Friday, April 11, 2014

Joe Miller to officially launch his campaign on April 21st. He promises to do away with abortion, the IRS, and the Department of Education. Whoa Nelly, this ought to be good!

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:  

Claiming that one of the first things he’d do in office is support Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s effort to outlaw abortion, Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller also told student groups at the University of Alaska Anchorage on Thursday that he’d work to get the federal government out of people’s lives by turning over power to the states. 

Talking with reporters and speaking in one of his first appearances after keeping himself "under the covers" for several months, Miller said he will announce his candidacy at the Wasilla Lake Resort the evening of April 21.

Why’s he been lying low? No particular reason, he said. 

But that’s changing. His fundraising is up significantly from the last quarter, when he raised $30,000, much less than that raised by his two Republican opponents. Current Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell took in $228,000 in the quarter, and former Alaska attorney general Dan Sullivan took in $1.3 million. Miller said he’ll release the new fundraising reports soon. His donations for latest quarter are mostly from the “little people,” average donations of about $75, he said. 

Answering questions from the audience, Miller said he plans to win the Republican primary and beat Democratic Sen. Mark Begich. But Begich isn’t his target. It’s a federal government on the verge of bankruptcy and rife with crony capitalism. 

“My ultimate goal is not to get rid of Begich,” he said. “It’s to reverse the course of this country through proper representation of Alaska. That has got to be the goal. And where we’re at today is the result of both parties. It’s not the evil Democrats. It’s not the evil Republicans. It’s the evil Republicans and Democrats.”

So the guy seeking the Republican nomination wants to go to Washington to battle the evil Republicans. Such a great campaign slogan. 

But that's not all he wants to do.

Miller also claims that he wants to do away with the Department of Education, the IRS, and change the country's "surveillance state." Which I assume means doing away with the NSA in its current as well.

All things that I am sure are going to go over big with the establishment Republicans.

However it seems that Miller might be getting some of this talking points from a rather familiar source. Does this sound familiar?

Miller said there’s a broad fracture in the Alaska Republican Party that’s been created by the establishment, without naming names. 

“They’re there for one thing and that’s crony capitalism,” he said. “They don’t care about the platform. They don’t care about restricting the scope of government. They don’t care about fighting for the people. They care about the rewards of office.”

So what do you think, will she, or won't she endorse him again?

My money is on no endorsement, but then again these are insane people so you never know.

Doesn't really matter though, Miller is poison in this state, and the only way he would get this nomination is if the other two contenders  suddenly dropped dead.

Don't laugh, this is Alaska, stranger things have happened.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    And when is this fake Alaskan dickwad planning to declare war on America?

    1. Anonymous10:24 PM

      hopin' this is miller's swan song, and after this gather up all his spawn and get his carpetbaggin' ass headed south, permanently

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      How many kids does this idiot have?

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    The Wasilla Lake Resort? Isn't that Bristol's bedroom?

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      That is the name stenciled on the side of her tent.

    2. Anonymous8:19 PM

      @3:45 PM

      Stenciled in Crayon

  3. Ratfish2:51 PM

    Ask Palin if she is going to endorse him, or one of the Washington establishment/crony capitalist opponents.

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Oh noooo!!

    Say it ain't so, Joe!

    Can I call you Joe?

    He's a joKe and a grifter like Baldy. (h/t GinaM)

  5. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Poor Joe. Reckon QueenQuitter® will endorse the Vaguely Bearded Nut Case again? You know, because Sarah's support was so helpful last time when Joe lost to a write-in candidate.

    A little off-topic, but here's some great news regarding ACA's immediate success in a Red State (AR) that we will NOT hear about from Limbaugh, Fox News or any of the rest of the Wing Nuts in the GOTP Con Echo Chamber:

    MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (Really, no aircraft carrier stunts)

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    how is this carpetbaggin' fuk_tard fraud even viable after breaking into burrough computers up in Fairbanks, let alone all his other indiscretions?!?

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Because he's a carpetbaggin' fuk_tard fraud. ;-)

  7. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Look at those shiny new choppers! How is he supporting his large family right now? He seems to be bound and determined to get on the government teat. Just like Santorum. Get elected, easy money, bribes, taxpayer funded expenses all paid for. He does not impress me as being all that intelligent, either.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      the carpetbaggin' tea_tard fuk_tard keeps his barefoot wife perpetually pregnant allowing them to collect all the more-0-them annual socialistic Alaska Permanent Fund dividend checks ...

      go figure ...

  8. Randall3:37 PM

    How old is this Joe Miller guy?
    Apparently he's too damn young to remember that
    women used to die in this country for no good reason
    and that Roe vs. Wade saved thousands of women's lives.

    Women, sometimes - often, even - mothers that already had children at home would develop life-threatening problems with a pregnancy. And if only the law allowed a doctor to abort that pregnancy would that mother live to go home to mourn the tragic end of that pregnancy, but she would BE THERE for her children. And they would get their mother back.

    Yes, you damned fool conservatives: Roe vs. Wade has SAVED thousands of lives.

    WHY do conservatives insist on Big Government intruding into Ob Gyn's offices?

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM

    The state of Alaska survives ONLY on the federal tax dollar. Maybe Alaska could start by living within her means.

  10. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "Why do Americans love guns so much?"

  11. Anonymous3:54 PM

    July 9, 2013 Sarah Palin interview on Hannity radio show

    Hannity ask if she's going to run in 2014 for Begich AK Senate seat.

    Palin: "I've considered it because people have requested me considering it."

    "I'm still waiting to see, you know, what the lineup will be and hoping that, there again, there will be some new blood, new energy -- not just kind of picking from the same old politicians in the state"


    We're waiting, Sarah. It's 2014 and candidates have lined up. This is AK we're talkin' 'bout. You know the players unlike the other states in which you're dippin' your interferin' toes. Whatcha gonna do?

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      "...people have requested me considering it."

      Sarah is such a great speaker!

    2. Anonymous10:32 PM

      "...people have requested me considering it."

      What the stripper at the tittie bar says to her husband when explaining how they do it all for the money and they showed her the money and they're from out of town so what about after closing...

  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    so, i should be for abortion, irs, and dept of education. No negatives. got it.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Since the country survives off the IRS yes, unless you are UnAmerican regulican. As for the dept of Education, there are free adult literacy courses in your community where you could learn to write a correct sentence. As for abortion, that is your right and totally your own decision Bristol.

  13. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Todd will Sarah endorse Joe Miller?

  14. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Sarah is going to put a paper bag over her head and run for the Senate calling herself the "Unknown Political Candidate"

  15. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Why isn't this guy in prison?

  16. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Why does this grown man- educated at high taxpayer cost- refuse to get a job to support his family? How can anyone be so fucking lazy?

  17. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Jesus fucking Christ: Is this lunatic STILL around? Talk about the proverbial turd you just can't flush. And I love all this talk of "crony capitalism" by the likes of Miller and Palin who are COMPLETELY beholden to corporate benefactors like the Koch's by way of their association with the GOP and a GOP-co-opted Tea Party.

  18. Anita Winecooler4:58 PM

    He's been lying low yet comes back with Grannyesque terms and a slash and burn strategy. LOL Good luck with that, vaguely bearded one (Miller, not Granny).

  19. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I'm flashing back to the Republican debates when Rick Perry said he would cut three things from Government but he forgot what they were.


  20. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Dept of education NEEDS to go NOW. And the IRS needs reworking.

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      ceeforpee is looking for you.
      Wrong blog.

    2. Anonymous10:29 PM

      Yep the IRS needs help. Lots of billionaires need to go to PRISON for tax evasion. Then there the Kochs and Roves to deal with special.

  21. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Gryphen, why no blog posts about public education's WONDERFUL new way of teaching math to children?

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      My grandchildren are excelling in math, and I just taught my youngest granddaughter how to tell time tonight. Got a problem with that?

  22. Anonymous8:49 PM

    C'mon $arah, endorse him. You hate education just like he does. C'mon, coward, we're waiting......

  23. Chenagrrl9:08 PM

    Turn over power to the states/ Well AK and a bunch of other states had a chance to control their own health care. How'd that work out, Joe?

  24. Anonymous11:56 PM

    "The country is near bankrupcy, let's get rid of the taxes and the education system"

    Am i the only one who thinks that 99% of your politicians should have been removed from the gene pool long ago?

  25. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Like many other GOP candidates for Congress, this guy is saying that he's going to do things that he cannot do. He cannot personally get rid of the IRS, the Education Department and he cannot personally end abortion. Anyone who supports him is an idiot. All he'll be able to do, if Alaskans are dumb enough to elect him, is continue to gum up the works with his fellow GOP seditionists who are already there.

  26. hedgewytch9:08 AM

    Get rid of the IRS, so there goes that big industrial military complex - Donors ought to love that.
    Get rid of the Dept. of Education, 'cause who needs Americans who understand science, math and history? That ought to bring the Nation right to the top rankings of the world's best and brightest.
    And yes, he'll work to get the Federal Government out of your Lives and right into your woman's womb and pocket book.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.