Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Bristol Palin's ghostwriter blogs about the dangers of anorexia. Now what could have prompted that concern?

So on Brancy's blog there was a story about a young woman who was rescued from her debilitating eating disorder by a group of concerned fellow gym members:

This group of gym goers — called the “Nashville angels” — took Lauren to the hospital in just the nick of time. The doctors said she would’ve died — perhaps that day — had the strangers not intervened.

Now see that's very sweet. I just can't help wondering by Bristol/Nancy French would post about something that has nothing to do with abortion, Down syndrome, or attacking the President.

You know it seems like I would at least have a hint.

Hang on, it's on the tip of my brain. It'll come to me.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Whatever happened to Sarah's "fitness book?"

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      She's too busy working out and "dieting" to write it?

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Ando too busy practicing "hot yoga". All ways to lose more weight.

    3. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Well, she FINALLY gave up the myth about being a "runner" Maybe after her show airs, the myth about being the great outdoors woman will bite the dust?

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Isn't it interesting that this story takes place in Nashville. Nancy French lives in Tennessee. Bristol lives nowhere near Tennessee. Bristol probably has no clue WHERE Tennessee is.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      LOL! The only Tennessee Bristol know's about is the phrase her sex partners tell her after the deed is done.. You're the only Ten I See.. Then they never talk to her again.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      I wish I read this before commenting. So Nancy lives in Tennesee, she read the story and blogged about it. I was wondering why chinzilla knew this obscure local story from a state she's not from, in, nor does business in.

    3. Anonymous9:44 PM

      According to her website, Nancy French lives in Franklin, TN which is about 15 miles outside of Nashville.

      It's such a random story. Why in the world would Bristol take the time to blog about this story or about anorexia at all?

    4. Anonymous3:13 AM

      Is it anorexia or is it drug addiction? You be the judge. Is this the April fool's announcement that $carah did not find funny?

    5. F U McCain8:39 AM

      You disappoint me. You should know by now that Brisdull is only concerned with Brisdull.
      I believe Nancy posted This as a response to Brisdull s "haters" who call her fat. This is their way of trying to shame people to leave Brisdull alone about her weight. Because as you can see, some people take things way too far struggling to reach what "society" deems acceptable.

      I don't think Sarah had one thing to do with the post.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    She really needs an intervention and if nobody will do it, shame on all of them.

    1. Bristol, I don’t know if your mother is dying or not, but in truth, she’s the only talent that can sustain your large and lazy family. Think about that. If she kicks the bucket, you’ll all have to work for minimum wages, or go without pedicures and food for the kids. Life will be hard.

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      She actually almost looks FAT in those pictures! (Thanks to her Belmonts, that is...)

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    the cross eyed hunchbacked skank in the pix looks chunky, overweight to me and could stand to easily loose another 12/15 lbs - then we'd be talkin' svelte

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Yup. She's nowhere near as thin as Kelly Rippa, Sarah Jessica Parker, or hundreds of other healthy celebrities.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      indeed, compared to Rippa/Parker et al skank
      resembles her fat older brother chuck_tard jr - if her family really cared for her they'd minimally get her setup in a Weight Watchers program before they out and out have to have her admitted/confined to a fat farm ..

  5. Anonymous3:02 PM

    As rainman would say "That sarah, she's definitely K-Mart"...

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    OR, this matter (which we already know about!) could be being used to divert attention from the custody case w/Levi....newest filings are crowding in on Bristol!

    We ALL know that Sarah Palin is a mental case and total mess!

  7. I love the pix where she's standing by the 'CLOSED' sign. And I now get why she is never holding a grandchild. She would have to put down her crackberries.

  8. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Two days until White Trash Olympics.. aka Amazing America

    1. PalinsHoax4:35 PM

      Oh darn! I'm afraid I'll have to miss it, cause I'll be waaayyyy too busy watching paint dry.

  9. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Brancy post translation: Sarah isn't anorexic. If she were, her family or yoga buddies would take her to the hospital. And they haven't. So, there! Anyway, have you seen her boobs?

    And send money to SarahPAC for that good fight to repill healthcare reform so anorexics with no insurance will be free to get minimal emergency care and die like god intended.

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      I think you may be on to something in your first paragraph, Anonymous 3:40. Brancy is trying to dismiss as unfounded, comments of those bots who are expressing worry about Palin's weight loss and appearance.

      I think Palin is extremely thin (and wants to be that way) and isn't quite at the anorexic stage yet. Due to poor eating habits and who knows what and how much drug use, she's dropped a lot of weight since the 2008 campaign.

      Even though grifter, granny Sarah is the financial support of her lazy family, I don't know if any of them actually cares enough about her to stage an intervention--should she reach that point.

  10. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I don't know how you could think this is about Sarah, if anything she needs to lose about 30 lbs.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      30? I think 35 or 40, she is looking very flabby.

  11. Anonymous4:09 PM

    In this new promo clip from Amazing America, Sarah says she can't wait to tell people in "inner cities" and "suburbia" that "they too" can go outside! Wow! And holy hell look at those hair extensions!

    1. At the end you can see her emaciation: her hips are barely wider than her head.

      As for her hair, those extensions make me think animals are rutting on her back.

      As for the content, words fail me. Again.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Looks to me like $arah is trying to horn in (again!) on FLOTUS's "Let's Move!" campaign. $arah, a day late and a dollar short -- AGAIN! (And, yes, her hair extensions look like crap -- AGAIN!)

    3. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

      "You're going to see people, places and things" Yes, Sarah, that's what people see, they're called "Nouns".

      So tune in folks, you'll see Nouns and Sarah Palin

    4. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Yeah, thanks, Sarah...because people in cities and the suburbs need you to tell them they can go outside. Moron.

    5. Anonymous7:17 PM

      OMG!!! This blog will be DEFUNCT if we all go outside. Sarah's final revenge against the bloggers and the haterz!!

      IM defunct and Palins happily lyol and privately going wherever they go to eat in the trucks. Hard ass workin too.

    6. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Thanks for the link Anonymous 4:09...I watched the video without the sound. I saw nothing of interest to make me want to tune in. As usual, I see Sarah is missing her wedding ring, but is wearing her crappy super woman bracelet.

    7. Anonymous11:25 PM

      we know what 'inner cities' is code for in their world

    8. Otto Katz5:05 AM

      Ha ha ha! When she's sitting on that stool one Belmont girl is a good two inches lower than the other! Must be trying to leave the ranch!

  12. Anonymous4:18 PM

    When googling images of people with real anorexia, most are really bones with skin. Sarah isn't that bad yet. But, for a 50 year-old woman, she does not look healthy, and she certainly is not "average redneck" woman. Redneck women aren't usually tiny thin starlets, like Sarah really tries hard to be.

    Women with special needs children must keep themselves as healthy as possible. Sarah certainly does not look capable of mothering and physically caring for a child with special needs.

    1. Anonymous3:22 AM

      $carah NEVER takes care of Bristle's son, Trig. He came in handy for the campaign, but just as with her "avid runnin', huntin' and fishin'" the pretense has been put aside.

  13. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Sarah looked like she is back to her old hefty self; must have been rescued by her moocher family. After all if Sarah did a Karen Carpenter what would become of the rest of the family's accustomed lifestyle?

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      life insurance policy

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      +100 Bet they ALL have policies out on her.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      I wonder how many in her family wish Sarah Palin were dead!

      She's been a horrible mother and wife and it's been proven time and time again that she doesn't know the meanings of gentleness, support, love, nurturing and kindness!

  14. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I like how her toes hang over the front of the platforms.

    1. Anonymous3:23 AM

      Those aren't toes, they are CLAWS, just like her scrawny hands.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      She's looking more and more like a harpy as the days pass

  15. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Distract and deflect. That's our Sarah. She will also prove she's not anorexic by going to a barbeque on Thursday.

    Remember when she scheduled a campaign event with Scott Adams in AZ to coincide with and provice an excuse for not attending the 2012 GOP convention?

    Well, she's doing it again--this time, to create headlines unrelated to Thursday's big tv premiere.

    She's done nothing to promote the Sportsman Channel's Iditarod series with Todd. She hasn't been retweeting the Sportsman Channel promotions for her show. And today...just a few hours ago, with only 2 days notice, she's scheduled an RSVP campaign fundraiser in FL.


  16. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    Why were they known as "Nashville Angels" before this incident? Was this Lauren's first time at this gym, or this was the first time they noticed she's minutes away from death? The only reason I'm asking is how the hell would Bristol know this story from Tennesee when she lives in Arizona?

    So the take away here is, if you see someone in Tennessee who's anorexic, call 911 and rely on the science of medicine to save someone from death's door, just in the nick of time.
    If they're in Arizona, take them to Santa Barbara first to get baptized, then call 411 to ask for the number for 911, right Bristol?

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      The Tennessee Angels is basically a pay-it-forward group (they have facebook 57 likes-- and Angels of Tennessee has 50 likes). They do nice things for people like helping little old ladies cross the road. What's funny is that there's NO MENTION of this anorexic woman on there. At all. AND in the original article, the anorexic woman calls the strangers who gave her the intervention 'her angels'--- that's the ONLY mention of angels int he whole article. Methinks someone was trying to stretch a few truths here and there to make this more religious.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:35 PM

      Thanks for the info. I was just wondering why some random girl in Arizona or Alaska would know about this group and what's going on there. I read upthread that Bristol's other half, the one who writes stuff, lives in Tennesee

  17. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I've been anorexic. Sarah's regular yoga wouldn't be possible if she were. She'd also be abnormally skinny, which she is not. Remember, she's all of 5'3''. Now I personally dont know her eating habits, other than the moose they shoot for winter meat like all alaskans and apples/bananas and shit like that.

    But you'd KNOW if she had a real problem. The above isn't a problem. She literally looks like an off duty celeb doing chores in town.

    Google pictures of anorexics. You can see their ribs bones and organs almost.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      You're a liar.

    2. Anonymous3:28 AM

      7:46 Her legs look as though they would snap like twigs if she even stunbled. Her arms look emaciated. Something tells me all the bile she has inside is taking its' toll on her body. $carah looks like HELL.

    3. Can't see ribs with inflatable boobies in the way.
      She is, in fact, abnormally skinny. She obviously believes that the less she weighs, the hotter she will look, and the more people will confuse her with a "tiny little starlet."

      She is not athletic in the slightest and until there is footage of her doing a yoga routine, then as far as I am concerned, that is just as much bullshit as her being a marathon runner.

    4. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Palin claims 5'5". She's still living with her pageant mentality and the warped idea that 'you can never be too thin or too rich'. Apparently the 'too rich' part will always be just out of her reach. There's not enough $$$ on the planet to satisfy her wanton need nor is she capable of reeling it all in anyway with her crude, amateurish approach. She has to stick with the skinny look because that is about all she can control.

    5. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I was anorexic and bulimic for 15 years. Just because you don't dip down to 80lbs doesn't mean you're not anorexic. Nice try.

    6. Anonymous6:02 AM

      "HER REGULAR YOGA" wouldn't be if she was.

      Well, she does not do YOGA, TROLL, and certainly not regularly.

      "Literally" an "off duty celeb"?

      You're so fucking pathetic it's actually scary.

  18. You know, I'm looking at these pictures, and I don't like the woman any more than you guys, but what alarms me is less the skinniness than the torture she's putting her feet to. Even I wouldn't begrudge her some comfortable running shoes for a lousy trip to Kmart. Nobody takes her for tall so she doesn't even need the lift.

    One more way guys have it easier - something doesn't feel comfortable on our dogs, we don't wear 'em.

  19. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Those latest pictures of Sarah Palin in front of her green screen is disturbing. Looks like she has gained too much weight and needs to stop eating.

  20. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Has anyone seen Bristol lately? Does she have a gut again?

  21. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Sarah Palin is one nasty looking broad in these photos! Ugly inside and out!


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