Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cliven Bundy supporting militias throw up roadblocks, on public roads, making residents show ID before allowing them to pass. Update!

Courtesy of TPM:  

A Democratic congressman from Nevada said in a letter this week that his constituents have reported the armed militia supporting rancher Cliven Bundy have set up checkpoints to verify the residency of anybody passing through. 

Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV), who represents the area, sent the letter Sunday to Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, asking him to investigate. 

"I am writing to bring your attention to the ongoing situation in northeastern Clark County which has caused many of my constituents to fear for their safety," Horsford wrote. Residents in the area "have expressed concern over the continual presence of multiple out-of-state, armed militia groups that have remained in the community" since Bundy's dispute with the Bureau of Land Management came to a boil. 

The militia, as reported by Horsford's constituents, "have set up checkpoints where residents are required to prove they live in the area before being allowed to pass," the letter said.

So can somebody please explain to me how these so-called "patriotic Americans" can circumvent the law and set themselves up as some third world military faction, treating citizens of this country as if they have no rights?

Not only that but some of these thugs have gone so far as to threaten one of our Senators:

Horsford's concerns come at the same time the U.S. Capitol Police confirmed they are looking into threatening statements made against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. 

A police spokesman declined to give further details Monday, citing an ongoing investigation, but Reid has been an outspoken critic of Bundy. 

THIS is the country that the NRA foresees. A nation where the power is held by those who are heavily armed, and willing to kill. Not by officers of the law.

Where legality is determined by the last man standing, and those seeking justice are pinned down by a hail of bullets.

Update: Here is more info on the checkpoints. 

There is no way that this ends well.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Also remember there are other Nevada ranchers who are paying to graze on federal land while bundy does it for free. I think there a lot of people out there with little patience left for this freeloading joker.

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Where are the fucking marines/army and take care of these morons.

    2. Leland6:23 AM


      That is EXACTLY what they are hoping for! Remember, they would put their women in front to create a bloodbath - and then drop their weapons to surrender. Thus causing the civil war they want.

      Besides, a respondent a few days ago had it right. I hope the Feds are just sitting back and waiting for them to collapse from the inside so they can take names now and kick ass later. Not a single one of these idiots should escape trial and punishment - on state AND federal charges. LOTS of charges!

    3. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Let them put their women and children up front. WTF are we going to let these criminals threaten federal officers. TAKE THEM OUT!

  2. Randall12:20 PM

    This is the wet-dream of the Sarah Palins and the Wayne LaPierres out there:

    tribes of assholes united only by their mutual dislike of other tribes,
    that glory in their lack of education and dedication to their primitive superstitions,
    that control their pitiful little territories by the force of arms and the willingness - eagerness - to kill on a whim.

    Don't worry - it won't be long before they turn on one another.
    The only thing more dangerous than an asshole with a gun is another asshole with another gun.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    America's future is doomed if terrorist organization like NRA increasingly collude with fundamentalist Christian groups & a big section of Republican party, the only political alternative in this two party system.

    Sane & wise Americans need to oppose this deadly cocktail more aggressively, although I know that both political and religious allegiance is mostly hereditary than rational.

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    What happens to the first person who tells them to f**k off?
    They have no authority to demand anyone's ID.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Next thing you know some upstanding citizen will stand their ground.

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      You know how this is going to turn out. Someone who actually lives there and has a right to drive to his property is going to face off with them. Then, the militia will claim to be standing their ground. I can't believe that everyone in Nevada are on this guy's side.

    3. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Right! What happens to then? I am horrified by this.

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    the Fed's ought'a give the terrorists about 30 or so minutes to clear out, if they don't, game on

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Drone time by the U.S. government. Time to stop these assholes before it becomes the 'norm' across America. They need to be taken out and the example set!

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Drones!! Yes, please!

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Sarah: see what you've wrought? When will we receive your Facebook post lauding the militias who are following your words

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Don't encourage her - the majority are sick and tired of her and want her silenced forever!

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Sarah will be sending the militia from the AIP down to Nevada to help their terrorist-brothers and sisters.

  8. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I think it is time to tase them and then lock them up.

  9. Black Helo’s at 11…

  10. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Over at Daily Kos there is a post about more Bundy Oathkeeper fail. (Both sides suspect the other of being infiltrated by the infiltrators?!)

    Remind me again how guns in the hands of wingnuts is a good thing...

    1. well they gave your sorry guttles ass a gun. and weve been in fear eversince. stupig terrorist. but mark my words on this brown nosing sphinkter licker. when you exsperience the natzi metro cops barrelling thru your house or taking your property.and heaping taxes upon taxes on your back all the while doing it to the rest of the americans. and when you get your nose outta harry reids sorry ass . and when the sir finnally clears youll see his shit stinks worse than all rightous americans. and youll finally figure out you been following the wrong scent. dumb ass. freeloader fredom isnt free stupid

  11. Anonymous12:56 PM

    wonder where dz bill is when you need him?

  12. Anonymous12:58 PM

    O/T but fascinating article. Shep was the only one on Fox I could bear to listen to...

    How Fox News Shoved Shepard Smith Back Into The Closet

    Why hasn’t Shepard Smith come out yet? The affable Fox News anchor has a longtime boyfriend, ranks among Fox’s most senior talent, and lives in New York City. It could be, of course, that he’s just a very private person, or—as the Times argued in October—that public attitudes have changed and nobody cares if a famous figure is gay.

    Or it could be that, when Smith tried to come out last year, Fox silenced and punished him.

  13. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Yeah, this is bad, bad, and very bad. They are so fucking full of themselves and their big guns that the bravado is strong and it's getting more and more arrogant and violent. This is a powder keg the NRA is just itching to have blow.

    Bundy Ranch Militia Leader Threatens ‘Civil War;’ Harry Reid Will Have His ‘Balls Ripped Off’ (Video)

    Mike Vanderboegh, leader of the ‘Three Percenters’ militia spoke to a crowd of domestic terrorists gathered at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada last week, warning the unstable masses that the country is “staring a civil war in its bloody face.” You know, the one they are trying to start.

    Vanderbeogh group derives its name from the number of American colonists that they believe fought against the British in the Revolutionary War. Vanderboegh, you may remember, is the author of the book The Turner Diaries, that inspired inspired Timothy McVeigh to blow up the Oklahoma City federal building.

    He claims that Harry Reid, who criticized the mass of domestic terrorists for being domestic terrorists, “is promising us all civil war on a vast scale, because state-sponsored violence is the only way they can win an argument with free people, especially free people who are armed and who are willing to use those arms in defense of liberty.”

    Vanderboegh told the legend of an Alabama woman named Jenny Brooks, whose husband and son were (according to his version) killed by state law enforcement collecting taxes for the Confederates. He told the crowd Brooks hunted down the men who murdered her family, killed them, and turned their skulls into a soap dish.

    He pulled out a skull and vowed to present it to Reid as the “2014 Award for Incitement to Civil War.”

    Then he threatened to rip off Reid’s testicles. “Don’t poke the wolverine with a sharp stick, Harry, unless you want your balls ripped off.”

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      "He pulled out a skull and vowed to present it to Reid as the '2014 Award for Incitement to Civil War.'

      Really? A human skull? That he bought, where? In a boutique? Or at Wal-Mart? Surely it wasn't a human skull but if it was, then somebody needs to check out where he got it.

  14. Boscoe1:10 PM

    Amazing how quickly "freedom loving patriots" turn into authoritarian fascists, eh? It's clearly time for our government to do it's constitutionally mandated job and make us safe from these traitors.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      This^... "authoritarian fascists" is their true face.

  15. Anonymous1:13 PM

    As Elizabeth Warren stated: "You didn't build that."

    These gun nuts are prohibiting law-abiding, tax-paying U.S. citizens from traveling on a public road. All of us have the right to use public lands and walk, bike, crawl, or drive on community property.

    Not for free, however, as Mr. Bundy proceeds to steal from all Americans by taking --now by force -- a public possession that IM readers, and all other Americans, are subsiding with taxes. Crony capitalism, Sarah.

  16. Anonymous1:16 PM

    That man is trying to overthrow the Federal Government. He is a domestic terrorist. He needs to be baptized now. And his militia, too.

  17. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I guess that Sterling's racist comments knocked poor Bundy out of the spotlight for a while. He will do anything to get back in the news.

  18. SHARON1:19 PM

    This is so damn disgusting.....they should all be arrested. It is time for the local authorities to clear out these asswipe cowards, its over. Having checkpoints???? They really need to make an example of these guys or its just gonna keep happening. Let them stay on Bundy's ranch...his land, they have no rights over the rest of us. They just want someone to be despicable. Why don't all the paying ranchers out there tell him to stop this......they are the only ones who can humiliate this man.

  19. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Patriots? More like Anarchists.

    Gryphen, maybe you'll finally realize why Democrats need guns too. It's a 'Just in Case' insurance policy to protect yourself from these crazy lunatic assholes.

    We've already reached the tipping point where we live in a land of over 300 million firearms which are never going to go away. It doesn't make a bit of sense if only the crazy lunatic assholes have most of the firearms.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Gryphen doesn't have a problem with people owning guns, the ones who obey the law, practice gun safety and don't use them as penis extenders that is.

  20. A J Billings1:38 PM

    If this story is true, that non-official militia thugs are demanding ID and setting up roadblocks, then HOW IN THE FUCK are the Nevada State Police not arresting every one of them?

    What Governor would allow that for even one minute?

    Who the fuck do these NRA fuckwits think they are? This is the USA , not Bosnia or Ukraine!

    I just cannot believe they wouldn't get a 30 or 50 state cops to show up with a paddy wagon within hours!

    Who the FUCK is running Clark County Nevada?

    You're 100% right Gryphen, this is exactly the kind of thing that Palin and her religious asshole friends want, a confrontation between lawless NRA thugs and sworn officers.

    I bet if there was a shootout, that Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Levin, Gohmert, Cruz, and Lee would be jumping up and down and celebrating these vicious thugs as heroes

    Fuck Palin , fuck Bundy, and fuck the NRA

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Even if 30-50 state cops show up they will be out manned and out gunned.The situation at this ranch is dire and I fear that there will be bloodshed.This situation is surreal and extremely dangerous.

    2. The gov is playing the long game. Their priority is that as few citizens as possible get hurt. They know that time is on their side. After the disaster in Waco, they found out that charging in, with tanks and guns is a bad strategy. Look up "Montana Freemen". The gov sat tight for 81 days until those thugs stood down and surrendered.

      Already Bundy's thugs are accusing each other of being FBI plants and threatening each other.

      Is what I think and hope is happening is lawful authority is STAYING CHILLY and letting these thugs sweat it out.

    3. The gov is playing the long game. Their priority is that as few citizens as possible get hurt. They know that time is on their side. After the disaster in Waco, they found out that charging in, with tanks and guns is a bad strategy. Look up "Montana Freemen". The gov sat tight for 81 days until those thugs stood down and surrendered.

      Already Bundy's thugs are accusing each other of being FBI plants and threatening each other.

      Is what I think and hope is happening is lawful authority is STAYING CHILLY and letting these thugs sweat it out.

  21. Caroll Thompson1:41 PM

    This is rather funny in my opinion. I don't think the Feds should touch this with a ten foot pole.

    The Governor Brian Sandoval came out in support of Bundy. He thought Bundy was great and the Feds had too heavy a hand. So, I think this is Sandoval's problem. Let him get out there and stop this nonsense. Of course, it cannot stand. Folks cannot take over the highways paid for with taxpayer dollars (especially folks who pay no taxes). Maybe the traitor Sarah can help. She can put the girls on and see what happens to her.

    In other words, let the chicken hawks, who thought Bundy was all that, clear the roads. They enabled Bundy and the gang; let them clean up their own mess. You know, States rights being what they are.

  22. Anonymous1:53 PM

    This post title could be clearer :)

  23. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Oh to have a friendly with a Barret 50 with it trained on one of them when stopped at the checkpoint, Then radio the spotter. Red Flannel Shirt, over. *POP* They'd shit themselves.

  24. Anonymous3:09 PM

    When an individual takes up arms against a state or nation they should no longer be considered a citizen.

  25. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I suppose the governor could call out the National Guard, but only if he disapproves of Bundy's actions.

    People should start cancelling vacations in Nevada. Vacations, and conferences, and anything else that brings money to Nevada.


    1. Clark County is Las Vegas. Let people stop driving to Vegas and then see what happens.

  26. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Goggle May 16, 2014. These freaks scare the hell out of me!

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM


      Check their facebook site... Also the youtube video... :(

    2. Leland6:32 AM

      "In law, sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority to tend toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition."

      The leaders have crossed the line already. And merely by showing up with their stated intent, the participants will cross the line so the law will already be violated!

  27. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Best comment I've seen in days, from the AATTP article:

    "America has finally succeeded at weaponizing stupid."

  28. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Don't any of these idiots have jobs ??

  29. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    The level of paranoia among the crazies must be unbearable. I suspect someone will hear a tire blow out or firecracker, and they'll break into factions and have a grand old circular firing squad moment. The FBI is probably watching this closely and giving them enough rope. What they need is a woman in a patriotic costume to lead the way....... chaneling blunder woman of Scottsdale. Wear the bracelet and fake 1956 buick bumpers!

    And kids get hauled off on mischief night for some old geezer's trees....

  30. Anonymous6:31 PM

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Looks like they're fixin' for an internal spring cleaning of the posse. As stated previously by someone on this thread; just let them pick each other off. The rest will just fry in the sun.


  31. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Nice try...but it didn't work folks. I am in direct contact with the Bundys and this report is patently false. Yes, I am a member of a state militia and yes, our CO was at the ranch at the time of the armed confrontation which ended peacefully as it should have . The BLM gave us--the militias of America-a real gift by this show of government overreach and corruption and our inboxes are overflowing with new recruits. Now, of course, the powers that be will do anything to discredit us--and I'm sad to see a blogger so stupid as to go along with the game.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Run along child.

    2. Anonymous9:33 PM

      7:08 PM You are a Domestic Terrorist, and a Traitor.
      Hang around the Bundy Ranch with your insurrection and wait for the big kabosh, it is coming, ASSCLOWN.

    3. Anonymous10:59 PM

      do any of you fat seditious dickless domestic taliban old fuks have jobs or are you all on welfare/social security ?

  32. Anonymous7:17 PM

    The Hall Monitors of the whole state. Wow! Now run home and tell your wife's and mommy's you made hall monitor.


  33. Our government most likely has dossiers on each and every one of these vigilantes. Someone up thread mentioned drones and I have no doubt there is a spy in the sky watching.

    I hope this will all end peacefully and Bundy's personal doings exposed. I had read he was Mormon, had 14 children and how many wives? Did he ever receive food stamps or other assistance? This will all come out I am sure.

  34. Chenagrrl5:51 AM

    Crimea of Nevada. How do these guys not understand that their actions are despotic.

  35. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Are they on land owned by Bundy, Bureau of Land Management, US Government, state of NV, Clark County, or Reid Bunkerville, LLC ?

  36. Most of the militia members at the Bundy Ranch have crossed state lines with weapons to thwart federal officers ability to enforce the law and carry out a federal court order. That will get you 10 years alone, not to mention the long list of other federal crimes they have committed.

    The Federal Government is being smart about this, they will wait them out, they will not allow them to become martyrs in a firefight. They know these militia members will have to leave the Bundy Ranch eventually to travel back to their respective states. When they attempt to travel they will all be rounded up. They will be arrested quietly, on the expanse of the open highway, far away from the Bundy Ranch, and their beloved TV cameras. They will all do serious time, as they should. People are left alone to talk about armed rebellion over our Federal Government, but when they brandish weapons at Federal Authorities they will go to jail.

    10 U.S. Code § 333 - Interference with State and Federal law.
    The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—.
    (1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or.
    (2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

    In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

    1. So, if the government doesn't arrest these insurgents, Obama could be accused of not doing his job and not upholding the Constitution, thus breaking his oath of office.

      I'd say it's pretty clear these terrorists will need to be arrested, tried and convicted of their crimes. Unfortunately, stupidity is not a valid defense.

  37. Anonymous8:55 AM

    The state I live in is full of these type militias. Mostly in the form of conspiracy, agenda 21, etc., they terrorize and rob. If you talk about food stamps, well, that's their goal. They try to force others to join their terrorism. When storms hit, they batter anyone near FEMA and run their ghost scams-convincing others that ghosts are the reason your mail goes missing, items in the house go missing or are moved. These are very dangerous people with an agenda similar to a soviet styled invasion.

    Even employment isn't given unless a person submits to a welfare check to see if anyone receiving aid is living at the address. Furthermore, don't try to get prescription medicine unless your home is a fortress.

    They like to threaten people and extort...all in the name of freedom.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.