Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fox news anchor arrested for being belligerent and uncooperative. Well, yeah he's a Fox News anchor, what did they expect?

Courtesy of New York Daily News:  

Fox News anchor Gregg Jarrett was released from jail early Thursday following an alleged drunken bust in a Minneapolis airport bar. 

Cops said the 59-year-old weekend anchor appeared wasted and was belligerent during a run-in with police at the Northern Lights Grill at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport at around 12:30 p.m. Wednesday. 

Jarrett, who on leave from the news station, refused to cooperate with police and was booked into Hennepin County Jail for interfering with a peace officer, a misdemeanor, authorities said. 

He was released at about 1:30 a.m. after posting $300 bond, cops said. 

"We were made aware late last night that Gregg Jarrett was arrested in Minneapolis yesterday and charged with a misdemeanor," a Fox News spokesperson said in an email. "He is dealing with serious personal issues at this time." 

"A date at which Gregg might return to air has yet to be determined," the spokesperson said. 

Jarrett has taken leave from Fox News due to "personal issues," and has been missing from the cable network since earlier this month.

Apparently viewers had noticed Jarrett speaking erratically during a broadcast in April.

Okay well as much as I would like to pile onto a Fox News host, most of whom I believe are guilty of journalistic malpractice, I think I will reserve judgement until we find out exactly what is ailing Mr. Jarrett.

At the link you will see video of him from April 14th, in which he is clearly struggling to formulate simple sentences, and seems to have difficultly reading the teleprompter.

However if he is just your everyday drunk, and I really wonder how you can NOT be and still work at Fox news, then the gloves are off.

(H/T to Raw Story.)


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Yep Screech knows how to pick them : Christine O'Donnell: I'd 'Rather Slam My Hand In A Car Door' Than Run For Senate Again

  2. He "appeared wasted," eh? Everyone who works for Fox is wasted, in a sense.

    Take Greta Van Susteren. She should have been destined for great things. She's sharp, has a law degree from Georgetown, married a fabulously wealthy attorney, yet she not only sold her soul to Fox--she tried to hitch her wagon to Sarah Palin's star.

    I remember seeing this fellow on Fox back in the day when I foolishly paid for expanded cable. He seemed relatively innocuous. If he's suffering from alcoholism, I hope he gets the help he needs. I'll never watch him again, regardless.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      According to police he was "wasted." So I'm assuming he has a serious drinking problem and the Fox statement of his leave of absence is due to his "personal issues" leads me to believe I'm correct in my assumption. Maybe if more of Fox's anchors got wasted on air it would be more entertaining for me to watch...which I never do.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Sarah Palin has appeared high as a kite many times. Many always. Why did Fox allow her to bring the Fox reputation down in the gutter? Neither she or her husband could operate that mom and pop tv nonsense they attempted.

      At one time she could bounce around icy streets of Juneau in high heels as if it was nothing, she seemed to have some balance at that time. She said she was how many months pregnant? That would be amazing!

      Later on, Fox would allow her tongue to continuously trip her up. Why Fox?

    3. Anonymous2:51 PM

      The bar had to call airport security to have him removed.

  3. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Excuse me, boss.

    I need a month or three off to go on a bender.

    Boy, he looks rough!

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    He looks like a drunk Dennis Miller! All joking aside, I hope that his time away and presumed rehab will help him deal with whatever demons plague him.


    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Yes, this is a health matter and I wish him and his family all the best. I hope Fox does right by all their employees in regard to health insurance and how they treat them.

  5. Anonymous2:21 PM

    What's with the MSP airport and Republicans getting arrested there? First Larry Craig now Gregg Jarrett.

  6. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Sounds like a plan, Gryphen. I can find it in my heart to forgive the guy, if he comes out blasting at Fox not the news for driving him to drink. Of course, if that is his problem, he also needs to embrace his own issues for his own sake.

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Catholic school vows to “destroy” dance invitations featuring Ellen

    ...But soon after the invitations went out, the school’s principal ,Nancy Matteo, remembered that in addition to be being a beloved entertainer and reliable awards show host, Ellen DeGeneres is also one of them there homosexual types. Mortified at the idea of a gay person’s image appearing on a Catholic school’s mailer, she sent out an email to parents — and obtained by — apologizing for the obvious mistake. In it, she said she was “obviously NOT thinking” when the school issued an invitation featuring such a “poor role model” who “lives her life outside the teachings of the Catholic Church.”

    ...Well, sure, you wouldn’t want your kids’ eyes to be scalded by photos of a human being who’s been affiliated with 41 different charitable organizations, who regularly uses her talk show as a platform to recognize and reward deserving individuals and families, whose now apparently contentious Oscar gig helped raise $3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Humane Society and who also brings the awesome moves to any dance party. I’m sure his holiness Pope Francis would be outraged.

    But as if the mea culpa over the sending out of the invitations wasn’t absurd enough, Principal Matteo decided to go all in, telling parents that “I need every single invitation returned and I will personally destroy them.” You’ve really got to admire the dedication of someone with such a clear-cut mission to not just apologize for putting a gay person on a mailer but to “destroy” said invitations as if they were a trove of smallpox-infested blankets. And I would certainly never speculate that, knowing what I know about the denizens of the Internet, that’s a request that might well lead to some increased mail volume this week for Ms. Matteo.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Why were they using Ellen's image without her consent?

    2. Leland4:08 PM


      I have read the posting twice now and neither time did I find any trace of a statement saying the image was used without Ellen's permission. I even read the article with the link posted. NOTHING!

      Where did YOU get that?

  8. Anonymous2:49 PM

    He was drunk and obnoxious and security had to be called to remove him from the bar.

  9. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Too bad. Alcohol problem AND a hairpiece problem.

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      His real personal problem is he works for Murdoch.

  10. That’s the way you’d look and feel all the time if you had to work at that guest house 24x7… Full of nuts and wonder. Makes you think that the rest of them could actually be automatons ….

  11. After listening to the tape I believe he definitely has a problem with alcohol. Hopefully, he has recognized his problem and is planning on checking himself in to a treatment facility. But for the alcoholic to recognize he has a problem is not as easy as you might believe. I was once married to an alcoholic and know their biggest hurtle is just admitting they have a problem. My ex-wife knew my grounds for asking for a divorce and child custody was because of her drinking. Several months before our case started she learned our youngest child had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and both the court child welfare evaluator and the guardian-ad-litum recognized she had a serious problem. Even the appointed independent psychologist we both saw recognized she had a serious problem but didn't have enough time to evaluate her for alcoholism. Even with all this evidence she never stopped drinking because she didn't felt she had a problem with alcohol. She lost custody of our children and I was granted full custody. I still to this day don't know if she ever recognized she had a problem and stopped drinking,

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Your story is crushing. I'm sorry for you and your children and hope you've held up against the trail of waste that alcoholism leaves. My young husband was in residential treatment a number of times but always left to return to alcohol. But I think he did recognize he had a serious problem. He died alone in a car accident at age 36. His family thinks it was suicide. I hardly knew him by that point so I don't know, but they seem sure of it. Our son, now 44, is a gem of a human being who does not have an alcohol problem.

    2. Anon 3:17, every thing did eventually worked out in the end. I also know the difficult time you must have had and have seen some very good friends go through something like what you experienced.

      They told me we wouldn't know how serious my daughter's FAS was until after she entered school. I did learn that after she entered school she had difficulty with her comprehension, but she also learned how to adapt to her problem and did good in HS and college. She was actually was able to get as BA and a BS degree in nursing. I was not only relieved, but I'm very proud of what she's accomplished. She does have an elbow deformity from FAS, but it doesn't seem to bother her. My oldest child did well in school until she was diagnosed with a very serious mental problem that is not related to her mother's drinking or from our divorce. As I Iearned more about how serious her mental illness was during the period she was being diagnosed, was the most crushing and difficult period of my life. They say someone in my position at the time when she was being diagnosed, is the second most difficult period for a parent to experience, with a child's death being the most hardest. Second only to child's death. I really believe that. I relate it to a ships captain who's ship is sinking and getting damage reports until he realizes his ship is sinking. But she too is doing well as long as she stays on her medicine. We can always tell when she is not taking her meds.

      Overall, things turned out very well considering what we went through, even though there were some very difficult years in raising my daughters.

  12. Anonymous3:18 PM

    So if washed up progressively low-functioning addicts like Dennis Miller, Nugent and Victoria Jackson finally end up at Fox. Where does one who starts out at Fox end up?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      Fox News, of course!!

  13. Anonymous3:32 PM

    He definitely sounds drunk in the clip. I hope he gets whatever help he needs to be healthy.

    I wonder if Fox News ever gets feedback about Palin sounding funny. There have been several interviews where she sounded worse than the clip of Jarrett--slurs, lisps, mispronounced words or nonsense.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I agree. Look at her eyes. The tape where she was at a car show or rodeo and her shadow had to hold her up because she couldn't walk... she has had problems for years. You can include the eating disorder, something that anyone that has contact with another person in that shape should definitely get them help or find a way for them to want help. Intervention. Not let them just go on waving underwear and making a fool of themselves. All the while Fox documents the demise. Awful people at Fox, that old paranoid fat man has a sick sense of humor.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      yep, and her try at "Nanchee Pelosi ish a din g bat", what an epic nut case.

  14. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Maybe he went to Hazelden (famous treatment center NE of the Twin Cities). If so, then it doesn't appear to have taken hold and he needs to go back. Or maybe Passages Malibu is more his style. Bqhatevwr

  15. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

    Actually, I like Fox drunk or on drugs. It gives him a sense of gravitas no degree in the world can imbue, and a "just for men gel" commercial from his mug shot.

    I wonder what Cukoo for Cocoapuff's mugshot will look like? What will she be wearing? Crooked wig? Her screech is sometimes slurred, but she gets a pass.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      That is how I've always seen her mug shots.

  16. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I hope Gregg Jarrett gets the help he needs.

    I remember ABC's Diane Sawyer's repeatedly erratic behavior during the 2012 national elections. She appeared on camera more than once, completely impaired - the network stated she was "tired".

  17. Anonymous9:06 PM


    Anyone working for the loudest voice in the room needs some consideration. Some of the Fox employees may be worse than Ailes, but not all. I don't know enough about Gregg Jarrett. He shows bad judgment or a desperate need of a job to accept work at Fox. Whatever his issues, I hope he can get well.


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