Saturday, May 24, 2014

Every school in America should have this proudly on display.

And yes I recognize that this is the UUA.

But a guy can dream can't he?


  1. angela2:42 AM

    I love the UUs.

    They were the last organized anything I attended when my
    "godson" was presented to the group. A Hindu woman offered me a rose (the kid chomped on it) while his mother--an agnostic, a Wiccan aunt and his father, a Methodist, sang the babies favorite song--I'm a Little Teapot. Hysterical. The kid giggled madly and continued chewing on rose petals throughout his welcoming ceremony.

    He is twenty- three now, a mathematician, lovely, kind, active politically---- but does not believe in organized religion.

    Kind of breathtaking some think if you are religious it precludes them from believing in science and evolution. What a world.

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    A UU church about an hour from my house has a great little "church shop"; they carry t-shirts with sayings by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, books on Buddhism and other faiths, folding reusable bags you can take shopping with you, etc. Very open-minded people.

  3. CorningNY9:21 PM

    Yay, you finally recognized that there is an organized religion--Unitarian Universalist--that promotes equality and science rather than hatred and dogma. Gryphen, have you ever attended a UU service? You should. I'm a reformed Catholic, and could NEVER go back to the Catholic church, but UU is totally different.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.