Saturday, May 24, 2014

Believe it or not, today Wasilla might get even crazier!

This is coming to Alaska courtesy of the Alaska Republican Assembly, which bills itself as the conservative wing of the Republican party.

In other words, Teabaggers.

According to the site they have not only Rafael Cruz showing up to spread a little Right Wing insanity, they also have disgraced Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle, who tried and failed to take down Harry Reid in 2010, and who now serves as president of something called the National Federation of Assemblies, who refer to themselves as the "Republican wing of the Republican party."

In other words, Teabaggers.

And to round things off there is also former sheriff Richard Mack, who during the Bundy standoff famously suggested that they "should put all of the women up front" in case the federal agents started firing at them.

In other other words, CRAZY Teabagger!

I know what you're thinking.

With this amount of crazy how can Palin NOT be drawn to it like  moth to a batshit crazy flame?

Well she is not on the list of speakers, but then neither is Joe Miller, and you just KNOW he is going to be there.

So she may show up, and she may not.

But if she does, she might actually be one of the saner people in attendance. Imagine that!


  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Don't these lazy leeches ever do any work? No wonder Palin loves them so much.

  2. Don;t be offended, but why would a group have an event in Wasilla and not Anchorage? How many people does the Menard Center hold? And since the last tea bag event, that storm DC and take out the President thingie attracted a couple hundred loons to a big Eastern city, will this bring 50 people up north, or are they expecting all those folks who think Palin is toxic to show up? I have to think these people will be speaking for their own benefit, and not to a full hockey arena. I sure don't want to listen to any of these crazies tell me my government is evil, that I should stock up on guns, ammo, and food, or that the lovely Obama family is the Devil's spawn and only Raphael and Sarah can save us. It might be good for a few laughs. And then, there are always the balloon animals for the kids. (Can you imagine exposing kids to the like of Cruz and Angle?)

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Better to have a semi-full house in a small arena than a pathetically tiny crowd in a big venue. Better optics and cheaper to rent as well.

      Pretty soon they'll be able to meet on someone's backyard patio...with room to spare!

    2. Yes, but it's a long way to Alaska from the lower 48...just who do they think is coming? I did not see this advertised anywhere, although someone said this group has been running events elsewhere. Wasilla just seems as odd venue...even if the whole town were pro-kook, that's not many votes.

    3. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Why isn't anyone in the L48 media asking why Paylin never endorses Alaska candidates - we have a huge governor and US Senate race going on, doncha know.

      They could also ask why $he is never invited to ANY events in Alaska - no graduations, or political events -- even when there was a big shindig last year honoring Alaskan women in politics, $arah was conspicuously not invited.

      $he eagerly spreads her (kiss of death) endorsements in the L48 - why not Alaska??? Come on FOX news - pop that question to the half term half wit. Oh, I forgot, $creech controls what anyone asks her. So courageous! Bwhahahahaha

    4. Anonymous12:59 PM

      There has been no notification in Anchorage of these folks appearing in Wasiller!

    5. Anonymous4:22 PM

      FOX and other media outlets know it would be ineffective to cover Palin in Alaska. They know the Alaska Republican party no longer supports her and she would be the kiss of death for ANY candidate to ask for her endorsement. They assuredly wouldn't pay her for a damn thing!

      The Palins/Heaths have lost their luster in Alaska and that includes every one of them. (Chuck Sr. and Jr., Sarah, Toad and Bristol first and foremost.)

      Arizona - do you want them on a permanent basis? Alaska would love to trade them!

  3. A. J. Billings4:12 AM

    Good grief, what a collection of lunatic fringe nutcases!

    Cruz the nasty militant theocrat, who claims that G-d wrote the constitution, and that only Christo fascists have rights under the Constitution

    Angle, the coward who threatened that if elections didn't go the right way, that 2nd amendment remedies might be needed.

    Mack, the coward who thought woman should be up front during an illegal armed showdown with police & Federal cops.

    Can't we ship these people to Saudi Arabia or Iran so they can get an idea of how a real theocracy works?

    I wonder if Queen Esther is miffed and brooding over a crunch wrap binge about why her highness is not invited to such a gathering of such rabid insanity

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Sorry, but it's about time Alaska got a dose of our crazy, (Sharon Angle) since we've had to put up with stupid bitch a few times here in Vegas. Time for shots of strong liquor for the sane up there!

  4. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Bet the only way she shows up is if someone pays her to show up. Hey, it's hard work puttin' on the goin' out in public wig.

  5. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Sounds like this pukefest is a must to avoid unless you're doing research.

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Seems as if they are providing entertainment for the kiddies, too. A fun event for the whole family; haha...

  7. Jeanabella4:49 AM

    paylin doesn't have balls to show up. No money, what's in it for her anyway? Alaska politics ignores her & it kills her!

  8. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Her fellow kooks don't even want her sorry a$$, hah!

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      You mean her fellow "no-names" and "has-beens" (an even greater insult in my books!)

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Gryphen -- Do you plan to go to this event and report on it for IM??

  9. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I wonder if Hoveround charging stations will be available? Will the 'Stool attend to flaunt her pro-life agenda? Will Sarah PAC be selling Palin drug paraphernalia and books with the cash being pocketed by The Pimp? Will the Pimp speak about Alaskan secession?

  10. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Sarah might be there but would be slithering around backstage because there is a speaker meet and greet and she would be to afraid to meet anyone for fear of what they would say to her, however i am sure we can all look forward to some facebook photos from her of an Alaskan cook out for all her crazy buddies, complete with moose burgers and hotdogs,same shit different day.

    By the way are the sponsers John and Candy Miller related to Joe Miller? that's a lot of crazy going on in one place so if there is suddenly an awful stench in the air in Wasilla that day well we know what to blame.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      I hope she shows up and some good Alaskans either pulls off her wig or pulls her extensions from her head!

      Alaskans can be a tough bunch and I'll wager she will be very, very afraid of feedback she'll get should she show herself.

      It won't be nice!! Kinda like the stuff of 'f--k you, Sarah' and/or 'move your ass permanently to Arizona'!

  11. Anonymous5:00 AM

    This would be a great opportunity for Toad to make some extra money. Conventions brings in people with money in their pockets looking for a good time so Toad just needs to bus in his girlfriends from Anchorage.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:13 PM

      Or just build a tent city in the woods and wait for the moaning to subside. The good old fashioned Wasilla Patriot way!

  12. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Sarah Palin is afraid to show up in her own backyard. She knows we hate her up here.

  13. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Sarah Palin please show up. We need an expert to organize and run the Eskimo Bingo games.

  14. Anonymous5:12 AM

    "A variety of lunch items available for separate purchase from Menard Center Concessions"

    Does this include Sarah's moose chili?

    1. No moose chili this time. It has been rumored that Menard Center Concessions made a shrewd purchase of 2 million pounds of ground beef from Gordon Food Service Marketplace of Wyoming, Michigan. The "scuttlebutt" is they will be offering one pound burgers for the unheard price of .99¢

    2. Are they cooking them medium rare?

  15. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Sarah should get Combat Track to give a speech in his National Guard uniform since the convention will be in his granddaddy"s center.

  16. Anonymous5:20 AM

    They're going to have a Straw Poll!

    Sarah Palin is scared shitless that only her relatives will vote for her. Sarah ain't too popular in these parts.

    1. I doubt her name is even on the ballot. Even the Teacrazies eventually get tired of being scammed.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Sarah Palin is a gutless coward, but will always be full of shit. Otherwise, she would implode.

  17. Anonymous5:20 AM

    You know those doors that Palin is always talking about? Well, once those nuts are inside, can we pleeeease weld all those door shut for good and save ourselves a whole lot of aggravation in the future?

  18. Anonymous5:20 AM


    I suppose if they had advertised Joe Miller or Sarah Palin, there may have been anti Tea Party types arrive and boo, and Sarah certainly would have none of that.

    Expect her to make a secret show, or Tea Party crash, arriving in those black jeans with high heels and faux black leather jacket. These are her 'kin', she has to attend. Bet lots of Heaths/Palins will be arriving incognito.

    Funny, she can't even promote herself in Alaska anymore. Is the mama grizzly afraid?

  19. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Gryph, I respectfully disagree with your last sentence "But if she does, she might actually be one of the saner people in attendance. Imagine that!"

    She's the Teabaggers top cheerleader....and she IS batshit crazy!

    BTW, so glad to see you back!

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Sarah Palin is no longer the top cheese in the Teabagger group. Ted Cruz took that spot away from her a year or two ago.

  20. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Come on Sarah show up. You can give your "Trig is the best thing to happen to you" speech.

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Heh, that and "vibrantly" offer free "baptisms" to any non-believers in the crowd.

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      $creech Paylin doesn't dare show her anorexic face anywhere in Alaska; hasn't for years. $he only uses AK as a prop for her phony photo opps.

      RIght in her own (former) town and $he is not invited! I'd wager she was invited to participate but declined because she is afraid. Will the L48 media ask why she never appears anywhere in AK = and is never endorsing any AK candidates????

  21. Anonymous5:23 AM

    So, of course you're going, right Gryphen?

    Seriously, those of us in the lower 48 would love a report!

    1. Sorry, no.

      I have plans today that do not include being shot in Wasilla.

      This event will attract the craziest bunch of lunatics in the Mat Valley, and most sane people will avoid it at all cost.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Will this gang of goons be carrying their guns for all the world to see?

      Glad you aren't attending Gryphen!

  22. Anonymous5:27 AM

    I'm hoping Willow and Dr. Bristol will be there at the Menard Center to shampoo hair and pop pimples since they have degrees from hair school and skin school.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:16 PM

      LOL!!! Cruz senior should keep them busy for awhile.

  23. Anonymous5:28 AM

    man oh man there is going to be a whole lot of stupid going on there today!

  24. fromthediagonal5:28 AM

    Well, Gryphen, are you taking one for the team and do the research at this shindig by driving to Wasilla? I somehow don't think you will have problems with parking space availability.

  25. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Weeee doggy, I caint wait to see Sarah's famous upside down turkey and carving demonstration at the fair.

  26. She may be saner. She is certainly nastier. And dumber.

  27. Really? All the planning that had to go into this illustrious event and ol' Moosebreath hasn't had boo to say about it?

    Did any of this chorus line of crazycakes think to themselves "Where should we hold it? Anchorage? Fairbanks? Wasilla? Who could we ask that would know anything about these venues? Gollygeewhillikers, I wish we knew someone who could help."

    Was she asked to speak? And when she demanded money, was she told that as an Alaskan they thought she would volunteer for the cause and did she then stomp off?

    Was she not asked to speak at all but instead to volunteer to help the event go well for the actual speakers? You know, the important people?

    Was she not contacted at all? If she had anything to do with this event, she would have made damned sure her name was on that flyer.

    It is hard to believe that they are holding the Crazyass Conniption in Wasilla and her name never came up at all. Which would mean that it did and there was a conscious decision not to include her in their sparkling discoball of nuttery.

    Hmm. Alaskans? What is her overall standing with Alaskans? Especially conservative Alaskans?

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Thing is, Wasilla is probably the closest to "friendly ground" that Palin will find in this state, and even there she sulks around when she's in town, avoiding any crowds or public appearances. She could barely bring herself to stick her nose out of the truck at the Iron Dog start for a few photos. She knows what Alaskans think of her and she sure doesn't want to rub elbows with us.

    2. Seems to me that anyone fed up with Sarah and her hatred of this country would also be fed up with Angle, Cruz and the rest as well...they all hate democracy and anyone not white and wealthy.

    3. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Alaska is no longer supporting the Palin/Heath group. Sarah and Todd are not welcome in Juneau and by the majority of Anchorage! And, they know it.

      Hell, they rarely show themselves in Wasilla which is their home town!!!

      People throughout the state are just pretty well sick of them and their bullshit rhetoric. They have lied so, so much about Alaskan things they've put out there. The Palins/Heaths are nothing more than white trash frauds!

  28. Anonymous5:54 AM

    More like "Freedumb Fair."

  29. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Rule of thumb: The more fonts there are in the poster, the nuttier the event it's advertising.

    I thought Wasilla had, like, 5,000 peeps? So this do can't be expecting a massive crowd. Gee, I wonder why.

  30. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I hear that Toad and his Alaska Independence Party drill team and color guard buddies will open the ceremonies in their shiny camouflage uniforms?

    1. Oh, are they singing the Alaska state song and the SSB as well? That might be worth hearing.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Followed by the Horst Wessel song...

  31. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Alaska Freedom Fair; does that mean only fair-skinned people allowed?

  32. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I have always wondered what great things Curtis Menard Jr did for Wasilla to get a sports complex named after him.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Ask Todd what did Menard do.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

      He gave Banshee her famous "Drill,Baby Drill!" warcry.

  33. Anonymous6:04 AM

    "Buck up or stay in the truck"

    Sarah Palin is not showing up at the Wasilly fair?

    I guess it looks like Sarah Palin is staying in the truck?

  34. Anonymous6:09 AM





  35. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Raphael Cruz, who calls himself a "pastot (lol), is quoted in the latest Time Magazine saying that teabaggers whould set up tables in the lobbies of their churches, to tell people how to vote.

    Sir, the government that you hate so much exempts churches from any taxation, believing that they are organized for the spiritual life of their congregations. Churches are NOT political entities. If people followed your advice, they'd transform their churches into partisan organizations and be TAXED accordingly.

    Though, I'm sure that the tax collector would be met at the door by belligerent gun-toting fools who think that somehow they can flout the Constitution and get away with it.

    1. And when Jesus comes back, he will throw all your anti-givernemnt, anti-poor pastors down to the bottom of the group racing to get to heaven. You aren't going.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      6:39 Jerry Prevo, minister of the Baptist group in Anchorage already does that! He gets his 'group' out in mass, puts them in red T-shirts and has them carry their bible when they appear anywhere.

      Would you be surprised they vote and support the Republican side? Haha! Can hardly wait to see Alaska turn 'blue' again!

  36. Anonymous6:46 AM

    So, Sarah interferes in the lower 48 State primaries and endorses candidates, but doesn't do one iota for her own State? It's right in her back yard. Is Sarah lazy?

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Alaskans don't want the skank within their state and the Alaska Republican party no longer supports her!

  37. Anonymous6:46 AM

    They've put on this dog-and-pony show in other backwater locales.
    Admission: $10 per person or $25 per family? Just another way to scam money from the perpetually resentful and aggrieved portion of the population who need to have their hate stoked frequently, and be reminded how God -- or somebody, anybody !!! --- will justify their angry lives if they promise to color within the lines of the coloring books provided by these religious charlatans.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Anyone who would actually pay to attend this type of shit-fest would be stupid enough to pay for signed photos of the Quitter. Dumb as stumps, any of em, all of em.

  38. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Come on, $arah, you COWARD, show up.
    I DARE you.........

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      You mean Ms Lazy Ass showing up without getting paid? Only if Fox News is covering it!

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Why doesn't FOX ask her why she has not endorsed an Alaska candidate for YEARS.

  39. Anonymous7:08 AM

    "Pastors, Cruz concluded, should set up voter registration tables in their lobbies every Sunday, preach sermons about Christian issues, provide voter guides to congregants and encourage churchgoers to vote for candidates with Biblical values."

    Oh, yeah. "Pastor" Cruz alleges that the Bible tells you how to vote. He says that 48 MILLION Evangelical voters skipped the last election, and they would have won the day if they'd gotten out of their Laz-E-Boys and made it to the voting booth.
    "Pastor" Cruz seems to have read only the Old Testament.
    People who follow the King of Peace have no place in his world view. Therefore, logic tells us, he's not a Christian.

    1. Well, no he isn't. Dominionists want to squeeze every cent out of the Earth's resources before Judgement Day. They care nothing about taking care of this planet and all of her inhabitants. They are no more Christian than your dog is.

  40. Anonymous7:09 AM

    The Crazy Cuban is showing up because NFRA wants his little boy as POTUS

  41. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Dipshits! Morons! Gun Nuts! Homophobes! We need your votes too! God Bless.....

  42. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Rafael Cruz did not become a U.S. citizen until 2005.

    His son introduced legislation last year that requires voters prove they are U.S. citizens.

    A fruitful investigation would tell us if Rafael Cruz voted in any U.S. elections before 2005.


    Rafael Cruz and his wife were divorced about 20 years ago. What Biblical teachings was he following when he divorced?

    1. I have yet to see where Teddy has filed any papers to get out of his Canadian he planning to do that before he officially runs to drive the GOP Clown car?

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Rafael Cruz Sr is nothing but a Castro Commie and as for Rafael Cruz Jrs denouncing of his Canadian citizenship, he would have to go to court to first PROVE his Canadian citizenship and then he can go back to court to denounce his citizenship, nothing has been filed with the Canadian court system as of yet. It can take up to or more than a year to legally denounce Canadian citizenship.

    3. The big question is whether Rafael Cruz was legally divorced from his FIRST wife when little Teddie was conceived. The whereabouts of those divorce papers is apparently as obscure as Trig's birth certificate.

  43. Caroll Thompson7:22 AM

    I don't think they can afford Sarah. She doesn't go unless she is paid. I read that a grandmother of one of the Alabama graduates paid for "travel expenses" for Sarah to give the speech she gave.

    Sarah has a well documented history of never doing anything for nothing. We are talking about a woman, while governor, took daily Per Diem payments for living in her own home.

    It will be interesting to see what Karen Handel in Georgia paid for Sarah to show up, when she files her final campaign report. Last time when Handel was in the primary for Governor of Georgia, she shelled out almost $100,000 for the Traitor Queen to make an appearance.

    Sarah Palin is not cheap date. She expects to be paid.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Todd Palin: What's in it for us?

      That Alabama grandmother is a long time fan of Sarah's. She is the one who bid $63,500. to have dinner with Palin. She made trips to Alaska (and other places) just to see Sarah. She is a devoted fan. The story is that her grandson was in the high school graduating class, and yes, she is the one who suggested that Sarah should be the speaker. While she paid Sarah's travel expenses, people in the area were angry about having to pay extra for the police to provide security, traffic control, etc.

  44. Anonymous7:34 AM

    It will be interesting to see if Tripp or Trig is dragged to this funny-farm fair and will be pictured on facebook with a balloon animal. That way, the Palins can make it look like a family outing, and take the sting away from the fact that Sarah was left home to wash her jeans while Sharon Angle was raking in attention and money over at Sarah's very own skating rink.

    1. Did you catch the article somewhere where the maker of Levi's says NOT to wash your jeans? He is concerned about the waste of water. When asked how to keep them from smelling, he said to put them in the freezer!!! Sarah will love this..she just has to rent hotel rooms with a big enough freezer for her smelly jeans!! NO more laundry!

  45. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Really, though, this is pretty telling that Sarah Palin isn't participating in this event in her own State. Doesn't that tell her loony fans there's something wrong with this picture? A Freedom-loving Fair and convention with 'Pastor' Cruz, fierce and loyal tea partier, and Sarah is no where to be seen? The C4P must be just beside themselves.

    This says she's afraid to publicly make appearances in her own State.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      You are correct 7:51 - $arah has not made an appearance in AK for years. If she shows at this Gravel Land gig (Wasilla) it will be very impromptu and highly controlled so no "rill" Alaskans can get near enough to ask questions (or throw rotten tomatoes). She is reviled in Alaska as a quitter, phony, lying, what's in it for me hypocrite. This applies to all the other Paylins in her clan also too.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      If it's the father of Ted Cruz appearing (Teabaggers) - I would wager they don't want Sarah Palin to appear w/them. Remember, Ted Cruz took over Sarah's top spot in the Teabagger group. I'll betcha she is NOT wanted amongst them!

      Shit, she's not wanted in the Republican party in Alaska, the majority of Alaskans cannot abide her and now this Teabagger group comes to town and they haven't publically asked her to share the stage with them!

      Sarah Palin is the kiss of death to one and all!

  46. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Family fun for all! Sounds like a rip-roaring good time about to happen in Wasilla. Bring the women-folk out for Sheriff Mack and fire off a few rounds from the family arsenal. God bless Murica!


  47. Anonymous8:48 AM

    The bigots and haters are losing.

    On A Losing Streak, Conservatives Struggle To Keep Fighting Gay Marriage

    ...Pennsylvania is a microcosm of what's happening across the country as federal judges in Utah, Oklahoma, Oregon and elsewhere knock down gay marriage bans. The streak is remarkable: not a single court has upheld a gay marriage ban since the Supreme Court ruling in 2013 that axed a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act, and which trial court judges say leaves little room to uphold state bans on gay marriage. Some of the decisions are being appealed in circuit courts and the case could conceivably make its way back to the justices.

  48. Anonymous9:18 AM

    This is Sarah's guy:

    Mississippi: US Senate Challenger Chris McDaniel Channels John Bircher Conspiracy Theories

    ...McDaniel’s fringe associations have been a matter of public record for some time: his Twitter account has retweeted white supremacists, and he gave talks to neoconfederate groups for years only to distance himself from them when he decided to run for national office. His primary challenge was identified by Politico as the greatest electoral threat to any sitting Republican Senator this year, and in fact polls had shown him pulling even with Cochran in recent weeks thanks to the enthusiasm of the tea party.

    In a very real sense, tea parties have been a rebranding of the Bircher-style conservatism of the Goldwater era. Currently locked in a ‘civil war’ with party leadership for the soul of the GOP, the tea party movement seems a spent force outside the party itself, leading to speculation that party insiders will use Thomas’s arrest to marginalize tea party activists. McDaniel is clearly a fringe character, but it remains to be seen whether Cochran can frame him that way in the minds of enough Republican voters to win reelection.

  49. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Rafael Cruz' story of being oppressed and fleeing Cuba has the same level of truthiness as Palin's 'wild ride' although his lies are more transparent.

    His bio says he 'was born in Cuba and witnessed firsthand the horrors of communism...'

    But Cruz left Cuba BEFORE Castro overthrew Batista. He never lived under Castro's communism.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      And he was a Castro supporter.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      9:44 - The Castro-supporter thing makes for the kind of redemption story that makes evangelicals drool.

      It also raises questions worth investigating since Rafael Sr. has anointed himself a protector of 'freedom' in the U.S..

      Rafael Cruz - Fraud, Con Man, and Hate Monger

  50. Anonymous9:49 AM

    A coven of hate mongering right wing kooks show up in Sarah's home town and she is nowhere to be seen? I thought she was the queen of hate mongering right wing kooks. Mama Grizzly my azz. Marshmallows have more backbone. What a weenie.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      So true! She's so far from being a "Mama Grizzly" it's a joke. And she isn't even brave enough to be the bully that picks on someone. Instead, she's like the second-string buddy of the bully that piles on after the bully has already attacked and knocked the victim down. What a craven phony!

  51. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Anybody see Sarah Palin? Should we ask the Alaska State Troopers to do a wellness check at her compound? It's not like Sarah to miss out of free exposure.

    1. PalinsHoax7:43 PM

      Sounds like it's time to wear the "Where's Sarah ?" buttons, like the legislature did when the Ol' Scaredy Cat was a half-term quitter governor.

  52. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Wasilla, Alaska must be their area of where dingbats live!

    Can't help but wonder if their real estate values have dropped in the past recent years? You couldn't pay me to live there! The home of Sarah Palin - her extended family (Heaths) and the Palin klan. White trash - who assuredly don't lend value to the area!

  53. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Who wants to organize getting Sarah Palin's face placed on milk cartons?

    What do you mean dairy and Sarah Palin is a sore subject in that area?

  54. Anonymous12:26 PM

    9:49 Sarah doesn't show herself much when in Alaska. Juneau wants nothing to do with her and she knows it! Anchorage isn't falling all over her either.

    Sarah, Toad and Bristol know the majority in Alaska don't have their backs and haven't for a long time. Most would like the family to permanently move to Arizona...let that state permanently house their clan as well as John McCain's!

    They are spending time in Alaska (Wasilla) now because Levi has the court stuff going (will occur in July) against Bristol over their son. Bristol is playing 'nice' right now, keeping her son in Alaska and more accessible to Levi and his family! Makes me laugh thinking about it. Probably a little too late, Bristol! Too much is out there showing your statements as to being a bad mother, not being able to handle him, feeding him way to many sweets, schooling (when/where?), video showing him say the 'f' word, etc.

    You go Levi and I hope she has to pay YOU child support and that you gain total custody of the kid as he truly appears to need your constant care.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      oh no no no sarah would melt in az.....she will be better and most comfortable way up there yonder, where daddy, and all is. Maybe Idaho will consider welcoming them all home. Seems that is the place for this group.

  55. Anonymous12:46 PM

    You KNOW Sarah will crash this party. Her bff Eduardo Cruz owes her an invite! She'll see to that - or else Pimp Daddy Todd will. Who better than Sarah and her mini me Bristol to be the center fold of this gathering.

  56. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Sarah ollie ollie in come free

  57. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Has anybody check to see if Sarah is with Dr. CBJ? Maybe Sarah had a Wild Ride to the good doctor and is having a baby?

  58. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Ollie Ollie in come free didn't seem to work.

    Let's try

    Sarah olly only oxen free.

  59. Anonymous1:54 PM

    In the past there were a lot of Sarah Palin followers that wanted to see Sarah. Well now is the time to go knock on her door and get some of Sarah's famous caribiou chilli and a nice slice of her homemade blueberry pie. Hey might as well since you are in Wasilla.

  60. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "Sarah ollie ollie in come free" didn't seem to work and neither did "Sarah olly olly oxen free". I dont get it, this is Wasilla, Palin County and home to The I Quit First Family of Alaska

    Let's try

    Sarah where the fuck are you? Aren't you going to the Freedom Festival?

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      .... in Wasilla!

  61. Anonymous2:22 PM

    This is not like Sarah to not show up at a convention held down the road from her. Guest speakers from the Lower 48 made the journey, why cant 'marathon runner Sarah run on down here?

  62. Anonymous2:53 PM

    There are a lot of comments about Sarah Palin not showing up to that convention at our hockey rink in Wasilla. A lot of us who live in Wasilla considers that to be very rude and hope the lower 48 doesn't think all Wasilla people are that way.

    The way it is, if a friend travels up to your neck of the woods, you should at least greet them and break bread with them. All these important people came up to our town to the our hockey rink Sarah made us pay for, she should have at least greeted all those folks with one of her

    Welcome to Wasilla, the town I have always boasted about, the home to the best thing that ever happened to me - Little Trig, welcome to our town where everyone is your friend.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Not only rude but disrespectful too.

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Seems reasonable. It is her cup of tea. Maybe it will be a surprise visit. Is everyone camping out and cleaning their guns together discussing how to twist the constitution to their agenda? Oh how sweet. This is sarah's buddies and pals. She will surely show.

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      I grew up in a small town as well. When someone so ill-equipped, and still is, gets that close to the presidency we in the lower 48 can say all we want. This is not about Wasilla, this is not about Alaskans. This is about a grifting idiot.

    4. Anonymous8:35 PM

      I think she stayed in the lower 48 after her trip to Alabama. She probably will spend the summer in Arizona, that's what she did last year. Good riddance!

    5. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Welcome to Wasilla?! He hasn't lived there all along? Well, I'll be damned. :)

  63. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Just curious, I looked at Sarah Palin's Facebook where she has endorsed politicians, spit out her rhetoric against President Obama and our First Lady Michelle Obama but nowhere in her Facebook has Sarah mentioned (as far as I can see) anything about Alaska's convention held in her hometown of Wasilla?

    Alaska Freedom Fair and Convention
    May 24, 2014

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      The Alaska Freedom Fair and Convention group probably asked her to stay the hell away from them while in the Valley area of Alaska (Wasilla/Palmer).

      I would have, had I been one of them, because she is the kiss of death on 'anything and everything' she touches!

    2. Anonymous5:39 AM

      The question was, "What's in it for us?" Sarah and Todd

  64. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Has the Wasilla dingbat chimed in yet. Isn't she the one Dog has chosen to 'progress' Alaska and the rest of us.

  65. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Her acolytes will never recognize her idiocy.

    She is them.

  66. Looks like the convention activities are all over and done with. Will the Dispatch or the ADN or the Frontiersman or the News-Miner give a rundown?

  67. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Are Barstool and Sarah clients of this crook?

  68. Anonymous4:35 PM

    More Sarah Palin criminal associates.

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      She just had to have valley folks feed that thirsty market!

  69. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I'm waiting for an UPDATE from Uncle Gryph telling us that Wasilla's village idiot showed up to the Alaska Freedom Fair & Convention

  70. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    Proceed, Assclowns! Most "normal" people have better things to do on a three day weekend than show up at a valley trash convention. Hasn't Wasilla suffered enough embarrassment, scorn, vandalism and teen pregnant girls who decide to tell girls to "pause before you play". What does "pausing" do but build up the excitement to "the main event"????

  71. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I thought this was someone's idea of a joke, especially since no one seems to have heard about it before hand. (You know a fake poster of all the crazy people and have them meeting in Wasilla, home of the Craziest.)

    It's on the schedule for the center, but I bet The Great Alaska Swap Meet on the 31st gets 100 x more people attending.

  72. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Will our sarah be giving head speaker? Will she lead the pack of wacko's to the oil fields? Somebody must film this event. Each and every wacko could be another rising star in the clown car.

  73. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Can we get a film crew up there to document such an event? These people are quite the experts on freedom and all. Is this a branch of the AIP? Hows the weather? Are they camping out around the center? cozy?

  74. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Is toad working the entrance or rear?

  75. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Hey these people are running for the hills to their azz kicked in many directions recently.....THE WORLD can see what total AZZCLOWNS sary and the clown car are and have stopped laughing. Party over. BOOM ....BOOM BOOM BOOM shakalaka boom BOOM. poor crazy lazy loons from the goon are over.

  76. Anonymous7:31 PM

    The Wasilla Freedom Fair had family fun activities.

    Sarah has at least two grandkids and a child (?) .

    Did any Palin show up with their children?

    Bristol rode a mechanical bull in a bar so i expected Bristol to show up with Tripp and participate in the family activities.

    How often does Wasilla host the Freedom Fair and Convention?

    It's a shame if no Palin participated

  77. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Gee, $arah, are you going to run in '16? Your paid trolls have changed their tune and so nicey-nice. Did you give the HOUND call? Come out and chewed to bits.

  78. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Anybody seen Sarah or her family? I'm starting to get worried.

  79. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I'll bet the speakers head on up to Toad's lodge for some R&R anyways. Business is business, right Toad?


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