Saturday, April 26, 2014

Louisiana Senate Education Committee upholds law allowing science teachers to bring in creationist materials to teach in their classrooms.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Yesterday, the Louisiana Senate Education Committee upheld a controversial law that allows science teachers to bring “supplemental science education materials” into the classroom. 

The Committee voted 3-1 to uphold the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA) — which critics contend allows teachers to introduce creationist literature into science classrooms — on the grounds that no proof that teachers were importing religious-oriented material into the public school could be found. 

Critics of the law, including Dr. Jim Dugan, claimed at the hearing that LSEA is a ruse designed to allow for the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public schools under the aegis of “critical thinking.” 

“I think it’s obvious to any thoughtful person that the poorly written and deceptively named ‘Louisiana Science Education Act’ is a crude attempt to provide legal cover for the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public schools,” he said. 

“The bill exclusive targets — and I’m quoting from the bill here — ‘evolution,’ ‘the origins of life,’ ‘global warming,’ and ‘human cloning.’ These are not topics,” he continued, “thought to be problematic by scientists, or science educators, but [are] wedge issues frequently used by Christian fundamentalists to attempt theocratic control over public school curriculum.” 

As I said yesterday education in this country is under attack, and  the ONLY way to stop it is to start electing Democrats and clean out the anti-science, anti-education, Republican scumbags who are trying to destroy public education in this country.

With Bobby Jindal in charge of the state the children of Louisiana simply do not stand a chance.


  1. As a resident of Oregon, I can only pray that this state continues to be dominated by a progressive electorate that's not ruled by evangelical fundamentalist obedient mindlessness, like in certain neighboring states. That includes not being ruled by fear.

  2. lostinmn9:18 AM

    Given the competition for good jobs in this country there's a part of me that's all for this crap. By the time these state's are dumbing down their people they'll fall out of the running for jobs and help create and even larger underclass of serfs and peasants. The hell with these people. At some point they'll rise up and revolt or they'll simply cling to their guns and bibles and keep making dumb babies. I feel for the kids but if these people in the these states want ignorance I'm more than willing to accommodate them

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      I agree with you up to a point. Even when they are dumbed down, they still get to vote. That's why so many RWNJ members of the GOP get elected to office.

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    The general corruption and mismanagement in CT seems like heaven compared to much of the rest of the country. You can keep your warm weather (and tornados) I'll put up with the occasional nor'easter, the price of living in our deep blue state.

    And just how does Bobby expect to attract high tech industries with an uneducated workforce whose members have never learned critical thinking skills- or modern science facts?

  4. No respectable science teacher would teach creationism.

    If all this law says is they can bring in supplemental materials, then that allows science teachers the freedom to teach science without being handcuffs by the amateurs passing the laws.

    The article did say no science teacher has been documented as teaching creationism.

    As a librarian familiar with the common core and curriculums for K-12 and having taught in self-contained classrooms I would never tolerate being forbidden to bring in supplemental materials. I spent a lot of my discretionary income purchasing supplemental materials to use in my classroom. None of it was creationist or religious.

    We really need to respect our teachers as professionals and trust them to be able to teach what is necessary in a way that students can access. Teachers are the best ones to judge and choose best practices for their students.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      "No respectable science teacher would teach creationism. "

      And right there is the problem. There are far too many teachers, administrators and school boards in extremely conservative states who are more loyal to their religious affiliations than to the proper education of their students.

      The district in Mustang, OK has voted to adopt a bible course developed by Steve Green, the president of Hobby Lobby. He certainly doesn't have any education credentials, and the Hobby Lobby case currently being decided in the Supreme Court clearly demonstrates that he intends to force others to follow the practices of his personal religion.

      I have worked for 15 years in a public school in various capacities, including teacher, and I have tremendous respect for the profession. However, I also see the lengths that the religious extremists are going to in order to take over our school systems...and it truly frightens me.

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    It's sad gryphen still uses kids to write hateful things and spread propaganda and lies.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Fuck You, Bible thumping Tea Bagger

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      It's sad that you don't know better and that Gryphen runs circles around your sorry ass.

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Hey asshole, theres a job opening for you, check it out!

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    WTH - let's just add all the fairy tales to Science class. We can start with Rumplestiltskin and King Midas so we can learn to make gold... Rapunzel is good too. Women should be locked in towers until their hair is 500 feet long. BTW...that IS sarcasm for the idjits that don't get it. I'm talking to you, Silly Sarah and your begets.

  7. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Funny that Gryphen indirectly admits he's a stalker

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Whatever.... but it's better than being a Palin panty sniffer

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I think you're in the wrong place on the wrong thread, please retreat to your hidey hole and fuck off.

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      You don't know the meaning of the following words:


  8. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Holy shit this guy is a turd. His girlfriend sounds relatively normal, thought she IS with him. What a POS he is, entitled old white asshole!

    Clippers Owner Donald Sterling to GF -- Don't Bring Black People to My Games ... Including Magic Johnson

  9. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Biblical beliefs are NOT science and Never will be!

  10. Anonymous10:36 AM

    9:54, 10:04 : someone pissed into your cereal this morning? You are on the wrong blog, TROLL!

  11. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Okay, now pay attention this time.

    The Bible is NOT A SCIENCE TEXTBOOK ! ! !

  12. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Southern Whites’ Loyalty to G.O.P. Nearing That of Blacks to Democrats

    Two centuries later, Southern politics are deeply polarized along racial lines. It is no exaggeration to suggest that in these states the Democrats have become the party of African Americans and that the Republicans are the party of whites.

    ...So, are Southern Whites' loyalty to G.O.P. nearing that of Blacks to Democrats, as Mr. Cohn's headline boldly proclaims? To assess this claim, to understand how Virginia turned purple, and to assess how Georgia may soon follow suit, I plot the 2008 % Obama vote (computed for Obama and McCain vote shares only, a.k.a. the "two party vote") against the 2010 Census % Black voting-age population in all precincts in Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia. (I analyze 2008 data that I created for these states for redistricting purposes.)

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    They need an exorcism at the Governor's Mansion.......

  14. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Louisiana has the second worst schools in the country (the only state worst is Mississippi). You'd think they'd want to do better, not sink to the bottom once and for all.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Hey, they have something to work towards -

      "We're Number One!"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.