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Courtesy of Levi's Facebook page. |
First off as a father who had to fight in court to retain custody of his daughter, I care.
And as a child who was once abandoned by my own father, I care.
But as somebody who is tired of seeing people's lives destroyed by that vicious Wasilla bitch, I care even more.
One thing you cannot help but to discover when you interview people about Sarah Palin, is just how many lives she damaged during her rise to power, and her struggle to retain it.
This is something that all of us, Geoffrey Dunn, Joe McGinniss, reporters from various magazines, and I all learned while doing research on her over the years.
And these were not the exception to the rule either. Terrible things befell people who stood up to the Palins, spoke out against the Palins, or simply were perceived as problematic by the Palins.
Terrible things.
Talk show hosts, comedians, politicians, librarians, shopkeepers, former partners, high school acquaintances, sex partners, or just fellow Wasilla residents, have all felt the sting of Palin retribution.
There were stories that Joe McGinniss left out of his book every bit as damaging as the ones he put in, and in some cases more.
In most cases there is nothing that can be done for these people, and they are too terrified to seek compensation or justice themselves.
But in the case of Levi, what was done may have been the most egregious act of revenge ever perpetrated by the Palin family.
They were surely instrumental in getting Sherry locked up, scrubbed Mercede's computer clean of family photos in an attempt to hide something she may not even have realized she had, caused a rift between family members, somehow used his own lawyer and manager to destroy his reputation, and kept him away from his son for the vast majority of the young boy's life.
Most of this is almost impossible to prove. But not that last bit.
THAT is as well documented as anything I have ever seen. We have hours of television footage to prove that case, and the Johnston's have much, much more than that.
Do not forget that Levi was literally the first person close to the family to speak out publicly, and call Sarah out on her bullshit. And instead of the accolades and support he should have received for that courage, instead his lawyer stole his money, and his manager destroyed his credibility.
All this man wants is his child back in his life permanently.
I think he deserves much more than that, but if I can, in some way, help him to get Tripp, then that is the very least I can do.
So yes, we will continue to talk about it, and I will continue to provide whatever support I, and IM, can provide.
Well said, Jesse.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being such a wonderful advocate! There are many throughout Alaska and the nation that support Levi and Sunny (and his Mom!).
DeleteThey are great, great people and deserve nothing but the best!
I wish them best wishes in getting the little guy back to where he should be raised - which is in a consistent, loving and caring family. All he needs is the pure basics, which Levi and Sunny can provide.
Deletex2, really well put. you're a wonderful dad.
DeleteTripp has the basics and much more. He glows with love. You need to stop with your propaganda and bias.
Delete"He glows with love"
DeleteCreepy, creepy, creepy
When Tripp is with Bristol he glows with candy bribes and illicit boyfriend shack-ups with a kid going to Disneyland.
DeleteA while back, Gryphen, you hinted that you had information that would make Sarah very uncomfortable when and if you decided to release it. I believe you said it had nothing to do with babygate or anything of great significance; nothing that would finally put an end to her madness. However, it was something that she would not want published. Have you had seconds thoughts about making this information public?
ReplyDeleteImmoral Minority, Jan. 1, 2014, 'Happy New Year Everyone'
Delete"As always I have some things up my sleeve that I think all of you will enjoy.
"There are upcoming books, new interviews, and hopefully a couple of long percolating secrets finally ready to be revealed."
Kudos to you! It should not have had to be said, but you said it very well. I thank you for that, and for being Levi's/Tripp's champion in this matter. Every child on this earth should have the benefit of at least one strong advocate. Levi and Sunny need to know there's a lot of us out here pulling for them, especially with the evil forces of Palin against them.
ReplyDeleteI agree - 12:28 - if money is needed by Levi and Sunny, please let us know. We'd love to help and support their warranted endeavors. Just tell us to whom our checks can be made payable and where to mail them.
DeleteDude. custody is between TWO people, the parents.
DeleteAnonymous6:49 PM
DeleteDude. custody is between TWO people, the parents.
Hi willow.
6:49 PM Dude, how is your baby doing, Willow? Who was paid to take your tests for you at Penrose? How much time did you miss from Penrose while you gave birth? Did Bristol even attend classes, or was she suffering from 9 month Mono also? You Palins always flee to Arizona to have your babies.
DeleteI shudder to think of the sheer volume of comments you'll get from our neighborhood fairy-tale Palin-toe-sucker.
ReplyDeleteHow is Palin able to get away with so much for so long? Is she protected because she is in possession of dark secrets of powerful politicians? If not, it's hard to understand why all the many people the Palin family has done wrong don't unite and speak out. Gryphen, do you anticipate any of the Palins' atrocities to ever be outed?
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain: Over my dead body !!!!!!
DeleteI think she's protected because we the people were told she was qualified to be VP of the USA.
DeleteObviously that is a load of BS. She is and has been a very disturbed and flawed person. Even measured against her fellow repubs she is one sick moose nugget.
Would her fellow Republicans admit that they endangered the USA and everyone in the would by putting the Wasilla Wendingo near the big red nuclear button? Probably not.
Anonymous 12:51: I wrote the post above you replied to. Yes, I have suspected John McCain for a long time but am wondering if they are other politicians as well. I'm hoping the truth comes out after he passes on, but I wish she would be exposed already. It's absurd how much she's gotten away with and maddening that she's perceived as having been attacked by the mainstream media despite their refusal to thoroughly investigate her. Am I naive to be surprised that McCain's reach extends to journalists?
DeleteMcCain's reach extends to the DoD and beyond. What crimes has he not been able to claw his way out? Keating 5 and before. He extends to the DEA and got a free pass for Mrs. McCain. She only stole drugs from kids and used one of her charity gigs. These are corrupt and very sick people.
DeleteThere's no need to apologize, Jesse. You're doing a great service for a small boy who needs help, and you've taken on a brave and important role in keeping the spotlight on Sarah Palin. By providing information about her strategies, and, as important, creating a world-wide forum for us, we give you heartfelt thanks.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I think it is short-sighted to think that Sarah Palin is just a joke. She is a joke but she's also a vicious and mean person who still has a platform from which to foment her nastiness. I think that Tripp always looks so happy when he is with his father; none of the smirks and smart-aleck behavior his mother seems to think is so cute.
I hope Bristol has a spend a few days in jail for contempt. That would be the one thing her mother couldn't pay for.
ReplyDeleteBristol basically has been told she can have whatever she wants (except Levi, which really pisses her off). So, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't cooperate with any judge's orders.
DeleteLevi and Sunny are doing the correct thing in this custody issue. The law will be set and Bristol and he will have to follow it which ever way it goes.
DeleteBristol has been showing herself as the bitch so far in keeping their son away from his Dad. She won't be able to do it anymore as she'll be in contempt and hauled back into Court for their action.
And, I would hope Sarah will be brought into this too. If I were Levi, I'd have it set that Sarah and Todd are to stay out of his affairs and not be allowed to make further derogatory comments about him, his family members or son. Otherwise, they will be in contempt and hauled before the Court!
omg stop lying. geez
DeleteStop scapegoating Sarah. It was wrong for Levi to for money
SOO, th eJohnstons are allowed to defame and slander in books and posing nude..
DeleteI see how you think
Just stop
just go away, shit meet fan; hahaha
DeleteThe pictures of Tripp with his father always show a happy child.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures provided by Bristol, and what we've seen on tv, show a nervous child, ignored by but controlled by his immature mother.
It is also very telling that his smiles look genuine when with Levi and Sunny. Bristol named her reality show "Life is a Tripp" proving that she indeed does exploit her child for $$$. Good mother, my foot!
DeleteShe has done damage to that boy and done it in front of a national audience.
Deletehe looks so sweet and cute in pictures with his dad and sister. he always looks like an obnoxious, show off brat in the pictures with his mom.
DeleteLol. I love how people are stupid here. Tripp is always happy. He loves Breeze like he loves Trig. He's just a loving little guy. Who wouldn't be? Loving mother.
DeleteLove the bias here. You're all stupid. Tripp is a happy boy
DeleteThe only way Tripp shows any love to Bristol is after she showers him with candy and a pedicure.
DeleteI think Sarah Palin learned some of her nasty stuff directly from John McCain and being a part of that campaign. Notice how he keeps his mouth shut about her. WHY? Does she have something on him or folks within the workings of the campaign?
ReplyDeletePalin doesn't go directly after the Republican party in Alaska or their current governor (Parnell) who seems to protect her because of their long friendship - she quit and he became gov. He's currently up for reelection!
Sarah Palin did not have to learn how to be nasty from anyone. But as for why McCain doesn't criticize her directly, how can he? She was his running mate! If he points his finger at her, the rest of his fingers on that hand will just point right back at him. And he knows it.
DeleteI read Deer in the Headlights and Levidid comes across as a good hearted young man. The poster who is obsessed with Bristol claims that the book is full of "slander" and lies while conveniently ignoring the fact that Bristol chose to inform the world that her son was conceived as a result of rape. A vile lie if ever there was one. Tripp will one day read that, yet the troll insists that Bristol is a wonderful mom. Pfftt!!
ReplyDeleteWhen is the custody trial?
DeleteAlso, who has primary custody of Kyla; Britta or Track?
Bristol-Levi have a trial Setting Conference' scheduled for May 2. I think that means it will be to set another date for the custody trial.
DeleteIt was reported that Track only got custody of his guns.
DeleteI believe Track let Britta have physical custody because of his work schedule. But that isn't our business. And it's not like the Palins dont see her every week. Britta is a friend, has been far longer than LEvi's known them
DeleteDITH is equal to if not worse then NAOL. Many lies indeed. And the media-contrived rape thing, well Levi had comparable things in DITH, or I should say the Cowans had.
DeleteWhat needs to happen is an objective court official needs to set the two of them in a room, say, "ya both messed up and you deep down know that. you're young and you can resolve this quickly."
Deletethen they need to get out a calendar and chart important dates and a parenting plan.
It's hard when Tripp has a full life already. But it can happen seamlessly.
The only thing that Levi messed up was not getting a formal custody arrangement from the beginning. And you are an idiot.
DeleteOhhhhh, Track's work schedule made it so he couldn't get any physical custody of his daughter? Was it his work schedule that caused the divorce? He must work a lot, huh?
DeleteWhat does he do for work, again?
6:43 PM
DeleteMILLIONS of parents have their children regardless of their work schedules. Poor Trackmarks doesn't work anyway, just works at having his next fix delivered to Mommys garage,.
Track's Drug Habit is his work.
DeleteAnonymous6:43 PM "I believe Track let Britta have physical custody because of his work schedule."
DeleteThat might just be the funniest line yet. What work schedule from the unemployed Track Palin? He failed on Reality TV when he was handed a commercial fishing set up job/business. He can't even handle what is given to him by his family on a silver platter.
Drug trafficking can be considered a work schedule, I suppose. But it is a pathetic excuse to give up physical custody of one's child.
1:11 I too bought and read Levi's "Deer in the Headlights" - my life in Sarah Palin's crosshairs (which I'm sure he meant literally - after seeing what occurred in AZ!). Author: Levi Johnston - 2011.
ReplyDeleteIt should be noted that the things Bristol Palin said after the book was published are untrue and incorrect. Many folks know both Levi and Bristol and you can be sure the majority support Levi for being a down-to-earth good and loving guy!
Sorry, but no one talks about Bristol being a sweetheart! Sunny yes, Bristol NO!
Good luck on your custody case Levi and Sunny. The young man needs both of you for your consistency in love and good parenting.
And Scarah had the gall to call him a deadbeat Dad.She's fucking evil.She will get what's coming to her.
ReplyDeleteShe also had the gall to go on tv and call him "Ricky Hollywood" and we all know now that the plans were for "Bristol Hollywood" to cash in on the kid and they were afraid Levi might do that first. The whole Palin Hollywood KKKlan hasn't worked out so well for their reputations. Levi isn't the one who whored himself out. He has kept his priorities straight and his integrity. Getting away from Bristol and Mawl Mawl Sarah was the best thing he ever did. Now he has a beautiful wife and little family. Go Levi!
DeleteWell, at that time Bristol was living the mature life away from Levi's hate media blitz and Tanks lies.
Delete"living the mature life"
DeleteAre you for real?
"Living the mature life": testing Trial Daddies, Bristol's words. Who is the Daddy of the DWTS bastard baby?
DeleteIs Joey Junker 'claiming' Bristol's current Bastard Baby Birth? Are Bristol's several bastard babies Baptized, or does Sarah Palin 'Waterboard' them?
A few days ago I had a thought. Could there have been some sort of fake marriage performed so that both Levi and Bristol thought they were married? Not officially married in the legal way, but some sort of way to fool some people? Maybe more than Levi and Bristol were fooled.
ReplyDeleteI know Sarah had the connections to do this if she wanted to. I also think that she would have done this without a second thought if she thought it was a good idea for some reason.
No proof, but
Hey, 1:41 - are you the same one that keeps trying to push this marriage thing between Levi and Bristol? No records found so now you've moved to this 'new' thought. Forget it darlin' they've never been married!
DeleteAnd besides that, who cares?
Delete141 here. Not trying to push anything. Just wondering if this is another Sarah Palin lie and this one to Bristol and Levi and maybe some more people.
Delete2:06, how do you know?
DeleteHas anyone seen the marriage and divorce records for Hangar Dweller and Britta Hanson?
DeleteSarah likes mystery. She wouldn't want Bristol to be married to Levi now but she would want Bristol not to have birthed a bastard. It would be perfect if her Xtian money givers believe that Bristol was married to baby daddy when she gave birth.
Oh, here we go again about marriage and divorce...Bristol and Levi were never married.
DeleteBut, would suspect Track and Britta were due to her parents being religious and her Dad being a minister. Have never looked for their records, but they should be in the Palmer Recording District (which carries all of the valley information).
5:36 PM
DeleteSomeone would have a link if it exists.
All kids need their dads. Period. I hope the judge takes Bristol to task for withholding the little guy from his father. It would serve her right if Levi got primary custody and Bristol got every other weekend. It probably would be better for the child too.
ReplyDeleteIt has been said before. Some of these Palins would probably be a nightmare under oath for whatever their attorney was trying to do. I suspect they may have a rather loose attachment to the truth and an elevated sense of their own abilities to fool others. Not to mention they are all about mememememe and not so much the truth. Here come the chickens.
DeleteRemember, we already have proof that Bristol lied under oath about the location (and what it was like) of Wasilla in Alaska!
DeleteKids need both parents equally. All Levi has been saying. He wrote that they both are equal parents.
DeleteKids may need both parents equally, but that doesn't mean that both parents are capable of taking care of that kid. Bristol has shown that she is incapable of making good decisions about Tripp. She has exploited him. She has humiliated and hurt him on national television. She has tried what she can to alienate him from his father. She is a crappy mother by her own admission.
DeleteI just HOPE that this judge is not bought by the Grifters. Virtually every judge IS bought by them, and law enforcement, and lawyers also, too. (P.I.C.: the lawyer team that Levi had last time around - who turned out to be servants of the Grifters after all, and who did their best to scam all the money they could from him, as well as make him look silly/inept in the public's eyes.
ReplyDeleteGOOD LUCK, LEVI AND SUNNY!!! I hope for YOUR sake as well as for TRIPPs (and his darling, much beloved half-sister, Breeze), that you guys will get FULL custody of Tripp. You have more than enough amunition in the public statements/videos/reality shows that the other side has put out there. Make your lawyer use it!
Step fathers and mothers have nothing to do with non-bio children.
DeleteGrow up, stop the one-sided thinking
Are you really that stupid, 6:40? Of course step fathers and mothers have something to do with non-bio kids and judges know it. There's nothing you can do now but sit back and watch.
DeleteTripp doesn't have a stepfather but he sure has a loving stepMom and yes they do count.
On the one hand, we have a father who is married, a loving step mother, and a half sibling, living a stable life.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, we have a flighty mother who travels extensively, keeps her son from his father, has exploited her son for her own gain, has publicly stated on more than one occasion that she can't control him, has shown this to be true on multiple reality tv shows, and who has also said and shown herself to alienate her son from his father's affection.
Levi should have primary custody. Bristol needs to get her act together before she can have anything but visitation.
Besides she's got DWTS baby #2 and Junker Jr. baby #3 to take care of so she doesn't have time for Tripper.
DeleteBristol doesn't travel extensivel. holy God. She is not flighty. There isnt a more rooted person by nature.
Deleteyou have no idea what you're talking about
Hear that everyone? There isn't a more rooted person by nature than Bristol Palin!!!!!!! That's what her #1 fan says. The one who "knows her" despite not actually knowing her. The one who apparently has an idea of what she's talking about even though she's privy to the same exact information as any of us (the one's who, apparently, have no idea what we're talking about).
Delete8:24 PM Exactly.
DeleteSarah always says that Levi is a "dead-beat" Dad; I wonder if Track is a "dead-beat" Dad? Anyone know about him?
ReplyDeleteSarah just knows high school Levi. I guarantee she doesn't know what he's doing now and I guarantee she thinks he made LOADS of money off his hatespree and book of lies.
DeleteTrack is a deadbeat Drug Addict.
DeleteIt would be nice for Tripp if at least one Palin learns the Golden Rule.
ReplyDeleteDo to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31
Try firsthand experience. The author undergoes the controversial drowning technique, at the hands of men who once trained American soldiers to resist—not inflict—it.
Golden Rule
Levi needs to learn that too. He has said he hates when people are mean to his family, yet allows people to trash others and lies about them (proven)
DeleteThat isn't mature.
6:38 PM
Deletelink to your proof
And a curse on you, Stapleton, you evil bitch. Don't think your low profile is making anyone forget the disgusting things you did. You will pay for them all one day.
ReplyDeleteThere's been so much. I'm forgetting who Stapleton is. Can you refresh my memory, please, 4:27?
DeleteMeg Stapleton, former Palin advisor.
DeleteI hope this issue is resolved soon for the sake of Levi and Trip. Calling fathers deadbeats and losers sets such a poor example for the children. My son-in-law is going through a unpleasant custody battle right now. The boys mother has been very resistant to any amicable terms. Fortunately when she freaks out and calls everyone names and goes back on her word she sends emails and posts on facebook, all promptly forwarded to a lawyer. I hoped Levi saved all Bristol's shows when she acted crazy in public.
ReplyDeleteYou're so biased. Just let them be. You know nothing of nothing and see even less from an objective place.
Delete@6:38 - you fell for the bait!
DeleteStapleton - I'll never forget her fight w/Les Gara (Alaska Legislature member) on the steps of the Capitol in Juneau, AK. She was a first class bitch and Les was the good guy!
ReplyDeleteWe never see her on TV anymore in Anchorage, AK. If we saw her on a show, we'd call their management and complain and boycott the show (auctions, news, etc.)
I would think she regrets being Palin's spokesman back then -after seeing the real liar and fraud Sarah proved herself to be. Stapleton was young and probably impressionable, which I'll at least give to her!
WTF are you talking about? Where'd Meg come from?
DeleteIn a previous reference!
DeleteFirst and above all, you're a role model for fathers and deserve a lot of respect for sharing your own experience and for trying your best to help Levi from day 1.
ReplyDeleteDads get a bad reputation and the courts are usually stacked in favor of the mother, regardless of the child's best interest. Sunny and Levi have handled things very well, and it's clear she's been a great influence in Levi and his children's lives.
The Palins, and especially Bristol, have used Tripp as a monkey for their organ grinder. Entertainment and not much else except a profit maker for their collection of toys and whatnots.
There's plenty of information from their own writings and ghostwritings, but even moreso with their actions and demonizing Levi for Bristol's choices.
I just hope he has a good lawyer and a judge. Levi, Sunny, Tripp, Baretta, Sherry, Mercede and the entire Johnston side of the family have a lot of love and stability to offer. Two things a child needs most.
Excellent Post, and I hope to read more like it in the media as well.
One must love their child more than they despise/hate their ex. The child deserves at least that.
You are an idiot. You think you know about, and have the authority to gossip about people you know nothing of other than reading on blogs. You really are a moron Anita. World class.
DeleteWhy such a reaction when Anita is so right on? 11:57 PM stop projecting and get a grip on reality.
DeleteAnonymous 11:57
DeleteHow sweet! An inbred airhead calling me a world class idiot and moron is a complement! Your're a world class cunning linguist as well!
Did I strike a nerve, or were YOU raised in a barn?
Anita shouldn't your pompous ass be out looking for some family to call CPS on?
DeleteProceed, fool.......
Deletethe issue is now, that Levi, by use of his name, is a liar. He was used by immoral democrats to spread lies.
ReplyDeleteThat is undisputed.
He has shown no remorse for hurt HE caused, to many people.
Forget the other side for a minute.
He should NO regard for other people, people who love Sarah, the people who know Sarah far better than Levi's superficial relationship with her.
He was used by Tank and now realized how bad Tank is.
He has yet to realize he was used by the Cowans in the same manner.
Bloggers lie everyday, distort and contort, make stuff up daily.
No one even thinks about that.
No one thinks about the people who've been hurt alongside Sarah, even before the national politics, even before she became Governor and people were spreading some lies even then.
Not too many people are feeling sorry for Sarah or Bristol these days, or maybe you haven't heard. Sarah Palin compared torture to baptism!
DeleteBut you've got your own agenda, haven't you. Your dream-girl-friend Bristol is in trouble and you need to defend her.
Here's a little secret:
Bristol is laughing at you...when she isn't worried about you purchasing a one-way ticket and showing up on her doorstep.
@6:29 - you fell for the bait!!! Bwahaha
Delete6:29 Levi was USED by SKANK!! She pulled him down from wasilla and put him in a suit and told the world he and Bristol were engaged. She is the one who said he was always at her house.
DeleteShe is the one who led the world to believe he was part of the family. When she was done with him she kicked him to the curb. He has not told the world the real truths about all that went down but keep pushing him and maybe he will.
He was used by immoral democrats" " undisputed"? In your little world of make believe perhaps. Look you dense brick head-skank and Bristol are the ones who cntinue to call him names while he is living a vibrant PRIVATE life. It is skank's fault court records are being put out into the public. She called this war and continues to fan the the flames so it is on her head.
Everyone here thinks about who has been hurt but no one gives a ray's azz about skank. She is happy and going hot yoga remember? Her fb post today says how she feels about attacks-they don't hurt her. She and Bristol just dance in the face of haters remember? So go sell your story to the pee pond.
Actions speak louder than words and Levi is the only one acting like an adult and a private citizen.
Remember, Levi did nothing without the "encourgement" of THE one and only Tank. Before Tank flattened him, Levi legitimately was saying how he liked the Palins. The money called via Tank.
ReplyDeleteDistorting happened. Superficiality ran the Tank show.
Then the Cowans got ahold in an identical manner to lead their agenda using this boy's name, to spread their lies.
The TRULY unfortunate thing is, in blind hate, people fail to help the people who obviously need it. It's CLEAR Levi isn't close to members of his family. Why on earth would he approve of his sister's infamous pathological lying? Why wouldn't he want to help her? Mercede is a queen of defaming people she's either jealous of or people whom she doesn't like. Remember Tara? And now her default?
People need to leave these people alone. We don't know them. WE refuse to see things objectively.
The media is the only "bad guy." It waswrong of reporters to pit Levi vs Sarah, pushing Levi to say things making Sarah respond. Recall that she didn't respond until long after he entered the bullshit fray and trashed her at Tanks side.
What a lost boy.
Bloggers have done enough damage and told enough lies.
Let them all actually put time between their mistakes and the future and then each will see reality. Levi will eventually see how wrong he was to profit from people's temporary hurt. He lost much respect. But the people he victimized have always been tight. Bristol will see emotional retaliation was equally wrong.
Let them live their lives
WE cannot do anything. It is not out place. THIS is between TWO people. Not 4. Not 100.
Scapegoats need to stop.
Good work! You fell for the bait! @6:37
DeleteWho are you calling a scapegoat?
DeleteI don't think that word means what you think it means. Because it seems that you are using Tank, Levi, and Mercede as scapegoats.
People here need to step back and remember these are total strangers. You have no way of actually seeing things with fresh eyes and youve already proven you cannot separate opinion from truth. The lies need to stop. The judgment needs to stop.
ReplyDeleteGryphen has used innocent people's lives for his selfish purposes for years now. Liberal-minded writers used a boy's name to further their agenda and pen lies.
It all needs to end. One day, Levi will see his errors in judgment. Brisotl will see her retaliation as being wrong.
These are happy people, who have a sublimely happy son.
Stop with the onesided hate.
We have a right to our opinions. When Bristol contradicts her self repeatedly, what she says on the same topic people of sound minds recognize a dishonest person. Troll has been the fool of false impressions of improbable tales of Sarah too.
DeleteGryphon: My gut instinct was that Bristol got cozy with Levi under false pretenses so they could manipulate Levi to recant. When he did what they wanted Bristol called news resources crying the engagement was off. She used the pregnant girl to spin Levi knocked her up.
DeleteLol Bristol boo hooping it was Levi who wanted to do reality tv, Levi this and that declaring she just wanted a little house to settle down in. Next thing we know it is Palin reality show, DWTS etc. everything she declared she was against projecting her choices. Bristol's plastic surgery facial transformation was nails in her coffin of lies.
The Crazy Troll is on one again. How stupid is this Troll?
ReplyDeleteNone of our business
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I guess that would make me a long time reader, occasional commentor, a troll, according to Gryph. But whatever Gryphen- wake up and get a clue dude- you don't 'offer' unwarranted internet blog 'help' for young people in a family situation that don't ask for it. You cannot possibly be helping their situation with your tauntings here.
Delete7:05 PM Go to the edge of a cliff, turn around and take a step back. We will not miss you, Troll.
ReplyDeleteI think when the Troll comments appear back to back, it is because Gryphen is laughing so hard the Troll can hear it.
ReplyDeleteThe louder he laughs, the more frantic and condescending the comments become.
Do they have a date to finally settle this custody issue? Aren't they all in Alaska now?