Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hillary Clinton speaks out about Edward Snowden.

Courtesy of the National Journal:  

Speaking at the University of Connecticut on Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton made a restrained but nonetheless damning attack against Edward Snowden. 

"People were desperate to avoid another attack, and I saw enough intelligence as a senator from New York, and then certainly as secretary [of State], that this is a constant—there are people right this minute trying to figure out how to do harm to Americans and to other innocent people," Clinton said. "So it was a debate that needs to happen, so that we make sure that we're not infringing on Americans' privacy, which is a valued, cherished personal belief that we have. But we also had to figure out how to get the right amount of security." 

As for Snowden's role in exposing the NSA programs, Clinton insinuated that she found his motives suspicious. 

"When he emerged and when he absconded with all that material, I was puzzled because we have all these protections for whistle-blowers. If he were concerned and wanted to be part of the American debate, he could have been," she said. "But it struck me as—I just have to be honest with you—as sort of odd that he would flee to China, because Hong Kong is controlled by China, and that he would then go to Russia—two countries with which we have very difficult cyberrelationships, to put it mildly." 

Clinton stressed the strangeness of Snowden's decision to flee to countries that have perpetrated cyberattacks against the U.S. She noted that when State Department officials would travel to Russia or China on diplomatic business, they would leave their cell phones aboard the plane with their batteries taken out. "It's not like the only government in the world doing anything is the United States," she said. 

"I think turning over a lot of that material—intentionally or unintentionally—drained, gave all kinds of information, not only to big countries, but to networks and terrorist groups and the like. So I have a hard time thinking that somebody who is a champion of privacy and liberty has taken refuge in Russia, under Putin's authority." 

With sarcasm creeping into her voice, Clinton implied that Snowden acted all too friendly toward Vladimir Putin, whose country has been harboring Snowden since last August. 

"And then he calls in to a Putin talk show and says, 'President Putin, do you spy on people?' And President Putin says, 'Well, from one intelligence professional to another, of course not.' 'Oh, thank you so much!' I mean really. I don't know, I have a hard time following it."

I'm going to leave Hillary's statements here for you to discuss, without adding any of my own opinion.

Besides by now I think most of you know where I am on the Edward Snowden situation.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Who cares what she said, what was she wearing? Did she look tired? Do you suspect she's only faking being smart? Is she too old to be a grandmother? Benghazi?

    1. Balzafiar6:25 AM

      This conversation is not about Sarah Palin. Pay attention!

    2. Try to keep up, dear. In regard to Palin, there is nothing to discuss but her appearance, because she a) has made it a centerpiece of her appeal, and b) she has no substance and nothing of value to contribute to the national discourse as she is nothing but a stupid, vicious, ignorant creature who has made no effort to educate herself on matters of law, government , or policy. Secretary Clinton, on the other hand, is a woman of substance and her thoughts are worthy of discussion.

      As for Benghazi, certainly a national discussion is warranted regarding the republicans voting to cut security funding for the department of State. As for the tragic deaths of 4 people, we can discuss those in chronological order following the many deaths previously at embassies under the Bush administrations. Or the thousands upon thousands of deaths in a war based on lies.

      If your comment was snark, my apologies as it wasn't apparent to me.

    3. Honestly... you also realize that we've GOT to talk ALL about the important stuff! BENgHAZI, of course - Oh, my GAWD, that is just so DAMN IMPORTANT!

      Don't forget Monica, and Bill, and on and on and on AND ON. Gosh - I am just SO GLAD someone else is wanting to talk about what TRULY MATTERS in regarding to what Hillary is all about!!! *SARCASM*

      Qualifications, Smalifications! Tomato, tomahto.

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    protections for whistleblowers? Don't make me laugh. This admin is blowing whistleblowers straight out of jobs, sec clearances, lives and reputations at a higher rate than ever before. That's a lot of crap. check out a book call We Meant Well, and what happened to the author.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM


    2. Which doesn't change the fact that he went straight to countries that had committed cyber crimes of their own against the US, and who openly restrict their citizens' access to information and who also surveil their citizens.

    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Sources please, not the voice in your head talking!

    4. Anonymous7:54 AM

      6:42 didn't say he didn't Nefer, nor did you explain how the absolute truth of what 6:42 said gave him little choice. Instead of protecting whistleblowers, NOT just Snowden, but government whistleblowers in general, the Obama administration treats THEM, not the government-paid lawbreakers they're trying to expose, like criminals. I suggest you do some research on the subject and if you do I guarantee you will be sickened and dismayed by what the Obama administration does to protect the status quo. It's worse than the Bush administration was in that respect. If Snowden, to go back to him, had fled to Russia after exposing the NSA' s illegal activities during the BUSH administration, he would be a hero here. Instead, his actions have also exposed the same kind of hypocrisy in Democrats that Bush administration apologists suffered from.

    5. Anonymous4:54 PM

      What's a "book call"? Is that slang for "Booty Call"?

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Snowden is a Julian Assange wannabe....nothing more. He thought he could get notoriety by the acts he committed and the world would hail him as a hero.

    The fact that he apparently obtained much of the information surreptitiously (ie.e tricking people into giving him their passwords) makes him a simple criminal.

    The matter of it is that he is now way in over his head and is a powerless pawn of Russia, only to be used to poke the U.S. in the eye when they want (witness the Q&A session in which he participated).

    I doubt that he is enjoying his life very much at this point.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I don't think of him as a whitle blower. I think of him as a foreign spy.
      After all, he only gave out the secrets of the US, but NOTHING about Russia of China or other adversaries of the US.

  4. Agreed. Those of us who’ve had security clearances know the buyers of information are always sniffing around. I don’t think Snowden was employed by Russia in the beginning (I could be wrong); I think he was a nobody who wanted to be a somebody like Assange. The rest is history.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Snowden is working for the Kock brothers.

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I totally agree with Hillary. But, I'll go one step further and call him a traitor. I am sure he will eventually be found, arrested, brought back to America, put on trial, found guilty and will be eliminated i.e. death!

    He and Putin are buddies - a huge mistake on his part!

  7. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Snowden is not a whistle blower. He is a thief who stole classified material and distributed the info to our largest security threats, China and Russia.

    He is a traitor.


    1. When Putin acknowledged Snowden as "one of us" - he knew *exactly* what he was doing - and so did Edward Snowden. He knew, at that precise moment, that Vlad threw him under the bus.

      Putin's statement had a purpose: either he purposely outed Snowden, or he wished to tar & feather him with the "spy" implication. But make no mistake - Vlad had a reason for doing it. He's Putin's bitch now, and Snowden knows it.

      Snowden knows that US Intelligence knows it now too. That's why I think Hillary is forcefully speaking out and speaking up about that situation now. What was being denied (Snowden being a spy / double-agent) versus Snowden as a good-two-shoes whistle-blower has now been confirmed.

      Have a nice life in Russia, Edward. You've richly earned it. You're NEVER coming back to the USA.

  8. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I really do get amused with how much you fawn over Hillary considering how full of crap she is and you are totally blind to it. It is the same as watching the Palin lovers, it really is. I'll be even more amused when she doesn't run, or does and loses in the primaries, again.

    A Pulitzer was awarded for the reporting of the information provided by Snowden, who is a true hero. Where is your Pulitzer for reporting on Palin family gossip and fawning over Hillary?

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      5:21 PM Where is your Pulitzer for Trolling?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.