Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jon Stewart eviscerates Sarah Palin over her Waterboarding/baptism remarks.
Click image to play video
Palin: "If I were in charge..."

Stewart: "All I can say there is thank God that is a hypothetical."

Palin: "They would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists."

Stewart: "Where is that speech even appropriate? At an Al Qaeda recruitment how-to video workshop? At the yearly gathering of the Dummolos?"

Stewart goes on to mock Palin for several more minutes, which he concluded in this segment, during which Stewart also went after Wayne LaPierre, Rick Santorum, and the NRA in general for promoting gun violence as a remedy for all kinds of perceived ills, including government overreach, Obamacare, public education, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, etc.. etc., etc..

Ultimately Stewart's point was that as crazy as Palin's remarks seemed, at the NRA convention she was speaking to a crazed choir who agreed with, and parroted her every opinion.

And that is by far the most troubling thing about all of this. Not that Sarah Palin says crazy things, but that there are so many others who find what she says perfectly reasonable.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    No worries - the Coalition of the Crazy is going on a diet-- binge and purge -- binge and purge--. Oh there goes SP down the Toilet-- bye bye Granny---WHOOSH!

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      only an absolute idiot thinks that John Stewart speaks truth

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    O/T: Meanwhile, back at the Bundy Ranch, the crazies are controlling an interstate highway as well as state and country roads. They have checkpoints set up, controlling the roads.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      domestic fukin' taliban ...

      time for a drone strike - that notwithstanding bet poop hits the air conditioner sometime today and it ain't gonna be pretty - in regards to these terrorist mother fukers

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      It's clear that Bundy and his militia are domestic terrorists. They said that they are completely against our Federal Government. So were the 9/11 terrorists. I guess that we have to do what Sarah told us to do. It's time for some baptizing in Nevada.

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Saw a government thing not too long ago and it was reported that one out of four Americans own drones.

      Bundy and his gang better watch out as they could be shooting ducks and wouldn't know what hit them!

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Perhaps the general public's response this time will oblige them to look beyond their kneejerk reactions and make them think more critically about the angry, violent rhetoric that is being fed to them. They have to live in the real world, with a majority of Americans not agreeing with them.

    1. Don't hold your breath. These are not mentally stable people you're dealing with.

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Rabbi Menachem Creditor Become a fan
    Editor, 'Peace in Our Cities: Rabbis Against Gun Violence'

    Sarah Palin's Heresy
    Posted: 04/30/2014 11:51 am EDT Updated: 04/30/2014 11:51 am EDT

    Excellent post. I don't think Sarah will be wearing her huge star of David bling in the near future.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM


      You just know our $arah will find a bigger, gaudier star to wear in defiance. Maybe on her next rhinestone belt buckle. You betcha!

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Here's the article:

      Sarah Palin's Heresy

      When Sarah Palin commented, at this last week's national National Rifle Association convention, "...waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists," she did worse than offend, worse than degrade human beings, worse than stir up a group of weapon-advocates. She did so in the Name of God. The fact that the NRA would allow someone to promote fundamentalism at their convention is a violation of their civic responsibility and a threat to human rights on a national scale.

      Most faith traditions incorporate water's restorative power. The Muslim ritual ablution of Wudu, the Jewish Mikveh ritual bath, the Hindu ritual immersions in the River Ganges, and the Christian practice of baptism, each point to renewal, transformation, and life. How dare the NRA tolerate -- worse, amplify -- hatred garbed in religious symbolism.

      Leave aside the fact, which Palin consistently ignores, that torture has been proven ineffective in acquiring actionable intelligence. Leave aside the illegality of torture, affirmed by the United States' signature on the UN Convention Against Torture, which stipulates, "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture." Leave aside the partisan semantics of what actually constitutes torture in the first place. That has all been settled beyond question, and is not the source of my outrage at the NRA.

      Faith traditions consider torture to be a desecration of the image of God, which is why groups like T'ruah: The Rabbinical Call for Human Rights and NRCAT (National Religious Campaign Against Torture) have been marshalling religious leaders to address the moral question of torture (this week marking the 10th anniversary of the release of the Abu Ghraib photos).

      The National Rifle Association consistently grants fundamentalists a platform for spewing hatred and promoting the tools of war, using the Second Amendment to garner financial gain. They are using talking heads and patriotism to feed their greed, and the human cost is growing beyond 31,000 annual U.S. gun violence deaths. Fueled by demagogues like Sarah Palin, the NRA's social impact is immeasurable.

      Witnessing Sarah Palin's ignorance and venom paired with the NRA's profitability is both terrifying and offensive. The NRA claim that is committed to "responsible gun ownership" is proven false, unless they repudiate Palin's remarks. (They should then expel NRA Board Member Ted Nugent, who was paid $16,000 by the city of Longview, Texas not to appear at the town's Fourth of July festival, saying that Nugent was "not the right feel for this kind of community event.")

      Jewish tradition teaches that:

      "All who can protest against something wrong that one of their family is doing and does not protest, is held accountable for their family. All who can protest against something wrong that a citizen of their city is doing and does not protest, is held accountable for all citizens of the city. All who can protest against something wrong that is being done in the whole world, is accountable together with all citizens of the world. (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 54b)"

      I am an American faith leader who holds the NRA accountable and stands in protest with countless others, reminding our country that blood saturates our streets. In a sense, Palin has led me to agree with one part of the NRA's mantra: people do kill people.

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I wonder what the rabbi thinks of Sarah naming her dog Hadassa.

    4. Anonymous10:49 AM

      The rabbi has written such a well-written statement. His calm recitation of facts, and his depiction of the NRA's greed for money, misusing our society for their own violent end -- it's the best piece I've seen.

    5. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Maybe we could spread a meme that Hadassa is a Palestinian name. Because that used to be Palestine before it was Israel.

    6. Anonymous6:32 PM

      2:09.. Your comment is ridiculous. If you don't know that, I could never explain it to you. Hadassa is not a Palestinian name period. Study some history.

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I can only hope that Sarah takes on Jon Stewart with a Facebook rant. If she doesn't respond, it will be out of fear. Come on, Mama Grizzly, show us what you got.

  6. Anonymous9:45 AM

    It's not just comedians who are calling out Sarah's violent rhetoric, but also religious leaders. Old Johnny Boy could pull the plug on that behind the scene and it's time he do so. She is a danger not only to the GOP but to our Nation and to the rest of the world.

    1. Johnny Boy can't call her out -- she is probably blackmailing him over something scandalous.
      Like his war record, on which he based his ambitions.

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Barbara- Sarah has nada, nothing, zip, on McCain. It is a laugh to think she could blackmail him, you give her way too much credit. She is an embarrassment to his career- a huge stain- that is the reason he never speaks of her, he just wants the whole debacle of Palin to disappear.

    3. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Barbara Carlson, You give Sarah too much credit. She's peanuts and she's got nothing scandalous on McCain.

    4. Anonymous10:26 AM

      A better guess would be the Toad blackmailing him or his closest allies.

    5. Anonymous10:43 AM

      I would go with 'Toad blackmailing'. But they can't come close to what McCain must have on their whole family and friends, I betcha.

      Is there an update on the following? I would like to know when these were taken. What do Bristol and Sarah Palin say? Is the Johnston version complete and accurate?

      Were these on sister Sadie's computer when John McCain's people stole all her data?

    6. For Johnny boy to call her out, he would have to admit he was WRONG to pick her for VP. He'll never do that. Johnny doesn't admit he's wrong about anything.

    7. Anonymous11:35 AM

      10:43 Remember how they went into the home of Levi's sister and took her computer and cleaned it out? That was John McCain and his did they get away w/doing that? It must have scared the Johnston family to death. Obviously, they knew there was stuff to cover up about Sarah Palin/Heath and her family!

    8. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi and Benghazi
      3 Smoking guns — Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and Arizona's John McCain —

      Last Updated Apr 30, 2014 2:50 PM EDT

    9. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Wasn't that was a lobbyist for the fishing and timber industries that moved in with Sadie?

    10. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Lobbyist for the fishing and timber industries ? They also worked for Johnny Boi. They were at the Johnston's under the ruse of 'helping'. Helping McCain to family photos and such was more like it.

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    The C4Pee crowd is once again hoping for a terrorist act on fellow Americans in order to vindicate their Queen Esther:

    "Engineer 100 - an hour ago
    Well if there is ANY terror attack in the USA between now and the 2016 elections, Sara's NRA remark will be remembered and will rebound to her great electoral credit."

    Way to go Engineer 100! Actually hoping for something bad to happen to your fellow man- All in the name of sister Sarah (he couldn't even spell her name right).

    and here was another doozy just below that:

    "Don in Tennessee - an hour ago
    My point of concern is that they said it in arabic at all. That's just as bad as saying the Pledge in mexican.
    Just a crazy ole coot"

    yeah Don, all those people talking in Mexican.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      talking in Mexican? Are those the same Spanish people that Bundy was talking about?

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      One of "ours" got through over there:

      sagecreek • 35 minutes ago
      Gee, why don't you post an article about all the American Christians who were appalled by Sarah's offensive statements at the NRA banquet? Check out faithful america dot com.

      The Grifter Granny done worn out her welcome. And not a moment too soon.

      Well done, sagecreek!

    3. Anonymous10:51 AM

      C4Pee crowd___ Somewhere in her cast of knaves & wrongdoers there are likely plans in the works for a 'terrorist attack'. Plenty is being ginned up to set off a keg of dynamite.

    4. Anonymous11:59 AM

      True that, 10:51 AM, and why I watch 'em like a hawk!

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Yesterday, somewhere I read a comment which asked why there was so much fuss about Donald Sterling's racist remarks. Freedom of speech? Do people have the right to be offended?

    People SHOULD speak out against Sterling's racist remarks and Palin's baptizing terrorists. When those comments go unaddressed, people think that it is all right to talk that way. The next step comes when people think that it is all right to act that way. Palin's remark was said in her sing-song joke voice, but that kind of comment could spark riots in Muslim countries, in the same way that an anti-Muslim film set off riots in Libya.

    Do you need another reminder of how powerful Sarah Palin's hate speech can be? Two words: Gabby Giffords. No one has found a connection between Pailn's election rhetoric about targeting candidates, taking aim, reload, and putting cross hairs on a number of Democrats running for office-- and the shooting, a couple of months later. But people remembered her violent rhetoric after the shootings, and Roger Ailes told Sarah not to respond to the criticism.

    Sarah still has to respond to criticism because she has a public voice and she can inspired crazy people to do crazy things. Fox kept calling Dr. Tiller a baby killer so often that someone did kill him. Words matter. Words have consequences. Yes, we have freedom of speech, and with freedom comes responsibility. Palin used that cheap one-liner to get a laugh at the NRA convention, but she did so at the expense of the safety of Americans serving abroad who could also be captured and tortured. She used a holy sacrament to make a cheap joke which is insulting to peoples' religious beliefs. Sarah Palin does not realize the consequences of her actions, but being in the public eye and making a public speech does matter. She is capable of bringing out the worst in the worst kinds of people.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Because she IS the worst kind of person!

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Well said Anonymous 10:37...I agree totally with your wonderful post.

    3. Leland12:14 PM

      @ 10:37

      Except SHE claims she WASN'T joking!

    4. Anonymous12:25 PM

      People don't understand that freedom of speech only protects us from the government trying to restrict our speech. Your boss, your friends, your family can try to tell us what to say, or not say, and that is not illegal. Go ahead and say what you want, but understand that there may be consequences.

    5. Anonymous1:57 PM

      10:37, watch a video of her delivering the infamous line at the meeting. She was not joking, she did not play for laughter, she was terrifyingly deliberate and cold when she said it, though she did also seem drugged to me.

    6. Anonymous6:35 PM

      1:57 -
      There was definitely a tone of deep malice in her voice as she made those comments. Her speech was indeed deliberate in a way that seemed very contrary to her usual manic way of speaking. It certainly gave me the chills. You may very well be right about her being drugged.

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Sarah is a quickly fading "star" and she doesn't like it much. Her only attention is through outrageous soundbites.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I long for the day that this rabid Bitch sleeps with the fishes.

  11. janice10:44 AM

    Sarah is getting bad feedback from everyone.

  12. Anonymous10:44 AM

    "Pundits" like Palin are their own worst enemy. They feel compelled to be more and more outrageous at every opportunity for self-aggrandizement until they become caricatures of themselves and alienate their base. She has painted herself into an already overcrowded corner full of also-rans. Keep this up Ms. Palin and you will soon become one of those people standing on a street corner mumbling incoherently about how you used to be relevant.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      The incoherent started long ago.

  13. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Palin's rhetorical style is just a series of "bumper sticker" phrases strung together peppered with references to her interpretation of God's desires. And according to her, God is wallowing in hate and revenge for those who committed the sin of doing what Jesus taught.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      The Palins are nothing more than 'white trash' from a small town in Alaska. And, Alaskans don't even like them!

  14. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Believe it or not there are many Republicans that think she is a joke, I am one of them. She is our version of the Kardashians, she wont shut up, and she wont go away and they just keep parading her around for the sake of money I guess. Liberal Democrats should love her though she is the reason so many of Republicans secretly voted for Obama in 2008

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      OMG, the Palins cannot even be compared to the Kardashians. They have class, work and they are 'family' where the Palins are not. The mother of the Kardashians is far smarter than Palin ever thought of being! And, the Kardashians are far, far richer than the Palins! They are classy too - not evil and nasty!

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      I see this comparison a lot but the Kardashians don't hate monger or even interject themselves politically. Palin is a horrible 'person'.

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      True. My sis & brother-in-law voted Republican all their lives. Until McCain trotted out his 3rd runner up beauty queen Sarah Palin with her lying & encouraging the lynch-him! crowd. They voted for Obama twice since they thought he was best for the country & haven't regretted it. However my brother-in-law's best friend of FIFTY years found out he voted for Obama (the nazi muslim who has no birth certificate and is out to destroy America) and has refused to speak to him since 2008. Pretty sad, huh?

    4. Leland12:17 PM

      10:"46? Please let me know when republicans no longer SECRETLY vote democratic because of her.

  15. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Palin's entire act is to throw red meat from the podium so she can watch her rabid base bark in glee. There is no more substance to her than that.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Unfortunately, there are some unstable people out there who take her words seriously and act on them.

      Just ask Gabby Giffords.

  16. Anonymous11:03 AM

    The blowback against Palin, especially from conservatives and religious leaders , is stunning .
    And welcome. Finally.
    I can't decide which is my favorite description from conservative pundits .
    Charles C.W. Cooke's tweet that " Palin is in her late stage Amy Winehouse phase " or
    Rod Dreher's comment that
    " Palin makes Archie Bunker sound like Cicero ".
    Unfortunately, elected Republicans remain cowardly
    and silent as Palin
    and the wizened tea party continue to drag them down.
    They are apparently afraid of alienating this tiny band of malcontents.
    Don't Republicans understand that Palin and Limbaugh and Hannity and Levin
    and the tea party despise them, too ?
    Did the Republican Party miss the Bundy, Hannity, Fox News debacle ,
    Sterling and his chief defender and very proud homophobe Limbaugh ,
    the tea party scam exposed ,
    the news about Palin's shrunken appeal
    and for the grand finale,
    her implosion at the NRA ???
    I bet most Americans had not actually seen or heard Palin since 2008 .
    In one bizarre and widely covered appearance ,
    Palin validated every legitimate criticism of her .
    The sleazy outfit, the fright wig,
    the crazed , hate filled and juvenile rhetoric ,
    the exaggerated body language and
    odd facial contortions .
    For the coup de grace , Palin demonstrated that she doesn't give speeches ,
    she gives screeches.

  17. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The corner she has been paintin' herself into is collapsing inward and swallowing her up. I am enjoying this.

  18. Anonymous11:19 AM

    can't wait for her word salad response! c'mon scarah what's holding you back, response from the skank in 3, 2,1... bwahahah

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Don't encourage the idiot, 11:19!

  19. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hey Sarah, you made the BBC!

    Congratulations, you pitiful swine.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      What Palin and her ilk practice is called Weapons Grade Christianity.

    2. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Anyone who has taken the time to learn about Sarah Palin, as John McCain has, would know that she also attacks her friends and supporters. Her comment about torture and her being in charge are directed at him, and by now he probably realizes that he would not have lived through his first term if he had been elected President.
      Palin represents a violent right wing that will do anything to win.

    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      In a statement released Thursday, McCain called Clinton "my friend" and praised her public service career.
      Do you trust this man?

      McCain and Ambassador Stevens in Libya

    4. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Don't trust the little runt at all! Hillary probably doesn't either! Haha!

  20. Anonymous11:35 AM

    How come you people always pick on my auntie?

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Cause your auntie is a derange psychopath.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Sorry Satan, we'll try to be kinder to your family.

    3. Anonymous11:52 AM

      She's evil.

    4. Anonymous12:21 PM

      How come you do not question her?

    5. Anonymous1:11 PM

      11:35 AM Is your Dad Creepy Jr.? Why did he leave your Mom? Why is your Auntie so stupid?

    6. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Look, it's one of SarahPAC's highly paid consultants!

    7. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Because she is so easy to pick on, honey. Suggest you find a nicer and smarter Auntie. Hopefully, there is one in your family!

    8. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Dear 11:35, If you are old enough to read IM, and the comments here, then you are also old enough to dial up the You Tubes of Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin who couldn't answer simple questions in the only two interviews the McCain campaign allowed her to do. You will be able to read how she quit her job as governor. You will be able to read the findings of the Branchflower Investigation that found that she and Uncle Todd abused her office as governor in trying to get Trooper Wooten fired. You can read all of the information about Sarah.

      We are not picking on Sarah. She has said and done some pretty stupid things, and she is being criticized for them. That's what happen when you give a speech or write a facebook post. As long as Auntie Sarah wants to play in the world of public opinion, she has to be able to take the criticism that goes with it. And, she can't.

  21. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Palin has the IQ of a piece of wood. Her comment the other day about "baptizing terrorists by water boarding them" is despicable. America long ago lost whatever moral high ground we had over the terrorists when we started torturing them. The fact that she is not only encouraging but taking amusement from torture shows that she is just a piece of human filth

  22. Anonymous12:22 PM

    NRA members probably lapped this bilious crap up. Then stood in line for a signed copy of her book/ picture/ genital wart cream/ insert product here. She is laughing all the way to the bank, knowing full well she will NEVER hold elected office again. She is a grenade throwing scam artist- but looking rather rough now.

  23. Anonymous12:42 PM

    How long until Mrs. Toad 'Benghazi' Palin proves her relevancy with a Facebook screed on the latest resurrection of the Benghazi emails 'smoking document'?

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      She may have to trot that out since the picture of Trig's new dog didn't work. What happened to the "h" at the end of Hadassah anyway? Jill Hadassa Palin? Those Palin eejits cain't get anything right.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

      Here's another link with Benghazi Scratch Fever, apparently it's jumping networks!

  24. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Sarah has finally done it. She's back in the spotlight again. Welcome home, Sarah.

  25. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Congratulations again, Sarah! You've pissed of your fellow Jewish believers!

    Ignorant fucking sow.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Trust me, the number of Jewish people 'following' her is very low. We've learned a few things about absolutist dogma over the years.

      She cozies up to Netanyahoo merely because he represents an ultra right wing party too.

  26. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Oh, oh, and here's one more for you, "Lady Liberty!"

    My, my, my, aren't you so very popular, you ignorant whore.

  27. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    Come on, Grandma "Waterboard them all and sort them out later"! Heath/Palin/faux Palin. You going to let Stewart get away with making you look stupid using your own stupidity? Where's the brilliant facebook retort?
    "She seems nice" three of the funniest words used to describe her, ever. And making her seem appropriate after her "IF your rapist is a bird" by telling the Leda and the Swan story ---sheer brilliance.

    Did Grandma say Vice President Biden has a squirt gun? Bet he's got better aim with a real gun than Sarah "Does this thing kick, daddy?" Heath Palin AND Vice President Dick Cheyney, Lawyer Hunter combined,.


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