Monday, April 21, 2014

Edward Snowden regrets participating in staged Q and A with Putin. Gee, ya think?

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

NSA leaker Edward Snowden instantly regretted asking Russian President Vladimir Putin a softball question on live television about the Kremlin’s mass surveillance effort, two sources close to the leaker tell The Daily Beast. 

“It certainly didn’t go as he would’ve hoped,” one of these sources said. “I don’t think there’s any shame in saying that he made an error in judgment.” “He basically viewed the question as his first foray into criticizing Russia. 

He was genuinely surprised that in reasonable corridors it was seen as the opposite,” added Ben Wizner, the American Civil Liberties Union attorney who serves as one of Snowden’s closest advisers. According to Wizner and others, Snowden hadn’t realized how much last week’s Q&A—with Putin blithely assuring Snowden that Moscow had no such eavesdropping programs—would appear to be a Kremlin propaganda victory to Western eyes. 

Snowden’s camp wouldn’t get into the specifics of how his question made it onto the live broadcast on Russian state television. But it is worth noting that Anatoly Kucherena, Snowden’s Russian lawyer, has deep Kremlin ties and sits on the board that oversees the FSB, the successor to the KGB. Getting on state television wouldn’t have been much trouble. 

The article goes on to quote Snowden's camp as claiming that Snowden genuinely thought he could catch Putin in a lie, and that he would prove to the western world that he was not a Russian stooge.

Now color me as a skeptic here, but this reads like damage control to me.

As the article pointed out, Snowden's Russian lawyer has deep ties to the KGB, just like Putin, and appears to me as more of a handler than a lawyer.

So if a former KGB operative is controlling the message read by an American defector, what in the world would make somebody supposedly as smart as Edward Snowden believe that he would be allowed to ask a question live and on the air that Putin had not been prepared to answer?

Which clearly he was: 

Putin’s answer was predictable.  

“Of course, we know that criminals and terrorists use technology for their criminal acts and of course the special services have to use technical means to respond to their crimes,” he said. “But we don’t have a mass-scale, uncontrollable efforts like that…Our special services…are strictly controlled by the society and the law, and are regulated by the law.”

As the Daily Beast article points out that is a blatant, and obvious lie. 

Yet it was left to hang there, unchallenged by Snowden, or anybody else involved in the interview session.

That meant that to Russian and American ears, Edward Snowden, the man who revealed duplicity with the NSA here at home, had just provided Putin with a get out of domestic spying free card.

There is no goddamn way that he could not have seen that coming!

So I call bullshit on the Q and A, and I call bullshit on this attempt to cover his ass.


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The US needs to get this traitor out of Russia - bring him back to the US for trial and death! He has been used by Putin and is now just figuring it out? What an idiot!

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      "bring him back to the US for trial and death!"

      Yeah, why waste time with a trial? Let's just kill him!

      What a SCUMBAG concept of justice you have ...

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Hey 1:39! Thought that was how the legal system of the US worked!

      I'm really all for bringing him back and hanging him from the rafters! He is, after all, a proven traitor! He told us of his deeds himself. No trial needed!

    3. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Oh, yeah, 2:47 pm ... that's how the American justice system is supposed to work, alright ... when it's run by the mob mentality of morons like you.

      "No trial needed" ?!

      You'd no doubt squeal like a pig if YOU were ever faced with such perverted patriotism ...

    4. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I don't believe in the death penalty, but I would like to see him face justice in the US. A full trial with all the constitutional protections is what he should get, if he had the guts to face it.

    5. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Personally having his citizenship pulled should be enough, I wonder when Putin is done with him how he will like Siberia.

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Interesting that he does not take umbrage with the fact that Putin called him a former agent and spy...

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Why don't you just stick to posting your typo-ridden, mean-girl attacks on Sarah Palin?

    It's obvious you don't know shit about Snowden and are just desperate for clicks.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Gryph also will not be receiving the Pulitzer Prize for public service, as the Guardian and the reporters recently did for breaking the story -thanks to Snowden- confirming the massive domestic data mining that spurred a continuing debate about privacy from our own government.

    2. Ted Powell1:29 PM

      It's obvious you don't know shit about Snowden and are just desperate for clicks.

      How did you manage to post this complaint without clicking?

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      So you oblige him by giving him a click, 1:07?

      You know you don't have to come here if you don't want, right?

    4. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Snowden is not nearly as smart as he fancies himself. He's playing checkers to Putin's chess. And he's done irreparable damage to our intelligence capabilities. I hope Putin keeps him. Enjoy your life in Russia, Snowden! Our government will look pretty good to you in a few more years...

    5. Anonymous2:54 PM

      @1:34 pm

      How lucky you are to be PSYCHIC -- to know a site's content BEFORE clicking on it! Amazing!..

      And YOU know you don't have respond to comments you don't like, right?

      @1:45 "And he's done irreparable damage to our intelligence capabilities."

      Yes, making U.S. citizens aware of the unconstitutional overreach of our government's surveillance programs, not to mention the feeble oversight of those programs ... that WAS pretty damaging.

    6. Anonymous5:42 PM

      The title of this post is: "Edward Snowden regrets participating in staged Q and A with Putin. Gee, ya think? "

      I didn't realize you had to be psychic to not know what the content of this specific post was before clicking on it.

    7. Anonymous7:11 PM

      edit: " know what the content..."

  4. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "... two sources close to the leaker tell The Daily Beast."

    Funny he didn't speak out directly HIMSELF to confirm or deny the fact that he felt he made a mistake in supporting Putin's propaganda effort. I suppose communicating this way is supposed to give him deniability with Putin on the matter since the comments were from "sources" close to the "leaker". Purposely ambiguous?

    I'm not sure if Snowden is a coward/dumbass who overplayed his hand while posing as a whistleblower whom Greenwald has used for his own agenda, or if he's just an inept spook now trying to flip to a double-nought spy, as it's evident that Putin has already gotten whatever he wanted from Snowden.

    Either way, Snowden (with Greenwald's assistance) has hung himself to dry by being Greenwald's pawn in trying to embarrass Pres Obama. Fuck Snowden. He's no patriot.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Well said.

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      YES! Yes, a THOUSAND times yes!

  5. Anonymous1:27 PM

    WTF qualifies Gryphen to make pronouncements about Edward Snowden???

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      WTF qualifies YOU to pass judgement on Gryphen ?

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      WTF qualifies Snowden to expose secrets as he sees fit?

    3. Anonymous2:33 PM

      @1:54 I have an IQ above 70.

      @1:59 If you don't know the answer to that then you don't know shit about the case and therefore have no business commenting at all.

    4. It is his personal blog and he can comment on any topic as he sees fit, up to and including the theory of relativity, whether or not he has "qualifications" to do so.

      If you think he does not have the background, training, or education to speak on a particular topic, you don't have to read his opinion on that topic.

      If blog writers only wrote on topics on which every possible reader agreed that they were "qualified" to do so, the internet would screech to a halt, which would not necessarily be a completely bad thing.

    5. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Why so rude? Is it really necessary to resort to middle-school comebacks? Gryphen can post what he wants on his blog, and people can agree or disagree. Why get personal?

    6. Anonymous3:57 PM


      Where did I say Gryphen CAN'T "comment on any topic as he sees fit?"

      All I did was ask: what are his qualifications for making pronouncements about Snowden?

      Is Gryphen, for example, an expert on the NSA's domestic surveillance programs, their effect on Constitutional law, the current state of Russian politics, whatever relationship (if any) exists between Snowden and Putin ...?

      Or does he just pull his angry, crowd-riling rhetoric out of his ass?

      And do YOU even give a shit so long as his opinions match yours and those of a handful of dunderheads who are (unconscionably) calling for Snowden's death?

      Maybe that's why you wish readers with opposing views would NOT read or comment and instead just shut up and go away -- to protect your fragile ignorance?

      Sounds like your depth of understanding of important issues, not to mention your notions on free speech, could benefit greatly from reading "blog writers" who ARE qualified to comment on the issues they cover.

      There are FAR more of them than you seem to believe and they're not all that hard to find -- it just means reading their bios BEFORE swallowing their bile.

    7. Anonymous4:13 PM

      @ 3:13 pm

      So ... it's perfectly okay for Gryphen to (once again) denounce Snowden -- in this case, to simply read an article and "call bullshit" ...

      And it's perfectly fine for commenters to call for Snowden's death WITHOUT a trial ...

      But God-forbid anybody posts any "middle-school comebacks" -- that's just TOO shocking and insulting for you to handle??

      Your hysterical outburst is hardly surprising considering you can't even keep track of the discussion -- for example, I never said Gryphen can't "post what he wants on his blog."

    8. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Snowden ran to China, then he ran to Russia, spilling all his secrets on the way. Now he's being used like a pawn by the Russian Government and they will "disappear" him as soon as they are done with him. Snowden will never, ever walk on American soil again, nor will he probably live long enough to even enjoy another Russian winter.

  6. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Snowden thinks he's wayyyy smarter than he is.

    Just another cocky young bastard who isn't old enough to remember (or in Snowden's case, be alive for) the KGB or the USSR. Putin was triple-crossing people long before Snowden was even a twinkle in his daddy's eye.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      LOTS of people think they're wayyyyy smarter than they are. Just look around here.

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I don't trust Snowden or Putin. Snowden has done nothing to earn my trust. Putin has shown the world he isn't to be trusted. I still do not understand why Snowden ran to China and Russia if he's supposed to be a good guy.

  8. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Conservative Media Stokes Racist Reaction Over First Lady’s Kansas High School Speech

    ...Over the weekend, the petition became the latest cause celebre for conservatives to rally around. Fox News and Glenn Beck’s right-wing rag The Blaze, among others, jumped all over the story and hyped it as the First Lady placing herself above these kids, trying to make everything about HER. They might as well have used the word ‘uppity’, considering the direction they were going with the coverage. The racial animus they were pushing with the coverage over the weekend was easy to detect.

    One thing that is being promoted in the right-wing media’s stories about this petition is the number of people who have signed it. As of Monday afternoon, more than 2,100 people have signed the petition. However, while the early signers of the petition were mostly residents of the school district (either students, parents or family members), the people who have signed it in the past couple of days are from all around the country, obviously having seen coverage of the ‘controversy’ and wanting to have a say in it....

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      I think it's rather nice that the First Lady takes the time to recognize "flyover country" much less actually land there and visit the populace.

  9. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This is so just plain WRONG!

    Virginia white supremacists sneak Easter eggs filled with racist notes into kids’ celebration

    ...“My husband noticed the last Easter egg and I knew it wasn’t one that we put out,” Jackie Smith recalled. “We opened it and it’s got the white supremacist stuff in it.”

    Other neighbors also found hate-filled eggs in their yard with messages that said “Diversity = White Genocide” and “Mass immigration and forced assimilation of non-whites into our lands is genocide.”

    The notes pointed to the websites and, a reference to a so-called “worldwide” protest in March that reportedly ended with a very small turnout.

    “We don’t want other kids around here who can read being like, ‘Hey mommy what’s the million man white march or what’s the genocide project?’ Most of us don’t want to explain genocide to our 6-year-olds,” Jackie Smith explained.

    Brandon Smith said it was “disturbing” to think that his child could find racist messages so close to home.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Gotta love the Mommy's grammar:

      “We opened it and it’s got the white supremacist stuff in it.”

  10. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I for one will be forever grateful to Snowden for putting his ass on the line to blow the whistle on the NSA. You can bash Snowden all you like and it will sail clear over my head. Whooosh! Because other than being grateful to him, I'm not invested in Snowden. I'm invested in the truth of what our own government is doing to us, and I don't care how bad it makes Obama look that he enables the NSA.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      So, you feel the end justifies the means. Do you feel that way about most things?

    2. Grrrr !4:23 PM

      +1000 -- very well said!

    3. Grrrr !4:48 PM

      @4:20 pm

      So, you feel the government should be able to record and store ALL our phone calls, emails, text messages, Google searches, etc. and we should just ignore anybody who tries to warn us about it?

      Do you feel that way about most things?

    4. Anonymous5:03 PM

      4:20 here. I'm actually very conflicted over this. Although I do not think the govt should collect data and spy on us, I also go not think that the way Snowden obtained the data makes him morally superior to the govt. I also am very troubled that he ran off to China and Russia, and has apparently become Putins puppet. You may not care about these things, but I do.

    5. Grrrr !5:31 PM


      If you're so "very conflicted over this" then why did you post such a dim-witted and accusatory sweeping generalization in reply to 3:51pm?

      The #1 reason the debate over Snowden is so contentious is because there's entirely too much speculation -- from why he "ran off" to claiming he's "apparently become Putins puppet" ... even to what things a total stranger like me "may or may not care about."

      Once again, you help prove that the real problem isn't Snowdwn -- it's stupidity.

    6. Anonymous5:40 PM

      I have the same feelings as 4:20/5:03. There are no heroes here. Snowden may have had heroic intentions (and I'm not completely sure he did) and he brought to light some very important things, but his actions during and since are very troubling. At the very least, he has made this about him rather than the information. At the most, his intentions could be much more sinister.

    7. Grrrr !7:07 PM

      "At the very least, he has made this about him rather than the information."

      Oh no, not THAT horse shit, again ...

      Snowden's not the one making this about him -- PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE.

      1. Count the number of different stories published about the facts Snowden has leaked.

      2. Count the number of posts by click-hungry, politi-porn bloggers decrying him.

      3.. Count the number of times Snowden himself has issued some form of public statement.

      Compare, then shut up.

      More proof: look at this post of Gryphen's in which he's "calling bullshit" and speculating about Snowden's motives for publicly asking Putin about Russian surveillance ...

      Why did Snowden REALLY do that? Oh, if ONLY he'd told us ... if only he'd written an editorial about -- Oh, he did??? Well, you'd never know it from anything on this page.

      From the Guardian, Friday, April 18:

      "I questioned the Russian president live on TV to get his answer on the record, not to whitewash him."

      "Oh," some here will say,"I don't need to know what that liar says!" and so they won't even read that editorial. Cuz they KNOW.

      But what that means is: when Snowden issues NO public statements and the only news from him are stories about the NSA's secret activities -- "He's making it all about HIM!"

      But when he makes a public statement in the form of his question of Putin and then EXPLAINS WHY he did it, bloggers don't even mention his explanation and instead simply "call bullshit."

      The bottom line reason for all this twisted self-delusion is: keeping the focus on hating Snowden is WAY easier than facing the terrifying immensity of what his leaks have revealed.

      For example: far be it from me to editorialize about what YOU "may or may not care about" but I sure hope you care passionately that America currently has a "black ops" budget (that is, secret, not publicly disclosed) of $52.6 billion.

      If you're so "very conflicted" then why don't seek answers instead of parroting opinions against Snowden?

    8. Anonymous7:07 PM

      3:51 most excellent. I'm glad there are some free and intelligent thinkers left around here that remember what freedom and liberty actually mean. It is a no-brainer. I think most around here are butt-hurt that it happened on Obama's watch- even if they will never admit it. If it had been during the Bush years they would be proclaiming him a hero.

    9. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Fact remains that Snowden was a pussy and left our Country instead of facing the music here. He'll forever be in exile, somewhere, because he doesn't have the balls to return to the States.

    10. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Wow the aggressive name calling Trolls have arrived to shut down any meaningful dialog. When you resort to name calling, you've lost your audience. You won't change anyone's mind with that attitude.

    11. Grrrr !8:50 PM

      7:27 pm

      Oh, YES! Once those nasty old "Trolls have arrived" it's PFFFFT! No more "meaningful dialog"!

      "Name calling" = BAAAAD because you "won't change anyone's mind with that attitude."!

      Let's just look back and see where THAT started, shall we? Hmmmm ... OOOPS ...

      "There is no goddamn way that he could not have seen that coming!

      So I call bullshit on the Q and A, and I call bullshit on this attempt to cover his ass. "

      Congrats, 7:27, on winning "Stupidest Troll Post of the Day"!

    12. Anonymous9:59 PM

      You seem very angry.

    13. Anonymous10:18 PM

      It's obvious the trolls here can't comment on the topic of the Q&A because and the "mistake" that Snowden claims that he "knew that he had made" IMMEDIATELY AFTER he asked Putin during the obviously scripted dog and pony show. Look at the "other" individuals quoted by name in the article, including Snowden's attorney and Greenwald. Those two are likely the sources, but asked to remain unnamed in order to give Snowden deniability and not upset his new BFF, Bareback Putin.

      But for those inbreds who came here to defend Putin on behalf of the Quitter Queen's boycrush, you're all to obvious with your childish remarks and poo-flinging. It's not that there aren't differences of opinion on the NSA matter, but it's the lack of maturity used to attack Gryphen and others without backing up their personal remarks with substantive reasoning. Typical PeeBot mindless echoes. It's all too obvious that a bunch of lazy, low-info, non-readers have been told what to think without discernment. Go back to your pond.

    14. Grrrr !12:06 AM

      @10:18 pm

      There's not one single line in your comment that's not demonstrably false -- of those from which any sense can be made, that is.

      "But for those inbreds who came here to defend Putin on behalf of the Quitter Queen's boycrush..."

      WTF are you talking about??? You seem to mistake verbosity for "depth" but the result is sheer nonsense.

      For example, where in these comments has ANYone defended Putin??

      You rant about criticism which is lacking in "substantive reasoning" yet I've pointed out the standard of American law -- "innocent until proven guilty," posted a link to Snowden's editorial and consistently challenged your mob mentality.

      And, unlike dimwits like yourself, I've offered no opinions as to whether Snowden's telling the truth because HOW WOULD I --- or YOU -- KNOW?

      Show one example of anyone answering ANY of my posts with "substantive reasoning" -- with insults, whining and bullshit, yes. But substantive reasoning...? WHERE?

      You rant about "lack of maturity" and "poo flinging" and then claim they're "typical PeeBot mindless echoes" ... so "poo flinging" is beyond your delicate sensibilities but "pee flinging" is not?

      Either way, you're so desperate to disparage my views you engage in EXACTLY the same conduct you accuse me of ... and MORE, since I never totally mis-identified ANYone's politics as you have mine.

      In fact, of ALL the rebuttals to my posts here, NOT ONE person ever addressed my central point.

      Never once did I claim Snowden was innocent or a hero, merely that it's wrong to burn him in effigy when proof is so inconclusive.

      Worse than the fact he's had NO trial, bloggers like Gryphen and readers like you insist on convicting -- with some here even calling for his death -- but I'M the "angry" one?

      And, finally, you rant about "lazy, low-info, non-readers" when your post contains not one verifiable fact or provable assertion but is, in fact, nothing but a pointless, presumptuous, stinking pile of half-digested opinions and hear-say.

      Go back to your toilet -- and this time please remember to flush it.

    15. Anonymous8:58 AM

      10:18 I haven't read anyone on here thats supports Snowden... as defending Putin or saying anything about the quitter queen, I think thats all you buddy.

      What I have read is the obvious bigger picture of concern over government spying, and the lack of control they even have over it.... something that Snowden brought to the forefront, and paid the price for, with the help of reporters who recently received the Pulitzer for their reporting on this issue.

      It would seem that your intolerant behavior frankly towards any opinion that strays from the Gryphen fan pack club, is much more in tune with the close minded c4p crowd.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    No one twisted Snowden's arm. He's a big boy and deserves the life he chose. It's a free country. I'm sure America will welcome him with open arms when Vlad gets tired of him. China and North Korea were just RUDE!!

  12. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Looks like Scotland wants Snowden.

    1. Anonymous9:59 PM

      A petition with 170 signatures at last count is not "Scotland."

    2. Anonymous2:11 AM

      It's a start.

  13. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Speaking of 'staged', it seems that the media is lapping up the right wing paranoia.

    ...We haven’t seen an unborn baby placed under this much scrutiny since the British Royal Baby

  14. Anonymous9:17 PM

    5:37 Snowden knows better than to come back to the USA. It would not end well for him - he is a traitor - trial would be awaiting him and he knows it!

  15. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Has the angry Snowden groupie gone to bed? He must be exhausted.

    1. Grrrr !12:30 AM

      Your juvenile insults and close-minded stupidity can't change the fact that YOU are WRONG to condemn Snowden without knowing all the facts. In fact, by doing so you make it unlikely if not impossible that all the facts will ever be revealed.

      Yes, fighting ignorance and mob mentality IS exhausting, especially among you "Gryphen groupies."

      But I'll wake up tomorrow refreshed and you'll still be a misinformed jerk. How sad for you.

  16. Jon Stewart wasn't very impressed with Snowden's participation in the Q & A on his show tonight either.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.