Monday, May 12, 2014

How to revive a Fox News viewer.

You know some comics are so accurate that they cannot even be see as humorous.

Well one thing for sure, Fox knows its demographic.

To them Benghazi is porn for repressed, liberal hating, conservatives.


  1. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Also, too one of his doctors is BLAH (as Santorum would say) Why hasn't the grizzled mamma issued Mother's Day words of hatred, wasn't the day invented for her? Must be having difficulty selecting family photos with just Tripp in them, and not all of Bristle's other kids.

  2. Beldar Ayn Conehead4:32 AM

    Gryphen, I'm going to get right to the point because, let's face it, nobody likes pussyfooting around and a direct, concise, fat-free, unembellished approach is always better than one that includes a lot of preamble, preface, introduction or opening remarks. Less is more, I always say! Don't dance around with words when a simple declaration of what's on your mind gets the point across faster, quicker and more rapidly.

    Trust me, it's better that way. No, seriously, it just is. Like my father used to say, "Never trust a rambler!". Of course, he was talking about the vaguely-popular 1950s-era automobile, but the admonition is still valid today.

    As you've probably guessed by now, I am asking for your support and membership in "Ayn" Rand Paul's awesome new political/social media enterprise called "The Year Of Hillary". It costs just $100 per month and besides a lot of great swag such as a slightly larger than life-size cardboard cut-out photo of "Ayn" Rand himself, plus his voice on your voice mail or fax machine, plus 12 temporary "Ayn" Rand zodiacal sex position temporary tattoos plus one admittedly disturbing "Ayn" Rand permanent tattoo, you will get one Hillary-centric text message every hour, every day, right up until presidential inauguration day in 2016.

    And here's the best part: once you pay the $100 membership fee, the text messages are absolutely free! (not including wireless and messaging fees.)

    I wasn't sure that I would really enjoy receiving relentless, spurious, negative texts about Hillary Clinton. I mean, I just got one at 7:00am that read, simply, "pantsuits". Seriously? That's the best they can do?

    The messages aren't all negative, tho. Yesterday the messages alternated between "feminist", "Yale law school grad", "environmentalist" and "60s antiwar protester" so it's nice to see they're willing to acknowledge some of Hillary's positive attributes.

    (Yikes!!! I was just informed that "feminist", "Yale law school grad", "environmentalist" and "60s antiwar protester" are considered the WORST insults by her detractors!)

    And, of course, Tuesdays are Benghazi Days when the text messages come in every 10 minutes and each one reads either "BENGHAZI!" or "BENGHAZI!!!!", depending. On Tuesdays I just shut the phone off.

    So, I hope I can count on your support. You can get more info over at (I know... there was a screw up when the domain got registered)

    Rand Paul 2016
    "Settle for Rand!"

    1. Nice try, Beldar, but Inauguration Day is in January 2017 not 2016, in case you didn't know.

      I feel sorry for you. smh

      But, yeah, Rand Paul is a douche.

      "Amercia's Eye Doctor!"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.