Friday, May 23, 2014

Sarah Palin continues her middle school attacks against Michelle Obama. Update!

So the photo above was on Palin's Facebook page this morning.

Along with this message: 

White House and concerned celebrities - how about this, too? Thank you. 

- Sarah Palin

This of course is part of Palin's, and the rest of the Right Wing's, ongoing attack against the First lady for daring to show compassion.

The Marine she is referring to is,  Andrew Tahmooressi, who supposedly accidentally crossed into Mexico with multiple guns in his possession.

From what I heard at least one of these weapons is not legal in Mexico, so even though they were legally purchased in America he is being held.

This of course is the new cause celebre among the Right Wing, which means that Snowdrift Snooki of course must chime in as well.

But why pick on Michelle Obama over this issue?

Or is it just that Palin has some psychological problem with strong black women?

Update: Oooh, I like this response.


  1. Caroll Thompson2:08 PM

    Palin like to put down those who are intellectually superior to her. It makes her feel wicked smart to be such a dumbass.

    I was in the Navy for four years and one thing they teach you is that if you are arrested for violating a law in another country, there is not much the Government can do for you.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      And again the skank azz didn't credit the photo which was made by a company called ranger up. Trolls and skank sycophants run back to the pond and let the rest of those angry birds know she again stole someone else's image. Stupid classless idiotic twat!

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      this is a gretawire post

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      6:25 this is a skank post and if you learn how to do a google search you will see the photo was made by ranger up not skank. Fail!

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I feel sorry for anyone stuck in a Mexican jail. I live in the border area and know that Mexico is tough on anyone trying to bring guns into THEIR country. The Mexican government does not care if your guns were legally bought in the United States. Your guns are illegal there. Fort Bliss soldiers are not even allowed in Juarez (although some do go). Maybe because I live in the borderland, I think everyone knows you can't bring guns into Mexico. This ex Marine sounds like a loose cannon. He shouldn't have any guns in the US in my opinion.

  3. "Or is it just that Palin has some psychological problem with strong black women?"
    Palin has a psychological problem with a gorgeous, accomplished, brilliant, educated woman that the President clearly loves and adores.

    Remember the Leiberman photo? And the dreadful remarks she makes about any male that doesn't worship her, disparaging their manhood and masculinity in the crudest and coarsest ways?

    She really thought she would be sashaying around Washington after the 08 election, vamping the President and playing all sorts of games and enjoying the (imaginary) power she holds over men to create all sorts of discord and strife. I'm sure she was looking forward to rumors that the President was having an affair with her and how she could shove that in Michelle's face.

    She can't stand that as far as President Obama is concerned, she doesn't exist: "I don't think about Sarah Palin."

    So she will lash out every chance she gets to try to demean the First Lady of the United States. She can't stand that she is nothing in his eyes compared to Michelle, his wife.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Nefer, you absolutely NAILED it! I also think Palin craves power (the kind she always abused in AK), and I think she is jealous of the kind of influence a First Lady naturally has. She loves to taunt the Obamas and hopes they will attack her so she can play the victim role that she loves so much.

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      It's no wonder Todd Palin has no balls!!! Can you imagine being married to that broad? I wonder how many times he has decked her? She'd deserve every strike no matter where it landed on her evil body!

    3. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Nefer, you are absolutely spot on! All I can add is her touting of junk food when Mrs.Obama started the White House garden, She came unglued!

    4. Anonymous4:53 PM

      "She really thought she would be sashaying around Washington .."
      exactly. That is all she wanted, get out of Ak and be in the spotlight continuously. Right, Sarah? Sounds like fun, huh? Damn, don't you wish, and that was your ONLY chance at it, you old bag.

    5. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Someone on Wonkette said it best - Sarah, President Obama is not going to come help you bust up that chiffarobe, no matter how hard you try to get this attention.

    6. Right you are, on all counts, as always, Nefer!

      Come to think of it, $arah wouldn't like me at all either... Though I'm white, I have a college diploma hanging on the wall, my quietly butch husband has a whole passel of diplomas plus a profession, and we raised three fine sons (one university diploma, two pending) who don't trash houses or cut brake lines.

      So glad that the Bidens are my neighbors here in D.C., and not the Palins!

    7. abbafan6:15 PM

      Anon @ 4:53 P.M. - you hit it on the head! Remember the line she spewed in "Game Change" - "I SOOO don't want to go back to Alaska". The stupid bitch got drunk on power and turned her back on Alaskans. Fuckin' traitor!!

    8. Anonymous7:02 PM

      You could have stopped at "Palin has a psychological problem."

  4. angela2:21 PM

    Palin is just crazier than a shit house rat. She keeps pissing indiscriminately and chewing like a rat so her fangs don't grow up into her skull.

  5. abbafan2:22 PM

    Hi Gryphen! I'm so glad your site is up and running again! The simple-minded moron is extremely jealous of the First Family; since her own spawn are nothing but lazy slackers who sorely lack any smarts! She is a sick, twisted skank bitch who will eventually get that turkey neck wrung!

    1. You have a point there. Her family compared to the Obama's are equivalent to white trailer trash. Her oldest son has a criminal record and was forced to enter the army in order to avoid jail time. Her oldest daughter got knocked up out of wed lock when she was in high school, and it looks doubtful she ever graduated. It's also questionable whether her second daughter ever graduate from high school as well. After high school both of her daughters only managed to go to beauty school, which is something every parent should be so proud of. And now all she has left is Piper who has such great examples to follow.

      And then there is the Obamas. Unlike Sarah and Todd, both of them not only graduated from highly acclaimed colleges, but went on to graduate from law school and are now raising two daughters who no doubt will be just as successful in college as their parents.

    2. Not to mention the quiet ongoing presence of the ultra-classy Mrs. Robinson in her granddaughters' lives... When the POTUS and FLOTUS travel, I feel better knowing that Malia and Sasha have their grandmother with them. Not a pathetic, beaten-down lady like poor Sally Heath.

    3. Anonymous4:01 AM

      The oldest Obama girl is now the same age when a pregnant Bristol hoofed it across the stage. Unlike the Palin brats, neither Obama girl has pictures on social media of them drinking underage or having sex in tents. Neither Obama girl has cut school bus brake lines, vandalized empty homes, set fire to and sunk a boat, or made threats over social media. Both girls are attending a fine private school and appear to be doing just fine.

  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    WHY does she pick on the First Lady....because the First Lady is a lady...not some no nothing female that uses words like "no balls" to describe males....Palin is flat out trash....and deep inside she knows it.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Sarah Palin is white trash from Podunk Wasilla, AK! I feel sorry for the residents of that town.

      And, I'll bet they'd love giving the entire Heath/Palin klan tickets out of town with the statement none of them are to return!

  7. Anonymous2:23 PM

    What a nasty little witch she is -- taunting and teasing, then hiding behind facebook. She acts like a 10-year-old.

    The Fox story clearly states that there will be a hearing on May 28, that he has lawyers, and the U.S. consulate is actively involved. There's no equivalency to dozens of school children kidnapped by a terrorist organization, which threatens their lives and threatens to sell them into slavery.

    No one explains why this Marine was riding around the Mexican border with three guns in his pickup at 11 p.m. If the situation were reversed, and a Mexican national crossed into the U.S. with guns in his truck at an out-of-the-way border crossing, he'd be in a U.S. jail, awaiting a hearing.

    But, proceed, half-term Governor.

    And "you're welcome."

  8. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Put Palin on a rack and let it do its job! We already know she is racists (proven in her state of Alaska!) and has constantly been against President and First Lady Obama.

    She only wishes she were as outstanding, bright, electable, warm, loving and honest as either one of them.

    Sarah Palin is so damn evil that the only place that wants her is HELL! Get going Sarah, the door is ajar and that is what you've constantly been looking for near ten years! Americans are so eager to be rid of you!

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Yeah, there's a door you don't have to plow through, bitch!

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      YESSSSS!!!! Thank you!

  9. Anonymous2:30 PM

    She's getting money, her main concern: not our sailors, not our army men and women nor any one else. I've had family in all and still do.

    It's about raising money for her and her family. Disgusting.

    1. ibwilliamsi6:01 PM

      I agree that it's all about raising money for her. I also happen to think that she has no clue as to how pitiful and disgusting that is.

  10. Anonymous2:36 PM

    No matter how hard Sarah Palin tries to squeeze some intelligence out of her little brain, she is and always will be an idiot. She thinks she's capable of annoying the Obama family with this elementary school tactic. Palin's family needs to regulate her medications and filter her electronic communications to limit how low she can go.

    John McCain deserves every bit of ridicule that Sarah Palin's antics earn him.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Yes, exactly like the time she tried her best to taunt Obama into calling her. When that didn't work she went to her next on-line platform - Brancy's blog with Bristol now begging him to call her. Then Sarah through "Bristol" took nasty swipes at Sasha & Malia for watching "too many episodes of Glee".

      Even the mainstream media has taken notice of Sarah's jealousy. So Sarah you might learn some helpful tips here:

      Top 10: Signs She's Psychotically Jealous
      Top 10: Signs She's Psychotic

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM

      \@2:36, well said, and you got that right.

    3. Anonymous4:50 AM

      3:39 Didn't she also try to get lunch with Hillary Clinton?

  11. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Gawd I wish she'd STFU! After her pathetic fiasco on Hannity and the HS commencement any rational woman would allow the spittle to dry before inserting herself into another pile of dog shit where she doesn't belong and is sorely ill-informed.
    And I'll betcha Michelle has never uttered the term BS.

  12. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Andrew Tahmooressi has a Mexican girlfriend and had been to Tijuana once before. Let's reverse the situation. What if a Mexican 'accidentally' ended up in his pick-up on the U.S. side of the border and had some sharpened machetes in the back. We'd lock him up immediately. I believe Tahmooressi was dressed in military clothes. Did he have a passport? Mexico goes by a different set of rules and is probably trying to find a precedent to use in sentencing him. You cannot argue your points in a Mexican court. I believe he will be freed when a monetary amount is agreed upon. Americans feel they have a sense of entitlement, especially in Mexico. I live in Mexico and am an American.

  13. Anonymous2:52 PM

    OT Chuck Heath: Pushed or jumped?

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Pushed out for bad behavior.

    2. What are you talking about?

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      What did chuckles do now? Please share.

    4. Anonymous3:33 PM

      His excuse was he just can't be "politically correct" any longer.

    5. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Little UpChuck is probably taking over Mansour's writing and troll duties. Hey Chuckie, if you read this FOAD!

    6. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Sounds like he was asked to resign or get fired.

    7. Anonymous4:26 PM

      He probably just met the minimum number of years to qualify for his pension. He'll be able to cash in, living on the tab of his school district, and then get another job sometime, double dipping.
      Just like Sarah's parents -- living off the Federal government's Social Security and their local school pensions.
      I guess they never heard Sarah tell the world that "the government is the problem."

    8. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Hear that, $arah?

    9. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Moar time to party with Track's Uncle Steve?

  14. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Sarah has clearly run out of material. Someone has to notice her, please, the high school graduation was not enough for her massive ego.

  15. Anonymous3:01 PM

    But why pick on Michelle Obama over this issue?




    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Sarah and Bristol are one in the same when it comes to losing.

      Could it be that Sarah Palin still has issues losing the Miss Alaska Pageant to a black woman and there is a black woman who resides in the White House?

      Bristol had major issues losing Levi to Sunny.

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      When Bristol got her Leno chin, I knew she had no self-esteem. Who would with a mother like that?

    3. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

      Click the link in the post and see the woman Sarah lost to in a beauty pageant. A Stunningly beautiful African American Woman.

      THAT had to leave a skid mark!

  16. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Palin has to bitch and moan something.. ALWAYS!

  17. Still making fun of those girls you shameless, insufferable ingrate.

    STFU you heartless old bag.

  18. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Maybe Shailey Tripp should take a selfie holding a sign saying #Arrest My Forner Pimp - Todd Palin

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Sarah would take a dump in her pants.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM


  19. Anonymous3:15 PM

    So damn predictable. Always looking for attention. If Sarah was living so "vibrantly" she would be too busy enjoying her life and family than spewing ugly hate around. The media has her number...she's an idiot and a joke.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      That or "gulping inaudibly."

  20. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Why can't there more attention paid to Palin's alleged tubal ligation following Piper's birth? That would blow the lid off this bitch and show the world how pathetic she really is.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:53 PM

      Or her "treatment" of Jeremy Morelock

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      If only someone who had proof of Sarah's tubal could provide it.

  21. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I think Palin has a problem with any attractive woman. People who worked for her said she was especially insecure about women who were smart and attractive. This is why I find it so hard to watch what she has done to her daughters. Each of them are hyperaware of their appearance as their mother has stressed this as a way to get ahead in life. Unfortunately, the cheese has moved a little further since the women’s movement and success for women is more often tied to academic achievement too.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      I think that Palin's problem is with the Obamas-- President Obama for beating John McCain (and Sarah's chance at glory)-- and Michelle, who gets the attention that Sarah could only dream of getting. Sarah has been insulting Michelle Obama for her healthy eating program. (Hey, Sarah, what ever happened to your book about healthy eating?) While Sarah told the high school graduates that they could learn from a failure, she hasn't learned anything. All she has done is grow more bitter. All that Sarah can do is continue to insult President and Mrs. Obama.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      so that's why she kept horseface Ivey around - and why she's friends with crooked face Greta?

  22. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Palin always the idiot - for one thing the girls are total innocents just trying to get an education. The marine - was breaking the law (not saying we can't negotiate to get him returned - but it is not worth a national or world wide campaign)

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      Agreed. The teenage girls were stolen *at school*, where they were minding their own business and trying to get an education (no wonder the Grifter Skank is outraged). They were sold as sex slaves. The grown-ass marine was driving around a foreign country, at night, with illegal guns and got caught by police. There's no comparison.

  23. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Hey $arah how 'bout you hold sign saying bring back my brain.
    Fucking ugly bitch.

  24. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Oh I think it's obvious what Sarah's problem is. She wants the president to "grow a big (black) stick" for her. It just chaps her hide that he doesn't think about her. He will never call her or that gum-chewing moosehead, Bristol, for that matter.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      the whole conversation about president obama not calling skank is completely ridiculous! she isn't a politician, a journalist, she isn't even a celebrity. why on this earth would he even think about her? and why would we even talk about it? she is not on his level in any way whatsoever.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Yes, it IS ridiculous, but this is the conversation going on in $carah's brain -- not much that isn't ridiculous in there.

  25. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Speaking of Miss Alaska, almost everyone knows Sarah Palin was Miss Wasilla in 1984 and placed in the state competition although many don't realize she came in 3rd.

    Almost no one knows that Sarah Heath tried again the following year. She and her flute moved their act from Wasilla to Big Lake. She won the title of Miss Big Lake but was unappreciated at the Miss Alaska contest and walked away empty-handed.

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Thank you for your research.

    2. Anonymous9:53 PM

      She talked about politics and history? Really? Hard to believe she was interested in history, which she knows so little of. She had to be schooled by the McCain campaign staff on WWII, as to what countries made up the Axis. She didn't know there was a North Korea and South Korea. She thought Africa was a country and not a continent. She thought the Queen of England was the political leader of the country. What a stupid, stupid, dipshit she is. I cannot stand this ugly, hate-filled idiot.

  26. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Sarah's emotional maturity apparently was stunted somewhere in junior high. Watch the movie "Heathers" (1988) and you will understand.

    "A regular girl, Veronica, tries to survive the social jungle of high school by sticking with the three most popular girls at school who are all called Heather. As she meets a sociopath named JD, her life spirals into a continuous cycle of hate, unintentional murder and indifference, as she exacts revenge on her enemies, also known as her best friends."

    The queen Heather (Kim Walker) perfectly represents the bitchy, sneering, self-obsessed High School teen. She even manages to convey vulnerability after uttering the immortal line 'Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.'
    From the moment it begins with the three Heathers playing croquet, you know that you will be in for an odd, cruel, and un-john hughes alike teen film. It's black as coal, and as sour as lemons. Although Christian Slater is Jack Nicholson with a facelift, it's still the most memorable performance in the movie. And Winona Ryer is also appealing as the lost and complex veronica. Some fantastically witty lines, humorously sick set pieces, and some truly great/crack 80's music make this a classic, more of a classic cult movie.

  27. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The woman is a CHEPO. She has no class. She reminds me so much of the other Chepo Brewer who pointed the finger, in plublic, at the President of the United States of America. The entire world sees how that Palin woman and other teabaggers have no class or education, or tact & diplomacy.
    That is why this quitter of a woman hides behind her teenny-bopper's FB page to rant and spew hate and lies.

  28. #Find Sarah's Brain
    #Find Trig's birth certificate
    #Please find Sarah's soul
    #Find Bristol's Husband
    #Find Todd's balls
    #Please Save America from Sarah
    #Find Sarah's hair
    #Find Sarah's chest

    Thank you
    Real Americans

  29. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Once again, Palin highjacks the honor and courage of the military to furnish herself with a cheap shot. It is exceedingly difficult for me to imagine anyone more deserving of contempt, disgrace, and ill-will than her.

    I hate that fucking woman with every bone in my body.

  30. Anita Winecooler4:48 PM

    Is it just me, or don't other sovereign nations make their own laws? Here's a Marine, living out of his truck, suffering with PTSD and who knows what else, armed to the teeth and entering another country.
    I have the utmost respect for the military, but what does Deep Woods foam knockers half brain dip stick has some balls bringing Michelle Obama into her fetid field of consciousness?
    She's got Ted Nugent the Duck Dudes, the AIP and NRA, have him do a concert with all the proceeds going to the marine's defense. And how does anyone know what's being done behind the scenes? Certainly not Sarah Palin nor anyone on Fox News.

    "Smaller Government", remember Sarah? Bitch and moan, stomp your feet, call your president and family names all you want, but they're the first you run to? You're nobody to them.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Today I saw someone refer to them as Dumbfuck Dynasty. They'll never be anything else to me now lol

  31. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Sarah's other Facebook post calls undocumented immigrants and their children "the chosen." Those kids did not chose to come to the US, they were brought by their parents. Sarah is furious that they are here illegally while the marine who brought an illegal weapon into Mexico isn't a problem. Doesn't she see that she has contradictory posts?

  32. Anonymous4:57 PM

    In one photoshopped photo, Palin has insulted Michelle Obama who held up a sign, "Bring back our girls," referring to the kidnapped Nigerian girls. She also insulted the 270 Nigerian girls.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      She spat on those innocent girls.

  33. Anonymous4:59 PM

    This means that our picture meme of stupid Sarah has really shown up Sarah's stupidity.

    She can't hurt any of us and she's so afraid of us- any one of us could kill her with our bare hands- so she looks for her usual soft target, and Michelle Obama is the softest target.

    What a chickenshit old hag you are, Sarah. Please keep it up until your fifty fans are sending you their prescription money....

  34. The idiot crossed the Mexican border with guns in his truck. He did it as a civilian, and he is responsible for his own actions. Why the heck would Sarahretard even care? Heck, when a Mexican crosses the border with guns, Americans see no problem with shooting the guy.

  35. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Palin is the kid throwing a tantrum just to get noticed.

  36. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Greta VS has mentioned this story multiple times on her GretawIre blog for the past week. It's a sad story and I hope things turn around for this young man.

    Why, then, does Sarah Palin use this story and insert the First Lady in it? Sarah never once showed concern, or even commented on Greta's updates.

    Palin seems to be stalking the First Lady.

  37. Anonymous5:26 PM

    LOL, where is KAO?

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Wahhh ha ha ha good one!

  38. Anonymous5:49 PM

    An article from The Hill has a headline and it is this, GOP BLOCKS VETERANS BILL. That pretty much says it all. The article is dated Feb. 27th 2014 and goes on to say how the republicans want tax breaks for billionaires but can't afford to expand healthcare and education for veterans, you know the same vets that the Republican President Bush created.

    As my Vietnam infrantry combat vet husband would say "This is fubar" fucked up beyond all recognition. The Va has had problems for years, way before President Obama but they will try to use anything to smear this administration because face it they don't have any other weapon to use, ideas? they don't have any and if Sarah Half Term would expend one quarter of her energy on helping vets in some way whether it be using some of her ill gained funds or the hot air that comes out of her mouth to be used for a fund raiser where the money goes to vets instead of her pocket then she needs to shut up. Vets to her are just a photo op to make others think she is patriotic, she is a user and a taker and above all a divider.

    And that my friends is the opposite of a "real American" and a lover of The United States. United being the key word.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      It's just the VA's "turn" to be attacked by the right-ards. They shuttle between teachers, the Post Office, the military, and now the VA.

  39. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Someone on Malia's blog keeps posting about a trust fund and murder that they're involved with. A "here kitty, kitty, kitty" kind of thing. The evil in this whole scenario runs deep, and she's the hooker. Wow, beauty queen, aren't you special.

  40. ibwilliamsi5:56 PM

    Dude must not be much of a Marine if he can't figure out how to stay out of Mexico with guns that are illegal there.

    But I'll bite - why is one Marine breaking laws and going through the legal process more important than 200+ girls kidnapped and forced into Islamic fundamentalism? What could the difference be?

  41. Anonymous6:02 PM

    So Sarah Palin is sympathizing with someone who crossed a nation's borders and broke that nation's laws by smuggling in illegal items?

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Sarah has another facebook post, insulting undocumented people, calling them "chosen ones" who are getting preferential treatment instead of the veterans. Sarah has so much anger going on, she doesn't know who to hate next. (Oops, yes she does. That guy in Washington who beat her, I mean, beat McCain

  42. Anonymous6:03 PM

    ALASKA: Adult Friend Finder / AR-15 / Bestiality / Bird Watching / Couch Surfing / Mail Order Bride / Pull Tabs / Sarah Palin

  43. Our Lad6:07 PM

    Mrs. Palin is a marvel, a living and breathing template to our past, to our cave dwelling fore bearers who harnessed fire, gathered into clans and societies, birthed our first art and language. Cunt, they agreed. Time has passed, we have changed, hopefully have reached upward. They look down upon us, probably with brains the size of watermelons and talon-like useless fingers scratching their highly evolved albeit weak chins and, telepathically concur: Same cunt.

  44. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Love the update


  45. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Sarah Palin is SO jealous of the Obama family that she actually hates the FIRST DOG BO because he was depicted on the presidential holiday card lying in front of a nice fireplace! She really showed the world her immaturity with that one! I mean, hating on an innocent family pet??!!?? Did she wish she was Obama's dog and that he might perhaps give her a pat on the head? WTF!

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Ooh, speaking of dogs, when are we going to see Trig's service dog?

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Yes she did.

  46. Anita Winecooler6:50 PM

    The Update Tweet needs to go viral!! There's a fridge in Scottsdale being pummeled with dox xx's as we speak! Happy Holiday Sarah! This is the weekend we honor the tradition of making cinco di mayo food for Veteran's day! Tex Mex is HUGE in Arizona! Got any recipe's for Veteran's day moose tacos, margarita's and patriotic burritos?
    Whoa, someone threw a wig at her microwave! Where's the birth certificates? What? Freedom Burritos? Are you nutz?

  47. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Wonder if Two Tone Tiny Todd will be fishing at Bristol Bay this summer - he hasn't been seen there for years. Claimed Track was going to take over -- he hasn't shown up even longer than Tawdry. Their place and gear are always a sloppy mess. Guess they don't need any nice fishing bucks since they're both on the Quitter tit.

    Todd=no job or education
    Track=no job or education
    The Chin=no job or education
    Willow=no job or education

  48. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah…your toxic jealousy of our country's First Lady is what leads you to self-pity and victimhood. She's a reminder of all the success you don't have, the experiences you haven't had, the relationships you’d like to have—basically everything that makes you feel “less than.” Frowning on another person’s good fortune doesn’t feel good; therefore, it can’t be creating good things. You excel at dividing, not uniting because of your envy you can't seem to get past. You only torment yourself and jealousy is literally oozing out of your pores and aging your looks faster than ever.

    Michelle Obama made the choice to study, work hard and always gives the max to her endeavors to reach the top level. Remember that quitters never win and winners never quit.

    Then there is you - full of envy, not willing to put that work in, and you want the same praise? Seeing someone else's success as your failure is a cancerous way to live.

    And remember this:

    It is never wise to seek or wish for another's misfortune. If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang. ~Charley Reese

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Michelle Obama was born into a working-class family probably lower down the ladder than the Granny Grifter's. The difference? Her parents valued education and family and encouraged Michelle and her brother to do great things. Michelle Obama not only went to college (proven), but went on to become a lawyer (proven) and was very successful (proven) before becoming FLOTUS.

  49. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Sarah may not realize it, but other countries have laws, and they may not be the same as our laws. Some countries have such tough drug laws that you can end up spending 20 years in a rotten jail for what would be a minor offense in the States. If you go to another country, you do have to follow their laws. And, if the law is against carrying a certain kind of weapon, that's their law, too. I'm sure if a Mexican crossed our border with something that we consider illegal, Sarah would be the first to demand that he be sent back to Mexico, pronto.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      So true. She also simply doesn't understand the concept of respect. When you enter another country, you have to respect that country's laws. If you break another country's laws, you have to respect their justice system, or at least submit to it.

      Being 'merican doesn't help you at all, nor should it, if you are stupid enough to break another country's laws. To expect otherwise is arrogant.

    2. But see, her family hopped over the Canada for free health care, breaking laws there, and got away with it. She herself broke American laws and escaped justice, so Sarah really has no concept of law wand order. Arrogance she has in abundance.

  50. Anonymous7:38 PM

    This appears to be a reaction to KAO's clever dart. This stung her. Thanks KAO!

  51. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Sarah Palin is in a six year free fall without a parachute.. One day soon she'll finally hit the ground and leave a shit stain on the ground only to be remembered by her faithful worshipers and her highly paid consultants who filled their pocket promoting a professional idiot!

  52. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Come on Sarah, just because Mrs. Obama's husband beat John McCain and you in 2008 doesn't mean you have to act like the losing wannabe high school prom queen who can't get over it.

    No you weren't destined from birth to be the vice-president or the prom queen.

    No need to try to belittle the First Lady of the United States of America because Mrs. Obama will not lower herself to your level.

  53. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Sarah Palin's Obama Obsession

    What is with Sarah Palin's catty obsession with Michelle Obama?

    She is catty and petty. A professional woman does not conduct herself in that manner. She knows Michelle is the first lady and will not respond. She likes to attack others who do not fight back.

    Palin Vs. Michelle Obama. Conservatives say Palin Loses

    Mrs. Palin’s obsession-like paranoia with Mrs. Michelle Obama’s efforts to show kids a healthier way to eat

    Sarah Palin's bizarre cheap shots at Michelle Obama

    Governor-turned-gadfly Sarah Palin goes after first lady Michelle Obama for encouraging Americans to -- gasp! -- eat healthier:

    Sarah Palin 'image obsessed and paranoid'

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Sarah's getting hits from every direction but doesn't have sense enough to shut up and go away. Sarah! Now's the time to curl up on the bathroom floor and say again "If I had known it was like this, I wouldn't have done it".

    2. Anonymous6:49 AM

      “I had to shake it up a little bit because I heard there is a debate going on in Pennsylvania over whether most schools condemn sweets, cakes, cookies, that type of thing. I brought dozens and dozens of cookies to these students.” Sarah Palin

      "Palin’s solution? No, not a state of emergency, silly. That would be a government public sector-type solution. The private sector provided her with evangelical preacher Franklin Graham, a cushy private jet, some boxes of food with a sprinkling of religious literature, and a plate of Sarah’s homemade cookies. Really. She brought cookies."
      How many homemade cookies to feed a hungry village? She sure did a lot of baking (NOT).

  54. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Even by Palin’s usual standard of incoherent ramblings, this one was really weird. It is obvious that the more than four years since she lost the 2008 election have done nothing to ease her bitter jealousy of President Obama. What many don’t realize is that Sarah Palin left jealous a long time ago to become this president’s D-List former celebrity stalker. She appears to be torn between bitterness, and an obsession with every move this president makes.

  55. Palin's attempts to belittle First Lady Michelle Obama are easy to understand. The title of Gryphen's post aptly characterizes them as middle school attacks.

    Sarah Palin failed to develop a strong sense of self beyond the insecurities of junior high. She comes up short in contrast with Michelle Obama, literally. Palin is an inch or two over five feet, while the First Lady is 5'11". For some reason, Palin is sensitive about being petite, thus the cheap and hideous platform shoes in which she stumps about.

    Michelle Obama is powerful, accomplished, and much-admired. Sarah Palin's record is one of weakness, failure, and humiliation.

    The First Lady has a law degree from Harvard. Sarah Palin has an undergrad journalism degree earned in about five years from somewhere--University of Idaho? Some even doubt that basic baccalaureate degree.

    Michelle Obama is married to a tall, brilliant, superbly-educated man who was elected twice to the most powerful position on earth. The icing on the cake is that he's also handsome, witty, and almost supernaturally unflappable. He's the ultimate alpha male. Sarah Palin is married to--well, the less said about that, the better. That fact alone makes her more deserving of pity than scorn. I struggle with that. She's so spiteful it's hard to feel sorry for her, although I know I should.

    Malia and Sasha Obama have been gifted with genetic advantages, the privileges of wealth, and caring, attentive parents. From what we've seen with our own eyes of Bristol Palin, she was less fortunate in these areas. Maybe she can turn her life around. She's young and it's not too late for her.

    I don't usually read Sarah Palin posts, but I enjoyed the comments here. I'd forgotten the movie Heathers until an astute commenter mentioned it in analogy to Palin.

    One point Sarah Palin can score: She stimulates strong feelings in many people, feelings both positive and negative. Had she learned to harness that quality and channel it productively, she might have accomplished great things. But it's too late for her. She took the opportunities given to her, and she threw them all away with both hands.

    1. Anonymous3:32 AM

      I have said that too......but actually sarah has shown us her true self and that is a future blessing because of her actions and nonsense in past and now? I would not consider her qualified for any public office ANYWHERE.

    2. Anonymous5:08 AM

      The persona she radiates is that she is so very very angry at the fool she made of herself in 2008. She made of herself. And, somehow that fool that she projected onto the national stage is the fault of the Obamas.

    3. Chenagrrl6:32 AM

      What blows me away (when I think about it) is sister sarry's apparent belief that she and John McCain would win. The rumor of her candidacy was around in May 2008 because she was overtly preening for it. The GOP metrics readers were seeing the election problems ahead because of the nascent ultra right movement. She was a mathematical gamble and she gave good GOPers a tingle down under.

  56. Anonymous3:26 AM

    But Sarah does not allow in her little tiny world any rebuttal or debate so we cannot comment on her money grubbing our sarah's tiny little mind and world she prefers to be in full control. She is free to speak, stir and brew her poison without any restrictions. or as she says .....the court or judge says different. So the pacs are under two years should be fun for all......GO Obama.......kick some azz and grow some stash. I loving it. BOOM shakalaka BOOM BOOM shakalaka boom.

  57. Chenagrrl6:19 AM

    I realize it's difficult for sister sarry to focus on anything but herself, but the girls in Nigeria were missing for nearly 2 weeks before it even got reported in the Western Press. Follow some African reporters on Twitter, and felt so helpless when this was first reported. For what the pressure from the "Bring Back Our Girls" campaign can bring to bear, I am thrilled. Sister sarry seems to have at least 3 daughters, but maybe she is empathy challenged and can't see herself in the shoes of those parents. Ugh, watta woman.

  58. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Sarah Palin is the biggest coward of modern times. And it is all on record how she hides behind Facebook. You won't find her in any type of open forum, confronting issues or face to face with human beings.

    There is no greater coward of the 21st century.

  59. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Keep talking, or having ghosts writes some crap for you, Sarah. Isn't it about time you attack the present administraiton for the VA hospitals? Track must know first hand how hard it is for him and his needy friends to get help. They may be complaining about the difficulties they confront when they need another weapon, Sarah, you might want to help your friends at the NRA and do another post for them.

  60. Anonymous10:52 AM

    keep it up skank, your time is coming and for one I can't wait for it!!!!!! You and your family ALL OF THEM suck get a real job you lazy cunt! Quit grifting and spreading hate! No one wants you and never did! JOHNNY MAC can rot in hell

  61. I never thought I'd hate anyone more than $arah, her fb followers need to grab her hand and all go to hell in a hand basket, the faster the better!

  62. Anonymous12:36 PM

    ALRIGHT! Congrats Lefty Blogger! You have defined Gov Sarah Palin EXACTLY - to a *T* **__**

    (Btw, Chuck Heath Jr may surprize some with his future occupation ... **__**)

    ""Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey"....

  63. Anonymous6:17 PM


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.