Monday, May 19, 2014

Blast from the past: Christopher Hitchens subjects himself to waterboarding in order to prove it is not torture. Instead proves the opposite.

There is a never ending stream of criticism that is leveled at Hitch, some of it even from me back in the days when he was a cheerleader for the Iraq war and I was angrily speaking out against it with every post. However what can NEVER be said about Hitchens is that he is a coward.

Even before he accepted his terminal cancer diagnosis and continued debating against religious faith in spite of his own impending demise, Hitchens decided to call the bluff of his detractors by proving that he could withstand waterboarding just as well as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who, it was reported, had been subjected to the torture 183 times.

Instead Hitch learned two things.

One, that he would gladly have given up state secrets in a heartbeat in order to avoid the process again.

And two, that despite his earlier protestations waterboarding was indeed torture.

Afterward he immediately wrote a compelling article admitting his ignorance, and telling the world that the process did not simulate the feeling of drowning, but in fact those subjected to it were actually being drowned.

You may remember that Hitchens was not alone in expressing his willingness to prove his point by allowing himself to be waterboarded.

Sean Hannity did the same thing, for charity even.

The exception of course is that Hannity is a cowardly POS and has never sacked up and followed through. (Not only that, but if you remind him of his broken vow he throws a tantrum and quickly changes the subject.)

I did not always agree with Christopher Hitchens, but I always respected his intellect and his courage. Something, by the way, that is often in short supply these days. 


  1. Anonymous2:31 AM

    I'll always remember Hitchens as the sort of arrogant SOB who would plan a demonstration such as this to "prove" that waterboarding is not torture, and who liked to attack the character of dead famous women while they were still warm in their graves. I've never had any use for him.

  2. angela2:39 AM

    Hitchens was not a coward.

    Of course we still have the likes of Palin who thinks
    a "baptismal" by torture would be a good thing for terrorists.
    So I think she should round up her AIP friends and the militias. I she loves so much. Or weak ass Mama Griz should step up and take one for the team and see how joyful being drowned is.


  3. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Baptism, my keester.

  4. Anonymous3:51 AM

    I remember seeing some talk show host named Mancow Muller on Olberman several years ago who also had himself water boarded to prove it wasn't torture. He was and still is a right winger but he lasted about eight seconds and came away convinced also that it was torture.

  5. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Sean Hannity would wet himself as soon as they put that towel over his face even without the water.

  6. There is a great deal to putting your money where your mouth is.

    Hitchens did that.

    Hannity? Well, we're still waiting.

    Personally, I would have loved Rove to be waterboarded. Or Limbaugh.

  7. Caroll Thompson2:16 PM

    Yup, still waiting on the chicken Hannity to keep his word. I suppose we will wait forever.

    Hitchens was a class act. Hannity is class without the cl (That means he is an ass trolls).

  8. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I'm still waiting for our coward in chief, Dick Cheney, he of the five deferments, he who insists that waterboarding is not torture, he who calls President Obama weak, he who bought a heart and beat out the wait list with younger more deserving people on it. I'm still waiting for that sack of nastiness, the walking definition of evil, I'm still waiting for him to use his body to show us that he can endure this. Signed, the wife of a man who spent three years fighting in Vietnam and who went through SERE and says that waterboarding was the most primal terror he has ever known.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

    Hitch was a lot of things, but he was a man of his word and chose to prove waterboarding IS torture by undergoing it himself. To have some old broad way past her "use by" date call it "Baptism for terrorists" and VP Dick Cheyney calling it not torture, but an "alternative means of information gathering" shows the true cowardice of both these idiots. I recall reading that it affects every vital system in the body.Adrenaline is raising your blood pressure, your heart goes into arrhythmia, your fight or flight mechanism is in overdrive, all while you're drowning. Add all the deaths, and the photos at abu gareb and people wonder why "they" hate us.
    BUT, heaven forbid, the same is done to one of ours, and we immediately scream "Geneva Convention" and flex our military muscle by dropping bombs, drone attacks, etc.


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