Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Joe Miller is trying to win the Republican Senate nomination by being the dumbest candidate available concerning climate science.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:  

The tea party-affiliated candidate for Alaska’s open U.S. Senate seat is challenging his Republican primary opponents to “come clean” about their beliefs on man-made climate change, saying he’s the only true skeptic of the bunch. 

In a Saturday statement, Senate candidate Joe Miller said his primary opponents — state Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell and former natural resources commissioner Dan Sullivan — had “joined with climate change alarmists” to try and regulate greenhouse gas emissions, despite the fact that both men have well-tracked anti-climate histories. Treadwell, for example, is known for openly questioning the validity of climate science, while Sullivan led the charge in the U.S. Supreme Court to strip the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases. 

“Clearly, both of my primary opponents have joined with climate change alarmists to push for top-down federal regulation,” Miller said. “It’s unclear how empowering the federal government to control even more of our economy, on the authority of dubious scientific claims, comports with free-market economics and Constitutional liberty.” 

Sullivan’s position on the reality of human-caused climate change has been dubious at best. But Miller nonetheless called him out, saying he “unequivocally accepted the premise that climate change is man-caused and embraced numerous mitigation strategies: including a national goal of steep reductions in the consumption of fossil fuels.” 

Treadwell, he said, has voiced support of “a similar agenda,” proven by the fact that he once testified before the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs in 2009 touting a plan to “us[e] cleaner fuels and methods to avoid emissions of soot, black carbon which promotes Arctic warming.”

Boy Miller certainly understands is under educated demographic doesn't he?

Since Miller's base is made up of Fundamentalist Christians, and information allergic Teabaggers, he probably realizes that if he can get them to turn out in big numbers in order to keep these other two "science believers" out of the running.

Of course the problem with that. for the Republicans, is that if they are lured toward the fringe and start openly denying the facts surrounding climate change they will be crucified during the general.

Especially since the recent National Assessment report identifies Alaska as "ground zero" for climate change.

It looks like Miller is doing Senator Begich's job for him again.

P.S. By the way we may have found Miller's perfect Lt. Governor candidate:  

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan (R) told a local Chamber of Commerce Wednesday that if he were leading the state, he'd fight for Alaska's rights, including seizing land controlled by the federal government to develop oil production, radio station KRBD reported. Sullivan's remarks were widely circulated on Tuesday. 

“One of the things I’ve suggested, too, is that if I was governor today, I’d probably invade ANWR [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge],” Sullivan said. “What are they going to do, shoot you? Well, they might. But martyrdom goes a long way sometimes.”

It looks like somebody's been drinking the Cliven Bundy Kool-aid. 

Sometimes I am so embarrassed to live here.


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Dan Sullivan dubious mayor is about the worst person in Alaska. There is something clinically wrong with Anchorage that they keep this lazy corrupt criminal in office.

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Skanky put up another Facebook screech again. She never fails to make me laugh!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

      She's on a roll! Proceed, circus sideshow.

    2. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Alaskans should be ashamed of themselves for putting folks into office that they have in the past...

      What is wrong w/them? Thank god their voting has little impact on the nation - even though a large state, minor as to population - their total population is the same as many towns/cities across the nation.

  3. James Madison5:48 PM

    Writing now from one of the original thirteen colonies, I'm struck for the first time by the idea that maybe we shouldn't have allowed into the Union some of the states that really don't deserve to be part of this great nation. Sullivan -- invade ANWR and we'll just stop pouring Federal money into your ungrateful state. Willfully ignorant canny politicians such as Miller should be put on an ice floe until they join the 21st century.
    Gryphen, come join us over on the Atlantic side of the country, where we have nearly 400 years of American, and pre-American, exceptionalism.

    1. Miller isn't a politician. He just *wants* to be one.

  4. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I'm gobsmacked by Mayor Sullivan's 'suggestion' that an AKn invasion of ANWR was a cause worthy of martyrdom. If his oath of office included upholding the U.S. Constitution, he's shown himself incapable of doing so.

    1. Anonymous11:07 PM

      He has no interest in martyrdom (for himself) either, if it means removing his dirty fingers from his sleazy little party planner- the same sleazy little party planner who has a thing for Lazy Unemployable Joe Miller.... probably much to the chagrin of Mrs Lazy Unemployable Joe Miller, who's also pretty lazy herself.

  5. Anonymous6:12 PM

    May 21, 2014


    Alabama HS says response to Sarah Palin speaking at graduation has been ’100 percent positive’


    Sarah Palin to speak at New Hope graduation


    Sarah Palin named commencement speaker for New Hope High graduation http://blog.al.com/breaking/2014/05/sarah_palin_named_commencement.html

    Sarah Palin to address AL high school graduates http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2014/may/14/sarah-palin-address-al-high-school-graduates/

    Public tickets sold out for New Hope graduation in response to Sarah Palin’s address http://blog.al.com/breaking/2014/05/public_tickets_sold_out_for_ne.html

    UPDATE: All Tickets Gone for Sarah Palin’s Address to New Hope High School Graduates http://whnt.com/2014/05/13/sarah-palin-to-speak-at-new-hope-high-schools-graduation-ceremony-next-week/

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM


    2. Anonymous10:43 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA, 75 Students graduating? Sarah Palin must be the First Outsider to come to that Hick Town. Even SpongeBob Squarepants would have sold out.

    3. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Oh God luv her! She's gettin' the attention she wants. What does a loser smell like?

  6. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Anchorage Mayor Sullivan is an arrogant ass and I hope that Ms. McGuire beats the shit out of him. Perhaps that would wipe that smart ass grin off his face!

  7. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I don't believe she is getting 100% approval!!! Time for Alaskans to send negative commentary about Sarah Palin w/some of the FACTS we know about her!

  8. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Sarah lost in Georgia!

    Karen Handel 21.1%


  9. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Mission for anti-Palin movement: Expose her


  10. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I have never quite understood the "christians" that refuse to be good stewards of the planet God created for them. Can anyone raised in Christianity please explain why christians would not be thankful and careful of the planet gifted to them by their God?

    1. Leland1:11 AM

      It's simple, 7:43. They believe that being given "dominion" over the place they can do as THEY please. My idiot step brother is one of those fools.

      I once told him that if we did have a climate problem that NO ONE could deny he better not show up on my doorstep looking for help because he would be dead quite quickly.

  11. How many elections does Joe Miller have to lose before he finally gives up and slinks away? I know he'll never accept that he is unelectable, but what about those supporting him? (Monetarily) He'd going to run out of money sooner or later. Will he just keep running for anything until he wins?

    Do you elect your dog catchers in Alaska?

    (Are all these bozos vying to run against Begich?)

    1. Anonymous10:38 PM

      But, hey, with Miller you get two in one: Dumb ... and Dumber!!

    2. Anonymous11:12 PM

      The Koch brothers are giving him a nice cushy life where he isn't expected to actually do anything - it's right up his alley. And, yes, he will still keep running without winning, as long as the Kochsuckers fund it. Lazy Joe Miller will do anything to avoid getting a job, he should have been born a Palin.

    3. Anonymous12:32 AM

      Free will. Why should anyone care how one lives one's life?

    4. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Because he's trYing to get elected so that HE will vote what HE thinks best. That's troubling.

  12. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Alison Lundergan Grimes Obliterates Mitch McConnell In Rousing Victory Speech

    In a barn burner of a victory speech, Alison Lundergan Grimes leveled Sen. Mitch McConnell with a speech that was nothing less than a devastating destruction of the chief Republican obstructionist.

    Alison Lundergan Grimes said that Mitch McConnell is going to try to buy his way back to DC, with deceitful tactics. Grimes hammered McConnell by saying that he has been in the Senate for 30 years, but he has no record to run on. Grimes said McConnell is so out of touch with Kentucky that he thinks Obama is on the ballot. She said, “Nothing about this election change who is in the White House…Sen. McConnell, this race, is between you and me.” Grimes said, “It is my number one priority that Mitch McConnell doesn’t see another term.”

    Grimes said she is not an empty dress. She is not a rubber stamp, and she is not a cheerleader. She promised that as the state’s next senator, she will answer to the people, not the president — no matter who he or she might be. Grimes said that she is a proud Kentucky woman, and no Kentucky woman will sit on the back bench.

    She said that the election isn’t about party control. It’s about two very different visions for Kentucky. Grimes said McConnell stands on the wrong side of every issue for Kentuckians. She hit McConnell for refusing to raise the minimum wage, but quadrupling his own net wealth while in the Senate. Grimes said McConnell is on the wrong side of every issue when it comes to women. She said that if McConnell can’t stand up to protect Kentucky’s women against violence, he doesn’t deserve to be U.S. Senator.

    ...Mitch McConnell wants to run against Barack Obama, but Alison Grimes is making this election all about Mitch McConnell. If Mitch McConnell wants a street fight, Alison Lundergan Grimes looks ready to go toe to toe with him.

    Lundergan Grimes has become McConnell’s worst nightmare. McConnell looked and sounded old and tired compared to his Democratic opponent, and she is in a fantastic position to retire Mitch McConnell from the United States Senate.



    ...It’s clear that Sen. McConnell’s only strategy for victory is to tie Grimes to Obama, and run against Obama.


    1. Anonymous11:12 PM

      thanks for posting this

    2. I heard parts of both speeches on NPR. McConnell is going to have a fight on his hands. She is energetic. She will not be put in her place, will not sit down and shut up and will certainly not meekly accede to a male opponent simply because he's a man. Running against *this* woman is going to put the GOP's policies regarding women under a microscope and it isn't going to be pretty.

      I hope the people of Kentucky are smart enough to put her in the senate as their representative. She'll represent them. McConnell will only represent the Kochs and the 1%.

  13. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Are Joe Miller and Pat Sajak BFFs?

  14. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Why would we extract every "natural resource" that we have in this generation? What about those who come after us? So much for caring about the longevity of our nation... how patriotic of him

  15. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Why are there so many busybodying stalkers here? It's creepy.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.