Friday, April 11, 2014

New study reveals that fear of becoming racial minority is causing more white people to turn conservative. Gonna file this under, "Gee, no kidding."

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Two researchers from the Department of Psychology and Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University demonstrated that the more white Americans know about the changing demographics of the United States, the more likely they are to endorse conservative policy positions. 

Maureen Craig and Jennifer Richeson conducted three studies in which white Americans were presented with information about the racial demographic shifts that have led the U.S. Census Bureau to project that “racial minority groups will make up a majority of the U.S. national population in 2042, effectively creating a so-called ‘majority-minority’ nation.” 

In the first study, self-identifying political independents were randomly asked to learn about the majority-minority racial shift in California or about how the number of Hispanics in the United States is now roughly equal to the number of African-Americans. They were then asked questions about their political party leanings and ideology. 

The result was that, “[d]espite being self-identified political independents, respondents who were asked about the [majority-minority] racial shift reported being somewhat more conservative than did respondents” who were asked the less salient question about Hispanics being roughly equally to African-Americans. 

In the second study, Craig and Richeson had participants read either about the majority-minority racial shift or a non-racial national shift in geographic mobility in order to determine whether tendency to endorse conservative positions is limited to race-related policies, like those presented in the first study. Again, they then asked participants about their political party leanings and ideology, and the results was that “making the U.S. racial shift salient led to greater endorsement of conservative policies, compared with making a nonracial societal shift salient.”

I am not sure that this is something that could be considered terribly surprising. 

A desire to preserve and defend one's people has been a driving force all through history. And conservatism is all about protecting the Caucasian people's grip on power in this country, and oppressing those who are of another ethnicity.

In fact that innate desire is why armies in olden times raped the women of their defeated enemies in an attempt to pollute their bloodline and essentially screw them out of existence.

That is also why religions often forbid the use of birth control, and promote large families. It is all an attempt to gain or retain power.

The bigger your army, the longer you exist.

So these days the army of white people, who have held power in this country since its inception, are finding themselves becoming outnumbered.

That has caused panic, and in turn I think it helps to explain a lot of the vitriol directed at our President, and a lot of the increased gun sales as well.

The frightening part is that as these people become more and more upset about the future of their race, one needs to be concerned as to what lengths they might be willing to go to preserve their place at the top of the food chain.


  1. White people, religious people, political people, all struggling to keep the status quo. I figured out a long time ago that the reason the Catholic Church was so anti-birth control was because they wanted...more Catholics. DUH!!!

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    It is sad to see the evilness of the white folks (mainly Republicans!) throughout the USA. Their superiority will end but most of us won't be around any longer to see it. And, I'm white!

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    One trip to the pee pond will confirm said panic.

  4. I couldn’t agree more. From my personal experience and reading, the best and worst people in the country are white men, so who knows what they’ll do. They can’t go anywhere else.

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Florida passes new rule prohibiting using the restroom while waiting in long lines to vote

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    7:10 AM How cordial of Florida's compassionate Republicans. There will be a lot of Depends sold 1 day before the Election. How many Republicans have stock in Depends, like they have stock in the Keystone Pipeline? Don't the Koch Brothers own the company that makes Depends?

  7. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Historically, warriors were instructed to rape the women of their enemies as a way of debasing and dehumanizing them. Dehumanization is a central theme of war-- the outgroup is less than human, like animals: when African Americans were referred to as "like apes" and immigrants referred to as "vermin." If your enemy has no human dignity, it is easier for you to put aside your own humanity and do whatever needs to be done to support and win the war.
    Rape specifically to control a population's genes I don't believe was done specifically for that reason alone until prima nocta

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Uh-huh, like political affiliation will put an end to the diffusion of the white gene pool. It's a foolish premise on the part of those who succumb to the notion. Unless, of course, one is of the "blood and honour" mindset (I'll leave the ugly conclusion of this line to the more historically-astute of you).

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The bigoted and racist whites are afraid they will be treated the same way they have treated minorities. That's it in a nut shell.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      "I told you Cletus, I knowed we shoulda been better to them brown people"


    2. Anonymous3:14 AM

      "The bigoted and racist whites are afraid they will be treated the same way they have treated minorities. That's it in a nut shell."

      By allowing more whites to come into the United States from Europe? By allowing affirmative action for whites? By allowing govt housing for minority whites?

  10. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Most of these boneheads don't have the where-with-all to think beyond the next beer...........fear and loathing in the Heartland.....

  11. ibwilliamsi10:06 AM

    See what happens when you don't explain basic biology to people? Being a Progressive does not create brown babies. Having intercourse with a brown person creates brown babies.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Speaking of basic biology - keeping their bloodline "white and clean", also results in inbreeding and deformity. There are parts in Utah where everyone is at least a 2nd cousin, if not closer. Probably true in places in the South as well.
      You can't stop evolution, a wider gene pool is best for human survival, not a smaller one.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      10:06 AM Did Sarah Palin make her brown babies(Bristol and Willow) with Todd 'Inuit' Palin?

  12. Randall12:01 PM

    White folks are afraid they're becoming a minority?

    ...aren't minorities treated well in this country?

  13. Anonymous2:09 PM

    You would think the GOP would want better treatment of minorities, since being a minority is clearly in white America's future. They'd have to accept reality, basic math and science to understand this, so most likely they never will.

  14. Anita Winecooler4:18 PM

    Oh, Goodie! Can we have "White Folks need not apply" signs, "White Folk Only" bathrooms and water fountains? and all kinds of Jim Crow laws aimed at white folk? Let's really mess with their minds and take away their right to vote!!!

    Bet there'll be screaming for anti discrimination laws THEN,

    All kidding aside, this is the fear that's driving the teabaggers and second amendment weapon fetishists to their madness.

  15. Anonymous4:27 PM

    The Ghetto trash in the White House
    Is making the country more conservative

    1. "Ghetto trash in the White House"?

      You mean a President who was elected by a resounding majority TWICE? A man and his family who have restored America's honor around the world? A family that never embarrasses us?

      I live a couple of miles from the White House, and even closer to the Naval Observatory where the Bidens reside. The First Daughters attend school a short walk from my house. I am proud to consider these families my "neighbors."

      The possibility that the Palin clan could have moved here made me shudder... and made me donate thousands of dollars to the DNC and the Obama/Biden campaign. The Palins are trash, not our classy, educated President and First Lady.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.