Life's not always fair if you're part of the "Duck Dynasty" brood. We've learned they've been invited to the Alaska State Fair ... but there are already cries of boycott.
The Robertsons were hired to do a town hall of sorts, telling stories about their lives and their beliefs. But those beliefs include Phil's views on homosexuality ... including his observation that a man's anus is no match for a woman's vagina ... and therefore the boycott.
We're told there's a groundswell from people who want to either get the Fair to cancel the gig or -- if necessary -- disrupt the gig.
State Fair officials tell us ... they don't endorse all of Phil's views ... but they believe his core value is family ... something near and dear to Alaskans ... so the appearance WON'T be cancelled.
Yeah you know I think the Robertson clan might want to watch their P's and Q's while visiting Alaska.
First off Alaskans do not take well to phonies.
![]() |
The REAL Robertson family |
And third it might be worth noting that while the rest of the country was still trying to get a handle on Sarah Palin, we ran her ass out of office.
So we have no problem playing hardball.
You know, now that I think about it, perhaps August 30th would be the best day to go to the fair.
Run the assholes out of Alaska. They are slow to learn that Sarah Palin is the kiss of death where they are concerned. Anything she touches, turns to 'you know what'!
ReplyDeleteI don't want them at the Alaska Fair - I'm retired, in my 70's and have lived in Alaska since 1950! They don't represent the majority of Alaskans. Sad for them, they sided w/Palin!!
Thank you Sourdough
DeleteSo true, one thing about we Alaskans is we don’t do fake.
ReplyDeleteTake it to 'em, Alaskans!
ReplyDeleteSarah and Bristol are growing beards and selling moose calls... watch for their new show on A&E.
ReplyDeleteShould take about three days - where's the damn debut advertisement?
DeleteDuck Nasty never had a chance in Alaska. The Chin Curse got 'em!
'I think it’s so hypocritical how the LGBT community expects every single flipping person to agree with their life style' Bristol Palin
Most people don't agree with Bristol's Baby Making lifestyle.
DeleteOh that's priceless when the Palin's expect every single flipping person to agree with their idiotic lifestyles or be called names.
DeleteShe doesn't have to agree with it (gay stuff, I guess*ahem*track, girl.) But what her and her ignorant assholes have to do is refrain from gay bashing.
DeleteThat's all abstinence pregnant whiny girl.
Bristol Palin-Palin said that? Yeah, sounds hypocritical enough. She goes to a gay bar and rides a bull once and she's suddenly an expert bigot. Yet she swapped wives with her sister for money?
DeleteSarah could be growing hair on her chinny, chin, chin and losing her public hair! She's in the menopause cycle of life! Not so cute as she likes to project herself!
ReplyDelete"Public"? Haha!
DeleteWrite the fair and complain...I am boycotting the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteI personally boycott the Alaska State Fair every year! When you've been once, there is no need to go again, the shit is the same ever year.
DeleteThanks 4:07, I went once and because I live in rural Alaska. It is during tourist season and everything is so expensive! Now I know I’m not missing anything!
DeleteThink of hiring the Duck Dynasty as hiring well paid actors to act like clowns at a party, wearing make up, funny costumes and talkin' all funny like and tellin' folksy stories. (Maybe the Duck Dude will spout some more racist stuff and talk about marrying a 15 year old girl, too).
ReplyDeletenah...they said 13 was ripe...what a bunch of sickos. I call that a bunch of pedophiles.
DeleteMaybe its another bundy ranch-I'm-god thingy going on with these quack whores.
DeleteIt will be a reverse Angela Davis take over.
I guess the state fair board is out of touch with Alaskans. Too bad, they will see a real decline in attendance. How could they be so clueless eludes me. i won’t go, my friends and family won’t go and no doubt there will be enough publicity about the disconnect of the fair board members to kick them off the board.
ReplyDeleteI'm not planning on attending the State Fair in Alaska this year and I'll be doing everything I can to decrease the attendance.
DeleteEvery time I think of a connection to the bitch, liar and fraud named Sarah Palin - it makes me want to make more of an effort to work against the Robertson family! They match Sarah Palin's thoughts, but not the majority of Alaskans.
Fuck them!
The best part about the State Fair is the gardens and Becky does tours every Wednesday at 1pm, leading up to the fair, so really there's no reason to go if you can see the gardens before it even starts.
Delete"one of his core values is family."
ReplyDeleteWhat a mealy-mouthed, bullshit statement. So the fact that he loves his family means he can be a bigot about everything else?
The Robertsons' core value is family?
ReplyDeleteMy ass - the Robertsons' core value is MONEY.
How great it would be if lots of Anchorage area Alaskans are there to make it totally miserable for those guys when they try to do their show. And I'd be willing to bet the Mama Grizzly wouldn't come out of the woods to make any kind of appearance if she thought she might get called out for her vicious political attacks by 'Rill Alaskans, you betcha. An organized protest would be beautiful and think of the publicity.
ReplyDeleteGot THAT right, Lynne, she is a coward of epic proportions. I would LOVE to see a protest -- look at her (and Bristol's) reactions to the teacher with the Worst Governor EVER banner.
DeleteAlaska hates you, $arah. Get used to it.
Dear Duck Dynasty.. No one gives a rat ass about your religious beliefs or your make believe family values!
ReplyDeleteHide your little girls. Remember these men think 13 is ripe for "consumating" marriage, 18 is too old, and 21-year-olds only know how to get your wallet.
ReplyDeleteHow can these disgusting men be welcomed anywhere.
Hey Sarah, you better hide Piper. How can you even think of consorting with such trash.
I thought Bristol was getting Piper all dolled up with fake eyelashes... guys got me true though, so true
DeleteYeah, I saw that. poor little girl with the $carah wonky eye. and Brisket is ashamed of her own sister's look since she even made excuses for her own little sister's eye.
DeleteAnd yet, what's troublesome is the way they're making her grow before her time. It must be the influence of limbraugh & the ducks.
I didn’t know Piper had the family eye problem.
DeleteA boycott is best; it'll hit them where they think: in their moneybags
ReplyDeleteThe perfect scenario for the Duck people show: Fill the audience with LGBT community and friends all wearing rainbow shirts and holding hands. No cat calls, no comments, no applause, just dead silence during their 'show'.
Their group would be so easy to 'play' with while at the Alaska State Fair. But, the best thing to do is run them out of the State and the Palin klan as well.
ReplyDeleteAt the retail party&costume-type store my friend works at they were selling Duck Dynasty candy bars. All it took was one customer complaining that the candy was offensive so they pulled them all off the shelves lol. Now they buy nothing with the official Duck Dynasty brand on it but they do sell some knock-off brand beards.
ReplyDeletei HATE to be rude but these guys are filthy...I mean they look like they reek....yuck.
ReplyDeleteRude? You're being way too kind!
DeleteHere's the AK State fair Board -
ReplyDeleteknow anyone to ostracize or if they have a business to boycott?
John Harkey, President
Carol Kenley, Vice President
Stephen Brown, Secretary
Danny Consenstein, Treasurer
John Tracy, Director
Richard Stryken, Director
Kristy Bernier, Director
Low rent party stores (gas lottery cigs booze beer) in my area were closing out Duck Dynasty merchandise months ago. They had that chit for real cheap. Don't know if there is any DD crap still in stock, last I heard a bunch of the stores got busted for selling that SPICE fake weed that makes folks whack as crack.
ReplyDeleteIF they have the duck dudes and wives, I'm sure Sarah will show up for a photo op. It would be a leanin' experience for Piper, poor girl doesn't get much coverage except for a stand in jumping a waterfall and a visit with Uncle Rush.
ReplyDeleteDo they have corndogs at the Alaska State Fair? Just curious.
I can't imagine Sarah wouldn't show up for this. She would love to clomp across the stage to welcome and introduce them, teetering around on her high heels wearing a Grown in Alaska T-shirt and that dorky big grin plastered on her face. Those duck dudes are just as fake as she is. Birds of a feather flock together.
Deletelol you're just desperate for them to be more public aren't you? You can't stand that a 13 yr old lives happily in private.
DId a small group really just group all Alaskans (770000+) together?
Deletewow you really have no life do you? btw-the only reason piper has any private life is because she showed that skank how she will behave if pushed to do what she doesn't want to do. proven! to use one of your 10 words. proven during the "bus tour" when she scowled, blocked, whined and smirked her way across the northeast. skank knows she has NO CONTROL over piper and so piper is safe.........for now at least.
DeleteYeah, living a happily private life with your family constantly posting photos on Facebook, Blogs and whatnots,. No reality show for Piper? No book deals? blogs orSpeaking gigs? SMH
DeleteAnonymous8:14 PM "You can't stand that a 13 yr old lives happily in private." Yes, "wow" for now but please hide her before the pedophile duck hunter gets to her.
DeleteRemember his family values "you gotta get them when they're 13-15 or they're too old at 18. tsk tsk tsk...what kind of a mother are you SARAH!
Who ran her out of office? Because you're bullies who lie like you breathe?
ReplyDeleteI wonder who specifically has a problem with them. Alaskans I know watch them still and are excited for this.
ReplyDeleteThough I can see people not wanting it to take away from their fair. idk weird.
eh. everyone has haters. It means you have convictions
You are an idiot.
DeleteYou all make Alaskans look awful!!! I am not an Alaskan or a DD fan, but am a freedom loving independent who has spent much time in NW. After reading comments and several different blog posts, you followers make Alaska look like a sad bunch of haters. Really too bad because the Alaskans I know are way more independent and inclusive. I guess the blog name really does speak for itself.
ReplyDeleteBull shit.
DeleteIf Alaskans are inclusive, as you say, then they should welcome all of the people that Phil Robertson professes to HATE, right, dipshit?
They are independent enough to made up their own minds - and rejecting people because they are different (you know, like the Native Alaskans? ?) Is NOT their style.
You're an asshole, troll.
All the trolls are running for president of the department of redundancy department!
DeleteAnonymous5:19 AM: If anything, $carah, NOT us, make Alaska look awful. Don't ya think? I mean REALLY.....
DeleteI love how this post has brought out the trolls! Must be hitting a nerve ...