Monday, April 21, 2014

Just a taste of how the Right Wing media is covering the Bundy Ranch standoff. This is not good.

Courtesy of something called Natural News:  

The second American Revolution has begun. You are watching history unfold in real time now, and of course the lamestream media has intentionally decided U.S. history isn't worth covering because, frankly stated, the media is largely run by anti-American interests who absolutely do not want any victory by the People to be broadcast anywhere. 

While the U.S. government claims to be supportive of freedom in Kiev or Iraq, it is absolutely terrified of freedom within U.S. borders. 

Among big media, only Fox News has dared cover this story with anything resembling responsible reporting, as you can see in this video. The video text says "Govt backs down due to safety concerns." In reality, BLM backed down because they were grossly out-gunned and didn't want to die. 

In this video, Fox Radio host Todd Starnes says, "For the past five years, we've seen the American people become increasingly frustrated with these government intrusions into their lives. [A tweet characterized this] as the 1st salvo of the American Revolution." 

I couldn't agree more. This was the 1st salvo of the American Revolution, and the framework of the Revolution has now been cast. The People now realize they can defeat tyranny by merely showing up in huge numbers armed mostly with mobile phones and video cameras (plus lawfully-obtained firearms as needed). 

 The "BLM backed down because they were grossly out-gunned and didn't want to die." Imagine if this had been said by the supporter of a domestic terrorist, or hate group.

Oh wait, it was.

They are calling this the "Battle of Bunkerville."  Sound familiar?

In their minds this is the beginning of a war against the federal government that they now feel emboldened to wage, and certain they will win.

I knew this was bad when I first started watching it unfold, but it is so much worse than I could have imagined.

This means that every sovereign citizen type, militia member, and scofflaw out there, now feels that they have the right to resist arrest, brandish weapons against law enforcement, and openly threaten the federal government any time they feel like it.

People are going to die. And it could be a whole lot of people.

P.S. Here is the video that the wingnuts are claiming the MSM is keeping you from seeing. It is from Info Wars, that bullshit Alex Jones website so I refuse to embed it. However it does give some idea as to what has these lunatics all fired up.


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    a link from the article:

  2. As with Czechoslovakia in 1938, so here. Backing down before thugs does not mollify them, it emboldens them.

    Of course the BLM should not have engaged in a gun battle that would have produced mass death, but they need to go after Bundy now, hard. They need to make it clear that he hasn't won this.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Bundy bought the water and for rage rights to the land in question. He paid the BLM initially, as they decided that it was better to have the BLM develops roads, etc. Then, due to a "concern" over a tourtose, that is so numerous, they are putting down half of that population (so there is NOT a coexistence problem), they have put all ranchers but him out of business.

      Yes, he stopped paying the fees, after YEARS of paying it, when they no longer held up their end of the agreement.

      Mr. Bundy even said to come out, but don't wear camo, and leave your guns at home.

  3. I don’t trust the government on a lot of things, but Bundy is a scofflaw and in the wrong.

    Let him feed and water those people and their horses until he goes broke; I’m betting they didn’t bring a lot with them, knee-jerk idiots that they are. It’s Nevada and they could die fast. All the government has to do is quietly lay siege.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      All these fuckers are being bankrolled by Kocksuckers.... and so is the "lamestream" media which is why they won't go after Palin.
      I hope the DHS comes and arrests ALL of them!

  4. cckids9:55 AM

    " In reality, BLM backed down because they were grossly out-gunned and didn't want to die. "

    I'm amazed they put that out there. Here in Southern NV, the winger's complaint has been that the "left-wing" media won't show how overwhelmingly HUGE the government's response was. "They had helicopters, assault weapons, TANKS . . " , the hyperbole keeps building. Their story is that poor misunderstood Bundy & co just had a couple of huntin' shotguns, just in case, and the government had overwhelming firepower.

    The wingers need to make up their minds as to their stories, & keep it straight. Its almost like it is all bullshit, isn't it?

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Bundy's grandfather had 5 wives that produced 49 kids. That's the 'militia' that backed him.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Anon 11:45...

      Way to show tolerance! And ignorance in one breath!

  5. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Every news outlet has pictures or video of islamic terrorist brandishing assault rifles, pistols, rocket launchers. They are attired in typical middle eastern garb. They jump around, waving their weapons threateningly in the air, chanting anti west threats.

    Why do we not see our domestic terrorist, the self proclaimed patriots, in the same light. These seditionist mass together with their assault rifles, pistols, dressed in their finest cammo, making threats against our own government, which is the law abiding majority population of our country.

    Why is the media sympathetic to the radicalized movements in our own nation. Can't we see the forest for the tree, folks? Wake the fuck up! The biggest threat to our democracy is thriving within our own borders, inflamed by Fox News, the Koch's American Prosperity and the treason of the right wing blogs.

    1. I absolutely do see them in the same light. And these "patriots" are brave enough to put the women out in front so they'll get shot first. They all need a few days vacation at Camp Gitmo.

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I have lived out in this world of PO’d ranchers and they are outrageously disconnected from the rest of the culture simply because they live out there in their own little worlds. They watch satellite TV rodeo, FOX News and listen to hate radio. Their kids usually want no part of their cattle operations and only want to get the hell out of there as soon as they can. Those left behind are twisted wreckage of failed marriages, alcoholic parents and people who have never entered the real world. This was not always so and in the past it was a badge of honor for your kid to go off to college and bring some of the outside world into the family ranching business. Nowadays, after the corrosive influence of Beck, Limbaugh and the like people hole up and besmirch the very world around, fearing environmentalists and vegetarians! Their kids are on meth and crack and alternate between the ranch and prison. we are watching a very sick part of our culture come unglued.

    1. I agree with this. I live in cattle ranching country and there are very few kids that go off to college and come back here. We do have an excellent school, so we do graduate kids ready for college. There are a few that get a degree and come back but they are very few and far between. One guy here has 4 sons by 3 wives (all drug/alcohol problems) and none of them are able to take over his operation.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." - George Santayana

  8. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Todd Starnes and Alex Jones never served.


    No one in the Bundy clan ever served.


    Fox is coming across as a shitass.


    Enjoy the implosion.

  9. The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism:

  10. Anonymous10:15 AM

    If these assholes are the vanguard of the second American revolution, count me among the tories.

  11. Boscoe10:28 AM

    I'm still trying to understand what the "tyranny" is here? What are these people fighting for? The "rights" of private business to use public lands any way they want? So what happens when an oil company just starts setting up drilling operations wherever they want? Is that the "Real America" they're fighting for?

    Even the craziest Libertarian admits that it is the job of the Govt. to protect our lands from invasion. So what else would you call this?

  12. Anonymous10:30 AM

    What these ragtag traitors are ignoring, is the probability that the FBI, ATF, US Marshal's, Department of Justice, have infiltrated their merry band of radicalized Robin Hoods with trained informants. This event is stocked with loud mouth fools indiscriminately shooting off their ignorant mouths to anyone who will listen. This is a prime case building opportunity for the Justice Department. Bill Fulton, where are you when we need you? As Gina would say amirite Shaeffer, amirate?

  13. Anonymous10:34 AM


    Rep. Grijalva Demands Federal Investigation into ALEC's Role in Neo-Sagebrush Rebellion

    Cliven Bundy Battle of Bunkerville

    Amidst a new "Sagebrush Rebellion" ignited by a Nevada rancher and his armed supporters that threatened to turn violent, Congressman Raúl Grijalva has asked the U.S. Department of the Interior to "investigate the role of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in efforts to pass bills at the state level" that undermine federal authority over state lands and thwart the agency's duties.

  14. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Whatever, they are just a bunch of domestic terrorist blowhards that will end up dead, just like David Koresh and his band of miscreants. Hopefully not too many good guys end up being shot and killed. Doubtful this ragtag group of gun happy idiots is capable of doing much damage. Raise a gun to the authorities? You get shot and killed, easy peasy, done deal. Shut these assholes up for good and teach them a lesson, much like our homegrown terrorists in Alaska learned their lesson. They are now stewing in prison from 5-26 years. I hope polite and organized society is relieved of this burden of loud-mouthed gun happy secessionists! If this minor standoff is considered the "next American Revolution" then truly they are more broken in the brains than I ever thought. Knee-jerk idiots, the whole lot of them, let us be rid of them and America will be stronger for it.

  15. Anonymous11:53 AM

    If they were truly facing "tyranny," Bundy and his idiot followers would already be dead. (Imagine if some rancher tried to pull a stunt like this in North Korea.)
    The fact that they have been given this much press coverage and leeway is evidence that their freedoms are being PROTECTED, not taken away.

  16. hedgewytch12:10 PM

    A Fox News fomented mob, inciting riot and treasonous behavior. What possibly could go wrong?

  17. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Neither Bundy not his ancestors ever owned the BLM land he has been grazing 900+ head of cattle on. And Bundy has paid no grazing fees since 1993. Goes without saying that he also never pays taxes on that land he grazes his cattle on,
    because he doesn't own it.

    And government is the bad guy here?

    Those people are dumber than dirt.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Yes, and he only pays the feds about $1.34/head to graze.
      He claims he only recognizes the state of Nevada- well goody for him grazing fees for NV are around $15.50/ head.

      So Mr. Moocher, I want everything free, would owe even more money.

  18. Randall2:08 PM

    I don't doubt that there will be blood this time.

    But I do not believe that it is going to "split the country down the middle."

    Bill O'Reilly, who has THE most popular show on Fox News, draws an average viewership of 3 million. That's a lot of people - but it is FAR from a majority. In a country of over 300 million people, that's 1%.

    Add in the radio talkies and maybe you're talking 10%...

    But that is no where near "half the country".

    I firmly believe that MOST of the country understands that Bundy isn't some poor, put-upon farmer, just trying to get by and getting screwed by the government - as Fox News would have you belive.

    This guy is a millionaire that is stealing from the public - and most of us know it.

    What this COULD turn out to be the end of Fox News and right-wing talk-radio as we know it because it could result in a reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine.

    Which would let a LOT of the air out of the gasbags like Rush and Beck.

  19. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Fox news implies that Obama is a wimp cause we have not rattled our sword enough over the Ukraine. Lets see our' Conservative Congress/faux news folks send their sons and grandsons out to join the Nevada militia and fly them to the Ukraine.
    Never happen, because our armed services are full of poor boys from the South. Not the relatives of congressman.

  20. Anonymous3:02 PM


    I'm re-posting what I wrote last week on your first post concerning the Bundy situation. This is far more serious than I think most realize. These are people just waiting for the opportunity to fire their weapons, to put the 2nd amendment to the test...they want blood and Bundy is their flashpoint.
    April 15th

    "I have been following this story closely since it broke this past week and I have to say that it's one of the most disturbing events of the year thus far....armed, crazed, self-proclaimed militia converging to stand Bundy's ground for him. Incited by RWNJ media and Bundy himself this is truly frightening that these gun nuts ran to the defense of something that they are categorically opposed to which simply illustrates how easily riled and persuaded these people are to take up arms and use them. There were many who were clearly distressed that the BLM backed away from what would have been a disaster reminiscent of Waco.

    I've done extensive reading trying to locate articles that cite references to give the most accurate picture of the history of this feud and the Bundy family. There are a number of very credible sources out there that arent connected to either conservative or liberal media.

    I've never felt more concerned about the direction of the extreme right wing zealots than I have this weekend."


    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      It's okay Sheesh, our Governemnt took care of those assholes at Ruby Ridge and also at Waco. Every dirty militia, secessionist, fake patriot ends up having his or her day, in a coffin or burned to bits. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people :-)

  21. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

    Such brave patriots! All armed to the gills, hiding behind their wimminfolk and kids while listening to Fox Rush and Glenn for their "news". The Government didn't retreat, they're reloading, right Sarah?


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