Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Right Wing misunderstands a statement by Attorney General Eric Holder and goes on the attack. When there is an anti-Obama administration dog pile, how could Sarah Palin resist throwing her bony body onto the top?

Here is the full post from Harlot Cheston's Facebook page:

Attorney General Eric Holder thinks government should force gun owners to wear special “identifying” bracelets? 

Hey Eric, these are my identifying bracelets: 
One honors our military; 
One honors independent Americans who have a healthy distrust of Washington's permanent political class and who will fight against elitists hell-bent on fundamentally transforming the USA; 
And one celebrates the year 1791 – that glorious year our Bill of Rights came to be, with the cross and bones symbol representing our Founders’ "Death to Tyranny" commitment, and on each side you'll see symbols of my faith. Complete with Swarovski crystals, I might add. 

Eric, you can replace my identifying bracelets with your government marker when you pry them off my cold, dead wrists. 

And, Eric, "You don't want to go there, buddy." 

- Sarah Palin

First off let me say that I think those "cold, dead wrists" are part of the reason that the Toad doesn't let her near his two tone tiny feller anymore.

Second Eric Holder NEVER said that gun owners should wear "identifying bracelets."

What he said, as explained in this article is the following: 

Only Holder never spoke about any "gun tracking bracelets." Instead, he talked about ideas for gun safety technology including finger print identification and a bracelet that "talks to" a gun, to allow use only by the lawful owner. 

In other words he was exploring various options for how to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, part of which was to render the weapon inoperable if it was not in the possession of its rightful owner.

Many fatal shootings occur when a gun is picked up by a child, or stolen from a home, or wrested away from its owner during a violent confrontation.

Technology like a bracelet that must be worn to activate the firing mechanism, or fingerprint recognition software, would dramatically alleviate that problem.

It is an intelligent solution to a difficult problem.

Of course the still existing problem is that it requires intelligence to understand it.

P.S. That last little dig in her diatribe, is from this confrontation between Eric Holder and batshit crazy Louis Gohmert.

In Gohmert's defense it really IS frustrating when people cast aspersions on my asparagus as well.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    sarah, you silly assclown you're not on Eric Holder's radar.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Oh, but if only she was! What interesting things he might find..............

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Actually I hope SHE and the PIMP ARE on his radar...!!!!
      Orange Jumpsuit wise....

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Palin is an ultra maroon. Shortened, an UM. I love that Gryphen called her post a "diatribe". Lovely word.
    Palin uses other peoples' power to represent her own, and the lapdogs pretend she's the bee's knees, and the media allows her to seem credible, and we all rant about it. I can't help but laugh at her.
    I don't want her to sicken or die, as some have posted here. That would be too easy. Just cuz she seems "sassy" doesn't mean she is "sassy". She's an idiot, and an UM.
    and she can keep her bracelets on her cold dead wrists. Nobody else wants them.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      can you imagine how they smell? Ewwwwww!

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      I on the other hand would like her to sicken and die, w/ or without those stinkin' bracelets.

    3. Anonymous11:43 AM


      roger that - only that she be behind bars at the same time ..

  3. There’s got to be a way to work asparagus pee into this. What buffoonery, it’s better than a circus.

    1. fromthediagonal7:13 AM

      Hey Darlene, the aspersions cast on Gohmert's asparagus sent me thinking that he may have been referring to his li'l pee pee... OK, I'll make an effort to crawl up to the curb now!

  4. Anonymous6:57 AM

    And, Eric, "You don't want to go there, buddy."
    O.M.G. She is such an arrogant, loathesome, ignorant POS. Who, with any gravitas, talks like that? She catches one word from Mr. Holder's comment and starts bragging about her ugly jewelry, totally missing the point.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      She added the word "buddy" to the phrase, which Mr. Holder did not. Watch the video. He did not use the word "buddy" to Gohmert.
      So Palin is the one who added the extra snarky scorn to it. Now watch how the P-ers swear that it was Mr. Holder that said it.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Holder does say "buddy." Listen to him say it before the camera cuts to him. I was a little surprised by the language but it's about time the Dems stand up to this crap.

    3. Anonymous11:50 AM

      @9:10 I beg to quibble, even though I was ready to concede. I went and listened to the tape repeatedly, and what Mr. Holder says is "you don't want to go there, (pause), okay?" Please go listen again, will you; because this is how Mr. Holder has been misrepresented before on numerous occasions, and I notice that all the media sites are adding the "buddy" to their reports. Truth will not necessarily out, but it would be nice to give it a chance.

    4. Anonymous1:01 PM

      9:10 AM Wishful thinking does not make it true.

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Whenever I see pictures like this, I'm reminded of just how strongly Sarah's image was crafted by her handlers when she was running for VP. They put her in conservative but pretty clothes that were actually attractive. Now that she no longer has anyone to tell her how to dress, her true and very ghastly style comes out.
    That style is like a pre-teen's - unrefined, immature and only designed to get attention. You would never see a serious politician or public figure wear that gaudy skull-and-crossbones bracelet. The tackiness is just emphasized by her bragging about the crystals. Who does that? Seriously?
    I don't get Sarah's lack of sense when it comes to her image. I know she's playing to the lowest-common denominator who gravitate towards a personal style best suited for trailer parks, but at the same time she obviously wants to be taken seriously on some level. Even Bachmann, who is just as crazy, doesn't broadcast her craziness through fashion. You don't see the crazy in Bachmann until she opens her mouth or you see her eyes. Sarah just wears hers like warning colors on a poisonous frog. Hell, maybe she truly is proud to be Queen of Trailer Trash. If that's her goal, then Mission Accomplished.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Great comment! Anyone higher than the "lowest-common denominator" sees through Sarah. She speaks like an unintelligent person because she IS unintelligent. Smarter people don't have the patience for her. She dresses to appeal to her fans. They really do thing that she looks great. They like Sarah because she doesn't talk down to them like some elite. She speaks their language. As for the clothes, wild wigs, makeup-- much of it is designed to attract attention. In fact, everything that Sarah does calls out for attention .

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Sarah's demographic are the readers of gossip magazines and the only women she hangs out with are the shallow young women whose life is all about boyfriend, hair styles and fashion.

  6. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Hey, Sarah, How do you like people screaming at you with disrespect? You can wear your ugly bracelet on on arm and Holder's bracelet on the other. You can tell your right arm from your left arm, right?

  7. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Dumb hick..she's as much out of her league popping off her mouth at Holder as inbred idiot gohmert is...
    These morons need to confine their attacks to ones of their caliber, uninformed, uneducated stooges.

  8. Anonymous7:08 AM

    "Complete with Swarovski crystals, I might add."

    Swarovski is an Austrian company.
    American crystals aren't good enough?
    She hates America, obviously

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Those bracelets are so beautiful that mere glass crystals are not enough. Diamonds! That skull calls out for diamonds!

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      7;25 BWAHAHAHAHA.

  9. Anonymous7:15 AM

    "Eric, you can replace my identifying bracelets with your government marker when you pry them off my cold, dead wrists."

    Just imagine, someday as with all of us, sarah WILL have cold dead hands.

    But I doubt anybody will want to touch those claws, dead or alive.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      She does now, already, have cold dead hands.

  10. The comments on her facebook from the pod people are beyond amusing... down right hysterical how ignorant these folks fall for a false story, but then these are the folks that voted for Bush twice!

  11. Anonymous7:30 AM

    The world puts a skull and crossbones on harsh chemicals or poison that must be avoided so it's a good idea for Sarah to wear a bracelet with a skull and crossbones on it as a warning to avoid her at all costs. First considerate thing I've ever heard about her doing. Sarah can't stand it when others get attention, she has to jump in and cry "me-me-me-me, don't forget about me".

    I loved Gohmert's whine of "you cast aspersions on my asparagus". I can't even type it without laughing. Attorney General Holder's remark was wonderful. The poor man has been attacked repeatedly for years but has taken it with grace. To come back with "good luck with your asparagus" was perfect. Gohmert is ignorant ass.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Is Gohmert the one they call Screwy Louie? If so, what a match he would be with Skanky $carah!!

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Gohmert is the ones who didn't want aspersions cast on his asparagus. No, seriously, he said that.

  12. Anonymous7:30 AM

    The ugly skull bracelet is supposed to represent Death To Tyranny. It was made by a nut in South Carolina who's name and web site i will not divulge because no free publicity should be given to it. However Quitter Ex Half Term's picture wearing this God awful jewelry is featured on said web site so you know she got it for free for the use of her photo.This same person also made the "Poker Chip" looking red ,white and blue monstrosity that she wore a couple of times.

    The cost of the bracelet? 950.00! that's correct not 9.50, which is what it's worth, it takes some cash to buy this trash.

    Personally I'm waiting for the "artist" to create the 3 symbol bracelet, you know the one that incorporates the tea party, guns and God all in one. God holding out his arms embracing the Flag and a picture of a soldier in one hand and a big old gun in the other, The perfect symbol of crazies everywhere and Sad Sack Sarah especially....only if she gets one for free.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      About that Death to Tyranny stuff. That's a slogan attached to 1781 (Date of the Bill of Rights) that Glenn Beck uses to market t-shirts and other stuff with the skull and date. The good Christian woman who made Sarah's bracelet added a cross on either side of the skull. And, Swavorski crystals, too, ooooh!

      There is a Latin phrase that meant death to tyrants that Brutus said when he stabbed Julius Caesar. That the same phrase that was supposed to be said when John Wilkes Booth killed President Lincoln. That slogan was on the t-shirt that Timothy McVeigh wore when he bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma city. Nice image. As far as the United States is concerned, it is a state motto in Virginia and the motto of some battleships.

      For Beck to attach it to the Bill of Rights is crazy. Death to the Tyrants who just granted the right to bear arms (in order to have a standing militia). Death to the Tyrants who wrote the First Amendment guaranteeing Beck the right to say any stupid thing?
      Death to the Tyrants who formed a more perfect union, established a democracy where people had more right than they had in the past? He's crazy? Maybe someone said Death to the Tyrants during the American Revolution, but by the time they got around to writing the Bill of Rights, a Constitution had already been written for the new nation. Beck doesn't use Death to Tyranny correctly, and Sarah is dumb enough to copy him because she doesn't bother to learn American History, either. (If you don't learn from the mistakes made in the past, you are bound to repeat them in the future).

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      I can tell you as someone who makes jewelry as a side business that that bracelet is junk. Yes, there are Swarovski crystals on it. About $2 worth. The majority of it is made with seed beads which are cheap. Blowing the picture up, I'd estimate it cost about $10 to make that bracelet. And believe me, I'm being generous.

      The fact that the "artist" put such a high price tag on it is laughable. If they tried to set up a table at any jewelry show and charge those ridiculous prices they'd be mocked relentlessly by the other vendors. WE KNOW what the prices run for jewelry supplies and how much its marked up. We can look at a piece and calculate in our heads what it cost to make. We all get our supplies from the same retailers for fucks sake. We cruise each others booths and compare work, get ideas, and just appreciate each other's creativity.

      Which is why we also don't mind paying a bit extra for a quality piece when we can tell the work that went into it.

      But THIS monstrosity is something that looks like it was made in summer camp by a child pissed off at being there. It screams untalented amateur. Does anyone but her REALLY wear jewelry made with hot glue guns in 2014??

      Which makes Palin wearing it totally understandable. Its gaudy, cheap and thrown together looking, with a high price tag because of an elite sounding name like "Swarovski"...

  13. SHARON7:39 AM

    I enjoyed Eric finally getting pissed off with his comments to Louie and McCain.....2 people that can't find their ass with both hands. Gohmert is a laughing stock (which they keep voting back) and has McCain been right about anything? If he was he always takes it must be frustrating to have to sit in front of those assholes to answer stupid questions. At this point even Obama can't hide his disgust at their arrogance. The GOP brand is finally getting a nice big spotlight....finally!!!

    New revenue without taxing the rich? TAX THE HELL OUT OF BULLETS!!! Chris Rock did that bit years ago and it makes so much sense. Let the manufacturers wallow in their greed....guns not much good without ammo. Have each bullet cost $1,000....see how many mass shootings by teenagers we would have. I am being serious...think about it. They tax the hell out of cigarettes, the lottery, fuel goes to road repairs...why not bullets? You will never get rid of the guns.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I think Guns should be insured like cars are....mandatory gun insurance like cars, or tax the hell out of bullets, might help also,too...

    2. I know people who refill bullet casings. They would just give up their day job and do that full time, but I’m guessing it would be costly for outsiders, and ammo would be harder to obtain for the weekend Rambos.

      Mom and Pop meth shops, porn shops, and bullet shops, good God.

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Democrats will lose everything to the republicans if they go down the gun control rabbit hole. But go ahead, proceed.

    4. Anonymous12:58 PM

      10:33 AM Are you a Guru? Or are you a Gun Fetish Freak? Hopefully you won't mistakenly shoot a family member or yourself.

    5. Anonymous4:35 PM

      12:58 what is it with you ultra liberal folks, who willingly want to give away all your freedoms to the government, going to the extremes and using labels like 'gun fetish freak' in response to anything that disagrees with your very narrow philosophies.

      Regardless- if the democrats want to continue to push gun control- using every gun tragedy for a political purpose, they will lose, mark my words. How well did it work for Obama after using the Sandy Hook to push an agenda? It went badly, and he has been fighting to regain solid ground ever since.

    6. Anonymous6:17 PM

      4:35 PM What is it with you Ultra Conservative folks, who cry about losing rights that have not been lost? You Cons are more extreme than any Liberal. Your ilk even praises Putin. You certainly are gun freaks, and you are losing family members daily to 'accidental discharges' from your unloaded guns. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    7. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Hey 6:17- thanks for displaying my point. I'm not republican or conservative, but you dumbasses are so caught up in your own little ultra liberal agendas that you don't know you are going to lose the whole shebang. Good luck dipshit.

      You don't think there isn't a large percentage of democrat gun owners and hunters that will vote against their party for their rights? Go for it.

    8. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Good luck to you, Dickhead.

  14. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Florida Lawmakers Want To Let People Carry Guns Without Permits During Riots, Disasters

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      What in he'll are they so afraid of down there?!
      They should just hide under their beds. It's a whole lot easier.
      M from MD

  15. Anonymous7:48 AM

    It's like Sarah knows she's protected by people in high places, who will never allow her nefarious deeds to be found out, and, instead of her being satisfied with that, she (like a schoolyard bully) gloats and verbally antagonizes, thinking she'll always get away with it.

    It's like someone pulled to safety from a sinking ship, and instead of being thankful for a second chance, she makes it her life mission to attack and ankle-bite her rescuers' superiors. If she keeps it up, someone will get fed up and feed her to the media lions.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      She may be an idiot but she is still a useful idiot to them as long as she has her followers she will be a tool for the Republicans even though her worshipers are shrinking in number, all she has to do is spout the talking points and even her anti establishment crap is a con, She is a poser and it will be interesting to see what becomes of her after the next Presidential election is over, she may just fade, at least from politics but remain scraping the bottom of the barrel for a spot on a tv show reality or maybe"Cooking Moose Chili With Sarah" either way she may think she has power but it's always a good idea to let your court jester believe they have some.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      You're right, she's a useful idiot to the bottom of the barrel. And she spouts her vile talking points in the language they'll understand and get their blood pumping. I can't stand that woman and yet I keep reading her vile and ignorant posts.
      I mean th woman ca't understand English. It's like she's hard at understanding what others say. The retard is a true retard.

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      She will step over the line at some point and get the smack down. Sarah Palin doesn't understand the meaning of the word "restraint."

  16. hedgewytch7:56 AM

    I have the utmost sympathy for Holder when dealing with demonstrably stupid people such as Gohmert. I've met some people who were "not so smart" but they were at least willing to learn. It's these arrogant idiots who are completely and utterly stupid and take pride in it! They want power, they want admiration, they want control. And they just don't understand, or are willing to learn, in any way shape or form, that they are WRONG. And then they get angry about it. And then we get to waste time dealing with their stupid stupidity. I just wish I could tell some of these people "good luck with your asparagus", but I can't. I've got to smile, nod, and try to do as much damage control as possible.

  17. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Now she's advertising $950 bracelets. Where does Sarah think her foolish followers get their extra cash? Do they all have big stashes to spend on frivolous 'rebel' badass jewellery?

    Her rant was just a chance to advertise for this guy's merchandise. She heard the word "bracelet" on Fox News (Gohmert/Holder fiasco), and lunged on that mound of poo like a wild stage rocker ready to 'flat' on an audience. Her little mind thinks, gun-bracelet, therefore MY bracelets that I can get free if I advertise.

    She doesn't care if she's covered in poo. All she does, awake or asleep, is think on how she can manipulate every situation for her benefit.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Keep giving till it hurts dumb asses. She will take the fillings out of your mouths next, and melt them down for new bracelets. "Never give a Sucker an even Break". SUCKERS.

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      @8:05 you maybe on to something-
      she gets a two for one: political rant to justify SarahPac expenses, then she advertises her ugly bracelets which will appeal to her fans.

      If I recall correctly, there was a posting from a fan gushing that she made the bracelet and gave it to Sarah. maybe Sarah stole the idea or is getting a cut from sales.

      Otherwise she has gone over the deep end- her ranting are over the top considering her lack of reading comprehension and threatening the Attorney General no less.

      Reminds me of Roseanne RoseannaDanna from SNL(except she was funny).
      She rant for 5 mins about American jewelry, then the anchor would explain the topic was American Jewry. Oh Sorry, never mind !!!

    3. Anonymous8:07 AM

      that character was Emily Litella who went on rants only to be corrected in the end and would say "never mind". One of my favorites was when she thought someone who said "Saving out natural resources" was saying "Saviing our natural racehorses"

  18. Anonymous8:05 AM

    O/T Krauthammer To GOP: Sorry, But It's Time To Move On From Benghazi (VIDEO)

  19. Most people have figured out that Palin attaches herself to any media event to draw attention to herself. But I think she has a reason why she's doing so much of it the past few days:

    I'm wondering if the flurry of status updates yesterday has anything to do with Shailey Tripp being interviewed on the radio again today?

    I'm guessing this is what Palin is doing:

    "LOOK OVER HERE!! I'm Tweetin' and Facebookin' and doin' ALL KINDS OF STUFF so the media will notice me. That helps to drive Google search hits on myself so Shailey's interview about me and Todd is pushed farther and farther down in the search results, right off that critical First Page - so all the most recent Google inquiries are going to be all about ME, ME, ME in the past couple of days, you betcha!

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      I doubt that is the case. The transcript of the radio interview is, as of yet, unavailable and there are few mentions of it, even from Ms. Tripp's diehard fans, all 4 of them. One blog did mention that her interview started late and was cut short so perhaps that is why there is little activity on the blogosphere regarding it.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      10:53 AM At least Shailey Tripp does not BUY Facebook Likes like Sarah Palin. Sarah is not ashamed to be seen with her Pimp Husband, and obviously you are proud of supporting a Pimp, and a Grifter who LIED about Tri-g being her birth son.
      As illiterate as the Palins are, they are lucky that McCain was 'FORCED' to have Palin as a running mate. Bud Paxson wanted to USE Sarah Palin as a puppet in Washington D.C., but her BIG mouth negated that from happening. Blackmail and Pimping are used to control.

  20. Anonymous8:25 AM

    "Harlot Cheston"

    (((applause, laughter, and snorts))) That is so perfect!

    The subject of your wit thought she was being so clever and, instead, once again, revealed that she's an idiot and nasty to the core.

  21. Anonymous8:40 AM

    This may come as a shock to Sarah Palin, but when you buy a car (or a truck or another vehicle), you do have to register it and display a license for its use. And, you have have to pass a test to show that you know the rules of the road. Every state has this requirement to license both the vehicle and the driver.

    Guess what happens if someone drives your car and gets in an accident. You will be blamed and sued for all the damages. It's your insurance that will have to cover the damages, and your insurance rates will go up. Wouldn't it be nice if only the licensed driver could drive that car, and then the kids or someone else could drive it and pass all of the blame on to you. You might have to use your unique fingerprint to start the car-- or wear a bracelet with a chip that matches the car. Let's forget the bracelet. Anyone could borrow or take your bracelet. But, the fingerprint, that's a nice way to make sure that only the registered user is driving the car and responsible for its operation.

    Apply the same logic to gun ownership.

    1. Sadly, you lost her at "Apply the same logic."

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Well, you may want to apply the same logic for gun ownership, but you are wrong.

    3. Anonymous12:25 PM

      @10:30 What's wrong with registering firearms? What's wrong with requiring a permit to use firearms? What's wrong with passing a qualifying exam in order to show that you know how to use firearms?
      There is a minimum age for a driver's license. There should be a minimum age for buying, registering and being licensed to use firearms.
      You lock your car to prevent people from breaking in and stealing things or the car. Firearms should be locked up safely, too. When you park a car, you don't leave it in drive. When you park a gun, unload it. You don't want to get it, do you?

    4. Anonymous3:57 PM

      12:25 please find the Constitutional amendments that apply to automobiles, which are regulated by the states, and get back to me. Apples and oranges. These are personal liberties guaranteed by the constitution that you are ok with eroding. I am not. I get it just fine, You don't get it. You believe in false sense of security by giving away your rights, I don't believe in that philosophy.

    5. Anonymous6:10 PM

      3:57 PM No, you don't get it. You are paranoid and probably sleep with your gun under your pillow. Oscar Pistorius? Good luck to those who live in your domain.

    6. Anonymous11:02 PM

      6:10 if you don't believe in protecting your rights that is your business. Maybe you feel all the amendments should be culled. What do you think, I mean besides the 2nd.... maybe the 1st, go for number 1, maybe the 6th, how aboout the 13th, or the 15th, or the 19th, maybe just all of them eh?

    7. Anonymous2:57 AM

      No, you don't get it. The point is not your right to your gun - that is in the Constitution. It is the responsibility that goes along with ownership of that gun.
      Insuring and registering a gun would protect the gun's owner from liability in an accidental discharge. It would help the injured party with the cost of care.
      It would protect the gun owner from being sued if they used their gun for protection - yes, criminals (or their survivors) do sue.
      It would help identify guns that are stolen from law abiding citizens and then used in crimes.
      And registering guns would help in returning stolen guns to their legal owners.
      It would not protect people committing crimes with guns, insurance doesn't pay out for criminal activity.
      Your right to a firearm does not cancel your responsibility for owning it.

  22. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I'm sure everyone has noticed that Republicans who noisily declare themselves to be of higher moral quality than other people, invariably get caught with their hands in someone's pants, soon after.

    It shouldn't escape our notice, that in a similar manner, boastful gun owners, declaring their superior safety measures in handling guns, seem to always either shoot themselves in the foot, or take out a family member, "accidentally."

    Wouldn't that be a shame, if the trend continues in THIS case?

  23. F U McCain8:44 AM

    Totally ot. ..

    Colbert is taking over for Letterman.

    I'm so conflicted.

    Watching Fallon turn into Leno Jr. Is enough to frighten anyone.

    What will happen to Stephen?

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      I'm grieving the loss of The Colbert Report. The show last night was brilliant. Still, he cancelled on Joe McGinniss.....

    2. ibwilliamsi9:04 AM

      Stephen will not be contained and it will be the end of regular program for him. Middle Americans who stayed up to watch Letterman are in no way ready for Colbert, and Colbert is too intelligent and self-aware to dumb it down for them.

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Regarding Late Night. Will Colbert remain in "character" or will he be himself?

    4. F U McCain10:10 AM

      Not sure yet. It is the character that made him famous.

      But he is intelligent enough to play talk show host with the big guys,

      But he will have to do a lot to win over the Colbert Nation who will be mourning their favorite show and character.

    5. CBS doesn't want him "in character". They want him for what he is: extremely smart, witty and personable. Plus, he really is a great interviewer.

  24. Anonymous8:50 AM

    She's a useful idiot to the bottom of the barrel. And she spouts her vile talking points in the language they'll understand and get their blood pumping. Either the woman is either stupider than stupid, or the woman can't understand English. It's like she's hard at understanding what others say since she always comes out with something totally different. The retard is a true retard.

  25. Anonymous8:51 AM

    O/T Stephen Colbert Leaves Comedy Central To Take Over David Letterman’s CBS Show

    Oh goodie, maybe Sarah has been on the rampage because she thought she was going to replace Letterman. After all she added comedian to her resume after that brilliant spot on the Tonight show.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      As long as we have the Bitch and her degenerate family around, we will ALWAYS have comedy central.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      8:51. Ha! She's crazy enough to believe that!

  26. Perhaps my recollection of American history is patchy as it has been a long time since I graduated from high school (with my class and in the top 1%) but the only thing I remember the skull and crossbones symbol representing in colonial times were pirates. At no time to I recall our founding fathers ever embracing the skull and crossbones as some sort of patriotic rebellion against the king.

    Anyone recall anything difference? Part of Alaskan history textbooks? Or maybe Texas or Florida?

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      It is so hard to imagine Queen Sarah ever having to act against tyranny in her little Wasilla world. She actually was the tyrannical one. Read the articles in the Frontiersman news during her reign.

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM


    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Mlaiuppa: Look up Wikipedia's "Death to Tyranny" explanation. It goes back to Brutus and Caesar, John Wilkes Booth and Timothy McVeigh. It was not part of the American Revolution. The skull, 1781 and the saying are an invention by Glenn Beck so he can sell t-shirts and other stuff with his motto on it. 1781 was when they passed the Bill of Rights. The Tea Party already took that snake that said "Join or Die." It was created by Benjamin Franklin in 1754, a few years before the American Revolution. It is also pretty tacky to put a cross on either side of the skull (death) and the date 1781 (Bill of Rights) since the first amendment said that Congress shall make no law regarding the exercise of free speech.....and religion. There was not supposed to be a state religion.

  27. ibwilliamsi9:03 AM

    I don't mean to be callous to the folks in Bangor who were affected by an obviously disturbed young man's violent outburst yesterday. It goes without saying that the attack was horrific, and that no one should ever have to go through such an ordeal. However, in my mind the headline SHOULD read:

    "Mass Knife Assault at Bangor High School - Twenty One Injured NOT DEAD"

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      The stabbing happened at Franklin-Regional High School in Murraysville, PA, which is a few miles east of Pittsburgh. (Not sure why Bangor is mentioned above.)

  28. Anonymous9:31 AM

    This is one time I'd like to see the national media all over Palin's fb post. I don't think she's capable of understanding her error but some of her fans might wake up and see that she's running them off a cliff.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Unfortunately, they think exactly like her and celebrate this crap.

  29. Gryphen check out this article on Baldy in the Wall Street Journal! Look at the awful picture of her too!


    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      GinaM - Could you summarize the article. I refuse to click on any MSM Palin article unless I know it's a serious take-down.

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Nevermind, GinaM. I'll wait to see if G thinks it's worth a blog post.

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Nice catch Gina. It appears our pit bull mamma grizzled one has had a muzzle applied by The Sportsman's Channel. They know that if she offends too many viewers with her bile, viewers might not tune in. Remain ignorant, not problem. Get too nut job politically crazy, problem. They are trying to apply some polish to the turd.

    4. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Same black top and jeans she had been wearing for days !!!
      Ugh the glasses- looks like a band aid on the bridge of her nose.

      "Ms. Palin doesn't want to be "burned" by unflattering photographs, which has happened in the past, she says. Wearing a V-neck shirt, black skinny jeans and a glittering "Girls with Guns" belt and buckle, she also doesn't want to wear the camouflage jacket that the photographer has brought for her, nor will she succumb to his French charm. She certainly doesn't want to perch on any furniture. "

      Well excuse me, haven't we gotten all high and mighty

    5. Anonymous12:16 PM

      @9:54 It's OK to read that article. Although it appeared today, the interview probably took place a week ago, when Palin was in NY to appear on Jimmy Fallon's show. The article does not gush over Palin. It's accurate, describing two handlers and a publicist form the show that she was there to promote. They hustled the WSJ reporter out because they had more appointments. Have we seen very much publicity about Sarah's show in the past week? (The answer is No!)

    6. Anonymous1:13 PM

      @12:15 Thanks for the info. I'm going to pass on the article. It literally makes me feel ill when the MSM treats Palin as someone worth interviewing from a promotional angle. I'll give them attention when they're ready to write about her being a lying, vengeful fker.

  30. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Palin's whole macho man schtick makes it look like she's trying to be the Tea Party's Gemma Teller Morrow.
    I wonder if Palin knows that Sons of Anarchy is not about real people.
    BTW- the House passed the Ryan budget .
    Guess Palin's rant didn't impress anyone.
    Did Palin ever make her cult wear ID bracelets when they came to her book signings ?

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Yes on their cold braindead wrists. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Harlot (FAKE) Chest (BOLTED) On.

  31. PalinsHoax9:51 AM

    "pry them off my cold, dead wrists"

    Somehow, Ol' Vultured One, I think those bracelets will stay on your "cold, dead wrists" until eternity, because who in the world would want to touch you in order to get them off? (shudder, shudder, retch)

    Oh, by the way, did I read somewhere in your biography that "Palin has been delivered of a baby boy, after wearing a faux pregnancy belly for several months. "

    Well has been sure does apply to you doesn't it - Ol' HAS BEEN !!

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      she'll have to have 'em cutoff, the bracelets, as her arms/wrists are too fat, just like the rest of her overweight carcass

  32. Anonymous10:31 AM

    You mean her wrists are not already cold and dead, like the rest of her?

  33. Anonymous10:43 AM

    She must have been wearing her thigh high red white and blue stripper boots for all that bull shit spewing forth from those injections filled lips.

  34. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The Pimp's Wife rants again. The woman who hates to admit that she has 5 Grandchildren and 0 Sons in law nor Daughter in law. The Family Values half term Governor (in name only) who has the same Family Values as 'The Kissing Congressman' McAllister, and LIES like a rug about her marriage and her post 'tubal ligation' Fake Tri-g Pregnancy.

  35. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Sarah, you never cease to amaze me. When did you develop such a hateful attitude toward your government? After all, you were a governor. If you were so unhappy with the status quo, why did you quit? This will be the question that haunts your dead political career forever. However you came to that decision, it was career ending. So, time to get off the bus and go home to take care of Trig and, for once, be a good mom.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      When did Sarah hate the government so much? When she lost in 2008. That's when she wanted to be part of the government that she loves to hate, now. "You won't let me in your precious club. I'll show you. I'll say nasty things about you. So there!"

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      crosseyed skank hate the government ?!?

      see ; joe vogler, Alaska independence party

      truth be told though, crosseyed skank doesn't have the brains to know why she thinks she hates the government, she she just parrots what's whispered into those elephant sized ears of hers

    3. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Yes, read the WSJ article about her and then note Jason Recher is her publicity man. It is fascinating to note he was an “advisor” to Bush too. How’s that working out for him. His page shows he managed the rollout of the Palin’s first book and Bush’s book. Apparently he also does “designer campaigns”. Just another grifter con.

    4. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Sarah and Todd bought their first house courtesy of the federal government's Housing and Urban Development agency.

    5. Anonymous2:14 PM

      1:21 PM So they received a Government Handout? Now they are against anyone else receiving Government assistance?

  36. Anonymous11:33 AM

    ok, show those blacked out emails.
    ok, show more pics of you preg, baby, hospital room,....
    WEll, at least that wsj only has former gop bp candidate and nothing about former gov, she quit she is not former gov even.
    Keep your silly bracelets. I don't think anyone wants them.

  37. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Young family in 2012? ha!

  38. Anonymous11:59 AM

    "It was smooth. It was relatively easy," Palin said. "In fact it was the easiest of all,". Hmmmm, "it". This about her giving birth. Who says this?

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Gee. I wonder why......

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      It was smooth and relatively easy because she did not give birth to Trig. Sarah Palin believes all of her own LIES.

  39. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I love Sarah's taste in jewelry. Those bracelets spell KLASSY! Sorry, I meant to write Trashy.

  40. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Isn't she the one who lost the election for McCain?

  41. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Sarah Palin -- a conservative columnist, Peter Wehner, sees her for the joke that she is. This is from a week ago, addressing her attack on Ryan, but deserves attention.

    "Sarah Palin Continues to Discredit Herself....proudly anti-intellectual, one characterized by resentments, that relies on banalities, and is disconnected from reality."

  42. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Do Bristol and Willow wear those bracelets when they are prowling for Trial Daddies?

  43. Anonymous1:40 PM

    So the old, bone, skull and cross, gothic granny is pounding down the Diet Coke. Diet soda and sugar-free gum have a sweetener that if consumed in large amounts will cause one to poop off the pounds.

    It also, too, sounded like she was pulling the diva bitch stuff on the crew from the WSJ. Murdock owns the WSJournal and FOX and the company that published her books. Was some real good income. How about now?

    Those wrist cuffs that she proudly wears make her look a left over road groupie from one of ol, Teddie Nuge's tours back in the early eighties. Back when her "prune tang" was fresh. Skull and cross bones....danger poison....wasting away on a diet of Diet Coke.

  44. Anita Winecooler4:19 PM

    Bwaaaaahaaaa! Swavarski Crystals, she might add. I rarely use the "R" word, but she truly is Retrardamundo. Those three bracelets probably appraise for five bucks, maximum. Sarah, dear, I know Swavarski Chrystals and they don't come out of a bubble gum machine or hobby shop.

    She adds "swavarski" to make the point that she somehow got "class".

    The funny part is, the white house is full of it, and I bet Eric Holder has the genuine article in his home as well. Sarah? Fluorescent shatter proof plastic hockey fixtures.

    The B jumped the hydrant with this post! LOL!

  45. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Hot dog, another Obimbo goon thrown under the bus! Sibelius sinks quickly under pressure...never happened to Plain.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Plain never worked long enough without quitting.

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      5:44 She worked for 5 years, when has Sarah Palin worked any job for 5 years?

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Missed the point slowbrains...Plain quite herself...then again, how many times have you been fired?

  46. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Anonymous5:44 PM: You are retarded just like you master Palin. Sibelius did NOT sink under pressure. Sibelius accomplished her mission and signed up more than 7.5M people, which is better than expected.
    Also, Sibelius TRULLY accomplished her mission which is more than the fake mission accomplished by bush and the quitter $carah Palin.
    I love how you people are unable to think and analyze and just jump into ANY bandwagon. By the way, what's your IQ because you surely can't read.

  47. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Imagine any leader of state wearing some cheap ugly trendy fadish stuff like those "bracelets." The woman trully has no class. And to think that the woman was nominated to repreent our great country as a vice president! FU McCain and Krystol. I can't believe you would stoop so low. These people are a reflection of our country. How shameful!

  48. Anonymous7:36 AM

    5:44, You seem to have forgoten that Palin QUIT under pressure because she didn't want to work as governor & didn't want the responsibilities that come with being a leader. She's a LAZY quitter. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    By the way, what's her current occupation again? And what's the current occupation of all her offspring and purse-holding dude? lol

  49. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Those bracelets don't look as classy as the chintzy shit you can buy at Claire's in the mall. She paid close to a grand for that tacky crap? What a sucker.

  50. Anonymous7:42 AM

    CORRECTED entry: Imagine any leader of state wearing some cheap ugly trendy fadish stuff like those "bracelets." The woman trully has no class. And to think that the woman was nominated to represent our great country as a vice president! FU McCain and Krystol. I can't believe you would stoop so low. These people are a reflection of our country. How shameful!
    thanks Gryphen for this blog. :)

  51. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Sebelius paid her dues? Listen, flopsie she was, is and sure wuz with that rotten website. Obama just does not attract smart Internet people.


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