Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mike Huckabee says he is not a homophobe, he's just on the "right side of the Bible." There's a difference?

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

“Look, I’m not against anybody,” Huckabee continued. “I’m really not. I’m not a hater. I’m not homophobic. I honestly don’t care what people do personally in their individual lives.” 

“When people say, ‘Why don’t you just kind of get on the right side of history?’ I say, ‘You’ve got to understand, this for me is not about the right side or the wrong side of history, this is the right side of the Bible, and unless God rewrites it, edits it, sends it down with his signature on it, it’s not my book to change,’” Huckabee said.

Why is it that these self proclaimed Christians have so little understanding of exactly how the Bible came into existence? Or how many times it has been translated and reinterpreted since?

Besides since Huckabee is not advocating the stoning of adulterers (Leviticus 20:10), or bitching about people wearing two different cloths (Leviticus 19:19), or killing people who work on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14-15) he is clearly using the Bible to reinforce his own anti-gay agenda.

 However it does help to illustrate the point that if there were no religion there might in fact be no, or at least far less, homophobia in the world.


  1. Somebody should point out to Mike that God didn't write the Bible, men wrote it.

  2. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Huckabee has a new band called Cherry Picking Bible Thumpers.

  3. LisaB25954:25 AM

    The more important point is that civil law cannot be based on a religious belief. You think homosexuality is a sin? Fine, don't be a homosexual.

    But you don't get to cite a religious book as a reason for discrimination.

    1. Leland5:26 AM

      "But you don't get to cite a religious book as a reason for discrimination."

      THEY don't believe that!

  4. Anonymous4:47 AM

    the bible was also used to justify slavery and polygamy.

    1. Leland5:27 AM

      What was the exception? Oh yeah. As long as the people weren't to the north of them, I think is the way it read.

  5. Anonymous4:50 AM

    it’s not my book to change…

    excuse me, but wasn't there a movement to take out all the references to helping the poor to fit the GOP's political agenda of lowering taxes for the rich

  6. Balzafiar5:06 AM

    "...if there were no religion there might in fact be no, or at least far less, homophobia in the world. "

    You could reword your last sentence slightly so that it covers just about everything:
    "...if there were no religion there might in fact be no, or at least far less, ignorance and hate in the world."

  7. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Sweep first before your own door, before you sweep the doorsteps of your neighbors. - Swedish Proverb

  8. Anonymous5:42 AM

    God didn't write it....dumbass.

    Men wrote it hundreds of years after things supposedly happened.


    1. LisaB25956:17 AM

      You do realize you lose all right to any high ground when you decide to call Huckabee a "homo" as if it were an insult?

    2. Anonymous6:28 AM

      To WOULD BE an insult, that's why I said it..

    3. LisaB25956:53 AM

      So, you're going to undermine your own beliefs by using "homo" as an epithet because it's worth risking the reinforcement of that word as an epithet because you can't be bothered to think of anything else?

      Words matter. They just do.

    4. Anonymous7:00 AM

      So what made you choose me to argue with with all of the other nasty comments here?

      So it's ok to insult me? Whatever.....

    5. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Web definitions
      prejudiced against homosexual people

      It IS a real word, and he IS a real homophobic.

      Get over it.

    6. Leland10:38 AM

      @ 5:42

      Sorry, but I have to agree with Lisa on this. The word homo - used as a single syllable word- was always used as a slap against gay people for BEING homosexual. Get over it yourself. There is a major difference between HOMO and HOMOSEXUAL!

      "Homo" is a word used instead of "queer" (Gawd, I hate that word in that context.) and "Homosexual" is a description of a person's sexual preference.

      Had you SAID homophobic in your comment originally, Lisa probably would have taken it as such.

    7. Leland11:41 AM

      Sorry, but I think I need to clarify something. In my first paragraph above, I said difference between HOMO and HOMOSEXUAL.

  9. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Smug, self-righteous, small-minded fool. What did Jesus* ever have to say about gays?

    Not one damn thing.

    *Not that I believe in Jesus, I don't believe he ever even existed, because there is zero evidence for it -- aside from the New Testament, written many years later by non-eye-witnesses -- that he did, but Huckabee sure claims to.

    BTW, Mike, think you can give Sarah some dieting tips?

  10. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Was God's signature on the first one? LOL

    What a freak.

  11. Anonymous6:39 AM

    He can tell everyone how to live but can't tell himself what not to eat. Hope he saved his fat pants.

  12. When someone has an anti-gay agenda, I always wonder why-- hmmm......?

    Actually, when someone has any highly judgmental agenda,
    I always wonder why. Maybe they have a shortage of mirrors at home.

  13. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Gee...I wasn't aware there was a wrong side of the Bible...


    1. Leland10:44 AM

      Just goes to show you that he accepts the genocide, the baby killing, the incestuous acts between father and daughters, the slavery of others, the murder of children for "disrespecting" their parents, the mental anguish caused by his so-called god in ordering a father to murder - oops, excuse me, sacrifice - of his own son by his own hand, etc., etc., .... And all of that is "the right side of the bible".

      Su-u-u-u-re it is.

      I've said it before and I'll say it again. If god had ever existed he should have been brought up on charges of child abuse. But this asshole won't ever see all the bad stuff. Pick and choose time!

  14. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Here are a couple relevant articles that shed light on this contentious subject --

  15. Boscoe8:41 AM

    HAHahahaha! you nailed it, Gryph! These asshats try to hide behind a book: "It's not MY fault I'm repressing the rights of homosexuals, I'm just following what the Byebul says!"


  16. Anita Winecooler4:04 PM

    Poor Not a hater Mike Huckabee has his facts wrong, bless his Victoria's Secret silk panties. His "God" supposedly doesn't make mistakes, and homosexuals are living proof.

  17. Anonymous5:40 PM

    No, he's not homophobic. A phobia is a fear of something. He's got hate. That makes him an asshole. Which we all knew previously.


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