Monday, April 14, 2014

The lawyer behind the latest Supreme Court decision to undermine our campaign finance laws has another cause, convincing Sarah Palin to make a run for Senate.

Courtesy of Mother Jones:  

When the Supreme Court recently demolished yet another chunk of the nation's campaign finance laws, Dan Backer arguably cheered louder than anyone. It was Backer, a Washington, DC-area attorney active in conservative politics, who had convinced an Alabama businessman named Shaun McCutcheon to challenge the government's limit on the number of candidates, party committees, and political action committees an individual can contribute to in a single election cycle. (The basic limits on how much money that donor can give to each candidate, party, or PAC remain intact.) Backer, who represented McCutcheon, responded to the news of the Supreme Court's decision by tweeting (in apparent reference to William Wallace in Braveheart): "FREEEEDOMMMMM!!!!" 

Backer's victory is shining some light on another high-profile cause of his: Convincing Sarah Palin to run for US Senate. 

In an email headlined "Palin for Senate" recently blasted out by a PAC called the Tea Party Leadership Fund, Backer writes, "Sarah's the proven leader we need." He goes on, "She has a better grasp on world politics, and she knows what it means to cherish and protect our American freedoms far better than THE MAN WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE LEADING THE FREE WORLD." Backer slams incumbent Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) for spending "too much time in Washington, DC, begging the Obama administration for favors rather than representing the good people of Alaska." Palin supporters need to act quick, Backer warns: The window for her to get into the race "has almost closed." And so Backer asks recipients to sign a petition and gather enough signatures to "to push Sarah Palin over the top in a critical run for Alaska's Senate seat in 2014." 

In an interview, Backer said almost 100,000 people had signed the Palin for Senate petition. If Palin did enter the race,he said the Tea Party Leadership PAC would bolster her candidacy with direct mail and radio ads. "Nobody's going to be a greater agent for change than Sarah Palin from Alaska," Backer told me. "She will bring something to the race and she will disrupt the Senate. And disruption is good."

I guess this guy did not think he had done enough damage to the country through this Supreme Court decision, and has now decided to release the Kraken.

The problem with that plan is that she has no intention of running, and I doubt that anything this guy could say or do would convince her otherwise.

However let me just say that if her few remaining supporters are aware of his aggressive promotion of her candidacy, and she does not take the bait, that it will be MUCH harder for her to trick them into giving money to SarahPAC.

Even the horniest guys in the strip club will lose their chubby once the dancer loses her grip on the pole and tumbles into the audience. And essentially that is what is happening to Palin, albeit in slow motion.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    It never ceases to amaze me how blind some politically active folks like this are to Sarah's ignorance and total lack of leadership ability(she would have to be an adult first). Sarah is just a malicious child in an adult body.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      I agree with you whole-heartedly about "how blind some politically active folks...are to Sarah's ignorance and total lack of leadership ability", except I also, too, wonder if she isn't being supported because of her ignorance and total lack of leadership ability. She is so easy to manipulate and would sell out to whoever and whatever who offered the most money.

    2. Adult body?

      Please let her run so she can stay up in ak. she just might win. After all the elected officials ak has now are just once removed from the old insufferable racist divisive witch*.

      *a stinky cow also

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      But what about the AIP? Is that still in existence up there? Sarah would be much better as Queen of the country of Alaska.

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "almost 100,000 people had signed the Palin for Senate petition"

    In other words, 37 people. But it's ALMOST 100,000!

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      These are the same dumbassed mother fuckers that put her in the Governors job..

    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      The same 37 people that hang out at C4P and Chuckie's blog.

    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Where will she run FROM? She no longer is a resident of Alaska, and that can be proven. Leadership? Yeah, right off a cliff or the "bridge to nowhere" They can have that skank, we will stick by the intelligent candidates.

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      I heard it is now 35 people, two changed their minds.

    5. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Assuming she would run for Senator of Alaska and not Arizona, who are those 100,00 people and where are they from? Certainly not from Alaska.

      Those online sign-up things allow anyone from anywhere to put their names on. I can assure you there are more people on that list from Indonesia then there are from Alaska.

      And one would assume that no one from Indonesia would be able to vote for her so what's the point of all this number throwing?

      I sure wish Non-Alaskans would keep their butts out of Alaska business.

    6. Anonymous8:13 PM

      ps... I just ate my comment.

      I wanted to add that the most vocal Non-Alaskan butting her flat butt into Alaska business is Sarah Palin, former Alaskan, no Arizona resident.

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Run Bitch, run!!!!!

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    "She has a better grasp on world politics, and she knows what it means to cherish and protect our American freedoms far better than THE MAN WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE LEADING THE FREE WORLD."

    This is simply the most delusional sentence ever written.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      It's so obvious this guy has zero clue about the real Sarah Palin. Think he needs to read, or watch the movie, "Game Change"! Boy, is he in for a huge surprise!

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM


    3. All of them are delusional and batshit banana crazy.

    4. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Hmmmm, that will be right about when Boys Will be Boys is filming...
      That ought to help her Senate campaign!

    5. Anonymous6:06 PM

      I'd be okay with it if she ended up like William Wallace in the movie "Braveheart". Send her to the four corners of the world! That's the ticket!

    6. Anonymous6:15 PM

      5:07 PM Sarah would curl up in a fetal position and hide for months. Todd would disappear into the woods like a rat.

    7. Anonymous6:17 AM


  5. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Yeah, but how many of the "almost 100,000 (or 37 as the case may be)" are actually Alaskans who can vote an Alaska senatorial race? It would be interesting to know the answer to that one!

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      PayMe is no longer a citizen of Alaska.

  6. Caroll Thompson2:40 PM

    Too much work for Sarah. She doesn't want a real job; she just wants to pretend she has one on television.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      It is an Amazing America, I'm amazed that there are still apparently a few producers out there that want to throw money at her to flap her jaw, it is simply amazing.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      How is that gig going? Did she get canned yet? Haven't really heard too much buzz about it lately other than her promoting it in that bathroom in New York with all her handlers and the purse-carrying "husband." haha! Wouldn't be surprised if she just slinks away from that to spend more time with her family.

  7. Anonymous2:41 PM

    It's a con. You know the drill: sign the petition and get directed to the Tea Party Leadership PAC'donation' page. Dan Backer is their Treasurer.

  8. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Does this lawyer in Washington DC really think the people in Alaska want this dolt to be their senator? Sarah Palin quit her job as gov half way through. If elected, what's the guarantee she won't do the same thing again?

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      She would only have to "work" 117 days just like all the other Republican takers on the government dole.

  9. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Shame on Mother Jones for treating this seriously. Shame on all of us for feeding the media's appetite for Palin stories.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Everytime her name comes up in the media, I blather on about Shaileigh Tripp and her book. People always look it up and ALWAYS change their mind.

  10. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I wonder how many of those 100.000 who signed the petition live in Alaska and can actually vote for her if she runs?

    Also, what do you bet that he thinks he can pull her strings if she gets nominated and elected? Right, like she would ever listen to anyone. He should watch Game Change for a good picture of what he will be up against if that is his plan.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Her family, all 25 of them, voted from Alaska in that poll. That's all the votes she would get here. Besides, the Kochs are already backing Dan Sullivan so I doubt she see much more than couch change from the Teabuggers.

  11. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Run for Senate in Alaska?? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Run Bitch, Run. The Floodgates holding all of your secrets will fly open revealing how you were NEVER Vetted by McCain. We need a comical campaign to ignite the Laughter. Get the Birth Certificates ready, we will be demanding confirmation of all of your LIES. Bring it on, Skank. You also too, Bristol. Track is not off limits either.

  13. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Palin can, not run for AK Senate because she is no longer a resident of Ahhlaaskaa.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      While she does not physically live in AK, her name is still on properties, therefore she can technically run.

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      6:44 AM If Alaskans vote her into any office, they will get what they deserve.

  14. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Could you just imagine how Alaskans would react if she stepped into the ring? The laughter here in Wasilla would be heard the world around. Why do these people think she is capable of running for higher office? She's been out of her league since she was Mayor. Too Funny! I do love to see some people wasting their money on her though, they pay up, and she stays in the truck, or in Arizona.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      She was out of her league as Mayor.

  15. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Will Pimp Daddy 'work' the campaign trail, like he 'worked' the Irondog Trail? Will Bristol campaign for Trial Daddies?

  16. angela2:55 PM

    I even hate to address nonsense like this.
    Sarah knows why she can't run. She REALLY knows
    why she can't even run for a seat on the school board.
    She really needs to stop pole dancing for these people
    or one of them are going to get pissed and dig into the
    real reasons the sociopath can't ever hold office again
    ---besides her innate laziness.

  17. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Here's the clincher, nine of every ten dollars has gone to fund raising, legal fees[ to Backers OWN FIRM] consulting and "other" related expenses. You can bet that Shyster Sarah is getting a cut from this, otherwise why wouldn't she speak out? after all it may take away donations from her own Pac.

    A crack down on this blatant scamming is long overdue!

  18. Anonymous2:58 PM

    How thick is that makeup? Her blemishes still show through.

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      She must have finally run out of the spackling she ripped off along with the clothes she stole from the mccain campaign. cover girl from safeway just doesn't do the job the make-up professionals use for broadway stars does.

  19. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Mrs. Todd Palin has as much of a chance of being a United States Senator as I have of finding the missing Malaysian airplane.

    I've worked for a couple of US Senators from Illinois and she wouldn't last a month. It's hard work, at least the way my guys did it. You can't dress like a teen aged slut. Your (ex) spouse can't handle the duties for you. You can't check out in the middle of the day and climb into bed to watch soap operas. It's helpful if you shower regularly. You can't make up shit to rile up your base. Stuff you say on the floor winds up in the Congressional Record. You work most weekends. You're expected to have original thoughts and interests. You're expected to speak to more media than just FOX News. As a legislator, your votes are subject to intense scrutiny. You're expected to be a team player. You don't disappear for days/weeks at a time and hang out in Arizona. You can't do Reality TV shows. You actually have to take the gavel and preside over the Senate. That would be worth the price of admission.

    Why am I even trying to justify the insanity of this idea? Mr.Dan Backer, Esq. must have a horribly lonely and miserable life to conjure up this ridiculous idea.

    And PS....The last thing current GOP presidential front runners Ted Cruz and Rand Paul want in their Club of 100 is Sarah Freakin' Palin who would suck all of the air out of the building. Till she quit.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      well said fellow Chicagoan.

  20. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Maybe this guy doesn't care that much about Sarah running, as he's trying to prove to Tea Partiers that she's never running and to spend their bucks elsewhere.

    She won't run. She'll tease a run, and dry up the well of donations from serious candidates. Backer is maybe trying to eliminate her name from the lists - he and others are probably very frustrated at her jumping in with her tease, while sucking up the moneys of donors that should support real candidates.

    Sarah is being challenged: Run or stay out of our hair.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Wasn't it $carah herself who advised "buck up or get in the truck".

      I hope she makes it a semi with at least a 50' trailer so she can take the brood and several bots with her. Take the bridge to nowhere and turn right when she gets there.

  21. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I suppose she could attempt to run in AZ but she wouldn't fare any better here. She's a national joke.


  22. Anonymous3:06 PM

    You know, I hate to say this, and I know we'd be in bad shape as a country if it happened, but if Johnny and the Quitter had won in 2008, I am positive they would have neutered her and she would have become a big disappointment in all those rightwingers eyes.

    They would not have heard her destructive screeches all these years. McCain's people would have made sure she said what they wanted. Of course his presidency would have failed on so many levels, including economy and foreign affairs, but maybe paving the way for dems to win permanently.

    The only problem with that scenario is that we wouldn't have had the sound diplomacy and level head of the man in office that we have now. Thank heavens for that.

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      and we'd be at war with a dozen countries.

  23. Anonymous3:13 PM

    She would hopefully know better than to run from Alaska after having 'quit' as governor a few years back. She is very much disliked in Alaska and has embarrassed the residents of the state horribly throughout the recent years.

    Begich would probably get a kick out of running against her though - she's such an idiot and has zero experience at anything political! All she has done is bash President Obama for years - obviously hasn't read much - knows no more than she did when w/McCain and that wasn't much then!

    She would never survive a race. Everything negative she's done in Alaska would be brought out against include Toad's stuff - i.e. being a proven pimp! Would not make her look good at all! She would never survive a race!

  24. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Sarah won't run for any political office. She knows if she loses the gravy train ends.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      I wonder how much pressure will actually be put on her to enter a Senate race? It will be amusing to listen to her excuses as to why she can't/won't run! Young family, too busy, other commitments. LOL

  25. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Yosemite Sam would do better.
    Cuter and has better aim. ;-)

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Daffy Duck also too. Porky Pig also too.

    2. Anonymous6:07 AM

      with those oversize shoes and lack of hair she's more like daisy duck..

  26. Balzafiar3:21 PM

    "She will bring something to the race and she will disrupt the Senate. And disruption is good."

    True, so true; ignorance will disrupt just about everything.

  27. Anonymous3:26 PM

    We, of the lower 48, want to give sarah back to you folks in alaska. here you go, guys, we don't want anymore to do with her, she's all yours...sorry...whatever you decide to do with her is fine by us, just keep her out of here.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Too late lower 48, possession is nine-tenths of the law. Since Sarah Palin is a resident of Arizona, she's all yours losers.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      We don't want her or her spawn here in AridZona either Carpet baggers, all of them..

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      she can become the woman with "no state" like that guy we read about in middle school who had no country and had to spend the rest of his days sailing around the sea...

  28. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Another horrible photo of her! Gadree, but she can project that evil persona better than any other female I know! Evil, evil, evil woman - inside and out!

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      The line across her chin is called a mental crease. Really?!!!!! If you zoom in her skin is a bumpy mess. The bleached hair topper....sitting up there like a chip on her shoulder. Wonder if it could be knocked off if she got a upper cut to that jutted out jaw?

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Her makeup is awful. Is that what Bristol learned in skin school?

    3. Anita Winecooler8:42 PM

      Sarah's embracing her inner fish, and the scales make Bristol's job a lot harder.

    4. Anonymous6:48 AM

      the herpes is covered up...that's what counted.

  29. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Let's see, run for Senate and be seen for the fraud she is or be a reality tv failure for the umpteenth time.

  30. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Sarah Palin will run for the Alaskan state senate when all her children enroll in college.

    Get the message?

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Did you mean enroll in "collage", as one of her proudly ignorant followers spells it over on her hate book page?

  31. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Sarah Palin can kiss my big Eskimo ass. We're tired of eating her cookies. We need someone who will represent and work for us. We don't need that quitter.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Sarah Palin can kiss my big white ass. I'm tired of having to pay for that hockey rink she screwed up as our mayor. Is that why she is a resident of Arizona so she doesn't have to pay for it.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM


      The Menard Sport Center financials were settled years ago. Yes, the City ate it on that one, but we no longer owe anything on that white elephant.

    3. @Anon 5:03 PM

      Interesting comment anon! So, Wasilla no longer owes anything on the Menard Sports Center? Are financial records available to prove this?

      How much does the Sports Center take opposed to what it costs to maintain? I'm talking about staffing it with personnel, heating (120,000 sq. ft. building), etc. My question, I guess, is how much does the city of Wasilla pay out yearly to keep the doors open?

      Anyone know?

    4. Anonymous6:57 AM

      In 2002, Wasilla residents voted to add half a percentage point to their sales tax to fund construction of the $14.7 million facility. ~ Wiki

      It was built by Spenard in return for favors...(proof?)

      The sports center has NEVER turned a profit. The city’s Recreation and Cultural Services manager quit last fall. In December, the town voted for a financial audit,

      The reality is that it's a e giant sucking financial hole that Mat-Su thinks is great for the community.

    5. Grrrr !11:24 AM

      Before the Menard Center was even built, many in Wasilla felt it would be a "white elephant" -- it's evidently located too far from town and there's little (if any) public transit.

      As a result, the Center HAS struggled financially ever since opening in 2005.

      According to a report from Wasilla's finance director, revenues in 2007 were $728,000 but dropped to $544,000 in 2011.

      But over that same time period, expenses rose from $789,000 to $1,169,000 -- a 49% increase!

      In 2010 alone, Wasilla subsidized the center to the tune of $800,000.

      This past December, the city allocated $50,000 to examine the Menard Center's operation, possibly in the hope of inducing some private enterprise to take over.

      (Note: the above costs do NOT include the building supplies for the Center which were instead used in the construction of the Palins' home.)

  32. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Sarah will never run for anything ever again based on two words... Financial Disclosure!

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Two other words: medical records.

    2. PalinsHoax6:27 PM

      "Sarah will never run for anything ever again based on two words... "

      Maybe the Ol' Barren One is afraid of these two words: Two Bull.

      Oh wait. It's one word that she is afraid of - tubal - right Ol' Snipped and Sizzled?

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      She can't pay off everyone forever.

  33. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: 149,218

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      If she rolls that piece of crap out again in the fall, I will laugh!

  34. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Devastating New Poll: GOP In Danger Of Losing House In November

    "A newly released poll from Public Policy Polling shows that the GOP is by no means assured of retaining control of the House after the mid-term elections next fall.

    Apparently, a major factor in turning the electorate against many Republican incumbents was their vote to shut the government down last October.

    Although they tried to place the blame on the President and Senate Democrats, it has long been apparent that the voting public is not gullible, knowing that it was the House Republicans and their determination to find a way to repeal Obamacare who were actually responsible for the shutdown...."

  35. Beldar Lou Conehead4:20 PM

    I think I speak for everyone - tho, paradoxically not for myself - when I proclaim in my most disturbing tea-partian shriek:

    "RUN, $CREECHY, RUN!!!!"

    Seriously, Granny Lou, make this happen! By April of 2015 you could literally be an august freshman member of civilization's most respected deliberative body, by August of 2015 you could resign in your trademark publicly humiliating manner for no apparent reason beyond your intractable inadequacy and by September 2015 you could be starring in the Reality Channel's latest season of "Has-beens, Wannabes and Never-Was's".

    Dont let the naysayers dissuade you, $creechy!!

    America needs you!!!


    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      "Civilization's most respected deliberative body"; are you kidding? The United States Senate isn't even the "most respected deliberative body" in the United States. Look at who sits in the fucking thing.

    2. @838
      Don't be too harsh on Beldar, as he is known for taking extreme literary license, especially when he's just riffing, as is all too often his wont.

      I can think of at least three specific instances when his license has been revoked.

      And that's just yesterday.

    3. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Beldar is Brilliant!

  36. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Sarah Palin forget about running for Alaska Senate.

    You should be running for President of the United States of America.

    Go Big Or Go Home (back to Arizona)

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      yea, buck up or stay in the truck..

  37. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Is that Klansman in Kansas Sarah's Uncle? When will Sarah Post on her Facebook about the shootings and killings of innocents?

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      too close to sarah's miniscule mind that never happened...

  38. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I'm so happy Sarah Palin doesn't live in the south. Instead of playing Eskimo Bingo she would be playing Negro Bingo.

  39. Anonymous4:33 PM

    She'll never run here in Alaska or anywhere else. Having said that, it would be high entertainment to watch the Republican primary. Where else can you see Captain Treble Zero (Treadwell), Mr Carpetbagger (Dan Sullivan), The Brain Dead Bimbo (Palin) and Mr. Teabagger Whackjob (Joe Miller) all in action. We'd really have to be way creative to come up with a more derelict group, however, the debates would be of caliber of the best of Saturday Night Live entertainment! Bring it on. Most of us haven't had that much fun since Miller got his ass handed to him in the last Alaskan senatorial race.

  40. Anonymous4:35 PM

    What does Joe Miller for Senate think about this? So Toad and Serror won't be endorsing him? No SarahPAC moneybomb to put Vaguely Bearded over the top against Sullivan and Treadwell? Tell Kathleen to stop measuring for curtains in DC? Never mind...

  41. Anonymous4:41 PM

    The comments on FB are hilarious - most can't stand her!

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I don't want to go to her FB so how about you quote some here?

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      These are from the Tea Party Leadership FB where the petition is

      Rick Gray If the words "Senator Sarah Palin" excite you, you should be institutionalized.......for a very long time.

      What a JOKE, she didn't even care to finish up her term as Governor so why the hell would ANYONE think that Palin in the senate is a good idea?! She was rejected by the GOP, the Republican National Convention AND Fox News, so need I say more?? #NuffSaid

      Just what the Senate needs. Another uneducated anti-science republiscum who's life is based on sheer fantasy and lunacy. She needs to go out on the tundra and stay there.

      Sarah Palin is an idiot and anyone who would consider her suited for a serious position in any aspect of the American political system is an example of how seriously damaged our country's governance and political consciousness has become.

      Are you insane??? We need to increase the intellect of the Senate, not set it back 50 years.

    3. Anonymous5:48 AM

      muses from the proudly ignorant as per usual or are the rabid rubes rebelling?

  42. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I hope she runs and I hope she wins. What a fuckin riot.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, you can't be serious. Sarah Palin is too afraid of all of her Family skeletons in her closet. Pimping, Unreported Births, A Drugged out BCD son, 2 unwed teen daughters, multiple plastic surgeries, a fake pregnancy, and the most well known Dysfunctional Family in Alaska. That is just for starters, Financial Declarations just might send both Sarah and Todd to jail.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Yea, that would be a real treat to watch her be destroyed by Begich in the general.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:32 PM

      Me Too, 5:14!!!! What a fuckin riot!

    4. Anonymous5:45 AM

      5:14, shouldn't you be popping pimples, brissy? mama grizzled didn't pay $19, 000 for you to continue to sit on your fat ass ya know.

    5. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Pretty sure 514a was snark. It would be a riot to watch her run. Give the GOP sh*theads just what they deserve: getting dragged into oblivion by the monster they created.
      Run baby, run!

  43. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Showing off her facial scars from her variety of face lifts/implants..
    Run, ugly, run!!!

  44. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Hey Johnny Boy, Mrs. Palin, you know, Saaaarah from Alaaaaska, has tu rned on you. And she is horning in on your territory. Still lovin your "best campaigner ever" running mate?

  45. Keith's ghost5:45 PM

    Run Sarah, run! It's the only chance to find out where little Trigger came from. Sarah's so hawt doesn't matter what's in her brain, or the fact that she lacks one.
    5:14, I choose for this country not to be "a fuckin riot." You, sir or madam, are an idiot.

  46. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Sarah doesn't need to run for anything, ever. Her 2008 campaign will keep us laughing forever. She will never be funnier than when she believed she could pull the wool over our eyes.

  47. Anonymous6:26 PM

    So there are at least 100 thousand rabid lunatics walking around..and they all carry guns. Shiver.

  48. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Granny Dirty Panties must be pissed at being put on the spot by that teabagging doofus. Bwahahaha!!

  49. Anonymous7:06 PM

    She has a better grasp on world politics and understands more about cherishing our freedoms.......who is that guy talking about? Sarah thought that Queen Elizabeth ran the British Government. She couldn't remember which one was our friend, North or South Korea. As for cherishing our freedoms, Palin likes the media when they write something complimentary about her. Otherwise, they are the lame stream media when they criticize her. And, no criticism allowed on her Facebook or fan sites. She complained to thexWSJ that the media took unflattering photos of her. Hey, the camera recrds what it sees. Sarah doesn't even know how the government works here in the US. She thinks that the Secretary of State in Georgia can raise taxes and write the budget. Please run for the Senate, Sarah, it will be almost as funny as 2008.

  50. Anita Winecooler8:27 PM

    It's official, she's taking a page from Hillary Clinton and acting all like "I'm not sure if I'm going to run or not yet". Announce, Sarah! Run like hell or you'll lose these two convinced men of how smart you are! Just think how proud Willow and Bristol will be! Hey, Bristol could write a post titled "My Mom is the Awesomest Ever!"

    Just run in slow motion, wouldn't want any fires to start, if you know what I mean wink wink!

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Run like you ran in the marathons.....

      Photoshop your run! It's the same thing anyway.

  51. Anonymous8:33 PM

    And STILL folks refuse to riot in the streets demanding that you run for President, Sarah.... what more can you do, who can you pay, whose dick can you suck? We know you'll do anything to remain in denial.

    America doesn't want you, Sarah. America will never want you.

  52. Anonymous5:12 AM

    She doesn't want to work that hard.

  53. Anonymous5:42 AM

    sarah,did you hear Rant Paul's speech at the wingnut gathering? It's as if he was speaking directly to you.
    "We (gotp) shouldn't be sucking the wealthy's kochs or giving them more $ as they don't need it and we have to quit being so blatantly racist."
    if that doesn't describe you to a tee I don't know what does.

  54. This MAY be the way to report on this fraudulent PAC:

  55. This MAY be the way to report on this fraudulent PAC:


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.