Monday, April 14, 2014

Sarah Palin endorsed Iowa Senate candidate blames her numerous missed votes in the state senate on her National Guard duties. Yeah, not so much.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Iowa state Sen. Joni Ernst (R) has said she's missed votes because of National Guard duty, but a review by The Cedar Rapids Gazette of Iowa suggests that Ernst's National Guard duties actually haven't kept her from attending that many votes in the Iowa Senate. 

Ernst, according to the Gazette, has repeatedly cited National Guard duty to defend herself against criticism that she's been missing too many votes in the state Senate. But a report by the Gazette on Monday said there's actually "very little overlap between Iowa Senate votes and her National Guard service." 

"I don't know what the actual count is," Ernst said in an interview with WHO-TV. "I know I have missed five days for other campaign reasons, but what they've included in those votes is time I've been serving on orders with Iowa Army National Guard." 

The Gazette, through a Freedom of Information and Iowa open open records request of the Iowa Senate Journal, found that 12 of the 117 votes Ernst missed were on days when she was on active duty. 

So only 12 of the 117 votes she missed were due to her duties with the National Guard?

Then what, pray tell, were the other missed days due to?

When Ernst was pressed on whether she had missed some votes because of campaigning, Ernst said she had. 

"Yes they were," Ernst said of the missed votes because of her Senate campaign. "They were for other scheduled activities, and not knowing what the debate calendar is before they come up, it is hard to schedule if you are out of town." 

"So yes, a few of those votes were due to other activities," Ernst added.

You know missing votes is one thing, but using your military service to cover for them is pretty damn low. 

Of course she realized that the demographic she was attempting to attract would accept her bullshit about military responsibilities, at face value.

Sadly for her the "lamestream" media in her area is less easily manipulated.

Yep, another loser for Sarah Palin's stable of "also rans. "


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Doesn't the Iowa legislature meet at the same time each year?

    How dumb is she that as an elected legislator she can't figure out when the Iowa legislature meets and schedule around it?

    Now I might go along with her not knowing day to day what issues will come up for a vote when, but if she put her legislator duties ahead of fundraising, she would avoid fundraising while the legislature meets.

    And to try to use her National Guard duty as a shield is an offense against all military, especially those sincere National Guard members who go to great efforts to reschedule their lives to not conflict with Guard duty.

    Everyone else does it so why can't she?

    Also, too, and what not....didn't the Alaska legislature prohibit fundraising during the legislative session? Or was that just for legislators funding to get reelected to their legislative seats and not those running for another office?

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Rick Perry Lawyers up: Criminal investigation of bribery, coercion and abuse of authority

    Texas Governor Rick Perry, that quick thinker who couldn't remember his third talking point during the 2012 presidential debates, is lawyering up. There is a criminal investigation underway into whether he illegally withheld money from the Travis County district attorney's office.


    And now he's hired high-powered lawyer David Botsford to prove that Rick Perry, who swearstogod he broke no laws, broke no laws. The real nail-biter? Watching to see if Rick Perry can come up with three reasons why he's innocent.

    Via KLBJ news radio:

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Wow, that's a "she"? Are we sure her name isn't really Johnny Ernst?

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Sarah Palin says she worships our military men and women. So how can Sarah Palin endorse a political candidate that missed a ton of political votes and claimed it was because of her service to the National Guard?

    In honor to our United States of America military men and women, Sarah Palin should and must revoke her endorsement for Joni Ernst.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      But - but - This woman CASTRATES animals!! Maybe PayMe endorses her so she can call in favors later, like castrating Toad and some of Bristle's trial husbands who never seem to stick around.

  5. Anonymous1:14 PM

    O/T the repubs found someone dumber than Stain. MarshaMarshaMarsha from the great state of TN is thinkin' about running for Pres. OMG, where does this hubris and inflated ego come from? Dumb and a home ec major as POTUS

  6. Anonymous1:20 PM

    5-Year-Old Accidentally Shoots 2 Children At S.C. Birthday Party

  7. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Devastating New Poll: GOP in Danger of Losing House in November

    A newly released poll from Public Policy Polling shows that the GOP is by no means assured of retaining control of the House after the mid-term elections next fall. Apparently, a major factor in turning the electorate against many Republican incumbents was their vote to shut the government down last October.

    Although they tried to place the blame on the President and Senate Democrats, it has long been apparent that the voting public is not gullible, knowing that it was the House Republicans and their determination to find a way to repeal Obamacare who were actually responsible for the shutdown.

    The poll was commissioned by last fall and found that there are at least 17 seats that could be in jeopardy come November.

    The poll looked at seats currently held by Republicans in California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, and found that voters in those districts preferred a generic Democrat to the incumbent in 17 of those districts — enough to return control of the House to Democrats.

    The margins are slim in most cases, it would be a statistical toss-up. But the more telling findings were items such as how many have a favorable view of the Tea Party — not very many as it turns out.

    Another miscalculation on the part of the GOP in instigating the shutdown was in their assessment of how people would receive it. As you may recall, people like Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan claimed that they were doing the will of the people, but according to the poll, nearly two-thirds of the voters in the districts polled were opposed to the shutdown and the threatened default on the debt.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      That's why they are doubling down with their efforts to prevent people from voting - shortening the voting times, cutting voting dasy, cutting polling places in democratic-leaning precincts, cutting/eliminating toilets in polling places, voter ID laws, etc, etc...
      Also, too, don't forget the rigged voting machines, which have not been fixed ever since Diebolt told GW that they would make sure he gets reelected...

    2. Caroll Thompson2:02 PM

      Seems like too much to hope for, but I so hope everyone eligible gets out to vote in November and send the Republicans home. They are the most selfish sacks of shit I have ever seen.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Positively useless, and they do not even pretend to "work" anymore. Time to cut their pay and very generous benefits. If taxpayers did not pay for their health insurance, we would have had health care fo all by now. Also, too they get a pension and benefits after a very short time in office, not like 25 years like others do.

  8. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Maybe Joni was busy castrating pigs, too, also-- and that is more important than voting.

    1. abbafan4:49 AM

      $arah is fixated to this woman castrator since $arah castrated Toad; his balls are in her purse!

  9. Anonymous1:25 PM

    oh good god, they are just ridiculous! BENGHAZI!!!

    'Shoe Truthers' Wonder If Hillary Staged Shoe Throwing Incident

    Call them the shoe truthers.

    Some conservative media figures are openly wondering if Hillary Clinton staged an incident during a speech in Las Vegas on Thursday in which a woman in the audience threw a shoe at her. The shoe appeared to miss the rumored 2016 presidential hopeful, who ducked and made light of it, while the reported thrower, Alison Michelle Ernst, was booked by the authorities.

    A blog post published Monday at the website of Fox News commentator Bernard Goldberg speculated that Clinton probably "calculated it beforehand," as is "almost always true" with things that happen to her.

    "So it would not be stretching logic to suppose that Hillary arranged to have the shoe thrown at her," wrote Arthur Louis at Goldberg's site. "Remembering the Bush incident [when an Iraqi journalist threw two shoes at President George W. Bush], she may have calculated that this would make her seem presidential. This would explain why Ms. Ernst was not pounded to a pulp by Hillary's bodyguards, and why she seems on the verge of getting off scot free. Don’t be too surprised, the next time you visit Phoenix, if you see her sitting at a table in a downtown Hillary for President store front, stuffing and sealing envelopes."

    On Monday, Rush Limbaugh entertained the same idea, telling radio listeners he "can totally relate" to those who believe that "everything the Clintons do is staged or choreographed." Asked about it by a listener, he emphasized that he hadn't studied the incident and isn't too concerned about it, but said people have told him Clinton's reaction "wasn't natural."

    "I'm sorry, I'm ill-equipped to comment," Limbaugh said, adding: "Maybe it's because, in my subconscious, I think it was staged, or set up, or whatever. ... I don't know why anybody would be throwing a shoe at Hillary unless -- maybe it's an attempt to make the Benghazi people look like nuts and lunatics and wackos."

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Limbaugh seems to be very peeved lately. Is he shopping for another wife to buy?

    2. Anita Winecooler8:12 PM


  10. Olivia1:37 PM

    She is just another stupid conservative that doesn't know that everything she says can be easily verified. Especially everything she says that defends some kind of neglect of the duties of her position. I wonder when or if they will ever wise up.

  11. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Republican = Liar

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Republican = Liar+Cheat+Kock-Sucker+NON-compassionate SOB

      THERE. Fixed it for ya!

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Palin-endorsed = liar x2

  12. Anonymous1:42 PM

    This woman is perfect for Sarah: more absent than present.

  13. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Sarah Palin's name, word and honor is on the line by endorsing Joni Ernst.

    Sarah Palin is telling America to vote for a person who missed a lot of votes and lied to America why she missed all those votes.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Palin has no "honor" Proven liar, constantly lies and "makes stuff up"

  14. Anonymous1:50 PM

    She does not 'earnst' people's trust.

  15. Caroll Thompson1:59 PM

    I don't know how the folks in Iowa view missed votes, but here in Maine, we elect our representatives to vote. That is their job. I just looked up Senator Susan Collins (R) record in the Senate for missed votes since she was elected in 1996. Collins has not missed one vote. Not one. Voted every time. That is one of the reasons why Collins will easily win election in Maine in November.

    This Joni Ernst is no Susan Collins obviously. But she is very much like Sarah who frequently went missing in action as Governor and went home, locked herself in her room, ignored her children and in general, did not take care of business.

    Like Sarah, Joni can't cut the mustard. I hope the good folks in Iowa see through her bullshit. She is just another grifter like Palin who wants a paycheck, but doesn't want to do any work.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Caroll you forgot, Sarah Palin said she can do whatever she wants until the courts says different. If the Alaskan taxpayers wanted Governor Palin to show up for work and be accountable for her whereabouts then they should have taken their governor to court.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Anonymous 3:03, their governor quit which saved the Alaskan people the cost of a court case.

  16. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Quitter Sarah Palin Endorses Quitter Karen Handel Based On Something Neither of Them Did

    Former Secretary of State Karen Handel (R-GA) has a new ad out promoting her endorsement by former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) for cutting budgets and not raising taxes. This is odd, since Karen Handel was a Secretary of State before she quit to run for Governor, and so wasn’t in charge of taxes and budgets.

    It’s also weird because Sarah Palin raised taxes on the oil companies in Alaska and left Alaska with a 70% debt to GDP ratio and increased general government expenditures by over 33% percent as Mayor of Wasilla and 43% percent increase in taxes (both numbers were actually higher, but have been adjusted for inflation per PolitiFact).

    In other words, we have one failed “conservative” praising another for something neither ever did, at jobs both quit.

    See website below for entire post

  17. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Sarah Palin is a big fake like her big fake breasts in New York. Why would an old woman who is constantly observed wear fake breasts, especially those?

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Some say she has the Napoleon Complex aka short man syndrome.

  18. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Sarah Palin

    16 minutes ago · Tonight Jewish families all over the world celebrate Passover, the commemoration of their freedom from bondage and their Exodus to the Promised Land. We join with them in spirit in celebrating mankind’s universal aspiration for freedom, and our prayers are especially with our Jewish friends in Israel. May they continue to flourish as a democracy in a region of the world so troubled by despotic regimes. Chag kasher V'Sameach. Happy Passover. And next year in Jerusalem!

    - Sarah Palin

    Sarah how about you celebrate Passover by telling the truth about who birthed Trig and if Todd pimped out Shailey Tripp.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Oy Vei!! What makes tonight different from any other night? Enough already. Did she insert herself in the shooting by the KKK guy? Happy Passover, Sarahla! Paint your doorstep with lambs blood and make your famoose Moose Krugel! And leave the chauffeur alone!!!

  19. Anita Winecooler8:08 PM

    " it is hard to schedule if you are out of town." So very true. It is hard to schedule if you are out to lunch, too,

    Pimping yourself out as a "patriotic" national guard member is about as low as it gets. I wonder how many of those days she was collecting bounties for pig testicles? Hope she doesn't throw them away, there's an empty dented fridge desperately in need of some of that wild protein.
    Sarah's endorsement is the kiss of death, but adding lies to guild the lily makes it much worse.

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      nah, she's drying out those gonads, painting them red, white & blue and making them into a necklace for her girlfriend and fellow castrator, sarah.


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