Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Uber Christian, Candace Cameron-Bure, is being compared to Bristol Palin because she is modest. I'm sorry what?

Former Full House star, and current DWTS contestant, Candace Cameron-Bure has as her partner Mark Ballas, the same partner that Bristol had both times she embarrassed herself on the show.  So apparently that, plus the Christian spin, not to mention that they are comparing her to Bristol by name, has made Brancy feel the need to sound off on poor Cameron's dancing costume dilemma.

From Brancy's blog:  

As I’ve written before, Candice Cameron-Bure is trying to get through Dancing with the Stars with her dignity and modesty in tact. 

Here’s a great clip where she explains how she balances Christianity and the sometimes sexy dances. 

Great job, Candace!

Aw poor Candace. Here she is being pulled out of virtual anonymity, and put on national television in front of a huge audience, just to find herself worried that God will see a nip slip and send her to burn in hell for all eternity.

Well I guess she could go full Bristol.

Not that I considered Bristol to have been terribly modest.

I guess it's still Christian as long as there are no wine coolers involved.

My memory, at least of the first season, was that Bristol's "modesty" was less about covering any exposed skin and more about hiding the fact that she was swelling up like the Hindenburg.

And when Bristol DID have the extra pounds suctioned out lose weight she did not exactly demonstrate any Christian modesty.

Besides would a moral Christian girl really behave like this? 

This former reality star has not been on a show in some time, but because of who she is and her family she still has A+ list name recognition. Apparently she is also yours for the night if you get her drunk enough. Five nights in a row she got wasted. Three of those nights she went home with a different guy. Hope she used protection otherwise her next reality show is going to be Maury. Now that would be a great episode of television. 

So I guess if Candace is REALLY concerned about being a "good girl" then more power to her, but having Mark Ballas compare her to Bristol is really doing her a disservice.


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Reasons why we are supposed to think that Bristol is a Christian:
    1. Nancy posts anti-abortion stories on Bristol's blog & FB
    2. Nancy quotes scripture on Bristol's blog & FB
    3. Bristol is cheering for a Christian on DWTS
    4. Bristol posts items about Tripp that are supposed to show that he attends a Christian school.
    5. Gee, why don't we ever see the pictures of Bristol and Tripp going to Church on Sunday?

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Uh, cuz they don't.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Bristol attends the Quiverfull Church of Baby Making. Her position is 'LEGS SPREAD' for Trial Daddies.

    3. Anonymous3:09 AM

      There is Bristles with her cowpoke - "poke" being the operative word. Seems they are trying to create a false image of one-night stand Bristles, just like they did with "huntin', fishin', outdoorswoman" $carah.

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Oh shit - I have to waste my time on DWTS voting against this bigoted Bure bitch now?

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Candace if a far, far better dancer than Bristol ever thought of being! Plus, she is better looking!

    1. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Very true, however she does not have as many kids as Bristles does. Candace works her butt off also, too.

  4. Anonymous3:04 PM

    She needs to do a thread about bristles getting drunk and going home with three different guys in a week's span.

  5. Anonymous3:16 PM

    So now the Palins call pregnancy "modesty"? After all the years of calling it "mono"??What people do not seem to address is that theses people are well paid for what they do. If a "star" stays on until the finals, their take is $350,000.00 They get a sign on bonus, then are paid weekly, in escalating amounts. In Bristles case, that was easy money. She did not exert herself, just played the "poor me, I'm a single mother, about to give birth AGAIN" and everyone had to sign confidentiality agreements to keep her (not so) secret. Brancy must be desperate for whatever it is that PayMe pays her.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      What happens if somebody who signs a confidentiality agreement for the privilege of working with that ho Palin tells somebody about her being pregnant and then the person who was told sells the story to People magazine? The person who signed the agreement technically didn't tell People magazine or TMZ so they didn't break the confidentiality agreement. Man! Sarah must have to pay out a whole boatload of hush money! Where is all that money coming from? She have a printing press in the basement?

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Out of all of the male dancers who do perform on DWTS, how did they end up pairing Ballas with Bristol? Was he the only one willing to sign the confidentiality documents? Was he the only one who could be counted on to keep quiet for a price? He was thinner and shorter than Bristol, and when it comes to dancing as a couple, when he is the one who is supposed to lift her and twirl her around, it really looked awkward. He's a good dancer, but physically, she should have been paired with someone bigger and taller. If nothing else, it might have made Bristol look less hefty. So, why Ballas?

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Mark pulled the short straw.

    4. I think Mark Ballas is a "Christian" or born-again. They naturally gravitate towards others like them.

      OK, they also gravitate towards normal people too! I know, I got to be good friends with a baseball player who pretended to, was "Christian" born-again, complete with weekly bible study.


    5. Anonymous3:19 AM

      Max most likely flatly REFUSED to be her partner. He is in it to win it, and he has partners who work like crazy to help him do that. Everyone on the show had to sign the confidentiality agreement, otherwise one of them would have spoken up by nw. If they broke that trust, their careers would likely be over. All to protect the little slut, whose never worked a day in her life. Bristles has to be "slow" to think she actually deserved to even be on that show, and make all that $$$. She complained that the other people did not like her. REALLY? Having to protect her, because her mother is a "politician" I predict one of them will speak up before long.

    6. Anonymous5:13 AM

      I wonder if there is a statute of limitations on how long this confidentiality agreement lasts? Maybe when DWTS is over? After a really good dancer was eliminated, and Palin was kept on, one of the "stars" lost his cool. He was yelling backstage "Are you kidding me? SHE is STILL on?"As sharp as Bristles is, she probably thought he was refering to someone else.

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    As they said in college, "gag me with a spoon!" Look, I don't mind people professing their beliefs no matter what they are. What I "do" mind is this continual hype of the Palin brand when it is clearly one BIG FAT LIE. How stupid do they think we are?

    1. Yes, I totally agree -- all the media output on Palin is pure BS. However, it is not only Palin. Most of TV is BS. You can start with the "realty" shows which are scripted and then move on to the "news" which has become info-tainment. There are a few good things on public stations, MSNBC, etc, but it's "slim pickins" if you are looking for quality and honesty.

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      If she can call Al Franken one big fat liberal, we can call her one big fat liar and fraud. What a disgusting family.

  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Unlike Bristol, I betcha Cameron won't finish DWTS gaining weight with a gut like Bristol did.

    1. I still can't believe this video screen capture, taken November 20, 2010 only days before the DWTS finals that season. Bristol looked more pregnant than her mother was attempting to look at week 32 of her fake pregnancy.

    2. Anonymous3:23 AM

      The rumors about Bristles being "slow" must be true. No self aware person would actually believe they could fool millions of people watching her get bigger and bigger by the week. Giving speeches about abstinence,then going home to her latest trial husband" The PayMe's really think they are the smart ones!!!

    3. Anonymous1:04 AM


  8. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Brancy's blog and all the other crap online about Bristol being a modest Christian girl are all part of a well orchestrated movement to rehabilitate Bristols image online. In the future, there will be way more sanctimonious hits than ones showing what a lame brained twit she is. Who knows, maybe she's already being groomed for politics.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      She still got knocked up and not married in a planned pregnancy. Boy, there are some really dumb Christians out there overlooking that fun filled fact and hooked their trust in the I chose life over abortion BS.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      So many kids are born to parents not married. It's no big deal anymore. It's already been presented that she "chose" life. Right or wrong, the evangelical crowd like that and will forgive her.

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Helps if you've got money behind it. Plenty who don't and struggle, while having their rights taken away bit by bit. She was only chosen for whatever went on in that luncheon that she agreed to and Bill Kristol still has a hard on for her. She's nothing but a 50. Go figure, but hysterical watching her shake it for all she's worth. "She works hard for the money." Tramp.

    4. Anonymous5:18 AM

      4:45 Anyone can make a mistake. The fact that Bristles keeps on giving birth without a husband should be a wake up call to the Christians. "Mistake" versus "Slut" which one is she??? One of the many trial husbands is going to open up and expose the entire scam one of these days. There is big $$$ to be made telling the truth about this family of grifters. Better hurry though, the interest is fading and soon nobody will care.

  9. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Candace won't let Mark dry fuck her on the dance floor in front of her family and on national tv like Bristhole did.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Exactly! You can't tell me that a contestant, especially one with a famous mother with all kinds of clout (at the time), couldn't have put her foot down and kept the dances tasteful. Presupposing she had the first clue what tasteful means.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Candice walks her talk. DWTS would never admit Bristol was pregnant. They all signed non-disclosures.

  10. Anonymous3:38 PM

    What's with the watermelon belly in the DWTS blue dress costume? Are you saying no one noticed? It's like the story about the emperor and no clothes story - everybody afraid to offend her majesty Sarah's daughter by criticizing her weight gain and all. I think that's what irks me the most, how those effing hillbillies just keep getting away with things that most people would be too ashamed to even try.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      She was pregnant.

    2. She was definitely pregnant.

  11. Anonymous3:39 PM

    ".. but having Mark Ballas compare her to Bristol is really doing her a disservice."
    ah, maybe Mark knows something we don't know? I can't stand her or her brother.

  12. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I have nothing against someone being a Christian as long as they don't preach about it and respect others right to not be one.
    There are crazy Christians and those are the ones I have a problem with.

    Now does Candace throw her boy friends out of her truck in front of her illegitimate son? I use that word because that is a big no no to..well the crazy Christians and would she let her son call others a faggot and laugh? does she whine and moan on Dancing With The Stars and act pathetic? and if she has any talent at all no matter how small where is the comparison again? Sorry i cant see it.

  13. PUHLEEZE...Candace isn't a fake Christian like Bristol. She's the real deal.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Yes, she is. She's a nutter (but not as bad as her brother).

    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      She is a professional Christian, just like Bristol. Meaning their piety is all for show.

    3. Anonymous4:43 AM

      Kirk isn't Christian. He's an abusive homophobe who is exactly the opposite of what "real" Christians are supposed to be: kind, loving and ACCEPTING of ALL humans.

  14. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The Bristol is the furthest thing from being or living the life of a 'Christian! ' And, the same goes for her horrid mother.

    Bristol dry fucked on the dance floor in front of her Dad (Todd boy) and will go down in history as being the only gorilla ever shown on the DWTS. How embarrassing!

    Doing 'the nasty' on the dance floor, being dressed as a gorilla, being a horrible dancer, pregnant to boot and with a substantial weight gain while on the show the first time, doesn't go down well in the history of the show! None of those things would be something I'd be proud!!

    If I were Bristol Palin, I would be running as far away as I could from my history and negative impact on DWTS.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      That's all she knows, but she sure learned from mommy and daddy how to turn a trick. What skanks, any of 'em, all of 'em.

    2. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Remember the viewer who was so upset when she was not voted off, he shot his TV?? I imagine many people felt the same way. THAT was a first for DWTS also, too.

  15. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Brancy is a whore. Nothing more.

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Temple prostitutes.


  16. I'm not a Candace fan, but somehow I can't imagine her saying; "Going out there and winning this would mean a lot. It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there who hate my mom and hate me." I just think Candace has a little more class than Bristol Palin.

    1. Anonymous12:09 AM

      Good one!!

    2. Anonymous3:32 AM

      Candace has MUCH more class, brains, and talent than Bristles. One of these nights someone will get photos of Bristles, drunk as a skunk trying to pick up a guy at a bar. Either that, or one of her trial husbands will demand a DNA test, and expose the truth. Someone has to save the innocent kids caught up in this fiasco.

    3. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Gryphen -

      Do you have the photo when Candice met OUR SARAH?

      I never cared about cc one way or r the oTher but after she sought after Palin I think she's a moron.

    4. Anonymous5:54 AM

    5. Anonymous5:55 AM

      Cc also has a picture up with her and her Chik Fil A cup.

      Homophobic bitch.

  17. Anonymous4:38 PM

    o/t but palin related. Paul Ryan answers sarah's fb about his "stupid budget".

    He argued, “I think she ought to take a look at the details, and I think she’d probably be pretty pleased; if she liked what we were doing before, she should like what we’re doing here.”

    I think someone suspects that the queen doesn't even read what she sends her ghostwriters out to argue.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Happy to see they finally used a current picture of the wretched one. That will make her even madder than what Ryan said.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Miss Pissy is not and never will be the ELITE. She knew she was done after '08, they told her so. Remember the shutout at the '12 RNC? What happened to her rent-a-hall down the street? She's an ankle-biting know-nothing coward who found an alike base to grift off of. To think she thought she was the next Ivana! LMAO!

      Earth to $arah: President Obama never thinks of you. NO one thinks of you except for laughing purposes.

  18. Anonymous5:10 PM

    How come Bristol has an abstinence baby if she is so modest?
    Does she keep her socks on when she fucks?

  19. Anonymous5:11 PM

    So was that the Christian Hump Brisket was doing when she was writhing on the floor like a cat in heat?

  20. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Jeebus wept.

  21. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I don't think any of them really have a clue what many christians consider "modest". There are some christians that wouldn't even be allowed to be on the same stage with the other scantily clad people. There are some women that can't even show their arms! Bristol's red flapper dress in her first dance, the one where she stripped off the business wear, was NOT modest. Neither was the act of "stripping" to get down to the little red dress.

  22. Anonymous5:34 PM

    OT, but Mrs. Palin is going to be on the Tonight Show this evening doing "something fun" with Jimmy Fallon.

    From @FallonTonight twitter.


    2. Anonymous10:14 PM

      How could any employee or contestant on DWTS deny that Bristol was pregnant? Sarah and Bristol should be 'stoned' in a public square for their obvious LIES about pregnancies. Tripp must have at least 3 half siblings. XTIAN Bristol probably does not know who the Daddies are. Nancy French is a big part of the Palin Facade, she LIES just like them.

  23. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

    This ding a ling wrote a book called "Balancing it all" She was on Rachel Ray promoting the book and yakking about her life as a christian. A marriage, you see, is like a car, and only one person can drive the car and that's why God made Adam first, to lead the family" She blabbed on and on and added "I meant in the biblical sense, of course!" Rachel nodded her head up and down and said "Oh, uh huh"
    Fade to commercial, tata ding a ling.

    This is what's called a "cafeteria christian" She hyphenates her name because who would know who she is if she dropped the "Cameron" part? See how that works? The bible says the woman will leave her family and cleave to her husband. Yet he's the one who gets to drive the car! DWTS put her on to showcase how brilliant and graceful Bristol was on her feet (bwahhhhhaaaaa). Poor Mark Ballas, always gets stuck with stupid! That wasn't a Rhumba, that was the hokey pokey.

    So when is DWTS going to vote on religion, and why do these people insert themselves where they won't feel able to do the task because of their "beliefs"?

  24. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Damned good post, Gryphen!

  25. Anonymous7:51 PM

    One BIG difference between Candace and Bristol is that Candace was on a popular famous television show on a national network while Bristol's Life's A Tripp was a failure.

  26. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Bristol Palin you claim to be a Christian who reads her Bible, who is the real mother and father of Trig?

    Comment from Boys Will Be Boys:

    One of the most damaging revelations in this book is regarding the massage Shailey gave Sarah Palin and which Palin actually referred to in one of her speeches. She spoke of how Sarah was seen by her at the beginning of March, denied being pregnant and spoke of getting injections in her abdomen to dissolve abdominal fat. Palin also asked Shailey to massage her abdomen because she had been told that would help the injections effectiveness. When will Sarah speak out about this, will she deny everything or ignore it? Shailey was not the only one who was aware of her stating she wasn't pregnant since she was also seen by other massage therapists at the same time period. Shailey's not the one who has the history of compulsive lying!!

    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Bristol didn't your mom get her tubes tied after Piper was born? So how did she get pregnant with Trig? We think either Trig is your baby or your dad's baby from his girlfriend. If Trig is your dad's son from his girlfriend then it is a shame that Sarah and Todd let you go through all this humiliation.

  27. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Yeah Barstool is really modest. Taking her offspring on vacations with different men is really modest. And taking different men home from bars is modest according to whom? The only reason sho was up to her neck with clothing on the first DWTS was because she was pregnant and had that extra chin. But the second time she was showing A LOT Of SKIN.

  28. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Barf. I'll bet the whole Cameron clan is so very disgusted. Ha!

  29. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Candace Cameron did a local TV station interview in LA and laughed that Bristol tweeted Mark for knocking her again on TV. Candace said she has 3 children that are watching her and she did not want to be rubbing all over a man with his shirt off in front of them. Candace is not like Bristol at all. She can dance. She was married before she had children, and she gets along just fine with Hollywood. Bristol wrote this crap in a failing attempt to stay relevant.

  30. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Then there was Bristol dancing over to Mark with her skirt lifted up high in a vaginal display usually not seen outside of the National Geographic channel ...

  31. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Here's what getting modesty advice from Bristol Palin-Palin got Candace Cameron-Bure.



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