Sunday, April 27, 2014

Study finds that cancelled health care plans had virtually NOTHING to do with Obamacare.

Courtesy of CBS News:  

President Obama took some serious heat last year when insurers started dropping millions of Americans from health plans that were no longer Obamacare-compliant, seemingly breaking his promise, "If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance." 

A new study, however, backs up the administration's claims that the cancellations were part of the normal churn of the individual health market. 

After analyzing patterns in the nongroup health coverage market from 2008 to 2011, Harvard professor Benjamin Sommers found that the market was characterized by high turnover before the Affordable Care Act was implemented. Additionally, Summers found that most people who left the nongroup market acquired other insurance within, suggesting that the cancellations attributed to Obamacare are unlikely to have a significant impact on overall coverage rates.

And another GOP talking point bites the dust. 

Just have to keep spreading this information around before November.

If enough people are educated about the truth concerning the Affordable Care Act it will be that muhc harder for the Republicans to beat up the Democrats with it during the campaigns.


  1. Anonymous4:19 AM

    The conservative Christian owner of my company told us our healthcare plan was cancelled because of "Obamacare", when in fact the plan was ACA-compliant. Instead of the $300/month plan that worked perfectly well, we employees are now stuck with a $1,000/month plan that has a $4k/year deductible before it pays for anything. I'm not even sure how that's legal.

    1. Leland5:15 AM


      It sounds as through he is deliberately trying to make you all disgusted with the plan so that you will go and get your own policy and he won't have to fork anything out.

    2. Anonymous6:43 AM

      He's doing it so he can piss and moan about "Obamacare", and get the employees riled up believing rightwing lies, and also so he doesn't have to shell out anything for health insurance--I suspect the employees themselves are paying 100% of the premiums.

  2. Super Fan In Atlanta4:28 AM

    Hurleybird at The Washington Post said it best:
    4/26/2014 9:06 PM EST

    "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." ~


    That is what the ENTIRE tea bagger movement is about, in a nutshell. It is nothing more than a giant scam to 1) bilk ignorant, racist, low and middle income whites of their money by baiting them with racist dog-whistle code words, and 2) manipulate them into voting for GOP candidates who will screw them over economically. Just tell them that their subsidy-mooching isn't really mooching -- and that the real moochers are those black people -- and they'll fall for it every time.

    47%. Takers. Food stamps. Immigration. Obamacare. Every single major issue for the GOP is an exercise in baiting ignorant racist baggers to bilk them out of their money and votes.

    Tea party PACs reap money for midterms, but spend little on candidates

  3. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Well that's all fine and good and all that, but......what about Benghazi and the botched website at roll out?

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      I will assume you are snarking, otherwise you're a fucking idiot.

  4. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Anti-Obamacare Campaigns Causing Serious Harm To Those In Need

    ...Republican candidates and the so-called super PACs supporting them have made assailing the Affordable Care Act their No. 1 issue for the midterm elections, and they are focusing their attacks in states with the most competitive Senate and House campaigns. In few places is that as evident as here in southern West Virginia, where Representative Nick J. Rahall II, a 19-term Democrat, is threatened as never before.

    “We don’t know what’s going to happen once they pull out all the stops to trash Obamacare,” Mr. Shattls said. “We’re nonpartisan here. We’re just doing what we’re funded to do, and that is to provide access” to health care.

    In the past week, 22 new television ads against the health care law and for Republican federal candidates ran in 14 states. Since last spring, 76 percent of the more than 38,000 Republican-sponsored television ads nationally, and 79 percent in West Virginia, have attacked the law, according to Kantar Media/CMAG, which tracks political advertising.

    “Unless public opinion breaks decidedly in favor of the law or some other unexpected but powerful issue arises, Obamacare will remain the top issue in Republican House and Senate TV advertising for the duration of the cycle,” said Elizabeth Wilner, senior vice president at Kantar Media.

  5. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Bill Clinton rallies Michigan Democrats ahead of midterm elections, champions Affordable Care Act

    Former President Bill Clinton rallied Michigan Democrats on Saturday night, urging them to get out the vote this fall and championing a health care law that Republicans criticized en route to midterm election wins four years ago.

    "Politics is about power to them," Clinton told a paid crowd of roughly 2,000 at the Michigan Democratic Party's annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner inside the renovated Cobo Center ballroom in Detroit. "Politics should always be about people to us."

    Clinton argued that a problematic roll out obscured the merits of the Affordable Care Act, which has helped enroll some 8 million residents in private insurance plans, besting initial projections by one million residents.

    He called it a "working people's bill" that is helping to drive down health care costs for American families and knocked House Republicans for voting to repeal the law more than 40 times rather than work across the aisle to improve it.

    "Nobody, not even Albert Einstein if you could have brought him back from the departed, could have designed a system to make this transition without incident, without some unforeseen consequences," Clinton said. "What do normal people do when they do something that's not perfect? They keep the good and they fix the problems."

  6. Anonymous6:02 AM

    The depressing thing is that this will get ZERO attention.

    But shitheads who are lying about getting kicked off their plans will continue to get shit tons of play.

    And idiots like Sarah Palin will still be able to claim that there are death panels in the law.

  7. Anonymous6:55 AM

    How is it possible I missed Sarah Palin's rant that her own medical insurance policy was canceled due to ACA? And no war declarations that her co-payment costs went up or her yearly deductible was increased? Since she doesn't get Native care unless she is *cough* pregnant, she must be getting free Alaska government paid health care and the costs are paid by the good people of Alaska.

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    My insurance policy was to be cancelled as of 12/31/13. I assumed it was because I became eligible for Medicare on 1/1/14. But, no. My insurance company automatically enrolled me in an ACA-compliant policy at the same price I had been paying, giving me a full year to research and select an alternate policy. I was never without coverage. And I'm now saving nearly $200/month. Thank you, Mr. Prez.

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Amazing that for profit insurance companies who were out to destroy ACA from the beginning found ways to screw with policyholders in a back door method to try to kill ACA after it was implemented.

  9. Hey,If you take the number of previously uninsured before Obamacare (remember the intent of the law was to get the uninsured covered) 50 million and you compare it to the number of previously uninsured now being covered with Obamacare, 3/4 of those insured previously had their insurance dropped due to Obamacare. So you take into account the White Houses’ number of seven million enrollees. Only a quarter of that 7 million was previously uninsured. That’s 1.75 million. That’s 0.035% of the 50 million who have insurance that didn’t have it before Obamacare. So a quarter of the current enrollees were previously uninsured. When your batting average as a professional baseball player is 0.035, you get cut in training camp. It at least needs to be around 0.250. Not only that, you’re ridiculed, humiliated by your teammates. The media humiliates you as well. You’ll have sports writers wondering why the stupid GM who hired you in the first place, still has a job. In any case, I discovered that Obama is fairly consistent. His average at the free throw line when just messing around was…….0.0909!!!!!!!!!!!!! He shot an amazing 2/22 from the line!!! He has a better free throw %, I guess he would be better off in the NBA.Thank you!!


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