Tuesday, April 29, 2014

GOP Congressman, famously known for threatening a reporter, has been taken into federal custody, and then released on $400,000 bail.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Rep. Michael Grimm is in federal custody as the New York Republican awaits his indictment on federal criminal charges, according to sources close to the case. 

Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, will unveil a grand jury indictment against Grimm this morning. The allegations - Grimm will face well over a dozen charges - include mail and wire fraud, filing false tax returns and health care payments, hiring undocumented workers and obstruction of justice, according to sources close to the case. 

You all might remember Grimm as the congressman who threatened to throw a reporter off a balcony and break him in half.

Of course Grimm is claiming that the charges against him are false and that he is not guilty:

Rep. Michael Grimm has vowed to stay in office after he pleaded not guilty Monday to a 20-count federal indictment that includes charges of mail, wire and tax fraud. 

The Staten Island Republican was arraigned in Brooklyn and released on $400,000 bond. 

“I will get right back to work as I always have — with honor and distinction, I will serve,” Grimm told reporters in Brooklyn on Monday. “And then, on top of all that, I have an election to win.” 

But then what would you expect somebody like this to say when they are finally  forced to face the music?

The guy is clearly a real piece of shit, and now it looks like he is about to get flushed.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Headline reads awkwardly. It sounds as if it's the reporter that is in custody, not the Congressperson.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Gryphen, you really need to make that "reporter-threatening" with a hyphen. Otherwise it sounds like you're talking about the reporter threatening Grimm.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I really misread this headline! I think a hyphen (reporter-threatening congressman) might help. And so glad the bully is getting his due, for whatever reason!

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Excellent post! But would you please re-phrase the headline so that it doesn't imply that a reporter threatened a congressman? Thank-you

  5. The title's a bit ambiguous, Gryphen. May want to add a dash between 'reporter' and 'threatening'.

    And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy /snark

  6. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Coming to say something like: "Congressman who threatened reporter"...

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Yo, Gryph...fix the headline! lol!!

  8. I hear all of you about the headline, but I won't be able to fix it for awhile.

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Unfortunately, Grimm is one of the very few Republicans who changed his mind and became convinced that climate change aka global wamring is real and that the scientists who study it are not lying. Too bad we can’t get some respectable politicians to agree with that.

  10. Anonymous10:49 AM

    with honor and distinction? He's got a Palin notion of things, doesn't he?

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      That was my first thought!

  11. Reporter threatening GOP Congressman has been taken into federal custody, and then released on $400,000 bail.

    Courtesy of Politico:

    Of course says he, “I will get right back to work as I always have — with honor and distinction, I will serve,”

    Because he is a good amurakin and a fine patriot just like Timothy McVeigh!

  12. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Here's more idiocy out there, Gryphen. It just never stops, does it?

    A Denver talk radio host suggested that it wasn’t possible to believe in God and still be racist.

    Dan Caplis, of KNUS-AM, made the comments Monday morning during a discussion of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, who made bigoted comments against black people during a recorded phone call.

    “The roots of this kind of racism, this kind of attitude where somebody really thinks they’re superior to somebody, just because of the color of the other person’s skin? First, what it tells me — you know, my constitutionally-protected opinion about that person — is they don’t believe in God,” Caplis said.

    The Friendly Atheist blog posted audio clips of the program, along with excerpted comments.

    “Nobody who believes in God can be a racist, in my view, because once you believe God made us, you mean, God made junk?” Caplis continued. “God made somebody lesser just by virtue of the color of their skin? So my starting point is always: All racists must be atheists. They can’t possibly believe in God.”


    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      There is a difference between atheists and fake Xtians.

      These weirdos so believe their own lies. I think their motto is: Yup, just make shit up and say it and then it becomes the truth.

    2. Caroll Thompson2:04 PM

      Christians used the bible back in the day to justify slavery (and the Inquisition too). You cannot get anymore racist than that.

  13. Anonymous11:33 AM

    O/T but check THIS out, Jesse!

    Hillary Clinton Is Going To Love This Chart

    Fairleigh Dickinson University's new PublicMind poll of the 2016 presidential race released Tuesday contains good news for Hillary Clinton.

    FDU found Clinton well ahead of all her hypothetical Republican rivals among registered national voters.

    All of the likely GOP candidates in the poll; New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Wisconsin Congressman and 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush performed similarly.

    Ryan came the closest to Clinton with an eight point gap. Bush had the worst numbers with a sixteen point margin.

    Krista Jenkins, the director of PublicMind and an FDU political science professor noted the "strong position" Clinton seems to be in.

    "Christie, Paul, Ryan, Bush and Huckabee are not one and the same, and yet they all seem to do about the same among registered voters when paired against Hillary Clinton. No one’s record is impenetrable, but these findings point to the strong position Clinton would find herself in should she officially become a nominee for the Democratic primary," Jenkins said in a statement accompanying the poll.

    FDU created this chart to show Clinton's positioning relative to the rest of the field:


    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      I can hardly wait for her to run and for me to mark my ballot in support!

      The Repubs have no one - absolutely no one w/her qualifications and experience.

  14. Reporter threatening GOP Congressman has been taken into federal custody, and then released on $400,000 bail.

    Courtesy of Politico:

    Of course says he, “I will get right back to work as I always have — with honor and distinction, I will serve,”

    Because he is a good amurakin and a fine patriot just like Timothy McVeigh!

  15. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Bill Maher has put this asshole up on his show as one of the guys to help defeat! Sounds like he was right on in doing so!

  16. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Wow! Did I just read this? Ol' Sarah ain't gonna like that her buddy is agreeing with our president. Seems curious that he didn't just make his own statement, but jumped on Obama's coattails to make his point. I'll bet he's gonna get some mighty blowback from the Obama haters out there, eh? He even linked to a video of the statement President Obama made...

    Ted Cruz: I Agree With Obama, Sterling Remarks Were 'Ignorant And Offensive'

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) highlighted one place where he and President Barack Obama agree. They both think the racist comments by Donald Sterling offensive."

    Cruz, a Houston Rockets fan, noted that rare place of agreement on his Facebook on Tuesday, soon after the National Basketball Association announced that Sterling had been banned from the NBA and any association with the Los Angeles Clippers for life.

    "I agree with President Obama: Don Sterling's comments are ignorant and offensive. Millions of Americans of all races love the NBA, and these racist sentiments have utterly no place in our society," Cruz said in the message posted on his Facebook.

    Cruz also linked to a clip of Obama responding to Sterling's comments.


    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Really, Ted? How about "so Sambo beat the bitch?"

  17. Anonymous11:51 AM

    hope the psycho's convicted then he'll have to surrender all his firearms - FOREVER !

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Possibly he could suck on the saggy teat of Sarah Palin and that way we know for sure he'd go down (jail) as she is the kiss of death!

  18. vegaslib11:58 AM

    Sounds like he is also trying to get his buddies to cover his huge legal fees. I think he should be made to pay is own fu**ing bills. Another over-priviledged prick on the right.

  19. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This guy is an utter scumbag. Why does he get to go 'back to work' when this is hanging over his head? He needs to lose his job immediately. WTF is up with these guys breaking laws and still serving as 'lawmakers'? It's just plain wrong.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      There needs to be a law or rule put in place (in Congress) that stops members from continuing to serve once he or she has been indicted and arrested for a crime or crimes.

      Members should should NOT have the right to govern for ME at this point in their lives.

      This particular guy is creepy as hell and I hope Bill Maher and the voters from his area stop his reelection!

    2. Leland5:30 PM

      He's only been indicted, not found guilty. If found guilty the Congress has the authority to step in a remove him - and probably would.

      As much as I hate to say it, we are supposedly the ones taking the high ground. Grind his bones AFTER he is found guilty. (assuming he is)

      AS for the suggested rule in Congress concerning his removal upon indictment, I could support something like that IF it could be done in such a way to not influence his trial AND if he was removed from the payroll while not serving.

  20. Anonymous12:53 PM

    This POS was "dating" a married woman when he was in the FBI. The woman's husband was a bouncer and this asshole went into the club twice to threaten the husband ,once with members of the FBI and NYPD and brandishing a gun. Then recently he was caught having sex in a co-ed bathroom which he denied. How in hell do these assholes get elected? He is rotten to the core. A typical teabagger.Sarah will probably campaign for him.

  21. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Um, babe, the headline seems ass-backward. It was congressman threatening reporter.

  22. Okay gang, the headline's fixed.

    Sorry it took so long, but I was in a class.

  23. Caroll Thompson2:01 PM

    He is nothing more and nothing less than a good old fashioned tax cheat. It is good that he running again because Dems will surely pick up that seat In November. I don't see any difference between this crook and Cliven Bundy. Both of them deserve to be put away in the federal prison system for a good long stretch.

  24. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Whoa! Talk about out of control, Gryphen, these gun nuts are just itchin' for a smackdown!

    Bundy Militia Has Set Up Road 'Checkpoints' In Nevada

    A Democratic congressman from Nevada said in a letter this week that his constituents have reported the armed militia supporting rancher Cliven Bundy have set up checkpoints to verify the residency of anybody passing through.

    Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV), who represents the area, sent the letter Sunday to Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, asking him to investigate.

    "I am writing to bring your attention to the ongoing situation in northeastern Clark County which has caused many of my constituents to fear for their safety," Horsford wrote. Residents in the area "have expressed concern over the continual presence of multiple out-of-state, armed militia groups that have remained in the community" since Bundy's dispute with the Bureau of Land Management came to a boil.

    The militia, as reported by Horsford's constituents, "have set up checkpoints where residents are required to prove they live in the area before being allowed to pass," the letter said.

    They have also maintained a presence, sometimes armed, along highways and roads, as well as community sites like churches and schools, the letter asserted.

    Journalists on the scene at the height of the Bundy Ranch standoff estimated as many as 1,000 protesters had gathered earlier this month.

    Horsford Letter:


    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Wow...completely out of hand. Sean? What say you?


  25. Anonymous2:50 PM

    This guy looks like a pompous ass! How did he get the votes to win in the first place? People need to pay more attention for whom they vote - they obviously weren't asking the right questions of this jerk!

  26. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    Nothing screams "honor and distinction" like "I'll break you in half and toss you off the balcony". I seem to have missed this one in my copy of his fairy tales.


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