birth mother. It seems like she doesn't have a relationship with him. Starting new projects, not finishing her other projects and taking off to Arizona.

  30. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Where is Trig?

  31. Anonymous12:30 PM

    per $carah, Trig is out living vribrantly. Poor lil guy. Who knows where they hide him & then take him out as a prop.

  32. You will be happy to know that I am taking one for Democratic Party and will be moving to Scottsdale at the end of May. Living in Phoenix I had developed the habit of going past Senator McCain's office on a city bus and flipping him the one finger salute. I think it will be lots more fun stalking Quittypants and giving her the finger. Funny part is, that the new(2012) Congressional District 9 runs from where I am, to the address in Scottsdale where I am moving. Both Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema and the State Legislators in that district are all Democrats!!!!


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