Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dinesh D'Souza, who has been calling President Obama a crook for years, pleads guilty to violating campaign finance law.

Courtesy of Reuters:  

Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a campaign finance law violation, avoiding a trial that had been expected to begin the same day in a Manhattan federal court. 

D'Souza, known for his biting criticism of President Barack Obama, pleaded guilty to one criminal count of making illegal contributions in the names of others. A second count concerning the making of false statements is expected to be dismissed once he is sentenced. 

The plea came four months after Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara charged D'Souza with using "straw donors" to give funds in 2012 to Republican Wendy Long's U.S. Senate campaign in New York. Long, who met D'Souza while they were students in the 1980s, lost to Democratic incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand. 

"I knew that causing a campaign contribution to be made in the name of another was wrong and something the law forbids," D'Souza, 53, told U.S. District Judge Berman on Tuesday. "I deeply regret my conduct."

Good, I never liked this guy.

I do kind of wonder what happened, since just last week D'Souza was on Real Time with Bill Maher where he said in response to Maher's question about how he was preparing for prison: "I'm mounting a vigorous defense to make sure that does not happen."

Boy, pleading guilty. That is SOME vigorous defense.


  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    As with all of 'em, he doesn't deeply regret his conduct. He deeply regrets he got caught.

  2. Anonymous4:40 AM

    He'll get a much lighter sentence with his plea, but let's hope he's fingering other right-wing scofflaws in return. They love to winge about the rule of law, but, of course, it doesn't apply to them.

  3. Caroll Thompson4:40 AM

    Classic case of projection.

  4. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I'm hearing he's pleading guilty to cover up some salacious evidence. We all know what a Casanova he is ..... barf

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      That's the word on the street, they had some really nasty shit on him and witnesses to call to prove it. He decided to back off wasting tax payer bucks and get a lighter sentence to cover up the crap. Now this does not mean he cannot be charged for those
      hidden" crimes, he can and will if he fucks up again and no deal this time. Just watch how he acts after he gets out of prison... bet he is as quiet as a mouse.

  5. Anonymous5:30 AM

    We'll see what Maher has to say this Friday.

  6. Anonymous5:56 AM

    BREAKING! Gallup: Support For Same-Sex Marriage At All-Time High

    Americans' support for same-sex marriage is at a new high of 55 percent, according to a new Gallup poll.

    The poll released Wednesday found support for recognizing same-sex marriage as legal has edged up two points since 2012 and is at its highest mark since Gallup began polling the question in 1996.

    Younger Americans and Democrats are the most supportive of same-sex marriage, the poll found. 78 percent of those aged 18 to 29 said they support it along with 74 percent of Democrats.

    Comparatively, 42 percent of people aged 65 and older and just 30 percent of Republicans said they support same-sex marriage. However, Republicans have nearly doubled their support since the firm began tracking the question.

    The poll's findings follow federal judges' decisions this week to overturn same-sex marriage bans in Oregon and Pennsylvania, making gay marriage legal across the entire northeast.

    and this says it precious!

  7. hedgewytch7:48 AM

    It never fails does it? All the Republicans have a chronic cases of Projectionism. Whenever someone like D'Souza accuses an opponent of something - they are the ones who are actually guilty of that act. Don't they have ANY imagination to come up with something original?

  8. Anonymous7:50 AM

    And let's not forget this little smarm's sexcapades:

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Aaaand: Did they have to DNA analyze the stains on her check?

      "Last week, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara charged the conservative firebrand Dinesh D’Souza with steering his own money to a candidate (later identified as his Dartmouth classmate Wendy Long) under the names of others—a serious violation of federal campaign finance laws. Campaign records reviewed by Gawker suggest D’Souza may have employed the names of his former mistress, his mistress’s husband, and his own personal assistant to cover his tracks.

      D’Souza’s mistress, a conservative blogger named Denise Odie Joseph II, is the only individual donor who received a peculiar “contribution refund” from Wendy Long’s treasurer several months after Senator Kirsten Gillibrand defeated her in November 2012. The mandatory July 12 report where the refund is documented coincides with the beginning of the U.S. Attorney’s investigation into D’Souza. According to the Department of Justice, “a routine review by the FBI”—not an anonymous tip—led to charges against the Obama’s America filmmaker, who told The Hollywood Reporter that he first learned of an investigation in the middle of 2013."

      Suprized Megyn didn't bring this up?!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

      Megyn is a force to be reckoned with on Women's Issues. I wonder how that slipped by?

  9. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Megyn Kelly Gives Dinesh D'Souza The Friendliest Of Post-Guilty Plea Interviews

    Just hours after pleading guilty in federal court Tuesday to violating campaign finance law, conservative author Dinesh D'Souza appeared on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show for an interview.

    It was a friendly affair.

    "And so now, this case is resolved, for today, and the Obama administration gets to call one of its top critics a convicted felon," Kelly said near the beginning of the segment, which led to her first question: "Is this what they wanted all along?"

    "I don't know," D'Souza replied. "I was facing two charges, Megan. The first one was exceeding the campaign finance limits. The second one was causing the government, the election commission, to file a false report. And that second charge carried a maximum of five years in prison. So what happened is I pleaded guilty to the charge of exceeding the campaign finance limits, and the government agreed to drop the other charge."

    In court on Tuesday, D'Souza had said that he "deeply" regretted using straw donors to contribute $20,000 to the campaign of Wendy Long, a Republican attorney and old friend of D'Souza's who in 2012 lost to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). As Kelly pointed out to D'Souza Tuesday night, there was "never really any doubt that you did it."

    "You're defense in this case was not, 'I didn't do it,'" Kelly said. "It was, 'I didn't do it with any intent, I didn't do it with the right requisite state of mind, and it's selective prosecution by the government, who doesn't go after anybody for this kind of crime, except coincidentally one of the president's biggest critics. But the judge didn't allow you to bring that defense."

    D'Souza agreed. He said it was "remarkable" to see the campaign finances cases that "do and don't get pressed." Finally, Kelly asked him: "why'd you do it?"

    "My longtime friend, Wendy Long, I've known her for 30 years, and she was running for the Senate in New York," D'Souza said. "Her campaign was absolutely flailing, and I wanted to help her. And so I just chose the wrong and stupid way to do it. I shouldn't have done it. And I'm taking responsibility for it."

    Watch the whole thing here (video via Media Matters):

    1. Oh, so now the defense is that "everyone does it and the President is just picking on poor Dinesh?" He learned well from Palin, just not well enough to hide everything.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

      He's smart, too! Goes on Fox news to clarify what the judge did and why he did it, as if the judge is in cahoots with the Gov'ment.. My guess is he'll get four years and 364 days.

  10. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I've always thought this guy looked creepy! Now, I know he is a criminal creep!

  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    What's that about the Sarah Palin curse?

    1. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

      I should have read the comments before responding, I KNEW they were BFF's, just didn't remember the details. Is there a Danesh curse? Just wondering. .

  12. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy...what goes around comes......

  13. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I am about to marry a lovely lady from Mumbai. This "rube" is an "embarrassment" to everyone she knows.

    Krishna, I love her!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

      Congratulations, Good Health, Good Fortune and a long happy marriage!

  14. I can't believe a con actually admitted wrongdoing! This is a red letter day. And jail time? That means he can't vote any longer either.

  15. Anita Winecooler5:50 PM

    Dinesh, Welcome to Obama's America! Such a pillar of the conservative community almost comes up with a sincere sounding apology besides "I have sinned!" and "If what I said offended anyone, that wasn't my intent"
    But then he high tailed it to Fox News and mixed things up with Meghyn "Gams" Kelly. Welcome to Obama's America where the President generously gave you enough rope and a Judge threw the book at you.
    Sarah's BFF got a dose of karma, gee I wonder how long it'll take for her to slap bubble gum on her skull, toss on a wig, the old black jeans and tee shirt and howl that he was railroaded? My guess is she won't punt to mini me, she might do it on Facebook or Breitbart. Didn't they rub shoulders a few times?

  16. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Friday, May 23, and the blog is unavailable! Blogger says some nonsense about violating terms of service. What's going on, Gryphen? I need my IM!!


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