Friday, May 23, 2014

Did you ever have one of those days?

Seriously WTF was all of that about?

I woke up early this morning around 3:00 AM and reached for my I-Pad so I could okay comments before going back to sleep. Only to find there were none.

"Well that's odd," I thought. But hell it's 3:00 in the morning I can't really wake up enough to seriously worry about it. So back to sleep.

Later, around 5:00 AM when I usually get up, I checked again.


Uh oh!

So I checked the blog and everything looked just fine. Except there were NO comments, and according to my StatCounter virtually nobody had visited during the night and early morning.

Then I checked my email, and THAT was when I got the bad news.

First I have to say that I have been with Blogger since I first started IM in 2004, and for the most part it has been worry free.

But this shit this morning was new to me. And I still have no idea what caused the problem.

I jumped through all of the hoops, but only received minimal response from Google help, and then the blog just popped back up like there was never a problem in the first place.  No idea why.

Anyhow guys thanks for all of the concern, the helpful comments, (Including the ones containing bizarre conspiracy theories,), and, and as always, your ongoing support.

If anything like this happens again, please let me know by email right away.

P.S. And a big shout out to Malia for hosting some of the my concerned visitors, and letting them vent. We bloggers have to have each others back don'tcha know?


  1. Levidumpedthepalins12:01 PM

    When your blog didn't refresh it was like cold fucking turkey.

    Thank goodness for Malia and SPHASH.

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Yes thank you Malia and thank you too Uncle Gryph

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Hi G. Nobody missed you. At all. ;-)

    1. Anonymous4:25 AM

      I panicked yesterday--is the "defunct" blog really defunct? So glad you're back, G!

  4. ibwilliamsi12:08 PM

    Good to see you back! Malia was keeping us in touch, and I was having a heck of a time figuring out where the heck I had your email address!

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I'm so glad you're back Gryphen, and thanks to Malai for keeping us updated.

  6. Anonymous12:12 PM

    This is why most bloggers steer well clear of Google.

    It can happen again, anytime they like, and if you think you can get in touch with anyone there, or try to sort it out, you are very mistaken. You can lose all your content - and all your readers, just in the blink of an eye.

    Seek an alternative, for your own safety. You've worked hard on this blog and to lose it all would be horrible. And back up your blog.

    1. Balzafiar1:07 PM

      IM is part of my morning routine. I sure missed it!

      In my search for answers about his problem this morning, I did see comments from other blog owners that anyone who is serious about blogging gets started with blogspot and if they really like doing it then they move on to something more stable, like Wordpress. Gryph, maybe it's time...

  7. Anonymous12:13 PM

    gryph...sarah palin has a serpent's heart also had comments on your crash.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      so did ozmud. You were missed in many places.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      I went looking, and was gratified to find community on the other sites, so thanks to all for helping out. I also thank Gryphen for e-mailing me right back when I wrote him to say "wahhh". We are unified!!

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Same here. I was afraid I had been blocked for saying awful (true) things about the PayMe family. Gryph answered my e-mail promptly, what a relief. This is one of my first daily stops. I was SURE the evil $carah had done something, then I remembered that she does not have the power she used to have, not in ANY form.

    4. Anonymous2:29 PM

      I thought I'd losssstttttt youu! so glad you're back.

    5. Anonymous3:31 PM

      then I remembered that she does not have the power she used to have, not in ANY form.
      As long as SPv 2.0 is in power...she still has power. Don't forget. Todd is a pimp who has killed and has vid evidence on lots of important peeps. She still has power. But now if EVERYONE in AK spills on her!! Including LEVI it can help make her STFU!

  8. Happy all is ok Gryph!

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Yeah, I start my day with IM before all the normal news outlets, and I was concerned. I thought, well, it's a hell of a time to decide your platform violated the standards when hate mongers like Bristol and Sarah are fielded for newsworthy events. Glad to see you are back.

  10. Anonymous12:15 PM

    oh thank goodness !!!!! I was beside myself this morning when this blog was just gone ! and yes I did instantly think "conspiracy" LOL welcome back ! :) Stay Calm and Blog On

  11. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Sarah said you had defected to Russia ..we was worried.. she was dancing.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Sarah thought that was Gryphen in Russia, because, you know, she can see Russia from her house. But she wasn't wearing her glasses, so it was a case of mistaken identity, just some Russian guy typing on his own blog.

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I can imagine Sarah lashing out and trying to close down IM. But...IM is like food and oxygen to her. She'd suffer horrible withdrawal symptoms if IM disappeared.

  12. angela12:19 PM

    I thought you had finally pissed Palin off to the point where she climbed into a side window of your house and was holding you hostage. The image made me laugh 'cause that would have required her to actually plan the event. Which is impossible. Then, that made me laugh even harder.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Now you have ME laughing!

  13. Olivia12:25 PM

    Yayyyyy!!! Glad you're back!

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      G starting the weekend with happy hour on Thursday. Put the blog on auto-pilot next time to prevent a meltdown by RAM and her client, Queen Quitter®.

  14. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Suggestion - download the blog and upload it to a free wordpress blog that you keep private - update regularly - that way if this one ever disappears - you won't lose anything, and can go turn on the wordpress one to make it public (then back private when it is all sorted out) - that way you can post updates on the wordpress one during a blogger black out -- u just can't have the donate button over on wordpress

    1. This is what I do. I have duplicate blogs on both Blogger and Wordpress. When I post, I post the identical stuff with tags on both sites.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I strongly agree with Anon 12:32pm, Gryph. It's a must to have a backup blog, also to use it as your primary one so you don't have to go through this anymore.

  15. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:34 PM

    Glad you're OK!!! Maybe you'll hear in a week or so that Blogger was hacked, à la ebay? Hope it was something simple and stupid, kind of like what's her name...

    Anyway, it's so good to see you up and running again!

  16. Yes, I suddenly knew how a junkie felt when I first saw the lockout message. "Well, now what the hell do I do?" I checked every other bookmark I have for blogspot items (yes, including some gay porn :) ) and they were fine.

    Glad all is well because this blog is an everyday necessity for me now, even as Palin's base evaporates and her bleating gets more desperate and irrelevant.

    Speaking of which:
    Good Tidings and Great Joy
    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #160,176 in Books

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      So glad you're back!

      I immediately assumed sp had someone somewhere make it disappear....don't go away, again!! I nearly cried...

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Moving up in the standings. lol

  17. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I haven't been on the net since I first read that IM had disappeared and only a couple of theories had been mentioned. I couldn't see any valid reason for Blogger to take down IM, so I figured it was just a Google screw-up. Google went over to the evil side a long time ago. I wasn't worried, especially not about any copyright bullshit (I've seen dozens of Blogger sites taken down due to copyright violation and there's no comparison between them and IM, so take no notice of those excitable dummies, Gryph) and here you are back again just like I expected.

  18. It was probably a campaign of false complaints. Glad it did not take very long for you to get back.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Yes and I doubt we will ever know. It is plausible something similar could be in the works again. Sort of like DWTS votes, only blogspot complaints. This may be a test run for when why want to put IM out for a day or so. Say when they want more control during Bristol's next drama.

    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Anonymous12:53 PM
      I agree.
      I do honestly think she did it b/c of the copyrighted pic. SHE IS BEING SUED for copyright infringement and in her pea brain b/c a copyright pic was posted same thing...EXCEPT ITS NOT! First Laura Novack nor Brad would care that G posted the pic and SECOND he is not using a copyrighted photo to GRIFT funds like SHE DID!
      If that was the was a EPIC FAIL.
      She is all methed out this morning.
      She has been tweeting out shit like a ak47. Heh! Its only a matter of time until her wasted muscle also known as a heart gives out.
      Her physical heart. We all know that emotionally she has no heart. She is a sociopath like Cheney.

  19. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Your site is the first I access very day and I became very concerned when I couldn't reach it as the hours moved along this morning. The thought of a hack creating you harm did cross my mind.

    I'm sure you are trying to determine what you can do so that this doesn't occur again. Weird!!!

  20. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Thanks for all that you do. Maybe there is something to that tinfoil hat theory. Maybe you should wrap your i-pad in tinfoil when you are not using it. Welcome back.

  21. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I was worried about you, Gryhen. This smells like the Palin KLAN.
    So much for her love of the constitution and free speech. That just goes to show you what a lying hypocrite she is.

  22. Whew! I was on the older post (the one about SP in New Hope, AL, since I live 15 minutes away) but had not finished all the comments before going to sleep. I too woke about 3:00 in the morning, could not go back to sleep and reached for the iPad only to get a message that your blog was being investigated for violations of some kind. And yes, I did think conspiracy, and yes, I was worried, worried, worried. And yes, thank goodness for Malia. Don't leave us again! I thought it was my fault : that SP's goons (Todd in particular) had read my reference to you, Jeanne, Shannon, Linda, etc. on a comment on the Huntsville Times article about the Quitter Governor's most illustrious speech in New Hope.

    1. I could only read the first 500 or so. It was obvious that the supporters were uneducated, low-info bots working double-time to defend their Cult of Stupid leader. My friends in H'ville were laughing about her bringing her small-time shit storm to N.AL. We managed to get in a round of golf and spend the afternoon down on Lake Guntersville on my friends new boat. Beautiful area. Unlike the dead Lake Sarah Lou.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Wow what a mess at! Some of those posters seem to be making familiar points...Since the Palin krewe has packed up and left town everyone is reduced to commenting about Michael Keith Maddox of Piedmont Alabama? Maddox has apparently nominated himself for membership in the Failure to Understand the Internet Hall of Shame (with George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.)

      Maybe Sarah will post some of the bus dash-cam videos one of these days?

  23. Anonymous12:50 PM

    When it comes to throwing a foaming at the mouth, spittle spraying hissy fit, no one tops the far right and no one has better illustrated this than Representative Don Young (R-AK) on Tuesday while questioning Steve Guertin, Deputy Director for Policy at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service during a hearing conducted by the Natural Resources subcommittee.

    The Congressman’s “questioning” was more of a rant, interrupting frequently as Guertin attempted to answer his questions.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Don Young is a continual asshole in the U.S. Congress! I'm from Alaska and have NEVER voted for the man throughout the years.

      The native people in Alaska are the ones that have kept him in office. His deceased wife was native Alaskan and that is/was the initial connection.

      He should be voted out of office...he has accomplished NOTHING while back there! He's dead weight and it's way past time Alaskans not reelect him.

      VOTE ALL REPUBLICANS OUT OF OFFICE throughout the land. They do NOT represent the folks that put them in office.

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      LMFTYFY Congressman Yon Dung

  24. Anonymous12:50 PM

    YEAH! All Bloggers were concerned about you! So glad your back up!

  25. I think one of the panty-sniffing trolls decided to shut you down by reporting you to Blogger.

    Once Blogger saw their complaints were baseless, you were back on line.

    That is my guess and I'm sticking to it.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM


    2. Agree. I looked at the list of possible complaints she could use to get you shut down: one was harassment. She Who Must Not Be Named was up to her usual projection...

  26. Anonymous12:55 PM

    No offense, but I can just imagine the conspiracy theories! Love ya Gryph!


  27. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Hey Gryphen...I'm SURE it was either Obama's fault or BENGHAZI!!!!

    It's Amateur Hour With The Benghazi Select Committee

    Darrell Issa Sabotages His Party’s Benghazi Investigation

    Howard Dean: Republicans "Doing A Lot Of Fundraising Off Four Dead Americans"

  28. Kudos and much respect to Malia.

    Also, too, Sarah says "Thanks" for letting her sorry, flat ass sleep late today after her bender in Alleyobama.

    1. Who is this Malia who all speak of and how do I get in touch with her if this - gawd forbid !! -- ever happens again?

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Hi, Barbara -- here's a link to Malia's blog.

  29. Beldar J Conehead1:02 PM

    Nice try, Gryphen, if that's even your real name, which the NRA and the NSA both agree it most certainly is not.

    Glad to see this all worked out. Kinda shocking to see a long time fave go MIA all of the sudden like that. (I know...)

    Welcome back, dude.

    1. ps, my first reaction upon seeing that IM had vanished, naturally, was " Now THAT'S a defunct blog!"

  30. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Glad to see you back. I thought maybe Sarah and company had something to do with it.

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      You people are so sad. Sarah et al could care less.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Anonymous1:07 PM
      Unfortunately, you're wrong. $carah,, does care. She does read this blog and she does have her paid "postage" or herself post and respond.

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      @ 1:31 PM... Yes, but does she really have the power to shut down a blog? How would that work exactly?

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      1:56 PM

      Sarah Palin is powerless and stupid.

      SarahPac has 'consultants' and those that know a few tricks. Yes, a blog can get shut down. I don't think we will know what happened here.

    5. BlueDragon2:39 PM

      Sarah and her "gang" may have cared, but there is no way in hell anyone associated with them would have the brainpower to do anything like shut this blog down.
      I, too missed it first thing this morning, it's an essential part of my morning wake-up!
      Thanks again Gryphen for your persistence. Glad you're up and running again. Those backup plans mentioned seem like a good idea, though.

    6. Anonymous3:20 PM


      Check out Rebecca Mansour's nephew. He and his employment love Sarah. They run a business and aren't stupid. They teach and train all about social media and the internet. It's not like there is no one available to pass on a few tips.

  31. Anonymous1:06 PM

    That was alarming., I am so glad all is well! Love you Gryph and appreciate all you do so very, very much! You wake me up each morning, what would so many of us do without you?

    I even checked to see what Ms. Sarah was doing, doubling down to bash the Obama's. Nancy over at Bristol's has closed up shop since the 20th of May. WTF is that about? Cat got her tongue? Joey, boyfriend or not, is happy to be able to put pressure on his foot again in 2 weeks. I don't know what happened to Mark Ballas. No prayers from Nancy-as-Bristol, go figure. She's been all over other DWTS dancers. What is wrong with that gurl?

    Peace out and happy again!!!!

  32. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I can't believe how unsettled I felt when I couldn't get into IM this morning! This has been a habit of mine since 2008, and now I can't imagine my life without it. So I have just made a contribution to Gryphen's "search for truth," and I would expect that maybe some other IM junkies would want to do the same!

  33. Anonymous1:08 PM



  34. Anonymous1:13 PM

    After this, I can't deny it anymore. I am addicted to this blog.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Same here also, too!!

    2. There is nothing like not having something to make clear its importance! I was bereft!

      Thank goodness for Malia for giving us a place to gather and wait for news.

    3. Anonymous3:13 PM

      me, 4, also, too.

  35. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Many conspiracy theories rattled around in my brain as the screen read "Terms of (something or other) had been breached.........welcome back......Hillary's epic conspiracy strikes again.......I reviewed the past 50 years in my mind and it all began to make sense......epic...epic.....wish I were joking....

  36. Crystal Sage1:16 PM

    Last week, it was Randi Rhodes going off the air. Then, I awake to see your blog down. Cripes, I can't take any more of this! Thank goodness you're back.

  37. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I WAS SO WORRIEEEEEEEEEDDDD!!! now I'm shouting at you Uncle Gryphen! I checked every single minute, and googled you all over the place to let you know. Ugghh..don't do it again!

  38. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Glad you're back! I tried to email you around 11pm-12am but my email crashed. I had some fun thinking up possible conspiracy theories, most of them centered around a vile female who misdirected her anger toward you after becoming more and more irate at her spouse and being unable to binge eat during a long flight.

  39. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Just glad you are bk. It was a very long morning.

    You were missed.

  40. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I don't always agree with everything you say....but I missed you.

  41. Anonymous1:24 PM

    No IM! Had to go back to bed, bride was happy. Suspecting she took down your sight.
    All's happy that ends happy.

  42. Randall1:27 PM

    Welcome back, Gryph - I was worried about ya...
    thought the teabaggers got ya.

    Thought you might be being held hostage out in a shack on Lake Lucille or something.

  43. Anonymous1:30 PM

    So glad you're back, G.

    Even though we are ying and yang, and I sometimes don't agree, you are a real trooper and a caring individiual, and I had 'withdrawal' from getting my IM fix today. I'm ready to break into song, "Old Lang Syne".

  44. London Bridges1:40 PM

    It said you were the only one who could access your blog as a result of investigation of possible violations of terms of agreement.

    Or as the following says: Hello NSA:

  45. Anonymous1:42 PM

    So glad you're back Jess. It was most disturbing to click the link this morning and not find one of your funny or snarky or thoughtful or educational posts greeting me today. You've become part of my morning routine and I look forward to it. Glad you're ok and now all's right with the world of IM.

  46. PalinsHoax1:43 PM

    Whew!!! So glad that your are back up, Gryphen. I always enjoy my daily dose of Immoral Minority and the comments of your readers.

  47. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hey Gryphen, our man Barack took the media to the woodshed!

    President Obama Tears Apart The Media’s Lazy Reporting

    At a fundraiser in Chicago, President Obama called out the media’s lazy and cowardly both sides do it style of reporting.

    Transcript of President Obama’s remarks:

    Obama slams media’s GOP-coddling “false equivalence”

    ...So when you hear a false equivalence that somehow, well, Congress is just broken, it’s not true. What’s broken right now is a Republican Party that repeatedly says no to proven, time-tested strategies to grow the economy, create more jobs, ensure fairness, open up opportunity to all people.

  48. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I too was going through IM withdrawal! I just put a little money in your piggy bank as a way of thanking you for all your hard work and all the pleasure I've gotten from hanging out here for the last 6 years --

  49. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Glad you're up and running again

  50. Caroll Thompson2:01 PM

    I thought maybe Sarah had you hacked. But then I thought again and said, no Sarah couldn't do that because that would require actual work and Sarah is lazy and does not like to do any work.

  51. Welcome back! You were missed, and I'm glad you're back :)

  52. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Dude....I was worried. I am probably the only born-again Christian that reads you 'religiously'.. Love the blog. I thought it was the work of the devil.....

    Glad to have you back. Real Christians Love Atheists too and I said a little prayer for you, even if you don't care....

    Don't do this again.

    1. Good one! Don't do this again!

  53. Anonymous2:18 PM

    It was like starting the day without even the first cup of coffee that has become my routine. If you haven't done it already Gryphen, the suggestion about having a mirror site on a different platform, waiting in the wings, sounds like a good contingency plan to this commenter. I don't blog so I don't know much about your options.

  54. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Glad you're back!

  55. ManxMamma2:40 PM

    Ditto. Glad you are up and running again.

  56. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Ok - all is right in my world again. Funny, this is where I come at 3am when I can't sleep too. Don't take this the wrong way, but it puts me right back to sleep once I've caught up on the latest posts. Good to have you back

  57. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Welcome back Gryph! For the record I have had a couple of TOS complaints regarding pictures I posted on my blog none of which had to do with Palin.

  58. Anonymous3:16 PM

    “Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got till it's gone.”
    ― Joni Mitchell

    Yep, lots of us out here were having withdrawals with our morning coffee!


  59. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Holy cow. I was stunned when I went to your blog and found a google "violated TOS" page instead. Glad you're back up!


  60. Anonymous3:30 PM

    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

    I have no doubt that brand Palin wants control, most of all the Trig story and anything to do with it. The bots must have gone nuts and the 'bumpit' would take them over the edge. Or it is all just a coincidence? Either way a Palin be hatin' any interferrernce in the myths they craft or the histories they revise.

    Bristol/Nancy are taking a break. The count down to court and anticipating any media or blog attentions that they can't orchestrate, they must need time to prepare.

    Indeed it is bizarre about the uber lock down of Social Security #s.

  61. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Glad to you you back, Gryph.
    More power to ya!

  62. Anonymous3:38 PM

    SP must be thrilled reading this -- all the attention she is getting that she might have done this. Hope it doesn't give her any ideas...

  63. Of course! Malia of Malia Litman's blog!

  64. Whew!! I'm glad you're back up, now I can exhale, ahhhh

  65. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Going with Immoral Minority for twelve hours is probably as bad as Palin running out of meth and Red Bull, after purging a CrunchWrap Supreme.

  66. Am I blocked from your blog? I noticed that my comments are not acknowledged,,,I am not a troll. If I have offended you in any way let me happy your back on line,,, I love your blog!

  67. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I think its possible that someone spam reported your blog and Google had to follow protocol and check it out first before bringing it back up.

  68. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Well that sure jazzed up my morning routine...glad your back to business. My morning will continue as usual.


  69. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Welcome back, Gryph..missed ya!!

  70. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

    Welcome Back! Blogger and Google sometimes have glitches. I thought it was just me. I had "one of those days". I'll be shopping for a new car. The rental company gave me this thing called a "Scion IQ" - the saddest excuse for a car since the yugo.

  71. Anon76:03 PM

    Seriously, who else got the cold rock of doom in the pit of their stomach? My first thought was "holy shit, the old bat finally took him down".

    Should have known better!

    Welcome back, Gryphen. Although I THINK it goes without were missed.

  72. You know you were missed when we are frantically blogging on other blogs going HELP! Where is Gryphen. Thanks Makia, Ozmud and others who were there for us in our hours of need!

  73. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Thanks for teaching me how to clear out my cache, Gryph! Glad you're back.

  74. MariaT8:56 PM

    Yay!!! You're back!!!

  75. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Yep. I came by for a drink and visit and as soon as I clicked on this huge message said. YOU MUST IDENTIFY YOURSELF before commenting? and it was not real looking and all.......I was like no no no he would not do that.......and I tried again? nope. It was kinda like hacked or something.....Trojan and lots of panic EVERYWHERE. glad yer back up and running. communication is the key to change

  76. Anonymous8:31 AM

    been checking about twice as often since the Big Scare to be sure you are still up !!! :) I admit it - I am IM addict and proud of it


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.