Saturday, April 26, 2014

Look who's finally home.

Courtesy of Facebook
And it looks like he is pretty happy to be home.

Hopefully soon he won't have to worry about being dragged around everywhere his mother goes, or used as a bludgeon against his father, anymore.


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Is that Breeze? Wow, they really look like each other. You can tell how much he loves his sister.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      All he's known is love. He is the exact same way with his baby cousins and bff Trig.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      "All he has known is love"?? Are you kidding me? How many kids watched while their mother shot a photo of their father to smithereens? How many "trial husbands" have been paraded through his living space, wherever that may be? Give me a break, the truth is obvious. He is getting too old to be used as a shield by his mother, hiding her pregnancies. How many of his "cousins" are his siblings, really? You might fool some on the C of P, but around here, we KNOW the truth.

    3. Anonymous11:29 AM

      His baby Sisters, and Brother Tri-g.

    4. Anonymous3:40 PM

      He wasn't present when Bristol shot up that disgusting slanderous book. And stop with this trial husbands lie. It's getting old.

    5. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Bristol doing that on national television was ridiculous and embarrassing. I'm sure you loved it.

    6. Anonymous5:36 PM

      3:40 PM

      When I saw the show, Tripp was there. It hardly matters because it is part of the legacy she is leaving him. He has also been subjected to her attitudes over the years. Most of all her attitude and the lies about Levi and his family are destructive. She shoots holes in Tripps heart, time and time again when she rips him a part with her spiteful, ugly attitude toward Tripp's paternal family.

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    The Alaska judge is going to love his snowbird tan.

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Welcome home Tripper. Who's your friend?

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      That's his little sister Breeze.

  4. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Very cute picture :)

  5. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Glad your home sweetie.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      He certainly is a happy kid. He karate video is precious.

      Good job Bristol. Such a balanced boy. Motherly influence is good for boys. An important thing in life

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Go back to "hair school" Willing, we are onto Bristle's scams.

    3. Anonymous11:28 AM

      9:52 AM "(He) karate video"??? Have you been Stalking Bristol's Facebook again? You don't know any of the Palins. Prove me wrong, Troll. And go back to school, you have time, all you do is Stalk Blogs.

    4. Good job Bristol??? Are you that out of touch, or just as ignorant as Bristol on how to properly raise children in a split family. Bristol is one of the worse mother I have ever heard of. She parades men in front of him calling them "trial fathers" which can have seriously consequences to a young child, besides making Bristol look like a prostitute. One of the first rules anyone knowledgable about raising children in a split family situation, is to never speak poorly of the other parent. It must be such a strong genetic trait of the Palin's for showing so much hate to those they see as the enemy, that they can't see the harm Bristol is doing to Trip. Their lack of common sense is beyond words when you see and hear how poorly they raise their children. Bristol is obviously following the example her mother set, and like Sarah, is not fit to be mother. When you look at the failures of the three children Sarah raised that now live outside the home and on their own, it's no wonder Bristol turned out the way she is. Bristol will never amount to much if she keeps following her mothers example. As a single parent who has raised two young girls, I hope the judge gives Levi primary custody for the child's sake.

    5. Anonymous2:42 PM

      The judge is going to throw the book at her. Ha! Good job my ass.

    6. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Where to start:
      -She doesn't call them trial fathers. He calls her boyfriend (singular) by his first name (and the last bf too (though there are only 2)
      -the WORST mother? YOU need help and serious education in life. Tripp, as per Levi's words, is a "happy normal child." If he were raised poorly, he'd actually have major issues right now and he'd handle trasnitions between houses BADLY and not just a little acting up for a few minutes

      -All Levi has done is bash people, and his sister too. You need to acknowledge that if you're going to continue talking about things you know nothing about. If Tripp were actually brainwashed, hed show distaste for Levi. He does not. You need help

      -You really think the Cowans (I refuse to call it Levis since it's so fictional) book helps Levi? I mean, using Levi's voice, they slander EVERYONE, and call it reality. THAT is sad that Levi lets himself be used.

      There isn't a person who KNOWS Tripp who would say a bad thing about him. He is a loved kid who gets along with all.

      Ask yourself, if Levi et al were so respectable, why has Sadie never held or looked for a job? Why is she such a spendthrift despite no job? Why did Levi befriend Tank and act like that when EVERYone, Alaskan and outside, saw what he was sowing and the future ill feelings that would be directed at him.

    7. Anonymous3:38 PM

      The karate video is on her PUBLIC facebook.

    8. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Anon 11:28, all you do is stalk and lie. I have a job and life. Funny, Gryphen stalks Sunny painstakingly yet he's your hero. lmao

      And his lies are endless

    9. Anonymous4:22 PM

      From Life's a Tripp:

      As she tossed Gino from the car, the little guy was begging for her to let Gino, who he calls daddy, stay. "I'll find you a good daddy," she says. But Tripp shouts back, "I don't want a good daddy."

      I'm sure the Judge will love seeing this, don't you?

    10. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Did you create that weird Tripp facebook page, 3:39?

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Who's the other kid - DWTS ???

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Levi's daughter, Breeze Baretta (you know, because it's cool to name kids after things that kill.)

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      10:14 Yea, troll, like the Sarah Palin gang doesn't believe in guns and killings. Remember Sarah's involvement w/the AZ shooting that killed and hospitalized people? She had a huge responsibility in that matter.

      And, Bristol is so much like her it isn't funny. Watch the Joan and Melissa Rivers show they have been rerunning of late. Shows Bristol for what she is NOT!!!

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    That's his little sister.

    You know, the one Bristol conveniently forgot about when she wrote that Tripp doesn't have any siblings at all, let alone any he loves. Bristol is an expert at alienation of affection. Levi should have primary custody. Bristol can't be trusted.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Barstool should be banned from ever allowing Tripp to appear on any TV show, political gathering or pro life advertising.

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      There are so many things that should be put in place when it comes to Levi's custody hearings as to Bristol and the Palin family. I'm sure he is being advised well in this matter as they know how evil and unlawful the Palin group can be!

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      You need to just stop and not talk about things you know nothing about. Levi isnt innocent. The cowans did him wrong.

      My question is, if he and Sadie are so close, why isn't he getting her psych help for her severe lying about herself and others

    4. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Watch out, 3:30, or Sadie and Sunny will call your mommy and daddy and tell them you're spending all your time on their computer again.

    5. Anonymous4:27 PM

      So, 3:30, you think it's ok that Bristol wrote on her blog that she can't wait until Tripp gets a sibling to love?

      Who do I think I'm talking to...of course you think it's ok.

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Also, no eyeglasses on Trig. What gives?

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I meant on Tripp, of course.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Tripp's standing on his own two feet! He's also carrying his little sister instead of being carried. Levi, continue to do right by your family! Peace and happiness to you all!

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      lol this is a weird and pointless comment. Tripp poses in identical ways with Trig, who is no different from Breeze (besides not being a biological sibling

    3. Anon 9:50, do you have that much hate and ignorance in you not to recognize they are both related? Your comment just oozes with irrational hatred that you must feel inside. If you call yourself a Christian, you're lying to yourself since its obvious you don't follow the word of Jesus, and have so little love in your heart for others.

      You must be a Palin, or one of Sarah's delusional cult members who has lost all sense of reality. Get a life!

    4. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Tri-g is Tripp's biological sibling, prove me wrong.

    5. Anonymous3:29 PM

      mbaker, WHAT are you talking about? Im pointing out that there's no difference between Trig and Breeze, minus how Trig isn't a sibling. To Tripp , they are half sibling and bff"sibling"

  10. What a couple of cuties! Tripp looks like he could be Sunny's! No wonder Beefy's mean fat ass tried to keep him away from his beautiful step mom! LOL!!

    1. When you look at Sunny's Facebook photos, there's a picture of Breeze where she looks EXACTLY like Tripp when he was a toddler. The Johnston looks are strong in Tripp's face (although, yes, he does have Bristol's/old Chuck's unfortunate chin).

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      You are a stalker.

      And Tripp is the spitting image of young Track

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Oh, boy... Now you are implying that Tripp is NOT Levis' son???

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      9:50 If you think Tripp and Track are the spitting image of each other - why don't you put up a photo of Track as a young child showing us? Track who wants zero attention paid to him concerning the Palins. Track the real son of Curt Menard (deceased) and not Todd!

    5. Anonymous11:23 AM

      9:50 AM Are you saying that Track is Tripp's Dad? Creepy Chuck must have passed on his Genes. Track is a Menard, FACT.

    6. Anonymous11:27 AM

      9:50 AM

      I missed those pictures of Tripp spitting image of Track.
      Link please. How is Track doing with rehab? That will be an inspiring story.

    7. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Track is Tripps uncle. It makes sense he shares physical traits with him .I look like my aunt.

    8. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Why are you slandering Track, a good man and father living rspectuflly

    9. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Track living respectfully? No man should be living in his Dads garage and call that respectable?? As for his child, he abandoned her.

  11. Anonymous7:45 AM

    And such a nice, natural smile. Curious. does he need glasses or not? very nice picture of brother and sister.

    1. I noticed that smile, too. For once in a Tripp picture, it looks genuine, not forced.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      lol, kids don't fake smiles. Tripp is a happy boy. Good mother. And he is adorable in karate.

    3. Yes, I had the same reaction- Tripp's smile looks relaxed. What a pair of cuties they are! They sure do look like siblings.

    4. Anonymous10:47 AM

      9:49 good mothers do not go bar hopping, then take a different guy home for a one-night stand 3 nights out of 5!! Where was Tripp while that activity was going on?

    5. Anonymous11:20 AM

      9:49 AM Karate students don't go out to get PEDICURES and Manicures.

    6. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Good mothers don't keep children from family and bio father. Good parents don't live a lie and commit fraud. Wife Swap isn't the worst of Bristol Palin. But it proves how she sucks with parenting. The re-runs have been on, some people really need to watch and have a reality check,

    7. Anonymous3:04 PM

      "Kids don't fake smiles."

      Proof positive you don't actually know any kids.

      "and he is adorable at karate"
      Creepy, creepy, creepy

    8. Anonymous3:25 PM

      lol Actually, it showed Tripp does listen (Willow said get down and he did.) It showed he enjoys things like cleaning when I can't get my 7 year old to clean her place at the dinner table or pick up her toys. It showed he knows polite words and uses them casually without prompting.

      It shows he flips the eff out when mommy leaves.

      YOU need perspective and to stop acting like a normal child never acts up

    9. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Good fathers don't let hateful liberals pen fictitious, manipulative books and call it truth. Good fathers CONFRONT their pathological sister when she obviously needs help.

    10. Anonymous4:18 PM

      You don't have a 7-year old 3:25, or any children.

    11. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Are you actually saying that Tripp is SEVEN years old?

  12. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Bristol has to lie about his 'other' siblings (besides Tripp). She's as stupid as her mother. It's just easier for her to deny them all.

  13. Anonymous7:51 AM

    So cute. He seems to photograph so much better and easily when w/his Dad, Levi. He seems to be more natural and comfortable. Can't say the same of the photos Bristol puts up of him. In those he always seems to fake his smiles.

    Glad he is back in Alaska w/his Dad and I sincerely hope the Court case goes in Levi's favor.

    And, Breeze is a beautiful baby!

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      You need a life and to stop the bullshit Anon

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      9:48 Do you know who "needs a life"? YOU DO.

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      9:48 Fuck you! It's so obvious the troll knows zero about what it/she/he speaks today.

    4. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Oh my, the Troll/Bristol is on one today. Truth has a way of getting to LIARS. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen, Troll. Your 'work' is going to be tenuous today.

    5. Anonymous11:19 AM

      9:48 AM You seem to be ready to fight someone. But we know that you are a Coward.

    6. Anonymous3:05 PM

      He's only happy with Bristol when he's shirtless and surrounded by tons of candy.

    7. Anonymous3:24 PM

      It's funny people ignore the fact that they need a life. What, will it cut into your hate writing time at IM?


  14. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Does Tripp get to see his other sister?

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      I need a scorecard; can't tell the Palin's without a scorecard. So who is the baby daddy of this kid ? And is he paying the same amount of support as Levi ?

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Well, technically Trig isn't a sibling but he is no different from Breeze.

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      DWTS? What about the Junker baby?

    4. Anonymous10:24 AM

      How do you all function in polite society? Your brains must be huge with all the sludge you carry

  15. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I notice they are in the popsicle aisle. Bristol told Melissa Rivers that she had bribe Tripp with popsicles to get him to mind her.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Grow up.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      "Grow up!" What an asinine statement! It's fact and was shown on the Joan Rivers show - Bristol said it herself and also said she couldn't handle him!

      She is a horrible mother to that kid. He should be given to Levi w/Bristol having visiting rights that are outlined by the law!

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Hit a nerve there 9:48?

    4. Anonymous12:30 PM

      That is troubling (in the popsicle aisle). I don't know if Levi or Sunny can stand to watch any of the shows where Bristol is shown being the worst mother. They may not know the significance of popsicles in Tripp's life. But that picture makes it look like Tripp is just doing the con job he'd learned from Bristol. Smile, hug cute baby and he knows he will get the fav popsicle bribe. Breeze isn't sharing the same feeling.

      Levi and Sunny could be suckered into believing it's just a cute kid, not some cynical trained robot kid who will do the go to pose for a reward.

    5. Anonymous3:22 PM

      You're all hypocrites and obviously don't have children. Im sorry you're all unhappy and feel need to be negative nancies but you really must stop. You make IM look bad, you make democrats look petty.

      "So sick of moms seeing something they don't like about what another mom or child is doing in a store or somewhere out in public and then immediately reporting to Facebook about how awful that mother/child is. GROW UP! You really think you can make a accurate judgment based on the 3 minute glimpse you saw into their life?! Worry about your own journey with your own children. You don't know that mother or child or their circumstances so just zip your lips and refrain from acting like you are so much better when in reality you need Facebook likes and comments to fulfill the feeling of self worth. We've all made mistakes as parents. I've been THAT mom who has the toddler melting down in the middle of Walmart. Or the 4 year old with the binky in her mouth who unbuckled and completely stripped down butt naked in the car while waiting in the drive trough of the bank. Am I a bad mom? Nope. Are my kids horrible? They sure aren't. So just stoooop!"

    6. Anonymous3:23 PM

      SPHASH, no offense but anything coming from you should be ignored. You casually write lies and filth just for attention

    7. Anonymous3:53 PM


      You posted this same comment last week. Grow the fuck up or stay off of Facebook if you don't like what people have to say about your parenting.

    8. Anonymous4:15 PM

      "no offense," 3:23? Really?

      You're just extra miffed because SPHASH won't let you comment on her blog anymore.

  16. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Shameful what this little boy has been through. Kids need constants in their lives, a constant home, constant contact with family( and yes, that means his Dad and sister). I hope Levi demands a CASA for Tripp in the court proceedings.
    Bristols casual flitting around the country to chase men does not give Tripp the home life he deserves. Sorry, but there was no need to leave Alaska to go to "skin" school, there were places right in Anchorage and since Bristol told us she drove there and back every day for years then going to school out of state is NOT something most family court judges would tolerate( I know this because I spent about 2 decades as a CASA in family court situations). And then to drag this poor boy away from his Dad?! More and more studies have shown the impact of the Dad on a childs life, especially male children.
    All that thrown away so Bristol could go whoring around and drinking in AZ, ugh, makes me sick to my stomach.
    Levi should be awarded primary custody for the sake of the child and then his mom Bristol can flit through between drinking and whoring trips.
    This child NEEDS stability and a constant schedule and constant contact with his Dad and sister. Obviously Bristol is not able to offer the most basic needs to him at all. And lets remember, he has very uninvolved Grandparents, you can't be that constant if you are flitting around whoring for dollars either.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      he has constant. He has school. He has activities. He has a home. He doesnt travel. You've got to stop. You dont know what you're talking about.

      Bristol doesn't flit around the country. OMG you're stupid.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      You need to stop. Bristol's never whored around. She's had a steady boyfriend, from a good, large family.

      She doesn't travel. AZ is a home. He is stable and happy. He is in activities he enjoys.

      Why are you being a tool for Gryphen, spreading lies?

    3. Cracklin Charlie9:53 AM

      She went to Arizona to deliver her latest child. Just like last time.

      Skin school? Maybe, maybe not.

    4. Anonymous10:04 AM

      What kind of 'DILL' did Penrose make with Sarah Palin? Her daughters could not make it through a School without cheating or help with testing.

    5. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Grow up Anon 10:04. You are making us look bad.

      And Bristol and Tripp have friends there.

    6. Anonymous10:50 AM

      My husband was in the US Air Force, and we NEVER moved around as much as Bristles does!! From Alaska, to Arizona, to California. She is like a fart caught in a whirlwind.

    7. Anonymous10:54 AM

      9:47 : she got a steady boyfriend, but still has the 'need' to supplement him on three out of five days with complete strangers picked up at a bar... 'Good mother' MY A$$!!!

    8. Anonymous11:11 AM

      9:47 The TRUTH really gets to you, Troll. 'Seriously stop' masquerading as a Palin, you are a Psycho. Why don't you use all of the fake names that you use over at Malia's Blog, Jess,Serously stop, nocomprends, disappointed, and other juvenile names with the same stupid diatribe? You aren't fooling anyone, You are the Obsessed Dildo using Palin Troll. Get a life, stop slandering, Liars, You don't know them, are just a few of your sick chronically used phrases. Take a loooong break and go relieve your Constipation, it has backed up into your drug addled brain. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    9. Anonymous11:13 AM

      So Joey Junker is in activities he enjoys, like recuperating from a broken foot? How old is Bristol's new bastard?

    10. Anonymous11:40 AM

      If the alleged 'steady boyfriend' is Junker he has been nursing his foot. They may as well live on 2 different planets except for performances that Todd sets up. The trolls only deliver paid propaganda. Bristol as a 'good mother' is a major clue the propaganda is getting thick.

    11. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Why do you all enjoy hurting people, especially innocents who don't do the drama thing?

      It's sad of you

    12. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Gryphen is the biggest propaganda machine

    13. Anonymous3:19 PM

      It's sad that people would rather lie and write hateful things than just shut up and live their lives (lives which much be bad)

      I feel for you all and the choices you make when you comment

    14. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Bar? What are you talking about? Stop the weird meds

    15. Anonymous4:39 PM

      I believe 10:54 is referring to this:

  17. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Beautiful children!

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Gah, Tripp is the spitting image of Track.

      There's an identical pic of him and Kyla

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      10:00 AM Are you trying to say that Curt Menard Jr. is Tripp's Grandfather? Kyla should look like Tripp, Kyla is the DWTS Baby. You, Bristol are a Joke.

    3. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Of course, there will be no verification of the claims from stuck on 'spitting image'. There are many spitting images of Track and the Menards.

      Zero of Tripp doppelganger of Track. Zero to show or prove that Tripp is a Menard. Perhaps 10:00 AM thinks Track is Tripp's father.

    4. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Whoa, does our favorite little troll have time on its hands or what. (Spitting image of Track my eye!)
      Guess that's what happens when you finally share custody like you're supposed.

    5. Anonymous12:34 PM

      (However the kids are indeed adorable, and yes, it is great to see how relaxed Tripp looks when he spends time with a loving family)

    6. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Track looks just like his grandmother, Linda Menard.

    7. Anonymous3:16 PM

      The people here writing hate and lies are jokes. Everyone

    8. Anonymous3:17 PM

      True, Tripp is always happy. He's grown up amongst loving people

    9. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Yes, Tripp looks like Track. Same hair and face

    10. Anonymous3:51 PM

      My niece attended Wasilla High and the rumor was circulating during Bristol's 5-month "mono" that the baby she was carrying (probably Trig) was Track's kid as there were rumors of he and Bristol fooling around

    11. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Loving people he loving refers to as "faggots," you mean.

    12. Anonymous5:46 PM

      3:06 PM I agree. They look so much alike. A loving family has nothing to hide. Love doesn't lie and it is not blind.


      With love, l

    13. Anonymous6:02 PM

      3:06 here and that's a great side-by-side comparison of Track and Linda Menard. Everyone should go and check it out. A picture (in in this case, two pictures) is worth a thousand words.

      People point out the similarities between Track and Curtis Jr, but I've always said Track takes after Linda the most.

    14. Anonymous6:36 PM

      3:51 PM

      The troll is probably reacting to that. At least, they are making the rumor seem a fact. Why else such nutty responses?

  18. Anonymous9:45 AM

    You've got to stop manipulating. He isn't DRAGGED around. He was home, in school, in activities.

    Grow up Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Tripp is older than you Palins are saying . Tripp was born way before December, 2008. Bristol was not even pregnant at the 2008 RNC, and those Arizona Airport photos with Levi prove it. Bristol was nursing.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      10:58 what Arizona Airport photos? Please share.

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      When Levi and arrived in Arizona in 2008, the photos show Bristol with her coat flying open and a flat stomach. Levi was walking with her wearing a suit. Google is your friend.

    4. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Those photos were from Dayton Ohio where McCain introduced the Palin family at Wright State University, not Arizona.

  19. I had the same reaction - Tripp's smile seems relaxed and real. They are a pair of cuties!

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      He's always happy. That has been evident since the beginning. Hes loved babies since he was born practically.

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      You are one sick individual, 10:23.

      But I bet if you wish very, very hard, and you post over and over again, maybe (just maybe) Bristol will call you as a character witness for the upcoming custody hearing. Please wait by the phone for that call. And make sure you have all your links and saved photos and spread sheets ready to bring to Alaska for your day in the Palin sun.

  20. Does this have something to do with the custody lawsuit?

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      No, it was never a secret when Bristol wold return to her other home. She wasn't gone for weird reasons. She chose a good school and one where she has friends and Tripp has acitivites and friends as well.

      Keep in mind that thousands of kids only see one parents a few times a year.

      People need to chill. No one's unhappy here.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      It's better to hear that Tripp is back because of the custody lawsuit. I was worried that Barstool and Toad had it set up for Tripp to be on Slednecks with Joey Junker.

    3. Anonymous1:03 PM

      10:23 AM HA! It was Levi that Bristol shit upon. Levi wouldn't always know what was up with his son, he was tricked and played with. Tripp was to have stability and a regular schedule, it is clear what Bristol did wasn't close to that. Something Palinbots know nothing about.

    4. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Bristol took Tripp away from his father without his father's permission. Bristol will finally be told "no" by a judge and she will be lucky is she gets unsupervised visits.

    5. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Levi is a liar by words thanks to malicious democrats. You can't deny that now.

      Anonymous 1:03, you know nothing.

    6. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Hilariously desperate, 3:15 PM. Thanks for revealing how lost and down you are.

    7. Anonymous6:03 PM

      "Keep in mind that thousands of kids only see one parents a few times a year."

      You're a heartless asshole, just like Bristol.

  21. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Home with a new karate belt. Presh. Such a good kid. brava momma.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Yes, Bristles IS brave. Most women her age would never be "brave" enough to go on DWTS with a growing pregnancy belly, and deny she is pregnant. Or have so many trial husbands parading in and out of her home. Wait, I think there is a most descriptive word for that than "brave" is it "brazen"?

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Taking you're kid to Karate isn't really a great feat of parenting. Millions of parents take their kids to sports activities, including Karate everyday. It doesn't mean she deserves kudos. I wonder how many times the nanny took him to Karate.

    3. Anonymous12:41 PM

      You know Bristol. She wakes up at 4 am to take Tripp to Karate lessons in Az while she drives to her skin job in Anchorage. Back to part time school in Az and pick up Tripp. The picture of frontier woman and mother of the year for Sarah Palin's publicity moosecrap.

    4. Anonymous3:07 PM

      What the fuck is that?

  22. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Funny that Gryphen indirectly admits he's a stalker. #creepy #middleagedman #propagandablog #denial

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      10:05 coming a Palin panty sniffer, I have a lot more respect for Gryphen than I will ever have for your fake titted idiot that you worship.

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Said by the troll who stalks the Palin's Facebook pages and then tells all their business on this anti-Aging blog. Do you think the Palin's appreciate you telling all their business? #potcallingthekettleblack #takesonetoknowone #stalkermuch #projection #getalife #ursooooooomature #bristolpantysniffer

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Are you the one who put up that creepy Tripp facebook page that mysteriously disappeared?

      Is it true you are a 30-year-old unemployed actress/stage manager/lighting director/whatever living with her parents after not making it in the big apple who stalks Sunny and Sadie and little Breeze along with the Palins?

      You are in need of an intervention. How long before this compulsive behavior lands you in a lot of trouble?

    4. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Anon 11:39, do mature people spread lies about strangers like you do?

      You are a giant hypocrite

    5. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Poor, poor 3:13, getting older every day and no hopes of having any kind of fulfilling life outside of the Palin fairy tale in which she has inserted herself.

  23. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I think my favorite is Tripp saying, "Papa needs to fix my sled. The clutch broke." Smart kid. His bond with Papa and Nana is amazing.

  24. Anonymous10:09 AM

    That's his goto pose when he holds babies. Remember him holding his cousin, a month younger than Breeze?

    Sweet boy. Raised well.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      10:09 These children of Bristle's are going to be completely f'd up when they finally realise how they have been lied to. Their "cousins" are really brothers and sisters, their birthdays are different dates than they were told, even different years. When these Bristol kids are teens, the you know what will hit the fan, big time. If I lived in Wasilla, I would want DNA tests done on all the kids, who knows who are siblings, half siblings?

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      go to pose? Tripp has been bribed and trained to put on acts. That is the go to pose. Bristol is trying to manipulate peopleso they won't get it that he is like a trained circus animal since she has been so insistent to raise him with the cultists. Read about 'The Children of God' and you will see Tripp is identical to children raised in that fashion. Also the con artists and charlatans that try to clean up any bad press or what not. They are paid to spew the public relation lies.

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM
      "These children of Bristle's are going to be completely f'd up when they finally realise how they have been lied to."

      Yeah....I hear ya....Beefy and all her "chilluns" reminds me of that book "Flowers in the Attic"! How many kids are hidden at the Hillbilly Compound?





      Beefy was probably forced to send Tripp back to Levi so he wouldn't reveal how many babies have fallen out of that tramps overused coochie in the last couple of years.

      I'm sure Levi hasn't forgotten how he was brought in AGAIN to cover for Beefy's pregnancy with Ben's baby....amirite RAM or amirite?

      And know I'm right because your email exchange with that crazy ass Tokie said so!


    4. Anonymous3:13 PM

      You all need severe help, in the forensics dept

  25. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The difference between a stepfather and stepmother is stepfathers aren't drama queens and are respectful.

    1. For god's sake, put down the bottle.

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Levi and his wife have been far more 'respectful' than I would ever have been w/the Palin klan! They know zero about parenting - absolutely zero. Look at how their kids have turned out! Not good!!!

    3. Anonymous11:28 AM

      What are you saying 10:09, that Butthole and Junky got married?

    4. Anonymous11:41 AM

      0h, Bristol's finally married now? Thanks for spilling the beans troll.

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      You are fucking crazy and so far from reality it's frightening.

    6. Anonymous3:12 PM

      lol Anon 11:06. You don't follow instagram.
      Nor do you follow Levi's lies

  26. Anonymous10:21 AM

    You have to remember he's always had a full life. With activities and sports and playdates. For a mother who was never close to her ex's family, it can be weird to think in co parenting terms. Especially when the father ran around laughing with people who used him(ex) to hate on her family and others (cowans ) who used him to spread pretty bad lies.

    Sarah was right. Scapegoating did bring Levi money. It also made him lose himself and lose the little trust Sarah and Todd had for him.

    Sunny once said that the Levi she met and the Levi their friends describe to her from the past are two different people. Bristol's levi is far different from Sunnys. High school girls date bad boys. That wont change with time.

    Levi showed his youthful age when he scapegoated people instead of took responsibility for his past relationship ending. I know he is all about appearances, but I hope he's honest inside. That he's sorry he ever treated girls badly, talked shit back then in school and after, lied.

    A person's past means nothing to anyone but the person who directly lived it. It serves as a compass for decisionmaking.

    Bristol's only truly bad relationship was with Levi. That's evident. Hes the only one she didn't remain friends with after (I wont include Gino because he is friendly with Willow still)

    Bristol took responsibility for why she chose to date people she shouldnt have. She turned her back on her tight family for superficial reasons.

    Levi probably needs more time to realize how democrats how used him selfishly.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Get a shrink!

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      10:21 Don't believe you - someone wrote this obviously on the side of the Palins OR it was actually written by a Palin/Heath family member.

      Remember Palins/Heaths - Levi and his family are liked and supported much better than your clan. You folks have already shown throughout the years how truly evil and ugly you are!! And, parenting is not your best skill -proven by the Heaths, to Todd and Sarah and now to Bristol.

      Good luck Levi and family!!! Your son needs you on a permanent basis.

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      You need help Anon 11:05

      You pretend like you know people you've never met. It's sad.

    4. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Thank you

    5. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Bristol, herself, says she's a shitty mom with an out-of-control son. Do you think Levi's attorneys will make sure the judge see those admissions along with Tripp calling his aunt a Faggot, Bristol telling Tripp she'll get him a "better daddy," Bristol lying to Tripp that Levi would be at his birthday party, etc.?

      She is so dumb and so removed from reality, I question whether she is actually capable of raising a child. I think the judge will wonder the same thing.

  27. Anonymous10:44 AM

    BOY, every second comment comes from the troll here. PALIN ALERT!!!

  28. Anonymous10:54 AM

    10:04 AM/10:05/10:06/10:09X2 Bullshit, don't try to candy coat Bristol's lack of parenting. Why not mention Tripp's half naked photo with pounds of candy? You are full of shit. Bristol has to pay Tripp to act nice. Tripp has met how many Trial Daddies? How many SIBLINGS does Tripp have now, 3? Bristol is a Fucking Machine with no regards for contraception. No Palin Family member is respectful. Now go spread your legs, Bristol, you Jealous Hussy.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      You just made yourself sound mental. She's had TWO boyfriends besides Levi, both called by their first names. GET A LIFE, says every sane person. You have a sickness like Gryphen.

      What, no comment on Levi's sister saying she dated Zac Efron?

    2. Anonymous4:37 PM


      I guess you're not counting all of the casual hookups last August as boyfriends? You know, the ones that landed her on the pages of CDAN's blind items?

  29. Anonymous11:06 AM

    The person who is obsessively writing here (troll?) is obviously severely mentally ill. Her need to talk about and try to convince others that a Tripp is normal and happy and Bristol is a good mother is extreme. Whatever her motivation is, it's better fo us to ignore her. She is sick and needs a psychiatrist. And what is most ironic is that her inane obsessive posting only helps Levi.
    But she is too dense and ill to see that. Pathetic!

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Because those comments are sane and not derived from ignorant hate? I feel for you

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Levi said HIMSELF, "Tripp is a normal, happy child."
      He also said, "his parents are equal and both deserve time with Tripp."

      You are deluded and need help Anon. You know none of these people.

  30. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Geez, Gryphen, you sure did put a twist in the Palin worshipers drawers!

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      We have morals, You all are hateful nasties that come here to write lies and ignorant things.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      There's no "we,: 3:07. It's all you, a pathetic woman who longs to sit at the popular table with the Palins.

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM


      "hateful nasties"

      That would be a great name for a band!


  31. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Glad to see these children having time together. Children deserve to know they are wanted and loved by all those people who do. When one parent takes the child out of state for months at a time and relocates buying a house in different states and does a reality show telling that she and a younger sister do not want to discipline or teach the child social skills the situation is concerning. Activities are irrelevant when the mother giggles, disregards her parent's advice that she parent the child declaring discipline, teaching self discipline, limits and consequences are not what she wants to do! Bristol was clear she wants to being irresponsible in many areas. When she told Todd she doesn't want to be the bad parent (translation healthy parent, healthy adult) just the good one that spoke volumes she is dysfunctional and needs counseling to correct her pitiful ignorance and adopt functional beliefs.

    Honestly, I despised Bristol from the episodes she did calling temporary boyfriends daddy's" and abusing her son calling his biological father Levi. Her abusive names to stick a knife in Levi's wife was appalling too. The way she spoke to her boyfriend of the time contributed to revealing her true self.

    These trolls would spin an ax murderer as a saint!

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      you make no sense and know nothing. Get a life, Says every sane person in the world

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      She calls no one else daddy. holy geez. Get A LIFE Levi is a documented liar now.

      EVERY Anon asshole needs to stop thinking they know these people.

      Damn, youre all stupid

    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      "EVERY Anon asshole needs to stop thinking they know these people.

      Damn, youre all stupid"

      ... Says the anon asshole of 3:07pm....


  32. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Can't stand sarah palin but why do you care about custody of her grandson? Who cares

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Gryphen has no life and lives for propaganda.

  33. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I don't like any palin but really who cares about levi johnston he had his 15 minutes and went away now only if sarah would do the same.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Sarah is in control and it is her lawyer working for her that has to do with the custody. Bristol, her name is used, but she is an empty, empty, empty suit. It is Sarah. Sarah and Levi dealing with the custody. You have to say it is Bristol because it is her name and vajayjay that is used.

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Levi via Tank used Sarah as a scapegoat for money, Levi via Cowans penned huge lies on every page.

      YOU need to get a life and not comment on things you cannot see objectively

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Attorney Thomas Van Flein was Sarah Palin's lawyer and also Bristol's lawyer. Next Attorney John J. Tiemessen is Sarah Palin's lawyer and also Bristol's lawyer. It is an obvious fact that Bristol Palin has never had any independence when it comes to legal matters.

      A good loving mother would hire a lawyer experienced with family law and child custody. That would be the best interest of the child. A crippled girl/child would cling tragically to Mama's teat. That isn't rocket science and it is clear for all to see. Anyone who wants to manipulate and lie about facts can waste time doing what is useless. It is obvious you cannot see objectively.

      Tank and Levi have nothing to do with Bristol being a big fat nothing for her child when it comes to the law. They do not cause Bristol to allow an evil greedy person, like Sarah, to try and save her status by having John J Tiemessen give Bristol bad advice when it comes to Tripp's situation.

      "Mr. Tiemessen is a trial lawyer with an emphasis on the defense of professional malpractice and occupational licensing cases. He has successfully tried more than a dozen complex civil jury trials, including matters involving wrongful death and catastrophic injuries with claims in excess of $1 million."

      Tiemessen is a political hack. It only proves how callous and uncaring the Palin's are when it comes to Tripp.

      Tripp is merely a political problem for the Palins. Nothing about the Palins or Tripp's custody is about the best interest of a child.

  34. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I hope there is a custody hearing and Bristol's reality shows tapes speak volumes about her ...are a noose around her neck!

    Expect her to lie blaming "scripts". I hope there are also copies of her blog too.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      lol You need a life and perspective. Levi is a liar by words.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      It doesn't matter if there were "scripts" or not, because she involved her young son in the shows.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      "Levi is a liar by words."

  35. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Isn't Bristol the one that was calling her son by HER last name of Palin vs his father's name? Levi - your lawyer needs to know that too! It can be verified!

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Names don't matter. You can't erase either. You're biased.

      STRANGERS need to butt out. They will never see objectively, nor know truth

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Alienation of affection.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      The judge won't butt out, no matter how much Bristol refuses to comply.

  36. Anonymous12:25 PM

    What adorable children, they look so much alike. Trip needs to be a part of his fathers life, no matter what his mothers personal feelings about him are.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Once enough time has past, they will both apologize and realize things neither can see. Levi needs to see how democrats used him mercilessly and turned him into a liar. Though the boy proved himself he has a BAD nd selective memory.

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Equality is what matters. Levi and Bristol are equal parents, said Levi's words.

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      "said Levi's words."

    4. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Levi is the good guy in this matter...many of us know him well and he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. However, Bristol Palin assuredly does and has proven it numerous times throughout the recent years.

      This custody issue is different this time in that Levi is no longer playing the Palin games. Good for him! He knows he has a lot of support from many Alaskans as well as nationally.

    5. Anonymous6:27 PM

      3:02 PM

      Levi was used by Republicans. It is all over the internet, if you can see. He never went with Democrats. Kathy Griffin was a comedy routine. Repubs and Dems do skits and shows together all the time. It doesn't mean one is using more than the other. Who needs to grow up and get a grip on the media world?

      Levi has apologized and taken back lies. Bristol doesn't do sincere apology and she is attached to her lies as much as she is to her mother controlling her life. Just because she has fooled a few "fan" means nothing. That's what charlatans do. Trick the gullible. SEND MONEY, remember? Send poor SarahPac money. That is the bottom line with all Palin crap.

  37. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Gryphen, I really hope Levi is prepared to really fight for his son this time around and that his lawyers have collected all the video and written evidence of her ineptitude and cruelty to present to the judge.

    I'd hate to see him let Bristol manipulate him once again. He needs to realize she is beyond his sympathy at this point.

    Please let him know so many of us are rooting for him and for Tripp.

    (And, I'll admit that I'm also being selfish about this because maybe, when he has a legal custody arrangement and the Palins can't hold visitation over his head any more, he'll be more likely to drop some more nuggets about Bristol and her sick family).

  38. The troll flitting around this post squawking and whining is seriously, droolingly delusional if it thinks the judge is going to make a custody decision by reading comments on a blog post to determine the facts of the case

    Also, it is a stupid, illiterate, and if not a Palin, mentally ill troll to boot.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      It must have Heath/Palin DNA. Who else cares to prove they are that stupid?

  39. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Best. Thread.Ever. This troll is insane! And helps both LJ & Gryph with every insane post! Troll, go read the book 'Google Bomb' to learn how much you're a wrecking ball to Bristle's cause by posting with a traceable IP all over this blog & others.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.